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Cruising to Healthy


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So we found out this week that my brother is pretty much borderline diabetic. The Dr. has gone ahead and stated he is diabetic, but did say that in medical terms.......her isn't really. My brother was already starting a diet for his cholesterol, so there won't be much change for him in that sense. He doesn't have to take pills or shots, but he does have to check his levels. The Dr. said is he continues on this diet and does well, he will probably never have to go on pills or shots.


Of course we found out back in the early fall that my Dad is diabetic. He has done really well and lost 50lbs and down to what the Dr. calls healthy. My mom disagrees and thinks he looks sick, but what are you going to do. He main problem is he lost weight and muscle mass too. My SIL started a diet plan thing through a dr. office and is doing well herself. So now my Dad, my brother and my SIL are all on "official" diets. I mean, I've never stopped being on a "diet." I'm just not good at following it.


So, I told my brother that I guess I will look up information on a diabetic diet plan and start following it because I should start learning how to eat properly anyway. Eventually, I will get diabetes. Please don't tell me if I lose weight I will stop it from happening. It is very obvious that this is something that runs in my family, on both sides. Its just a matter of time and I'm sure that I just have some (just barely) youth on my side at this point. I'm already tracking food and trying to add in more fruits and veggies to my eating, so I'm already partially there. Now, to really start curving my need to eat three slices of pizza and other such actions. I know I can still eat pizza, my dad does, but its more like......a slice of pizza and a salad. Once I get this mentality down, I think I will be more successful and become accustomed to eating that way. I hope.


It all looks basic. Of course there are a few different "diabetic" plans, the most recent being the glycemic index. But I like the plate method as it seems easier.


So I printed off a list of non-starchy veggies and I'm hoping I like more than a few of them. And I printed off some lower sugar fruits as well. I'm going to post them to the fridge to help me decide on my meals. I already have lean beef, chicken. I have brown rice and other healthier starches too.


I figure I will still stick to my 2300 calorie limit that fitness pal has me own (though its logging feature hasn't been working lately). I know condiments and so forth will be the next battle for me.


On another note. My work kicked off our 100 miles in 100 days challenge today. We all took a lap around campus and it was nice. I'm thinking this will challenge me to also do some activity on Saturday and Sunday, which are usually free days for me. I can count my workouts that I already do and at least I can count on a 1 mile a day. I hope not to get in a situation where I have to double up. I think the real point of this is to make sure you are active everyday, even if its just a little bit. I plan to walk my neighborhood. I have to figure out the mile points there and there is also a nice hill for me to climb which will increase the cardio workout for me. Any movement is good and I'm excited about it.


My cruise friend (my one for November) came up for a few days this week. It wasn't a friendly visit though (it was kinda). Basically, I really want a roomie b/c its the "easiest" way to get help with my bills and mortgage. I'm doing okay, but a safety net would be nice. And basically, she needs a break too to help get her part of the cruise paid off. So we had discussed her moving in and a few things fell into place. She had interview this week with a local place and so far it is looking good. I don't want to jinx it though. This could be really good for both of us. We both need accountability, financial peace of mind, and some friendship. So I'm really hoping that God makes a path.


Anyway, I need to run to the campus store to grab some water b/c I forgot to fill up my jug last night.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm down with a sinus infection again. I know to most it isn't much but to me it means restricted breathing, loss of my voice, dizziness, etc. I'm not sure why I've been sick lately. Stomach bug isn't something I can control but this is the second sinus infection in two months.


On a good note, I have loss 5# in the last 10 days. I saw a number on the scale that motivated me. So as soon as I could login that morning I changed my goals on my fitness pal to be more aggressive. And I'm following it. Working in the balance of foods too. Working out as well. I hope I don't lose my drive. That's the one thing I'm scared of.


My roommate is good with cooking and we both agreed to eat better and work out to our own abilities. I even attempted p90x.......kinda.


Lucky for me my plan is based on calories and exercise is a bonus so being out of the gym the last three days shouldn't slow me down.

