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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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Okay everyone..time for a pity party. I am so jealous of all of you and your stair climbing. Ok - not really jealous - but envious.

I just wish I had taken better care of my body so I did not have to go through double knee replacements.

I am still in quite a bit of pain and it is difficult to sleep at night. I am trying to get off the heavy duty pain stuff so I can go back to work part-time next week. I know that will be rough with therapy and daily exercises at home.

I am just waiting until I heal enough so that I can get in our pool and do water therapy also.

Anyway, just kidding. You are all an inspiration and I am happy you have your stair climbing buddies. Good luck to all. I am hoping to be able to post daily soon.

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[quote name='riddle']Okay everyone..time for a pity party. I am so jealous of all of you and your stair climbing. Ok - not really jealous - but envious.

I just wish I had taken better care of my body so I did not have to go through double knee replacements.

I am still in quite a bit of pain and it is difficult to sleep at night. I am trying to get off the heavy duty pain stuff so I can go back to work part-time next week. I know that will be rough with therapy and daily exercises at home.

I am just waiting until I heal enough so that I can get in our pool and do water therapy also.

Anyway, just kidding. You are all an inspiration and I am happy you have your stair climbing buddies. Good luck to all. I am hoping to be able to post daily soon.

Well, I will do more steps today just for you.

And thanks for the update you sent. I will add it in there now.
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Don't be jealous or envious Riddle. By the way, I thought your name as Marsha or something like that... I am all confused here [IMG]http://akilathesis.files.wordpress.com/2007/02/smiley-dazed_confused1.png[/IMG]

A knee replacement is not easy. Keep on doing your exercises and you can take a bath to do some hydrotherapy, it really helped me. Slowly but surely, you will be able to join the stair climbing club.

Do you have to work your ankles in the exercise routine they gave you? It really helped me after my surgery. Other muscles that are good to work are your gluts, your hamstrings and your quads.

Take care and don't overdo it [IMG]http://www.emoticonland.net/smileys/Danse/danse004.gif[/IMG]
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My name is Marsha. Pain meds at work again!!!

Thanks Matt and Dominique for the encouragement.

I just finished my morning exercises and then icing.

I am doing some ankle exercises and other exercises with ankle weights. I am up to 2 lbs on weights.

What really hurts is the stretching and my quad usually hurts after therapy.

I know it just takes time. I need to take it one day at a time.

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Hey, I finished all my work out. My walk was not as long as I wanted it to be, my legs are a little tired. I will stick to 40 reps for a while. I don't want to hurt myself by overdoing it.

I will be up for the challenge a little sooner Matt. Better get ready!!
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Good evening everyone.

I've put my time in on the treadmill tonight, did my crunches and lunges this morning, did my stairs (only 3 x 44 today) and have been CRAVING PIZZA all day!!! HELP!!! :eek:

The good news is that I don't have any in the house so I'll just have to stick to something a little less dangerous!

I hope you all are having a great Tuesday.

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Good morning everyone, it is a beautiful sunny day here. I am finally going to see the OBGYN this morning for the pain in my belly. I hope to have an answer. I also hope to that the test soon.

Speak to you later.
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Good luck today Dominique with you doctor appt. I hope you get good results.

I am off to physical therapy - ouch!

Bad storms last night kept us up much of the night. Dreary and cool today.

Have a good one.

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good morning all. Working on getting the weigh ins posted right now.

