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How to deal with inconsiderate cruisers


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If you think about it, your a*s end and their face while sitting in that save lounger is about even. So head to the buffet and eat up on those bean salads. Then when excess gases must be released its time to do a little "crop dusting...." Just walk those rows of saved chairs while releasing said gas.


Ha ha, Maxamuss gassamuss! LMAO!

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I agree with you 100% on the smoking. I know it is a dirty habit and I know most people don't like it. BUT IF I am OUTSIDE in a desginated smoking area, I shouldn't receive dirty looks or comments. MAYBE the smell of your perfume/aftershave is bothering me. Or the garlic shrimp you have been eating for the last couple of days. I AGREE 100% smoking should only be in certain areas so that non smokers do have to deal with it. But if I am in that area don't harrass me. Sorry for hijacking your thread it just struck a nerve.



I quit smoking about 8 years ago. I am now one of those horrible ex smokers I used to hate, can't stand to be around others smoke. But I will back you up on this one. Outside, designated smoking area, it is yours, I should be the one to move or suffer. I have friends and family who do still smoke, so sometimes I do suffer, just to enjoy their company.

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I am a timid person that would love to hear stories of how you deal with fellow cruisers who do not:

1. Take their proper place in line,

2. Supervise their children and keep them out of adult hot tub,

3. Save pool chairs, and

4 Generally inconsiderate of other people.

Also, did they retaliate and cause you problems?


1. Politely point out that there is a line that others have been waiting in. Usually the people around tend to speak up in agreement after someone else talks up first...LOL (now if someone asks to get an item from the buffet that I am in front of, thats no problem)


2. alert security and make sure they take care of it....if need be say the kids have drinks in the hot tub...LOL they care more about drinks in hot tubs than anything else. :p


3. Take any item left behind by some poor forgetful soul directly to the lost and found. :rolleyes:


4. Ignore them unless they force you to speak up...LOL

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I am a timid person that would love to hear stories of how you deal with fellow cruisers who do not:

1. Take their proper place in line,

2. Supervise their children and keep them out of adult hot tub,

3. Save pool chairs, and

4 Generally inconsiderate of other people.

Also, did they retaliate and cause you problems?



I am unsure if I have ever had someone pass me in line on a cruise but when I have had someone pass me I just remind them that I am in front of them. Then my DH blocks their way in line. lol


I ignore the kid issue. I do not get in the hot tub much so it is never a huge problem. Plus the times we do it is either not busy or we are with our friends and when we all enter the hot tub it leaves little room for kids.


Never dealt with a chair hog but we are at the pool early and stay all day. I have watched people have their stuff moved. I stayed out of that.


You are going to have inconsiderate everywhere you go. It does seem more apparent on a ship due to the amount of people in closer quarters. I try my best to ignore them and then complain to my DH later. Poor guy.

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I live in Florida and it's 45 minutes south of Port Canaveral. It's not real touristy and mostly all locals. When I go to Disney and/or cruises (any where people are on vacation) it amazes me how people behave! It's like everybody out for themselves! Me first! Me first! I know peoples mother's have taught them manners so why disreguard them when in these places? This is one of my biggest pet peeves! I definately have no problem cutting off line cutters and it's amazing how many times I get bumped into by people being rude and/or just not paying attention. Usually a loud EXCUSE ME will do the trick and they will realize they made a mistake and appologize!;)

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How I handle rudeness depends on my mood. I try to let things go but catch me at the wrong time and I'll let you know about it in a second.


Once at the deli, had waited several minutes and the lady in front of me ordered her sandwich. Yay me, I'm thinking...it's finally my turn!! About the same time, her ADULT son walks up, says "Hi, Mom, what did you order"...then proceeds to step in line in front of me and order his sandwich. I turned around to the guy behind me and said "what a jerk, why did I just know he was going to do that"..but I let it go.


Later that night, we went to the show. Here sits a whole row of empty seats so we start to sit down when this lady starts yelling at me that she is saving all of those for her family. So I rudely told her "read your Capers, no seat saving" and plopped my skinny butt right down there. I was just tired of it. Her family wound up sitting there too so we were jammed in there tight. My dh had to sit thisclose to that lady's dh, and I couldn't help but laugh at him. Dh looked at me, like I am going to get you, but hey...we had sits, LOL


I have to say that for the most part, people I encounter on cruises are friendly and well behaved. But there is always a bad apple in the bunch and they ruin it for everybody else. :(

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We have encountered booth hogs at the show. They had 'saved' the entire booth with reserved written on napkins. No one came for about 15 minutes and the server took the napkins away. Our party of eight sat in the booth. Those gals were pissed. They tried to fit all 4 of them on the little bench in front of it. Very funny.