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Brooke, I want to share with you what my sister told me. She was over 300 pounds the last time I saw her and in 18 months she lost well over 100 and this is how she told me she did it.


She got on my fitness pal and monitors only for calories. She eats between 1200 - 1500 calories a day and no more. Her husband is on a feeding tube so she does not need to cook for him and only has to fend for herself. She eats only prepared items that have the calories on the box/bag so she can easily input into MFP. She said if it was too much work, she would not do it.


She only buys things that come in individual servings. She buys those small bags of chips and ice cream items like ice cream bars or fudge bars. She said that yes sometimes she has two of them but it is better than eating a whole large bag of chips or half a gallon of ice cream like she used to do. She eats frozen dinners.


This is someone who would pop popcorn to snack on while she cooked dinner and brought a whole cake from the store every day and ate it all. She would take a slice at a time and then here it calling her all night until it was gone. I can relate to the cake thing, that is why I can't have those things in my home.


It may not be the best way of eating, but it does work for her. I know you think that 1200 calories is not enough for you, but it is. You will not starve to death.


Anyway, whatever you do, good luck to you.

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Thanks EmmasNana. I'm glad she is doing so well!


I've lost 6 # since the number I saw motivated me. My SIL and me had a long talk a few nights after I started as she was also scared at her weight and health problems so she started a medical diet and has lost over 25# in the last month 1/2! Yay for her, I'm so glad she is taking better care of herself. But she wanted to know what would motivate me. And it was a good question and I'm not sure if I have the answer yet. I guess some people are motivated by disease, the idea of death, loss of mobility, vanity, etc. But to be honest.......the last time I lost the 30lbs and kept it off........I wasn't motivated by any of those factors. I simply decided I didn't like the number I saw and I wasn't comfortable with how I felt in my body, so I did something about it. Then apparently, I got happy again (even thought I was still overweight) and just floated at that loss for over four years. Now, I've let it creep back on in the last year or more and I'm not happy again, so I'm working to get it off. And so far, I'm succeeding.


It helps that I'm not under my parents roof anymore and can/need to make decisions for myself on my food choices. My house really is not full of junk. I have a few snacky things laying around, but I don't really touch them. My SIL gave me a whole grocery box of mini oreos when I moved in b/c she had won a year supply of them and I still have three of the boxes sitting in the pantry. I mostly keep them for when my nephews come over. I think the independence was really needed to help me find my own control. I'm always going to fight this. I don't think it is a cop out to say, I'm built to be fat. My genetics say I should be. BOTH sides of my family are more than prone to obesity. But I also think I can have control over a majority of it. I don't think I have to be this fat. I think I can get most of it off. But the amount of work that I will always have to put into it for the rest of my life is depressing. It might be why I stall and fail so much. I see the long haul of NEVER being able to have a normal relationship with food because of my tendencies. Its like taking on a HUGE project at work. You just look at the work and detail, time and energy you are going to have to put into it and you find reasons to put it off just a little longer because you just know it will be hard. But you know that once you start it and get into and then finish it, it will never seem as bad as you thought it would be. That is the frame of mind I have to be in. Its not going to be as bad as I think its going to be.


In fact, it hasn't been. I thought 1800 calories would be really hard to stick to. Now, I do get more calories if I exercise and that is most days, but when I was sick I was able to do just fine with 1800 calories a day and if fact, some days when I earn extra calories I sometimes don't know what to do with some of it.


If I keep up this momentum, I should lose 10# total by the 24th.


So far I've kept up this through adding a roommate, through being sick (when I usually just want comfort foods) and mother nature. At the end of the month I will be going to see a friend for the weekend and I think it will be my biggest challenge.


Thanks for putting up with me.

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I haven't posted in FOREVER and I don't even have a cruise planned (although we are strongly considering one in the fall with the kids), so I hope I am still welcome on this thread!


Brooke, you have incredible insight on your weight and health. You got this, girlfriend. You can do this. You know what to do.