Last night was good. Raisin Bran for dinner with Skim Milk and then just water after that. Hoping i can get to 195 or lower this week in the weigh in. I guess i will drill Sargent my self this weekend, will be tough with a party for my buddy for his bday and watching the penguins in game 5 in Detroit. Go Pens!
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MONDAY June 1st

brnsnbrws MIA
SW..204 lbs
TW...200.2 lbs
Total=3.8 lbs

SW....231 lbs
TW....223--221--220--218--217--217lbs -- 211lbs--209lbs --209lbs
CW...180 lbs
0 lbs lost/gain this week
Total=22 lbs lost
***29 lbs to goal***

Neck....15.5 inches 15 inches 15 inches
Upper Arms...14 inches 13 inches 13 inches
Chest....42.5 inches 42 inches 41 inches
Waist.....41 inches 40 inches 39 inches
Hips....47 inches 45 inches 45 inches
Thighs...27 inches 25 inches 25 inches
Calves....16.5 inches 16 inches 15 inches

SW....306 lbs
TW....255--253--252--247--244--240--232lbs -- 234 -- 224
CW....220 lbs
Total=82 lbs
***4 lbs to goal***

SW...250 lbs
TW....218--216--214--212--210--208--205lbs --204 -- 201lbs
CW...170 lbs
Total=49 lbs
***31 lbs to goal***

SW...236 lbs
TW...229--227--229--227--225--222 lbs -- 224
CW..170 lbs
Total=12 lbs
***54 lbs to goal***

Bust ....45--44 inches
Arms....14 1/2---14 1/4 inches
Waist....44--43 1/2 inches
Hips....51--50 inches
Thighs...26 1/2--26 inches
Calves..15 1/2--15 inches

SW...148 lbs
TW..132--135.9--131.8--130.4--129.2--127.6 lbs--127--125.8--124.9
CW...115 lbs
***.9 lb loss** Total=23.1 lbs
***9.9 lbs to goal**

SW....165 lbs
TW.....162.5--162.6---161---163 lbs -- 161.4
CW...135 lbs
**1.6 lbs lost** Total=3.6 lbs
***26.4 lbs to goal***

Neck----14---13.5 inches --- 14 **+.5 inches**
Arms----13--- 12.5 --- 12.5 inches **same**
Bust-----39----38.5 --- 38.5 inches **same**
Waist----34---35 ---- 32.5 inches **-2.5 inches**
Hips----40---40---39 inches **-1 inch**
Thighs---22---21.5---20.5 inches **-1 inch **
Calves----15---15---14.5 inches **same**
Total inches lost this month*****4 inches

SW...189 lbs
TW....165--163.8--163 lbs
CW..160 lbs
Total=26 lbs
***3 lbs to goal**

SW...220 lbs
TW...200--199--198.2--198.6--198 lbs --197--196--196
CW..180 lbs
***0 lb loss** Total=24 lbs
***16 lbs to goal***

Neck....16 1/2... 15 1/2 inches
Arms..15--14 inches
Chest...38--38 inches
Waist....36--36 inches
Thighs...22.. 24 inches
Calves...15--16 inches
Total=+ 0 inch gained

SW....224 lbs
TW...216 lbs
Cw.. 200lbs
Total=8 lbs loss
***16 lbs to goal***

Twinrigger (on cruise and made goal!)
SW...178 lbs
TW...170--168--166 lbs -- 165 --161 -- 158
CW..160 lbs
***3 lb loss** Total=20 lbs
***-2 lbs to goal***

***15.7 lbs to goal***

5.5 lbs lost this week
Total=276.1 lbs

We are 203 lbs AWEIGH

I hope that i have added properly and this is correct.
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I thought my appointment was at 9am, but it was at 1:15pm. Hubby dropped me at the hospital a little before 9am and went to work. His work is 1.5 miles away from the hospital. When I arrived at the clinic and was told that my appointment was in the afternoon, I decided to walk to hubby's work; it took me 30 minutes. At his work, I sat down and went on his computer for a while. At 11:30 am, we decided to go for lunch, I took a chicken burger with some veggies in it and an ice tea. After lunch, I walk to the hospital, it took me another 30 minutes. After my appointment, I walked back to hubby's work to go get my car, again, it took me 30 minutes.

At the end of the day, I walked a total of 4.5 miles in 1.5 hour. I will not do anymore exercise today except maybe go for a walk with DH in the evening.