The rudest people we encountered was on a HAL Alaskan cruise in the elevator. Another couple got in with us. Boy, did their noses hit the ceiling when we hit the bottom button.:rolleyes:

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I live in Florida and it's 45 minutes south of Port Canaveral. It's not real touristy and mostly all locals. When I go to Disney and/or cruises (any where people are on vacation) it amazes me how people behave! It's like everybody out for themselves! Me first! Me first! I know peoples mother's have taught them manners so why disreguard them when in these places? This is one of my biggest pet peeves! I definately have no problem cutting off line cutters and it's amazing how many times I get bumped into by people being rude and/or just not paying attention. Usually a loud EXCUSE ME will do the trick and they will realize they made a mistake and appologize!;)

I agree. I have had to loudly say excuse me many times. Some get the hint, some boorish ones do not & never will. I refuse to let it ruin my day.

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I think someone who stays at the pool all day, should realize maybe others would like a chance to sit there also, and get up & give someone the chair. No one should feel entitled to sit anywhere except their cabin for the whole day.

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My sister and I were on a cruise and there was a lady in front of us, in a bright yellow shirt, who kept turning around as if she was looking for someone as we waited to disembark at our first port. The crew had come up and said, its just going to be a few more minutes before we are cleared folks. So my sister and I are standing side by side, shoulders close in a fairly narrow hallway, no one could get by unless they asked. We had let a few crew through back and forth and were just waiting patiently when the lady waves. She then looks at my sister and I and says, "Excuse me, will you let my family through. We glance back and see approximately 20 people, in the same bright yellow shirt, trying to push their way through to get to her. I said to her, "Perhaps you should join them?" She gave me the rudest look and just states, "I got down here early to save our place in line." My sister and I just shook our heads and stood fast, not letting any of them who managed to get behind us through. Finally they cleared the ship and allowed us off, a crew member pulled the woman and her party aside and told her if she tried it again her party would not be allowed off until last at the rest of the ports. It was one of the few times I've seen the crew do anything.

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I am a timid person that would love to hear stories of how you deal with fellow cruisers who do not:

1. Take their proper place in line,

2. Supervise their children and keep them out of adult hot tub,

3. Save pool chairs, and

4 Generally inconsiderate of other people.

Also, did they retaliate and cause you problems?


Number one is a huge problem espeically with old people. Just chew them out. Number 2 how would you know who the kids parents are? 3, there is no problem with chair saving that is a myth.4 I wouldn't get too worked up over

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I am pretty timid, too, but if they really irritate me a polite reminder as if I were educating them usually works.


"I'm sorry, you may not realize this, but the line starts over there" or "Did you know these are the adult only hot tubs? There are several others that allow kids" or "I'm very sorry my smoke bothers you, I'll be happy to move away but did you know the other side of the Lido deck is non-smoking?" (I know it's a nasty habit but I'm always very conscious of only smoking in designated areas and get tired of ugly comments from strangers when i'm in a designated area outdoors.)


Those are great reminders. I know that there have been times where there's a supposed "line" but the way the line worked it was a little unclear (usually those lines that start off as one as then veer into two). First glance a person might not realize it. Better to assume that they don't know and give them the reminder. I know that's happened to me before in a store and I was absolutely appalled when I realized I had cut the line and no one had said a word to me. Perhaps the daggers in my back as I was leaving was the clue?? Anyway, I would immediately have apologized and moved to the proper line had I had that reminder.


It's good to not always assume that people are being rude. Sometimes they just are not thinking or thinking of something else and just not paying really close attention. Vacation brain does happen!

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No timidness here, but my DH has OCD and can "loop" on interactions for days. I can have a bit of a temper with rudeness myself.


Since the cruises are a limited length of time, I make a deal with myself ahead of time. We control what we can control (prefer hot tubs and pools first thing in the morning before they get crowded, have aft wrap suites so we have a permanent reserved deck chair set, and don't line up ahead of time for getting off in port... a mere 15 minutes after the doors are open, unless there's a tender.. the doors will be clear and stress free).


When eating on the lido deck, i weigh the length of line against the food options and balance the likelihood the line with get unruly with the tastiness of the option. I've also been known to also alter our grazing time to reduce lines


For things we can't control, like rude people in contests, pushing all the buttons in the elevator, loud/angry people... I stop for a second, decide if they are worth getting wound up over. There have been times when thye are and I will speak up, but 90% of the time, i find the adrenalin/stress is less if I just let it go.

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I think someone who stays at the pool all day, should realize maybe others would like a chance to sit there also, and get up & give someone the chair. No one should feel entitled to sit anywhere except their cabin for the whole day.