Brooke knows this, but I decided after a lifetime of battling my weight, to have gastric bypass surgery in January of this year. Yes, it was a difficult decision. No, it is not the "easy way" out - the the contrary, it is very hard and very strict and is a full time job taking the meds and vitamins, getting fluids and eating. So far, no regrets. I've lost 38 lbs since January 29, 48 since October when I started the journey.


I have obesity on both sides of my family. My father passed away in 2011 at the age of 60. He was obese, diabetic and had COPD (for which he was on oxygen). He had a heart attack. That year, I decided to start losing weight. I lost 60 lbs. Over the past 2 years, I put most of it back on. I still tried to take it off, but felt like I was fighting a non-losing (ha ha) battle.


I decided since I did have obesity, diabetes and heart issues on both sides of my family that I needed to take control of me.


1800 calories worth of food can be a lot of food - if it's the right food. Since I have started this, I eat between 400-600 calories a day. Yup, that's it. The BEST thing about gastric bypass is that I don't have hunger pangs anymore!


You have all the tools you need, Brooke. Now is the time, while you're young, to take charge and do it! You know where to find me if you need support. ;)



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I haven't posted in FOREVER and I don't even have a cruise planned (although we are strongly considering one in the fall with the kids), so I hope I am still welcome on this thread!


Brooke, you have incredible insight on your weight and health. You got this, girlfriend. You can do this. You know what to do.


Brooke knows this, but I decided after a lifetime of battling my weight, to have gastric bypass surgery in January of this year. Yes, it was a difficult decision. No, it is not the "easy way" out - the the contrary, it is very hard and very strict and is a full time job taking the meds and vitamins, getting fluids and eating. So far, no regrets. I've lost 38 lbs since January 29, 48 since October when I started the journey.


I have obesity on both sides of my family. My father passed away in 2011 at the age of 60. He was obese, diabetic and had COPD (for which he was on oxygen). He had a heart attack. That year, I decided to start losing weight. I lost 60 lbs. Over the past 2 years, I put most of it back on. I still tried to take it off, but felt like I was fighting a non-losing (ha ha) battle.


I decided since I did have obesity, diabetes and heart issues on both sides of my family that I needed to take control of me.


1800 calories worth of food can be a lot of food - if it's the right food. Since I have started this, I eat between 400-600 calories a day. Yup, that's it. The BEST thing about gastric bypass is that I don't have hunger pangs anymore!


You have all the tools you need, Brooke. Now is the time, while you're young, to take charge and do it! You know where to find me if you need support. ;)




Thanks Kim. You better be careful, don't change too much, Rick won't know who you are anymore, lol.


1800 calories is A LOT of food. Imagine what I was doing with the 2300 I was originally eating! But that was only 1# a week loss, so I moved it to 2# a week and 1800 is what I have. I do end up eating around 2200 when exercise is said and done, but I've earned those calories. Its a great motivator. But I do try to eat balanced meals and so far I'm about 80% there. There are still times where life happens and I can't always, but I'm sure I'll figure that last 20% out soon.


I slowed down a bit this week on loss, but I think that is expected as the first two weeks were a jump start b/c of big changes. But the great thing is I'm making choices and decisions I wouldn't have in the past. And I don't feel like I'm struggling with it as much as I did.

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He still doesn't know who I am....but he does in MY mind.


I hit 50 lbs yesterday and it felt fantastic. For the first time in what seems like a lifetime (and maybe is), I was able to go into Old Navy and buy clothes. I bought a denim jacket and a top. Wow. I then went to my nephew's birthday party and enjoyed without food being the focus. I could eat salad, stuffed mushroom and fruit. They also had sandwiches and pizza, but those really aren't on my list of allowable foods, so I stayed clear.


I lose weight like every other week. I will lose nothing for a week and then suddenly a few pounds. It's coming off slower now, but I'm good with it.


If I were working your program, I would try to always stick to the lower end of the calorie range and then know that when something came up - a party, a night out with friends - you would have some calories available. Try eating your protein first, then your vegetable, then your starch (if you have one). The protein will fill you up faster. It's weird eating like your whole piece of chicken or fish first, but it's number one on my surgeon's list of things we must do.


Have a good week!!