Today is my walking day!!! :D:D
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As I told you, I went to see the OBGYN today. He looked at my medical history, at the tests I had had in the last few months and did an exam. He took different tissues and sent them to the lab to be analized. In other words, I will not have to wait to have the biopsy, he already did it. It was very uncomfortable, it caused some cramps in my belly and that is my I will not do anymore exercise today. He also gave me a referral to see another OBGYN for a bening intervention.

For now, all I can do is wait... I am so tired of waiting :p but what can you do... ;):D:D
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Dominique: I hope all is well with the biopsy.... waiting is so hard. Sending my best wishes for a good result.

Matt: I agree, thanks for posting the weights and such. You are a wonderful back-up to Vickey.

I'm taking it easy today. I've had a muscle strain that I've not been resting and I'm afraid if I don't take a day off it will really do some damage. I did my morning and afternoon walk, crunches, lunges, and such but I'm not going to run.

I made beef stew tonight with tons of veggies. I will try to control my portions. ;)

Hope all is well with all my fellow losers.

Take care,
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Good morning everyone, it is nice and sunny again today. It will be another good walking day. My belly is much better this morning, no more cramps so no excuse not to do my reguar traininng!!

It is so funny, since he took his class last weekend Hubby has learned the importance of stretching and keeps on reminding me that I should really do my stretching after my workouts. He forgets that I was a gymnast and that I did a lot of dancing in my teens. I have learned back then that stretching is really important and I have always been telling it to my daughters and to him. This is no news to me [IMG]http://www.emoticonland.net/smileys/Lol/lollol332.gif[/IMG]

Thanks for your good wishes Brenda, as soon as I have the results, I'll let you know. The doctor said that for now, it is ok for me to travel. That gives him the opportunity to say that it is not ok later on if the results are not good [IMG]http://www.emoticonland.net/smileys/Peur/peur026.gif[/IMG] Best thing for me to do is to keep on thinking positive!!!

Speak to you later and keep on being a bunch of Winning-Loosers!!!
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Thanks Matt for postings the weights/measurements. You are a great "Vickey" substitute. Speaking of Vickey, I wonder if she and hubby are winning. When do they return?

Dominique - I am sorry to hear about the pain of the biopsy. I had a similar-sounding biopsy several years ago and I distinctly remember the pain and cramping.

I am still very sore today from yesterday's physical therapy. It seems to really wear me out on those days.

I am meeting a friend for lunch - one of my first solo trips out since surgery. We are going to a restaurant with an awesome chicken and fruit salad and I am looking forward to that. I only plan to eat half and save half for tonight or tomorrow.

I am returning to work part time next week so between that, therapy and home exercises I will be exhausted.:mad:

Rainy, dreary, and chilly here again today. Still waiting for the scabs to come off so that when the weather turns I can get in the pool and start water therapy.

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I everyone. Gees someone is keeping track of weights :eek: LOL. Nice and a lot of work. I found an ap. for my Iphone to keep track of my weight, but haven't found on for inches.. Anyways working losing weight, but have the weekend to get though.

We are having my husband son and wife over and my step grand child.. So don't know how food is going to go..

We normally eat organic and stay away from carbs and sugar most of the time :rolleyes:. I figure I have 3 months to go... So need to get to losing weight.
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[quote name='Kudos2Fly']I everyone. Gees someone is keeping track of weights :eek: LOL. Nice and a lot of work. I found an ap. for my Iphone to keep track of my weight, but haven't found on for inches.. Anyways working losing weight, but have the weekend to get though.

We are having my husband son and wife over and my step grand child.. So don't know how food is going to go..

We normally eat organic and stay away from carbs and sugar most of the time :rolleyes:. I figure I have 3 months to go... So need to get to losing weight.[/quote]

Yeah, normally Vickey is in command of our tracking, but she is gone the next 2 mondays, so I volunteered to help her out for all the great work she does in our group (trying to suck up so that she doesn't get pissed when I make her take the stairs when she gets back).