10 cruises never a problem getting a chair on deck.. perhaps not front row and center to a pool, but never a problem.. I think if someone got up early enough for one of those "coveted" seats, they can sit there all day if they want (why they are coveted, i have no idea)

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Every morning before I leave my stateroom I take one of the white hand towels and dip it in shower water. When someone does one of the things you mention above, I give them a good towel whipping. It seems to correct the problem rather quickly. Unfortunitely, some people have begun to enjoy my towel whippings -- which has made the practice counter productive...... :(



that's another cruise and another thread entirely!:D

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[quote name='KULPN']I think someone who stays at the pool all day, should realize maybe others would like a chance to sit there also, and get up & give someone the chair. No one should feel entitled to sit anywhere except their cabin for the whole day.[/quote]

You are kidding right:confused:
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[quote name='cruisecastle']Number one is a huge problem espeically with old people. Just chew them out. Number 2 how would you know who the kids parents are? 3, there is no problem with chair saving that is a myth.4 I wouldn't get too worked up over[/quote]

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[quote name='maxamuus']If you think about it, your a*s end and their face while sitting in that save lounger is about even. So head to the buffet and eat up on those bean salads. Then when excess gases must be released its time to do a little "crop dusting...." Just walk those rows of saved chairs while releasing said gas.[/QUOTE]

Thats a great idea! But arent saved chairs empty? Whos gonna smell it?
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[quote name='lizardhowson'][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=blue]Go Steelers ![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/quote]

Here we go Steelers, here we go, again!!:D

DW says to throw them overboard and shout Inconsiderate rude chair hog overboard...;)
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[quote name='KAWS']Those are great reminders. I know that there have been times where there's a supposed "line" but the way the line worked it was a little unclear (usually those lines that start off as one as then veer into two). First glance a person might not realize it. Better to assume that they don't know and give them the reminder. I know that's happened to me before in a store and I was absolutely appalled when I realized I had cut the line and no one had said a word to me. Perhaps the daggers in my back as I was leaving was the clue?? Anyway, I would immediately have apologized and moved to the proper line had I had that reminder.

It's good to not always assume that people are being rude. Sometimes they just are not thinking or thinking of something else and just not paying really close attention. Vacation brain does happen![/quote]

I agree - If the person truly didn't know and was confused, then I've helped them. If they are just a jerk, they are usually so dumbfounded someone would actually say something they stop. Usually when someone is acting stupid - whether angry or just rude, if you use the "kill them with kindness" theory it either calms them down or at least makes them walk away.

One of the most effective things I ever learned was something I used to rely on occasionally in various customer service type jobs I've had over the years. As soon as someone gets angry and starts to use foul language, I always said in my calmest, most sickly sweet voice, "Sir, (or Ma'am) you will not continue to curse at me." They were usually so shocked that someone would actually say something it stopped immediately. Same theory here - if they really are just rude calling them out on it while still being very polite will usually stop the behavior.

I have actually used that once on a ship - a woman was cursing the drink waiter for not having whipped cream on her daquiri - all sorts of abusive things were coming out of her mouth. I just looked at her and said the same, "Ma'am, you will not continue to talk to this gentleman like that." The look of shock on her face was priceless and she grabbed her drink and walked away. :D This probably works for me because I'm a very ordinary looking short woman with a soft voice and a southern accent that they would never expect to say anything. I spent too many years in the service industry and one thing that will really make me mad is to see someone mistreating a clerk, or waiter, or crewmember. I'm more likely to say something in that circumstance than I would to another guest, actually.
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[quote name='vacruizer']Another one I've used for general whining or yelling at crew - I'm sure the crew is working as quickly as possible on fixing that but it's not the fault of the person you are yelling at - did you know you can talk to the purser's desk to resolve any issues?

Usually I just laugh it off but when people are exceptionally rude (especially to hardworking crew members) I will step in![/quote]

You know, I'm the same way! I'll take a lot of BS for the sake of keeping the peace, but when I see fellow cruisers treat the crew like they are subhuman, I'm all up in that mix!! I've had very ugly confrontations with people over their ugly treatment of the crew...:mad:
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[quote name='KULPN']I think someone who stays at the pool all day, should realize maybe others would like a chance to sit there also, and get up & give someone the chair. No one should feel entitled to sit anywhere except their cabin for the whole day.[/QUOTE]

You are either trying to make a joke or very confused, not sure which.
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[quote name='KULPN']I think someone who stays at the pool all day, should realize maybe others would like a chance to sit there also, and get up & give someone the chair. No one should feel entitled to sit anywhere except their cabin for the whole day.[/quote]

In a perfect world where we respected other's time and interests, that would be great. Inside, deep down in my heart, I do agree with you. I believe in taking turns...

however, we don't live in a perfect world. We live in a world where ppl hog chairs and don't even bother sitting in them. In my opinion, as long as the person is actually sitting by the pool all day and enjoying themselves, not just saving chairs or hogging them, then I'm cool with that. I'm sad I don't have a seat by the pool, but at least its not being wasted :)
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