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He still doesn't know who I am....but he does in MY mind.


I hit 50 lbs yesterday and it felt fantastic. For the first time in what seems like a lifetime (and maybe is), I was able to go into Old Navy and buy clothes. I bought a denim jacket and a top. Wow. I then went to my nephew's birthday party and enjoyed without food being the focus. I could eat salad, stuffed mushroom and fruit. They also had sandwiches and pizza, but those really aren't on my list of allowable foods, so I stayed clear.


I lose weight like every other week. I will lose nothing for a week and then suddenly a few pounds. It's coming off slower now, but I'm good with it.


If I were working your program, I would try to always stick to the lower end of the calorie range and then know that when something came up - a party, a night out with friends - you would have some calories available. Try eating your protein first, then your vegetable, then your starch (if you have one). The protein will fill you up faster. It's weird eating like your whole piece of chicken or fish first, but it's number one on my surgeon's list of things we must do.


Have a good week!!


Ohhh, he knows who you are, lol.


I'm so happy for you. That was a hard decision to make and then follow through is probably even harder, but you are doing it!


I actually went on the boards at myfitness(pal) not sure if I can mention that site or not.........and asked about the exercise calories. Most everyone responded that MFP already calculates a deficit of calories to afford me the #2 weight loss a week inside the 1876 intake I get daily. If I expend more energy with exercising, then I do need to eat at least part of those calories or in effect, I'm doing harm.


But they did warn me to keep a close eye on how accurate my calories in my food are and how accurate my exercise calories burned are. If I'm slowing down and not seeing the loss I should, I might need to check those things first then back off the extra calories.


My SIL and I actually had a short convo about diet in the car this weekend (we went to see family) until my brother cut us off because we were being judgmental. I was telling her about how I was doing and my practices. Then I told her that my roomie was trying to get into the MFP and it gave her 3,000 a day. We kinda (nicely) argued about 3,000 calories a day for a while. She says she doesn't know how anyone could lose weight on 3,000 calories or day or even eat that much food. But I was saying that if you are eating 4500 calories a day and cut back to 3,000.....you should see a weight loss. Eventually, you would come down in calories again once you got to a lower weight. But because everyone's weight and body size (height) is different that it would vary from person to person.


That is when we got stopped. My brother was like, "Everyone is different and what works for one person doesn't for another." LOL.


Of course, half my family are on different diets. My dad does a form of diabetic diet. He just has to be balanced with protein, fruits, veggies, startches. No calorie recommendations really. My brother is doing the glycemic index diet. Again, mostly proteins, veggies, some fruits, low startches. My SIL is doing a medical diet. It is kinda the adkins diet, but more strict. You don't intake any carbs or processed sugars (some fruits are okay) and no processed veggies, or meats (for the most part).


Everyone is losing or has lost weight. We all are doing it in different links of time and at different rates, but it is working for all. Crazy how that is.

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I weighed over 200lbs last June. I did the Omnitrition Diet and finally got down to 145 and have maintained it since November...even thru the holidays. It is a very contravertail diet only eating 500 calories a day but it worked for me and despite everyone telling me I will gain it all back when I introduce more calories, that was far from the truth. Gaining the weight back has nothing to do with the way you lose it and everything about maintenance and learning to eat differently. I wish you luck. Losing weight is hard work and it will be hard work for the rest of your life, not just while dieting but it is totally doable. Pick something that works for you and stick with it. Weigh yourself EVERYDAY. Don't miss a day...that's how it starts to slip away from you and enjoy the journey. You will be surprised what you learn about yourself :)



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I've felt firm in my decisions lately. I hope it continues. Where in the past I would be easy to give in, now I'm ok with saying no. Still need work on certain aspects if what I think is still allowable but I'm much better.


Went my stylists new salon today and they had a grand opening. They had cupcakes and all kinds of snacks. I just said, no thanks, I shouldn't. Then I wanted something and almost hit up a drive thru, then said.....nah....I'm not really ready for a meal just a snack. Good thin, my brother took me to Mexican after helping with the kids. I ordered Cazlulon? It's plank steak and chicken with bean, rice, pico. I ate the chicken, rice, beans with the tortilla shells and left the steak. I literally left the steak at the resturant too so no leftovers.