I am like you, I have a little party to go to on Saturday for my buddy. And to watch the Pens game. 2-2 now after the 2 games in Pittsburgh. I know there will be burgers and pasta salad and chips and pretzels and beer and cookies. Gotta try my hardest to not have any.

Hope everyone has a great Friday. I know I am.
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Hey fellow winning losers!

I'm sure glad it's Friday!!!! :D

I still can't really run - I gave it a try today and was only able to hobble along for short stretches. I'll just walk on the treadmill the rest of my work-out tonight. However... I'm still doing my morning exercises and some arm weights ... and YES, I'm still doing those stairs.

I'm still debating what to eat for dinner. Although pizza still sounds good, I'm thinking a chicken caesar salad would be a better option. I have a really good lite Caesar dressing that is only 40 calories a serving. Yum.

I was reading a cruise review last night and looking at all the pictures of the food and it made me think that I CAN'T WAIT to sit down and eat that delicious food (with dessert :p) and know that I worked hard to be able to indulge!! Of course, the consequence of letting lose will be having to lose all the extra pounds when we return from the cruise.

Anyway.... gonna get my rear in gear and get on the treadmill.

Take care all,
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Speaking of applications to keep track of weight loss, I use an excel spreadsheet and track everyone Monday. One thing I do is a percent lost or gained. I also added in how much to my goal. That is what happens when you are a computer engineer and they don't keep you busy enough at work.

Have a great night everyone.
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Today was a good day. I felt good enough to do 40 reps of all my exercices, I took a 1 hour walk outside and I am not in a lot of pain. In the stairs, I was able to do 20 ups and downs quickly and the other 20 were a little slower. This is a big improvement.

By the way, I will do my weight-in and my measurments on Friday July 3rd instead of the first Monday of July since I am taking the plane on the evening of the 3rd. Actually, I will arrive at the Montreal airport at this time in 4 weeks :D:D:D

I think I will have to increase the amount of reps I do because I still don't see major results on the scale or on the measuring tape. For now, I am doing 2 series of 20; I think I will start doing 3 series of 20 by Monday at the latest. If I don't take things more seriously, the little pants still won't fit in 5 weeks. I will be arriving in France a week before the wedding and I get a feeling that I will eat rich meals on that first week. For the pants to fit me well for my whole vacation, I would need to loose at least 5 inches on my hips before I leave. I will also have to keep on doing my exercices while I am there. I will be walking a lot, but it will be at a slower pace. There is one place I will be able to do a lot of stairs, but I will be going there only once.

I can't wait to be in France, does it show??
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Just to make some people jealous... I am going to visit the Hal Maasdam in Québec city on Sunday morning with a group of travel agent. Maybe I will be invited for a nice cruise ship lunch after the visit :D:D:D:D
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Today is another beautiful, warm, sunny day. I have begun to do my exercice routines and I intend to take a long walk at the end of the afternoon. I prefer to do it later when the sun is not so high in the sky. It is more comfotable.

I will wait a little before increasing my series of exercices, my body is not ready yet.

I tried my little pants this morning. They are still thight, but if I continue my exercises, I will be able to wear them for the wedding after all :D:D:D

I will have gone from a thight size 10 pair of pants to a comfortable size 8 pair of pants in some 4 months [IMG]http://www.emoticonland.net/smileys/Danse/danse004.gif[/IMG] Maybe I'll be able to wear size 6 pants for the cruise I want to do in December. Maybe I won't, I have to remember that I did have three kids.

I was thinking of doing a 6 miles walking marathon towards the end of the summer. Today, I will do my first 6 miles walk. I hope my knee can take it. Tomorrow, I will do a lot of walking and stair climbing when I will be on the boat... Wish I could stay on it... Since I can't, I will visit Quebec city a little when I will get off the boat. Walking in the old city is very nice!!!

I will take a lot of pictures of the boat and of the old city. I will post a link for you to see them.

Speak to you later my fellow Winning-Losers [IMG]http://www.emoticonland.net/smileys/Bonjour/bonjour010.gif[/IMG]
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