Went to a shake place for the kids and turned down a shake for myself, though I admit to two spoons of it while dividing it out for the kids.....that was all.


I played with the kids outside, even racing them up the hill. So I burned enough calories to cover everything for the day. I was afraid I over did it with the Mexican and my phone was dead so I couldn't use my ap. I'm happy with nothing else tonight.


Also, I went on a 3 mile walk on Friday after work. The gym was closed to a concert so I had to do something and my wrist was a bit strained from yoga so I pushed my fear of exercising in public (outside a gym) and took a walk. Up the steep hill out of my neighborhood and on a continuous incline down the sidewalk through the Main Street. Then against the wind all the way back. I was tired after and sore the next day. I'm going to go again tomorrow.

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Fantastic, Brooke!!


I admit it...right now, I'm not exercising at all. :rolleyes: I think about it all the time and think I should do it. I am actually thinking about going to see a fitness specialist at the gym where I had my surgery. You can get 6 weeks for $60.


I swear I'm really good at the exercise part, but I stink with food. Though I'm getting better. I think that program sounds great! That is a good price and for 6 weeks!


I was disappointed this morning when I didn't see the number that would have put me at goal for this 5 week period. Though I saw a glimpse of it this weekend. I'm thinking the Mexican and the drinks on Friday night threw me off. But losing 7# in 5 weeks is still good and I was only off by 1 #. Now I'm in my next five weeks so I should lose another 8# according to MFP, however I'm leaning towards 5# because the newness of the program has worn off and I'm sure my body will be rebelling soon. Notice I said, my body, not my mind. I have some inflammation going on too, sooooo. Eh, it doesn't matter. Just gotta keep up what I'm doing.


Went to the store last night with the roomie and we got some good supplies. I admit we bought some goodies. But we bought them in singlars so that you couldn't have more than a serving of them. More expensive, but better for us and impulse control.


We had already planned breakfast for dinner (we needed to use the eggs up) and so when my roomie asked me if I wanted her to fix sausage and gravy for the biscuits, I took a min and then kinds said, "Not really, b/c I've already calculated what we were planning on making, but you are more than welcome to make it for yourself." She was super nice about it and said she could do it another time.


I find myself saying No a LOT more often lately to food. Maybe that switch in my head has finally turned on........or more likely.........is warming up (b/c I admit I still have habits to change). I think about choices now and not like I used to. I used to lament over food choices and it made it hard and it made me feel worse. But now its more of a thought process. Like knowing I had to take that walk last Friday, knowing that I would be having a few drinks and probably a few snacks when I went out (which I think I'm totally allowed sometimes-rarely). I did go over my calories for that day, but I can tell you the walk made a difference of how many calories I went over. Not to mention, despite losing weight, exercise is good for in general. Exercise does not have to be about weight.


Soooo, I worked through my lunch so I'm taking off a bit early to grab some probiotics from the store (those things are great) and stop by the bank before heading home to take my walk. It is breezy and chilly today, but I know I can do it anyway. My roomie is cooking a chicken and asparaugus stir fry for dinner and I just had some greek yogurt for a protein push before my walk.


PS- Can't wait for the Galaxy S5 to come out. Apparently, it has all kinds of added fitness gadgets on it, including it being able to take your heart rate.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As part of our work wellness program that had the Outdoor Recreation professor do a series of "hikes." We have some pretty trails on campus and not a lot of people know about them. I'm not much of a hiker. I'm very clumsy and tree roots, sticks, and pine needles are just asking for an accident.


But I thought it would a nice place to start or try something new. So we took a one mile hike yesterday. We did stop a few times for breaks and to talk about the trials so it took us a little more than an hour. We started with a nice incline (nice my butt) with carved out natural steps. Great, kill me before I get started. I still managed to complete the walk even though I was near the back the whole time. I got a nice sweat going and I got that, "cardio cough" afterwards. Not to mention.........my allergies were on fire. BUT. It was something good to do. I think we have survival skills next week, so the walking won't be as intense. But I believe we have to find our way back out of the woods with a compass....................I'm so gonna get lost. Anything to do with direction..........and I'm :rolleyes::confused:


Last night I was with the kids b/c little girl had tubes put in. They got pizza for the kids and I had some. I had two slices of the cheese. I hadn't had pizza in while b/c it is a trigger food for me and so I had been keeping my distance and it hadn't bothered me. I'm happy to say I ate the two pizza and thought about a third, but got distracted by the kids and found that I no longer wanted or needed another slice. We then all got in the floor and did yoga together. It was more like play time, but the kids tried some of the moves and my SIL was very curious to re learn some moves she had done when she went to yoga years ago. She said, I should come over and we can do a family session for fun sometimes. Its nice to see her active. She is getting really close to meeting new goals with her own weight and you tell she is happy.


I'm excited for warm weather as it will let me get out and take more walks (as I plan to do today with my new tennis shoes the chiropractor had me order for the right support) and I can start doing some work on my yard (as money allows) too. My dad is giving me a push mower b/c it will make mowing the back slope much easier and less scary than the riding mower. PLUS more exercise for me! My allergies are giving me problems, but........nothing new right.


I'm on track. That is all I'm saying. It took me a extra week to hit my 5 week goal, but I did it. I'm probably doing 1.3# a week. Steady. I've found that I either MFP is over estimating my calories burned or I wasn't under estimating my intake in some respects. But I think I found the balance and hopefully I won't hit another 2 week stop.

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I've reached a point where MFP had to down my calories, so that is a good/bad thing, lol. But it might have come at a good week. For the past 2-3 weeks I've been seeing my chiropractor at least once a week. My disc is really annoyed and causing problems. Of course I pushed it to the limit this weekend with some yard work and I was in (and still a little bit now) some serious pain. So me and the chiropractor agreed that I would slow down on exercise this week. That maybe my back has been telling me to slow down so it can heal and I haven't been listening, which is why I've been in his office so much. Not to mention a few stresses.


My grandad is probably pretty close to having weeks, maybe months to live. Of course, this is an emotional time for all of us, but it makes me worry about my mom even more after just losing her sister.

My dad's sister came in my with dad's father this weekend and she pretty much told us that at this point her life is so crazy that she really could care less if she lives or dies. Of course, this didn't sit well with me after just losing my aunt.

My new niece is due on April 23rd.

I'm down on my grant $ for work from last year and even though I know last year was an unusual year for capital projects, I still don't like it.

I'm just gonna say it.............I kinda got dumped this weekend too. Grant it we had only been on two dates and talked for about a week on the phone, but I REALLY liked him. Like, the first guy I have REALLY, honest to God liked since I really started putting effort into dating. I was excited about all the things we had in common and how well we talked to each other and the CHEMISTRY. It was so there. I can't even be mad at him b/c he did let me know that he had found someone else he was really interested in and didn't try to hide anything from me. Said he still wanted to be friends. I said ok, but really..............if we can't date, I don't really want to be his friend. He is nice, don't get me wrong, its just that the attraction isn't a "friend" thing, so no use in putting myself through that. I'm guessing this whole "friend" thing will fizzle out eventually and I won't have to worry about it. Even though I didn't know him for long. I just really got my hopes up that FINALLY I had found a decent guy. I wasn't even bothered that he had a daughter and an ex wife (no offense to anyone). I told my bff about him and I said, "If he isn't the ONE, then he is pretty dang close." Well, obvioulsy wasn't the one so if he is pretty dang close...........can the ONE be that far away? I figure I've "kissed" enough frogs at this point..........gotta be getting close. I told my roommate that I've had to wait long enough.........I think I should get a really cute guy with lots of money, lol. But I'm sure plenty feel like that.


Anyway, I guess I could have turned to food and drink for comfort that day because on top of my aunt's comment and that text message I was in a very emotional place. But this time I decided to be constructive and so I spent most of the afternoon in my yard spreading mulch, grass seed, planting. That's probably where I overdid it with my back, but I didn't over eat.


Gotta learn to deal with things sometime.......I guess.

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That is a very good thing that MFP has you reducing calories. That means you are loosing weight. That is very good!


Sorry about all the other emotional things in your life.


I just wanted to mention something I have been doing for the last couple months. There is a food co-op called Bountiful Baskets that you can get fresh produce (50% vegetables and 50% fruits) at a really great price. You should check to see if they have this in your area. You place your order on line on a Mon/Tues and then Pick up your order on Fri/Sat. The regular basket is $15 plus a fuel surcharge.(Here in Tx it is $3.50) My location only does it every other week. They also have add on items that change all the time.


I love it! You don't know what you are getting until you pick up. It has made me try things that I never thought I wanted before, lie baby bok choy. We found out that we love it.


Doing this has made me eat healthier because I don't want to waste the produce. It is fun to get the basket and then figure out what to make with it. They also have ideas of what to make and have a pintrest site.


You wont be able to see the "offerings" until Monday, but you should check it out. You really get a ton of food for the price.

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That is a very good thing that MFP has you reducing calories. That means you are loosing weight. That is very good!


Sorry about all the other emotional things in your life.


I just wanted to mention something I have been doing for the last couple months. There is a food co-op called Bountiful Baskets that you can get fresh produce (50% vegetables and 50% fruits) at a really great price. You should check to see if they have this in your area. You place your order on line on a Mon/Tues and then Pick up your order on Fri/Sat. The regular basket is $15 plus a fuel surcharge.(Here in Tx it is $3.50) My location only does it every other week. They also have add on items that change all the time.


I love it! You don't know what you are getting until you pick up. It has made me try things that I never thought I wanted before, lie baby bok choy. We found out that we love it.


Doing this has made me eat healthier because I don't want to waste the produce. It is fun to get the basket and then figure out what to make with it. They also have ideas of what to make and have a pintrest site.


You wont be able to see the "offerings" until Monday, but you should check it out. You really get a ton of food for the price.


Thanks, I am, but I'm just trying to not to get over excited about what I've lost so far and just keep working on changing more habits that will continue the process.


I think we have those around here. We are a big farming community. In fact, my work had 40% local foods in the cafeteria. But, my mom has a garden and shares what she has with me most of the time. I'm even thinking about putting in a small garden in my back yard. I have a very steep hill off the back and the previous owners put in these logs and anchored them on the hill. At first we thought they were steps, but we realized they had plants growing inbetween them. I figured I can weed it and then maybe do some green beans, tomatoes.......squash......cucumbers. I think I still have time to plant.

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176 pages and I'm not about to sit here and read all of them. I read the first few post though.

I am a 20 y/o female that weighs roughly 230 pounds, that's last I checked. I am going on my first cruise in May and I am very worried about my weight (keeping up, dreaded pictures, my appearance to others, my self esteem on the ship, etc.)

This post just gave me a little more motivation to lose some weight before I go. Thank you for that.

I hope all is going well for you, as the first post was several years ago. :)





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176 pages and I'm not about to sit here and read all of them. I read the first few post though.

I am a 20 y/o female that weighs roughly 230 pounds, that's last I checked. I am going on my first cruise in May and I am very worried about my weight (keeping up, dreaded pictures, my appearance to others, my self esteem on the ship, etc.)

This post just gave me a little more motivation to lose some weight before I go. Thank you for that.

I hope all is going well for you, as the first post was several years ago. :)





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I was 232 pounds when I went on my first cruise last year. I had a blast. I went zip lining, I climbed the pyramids at Lamanai (Belize) and I even did the Amazing Race in Cozumel (we didn't win cuz I couldn't run but we weren't dead last either!:p)


I vowed to lose weight for my March 2014 cruise!


As of this morning I am 240 pounds. :eek: I was 240 pounds last month on my cruise. And I went zip lining and climbing pyramids again!


Do make the effort to lose weight (I wish I had put more effort into it), but don't let your weight stop you from enjoying your cruise. Don't worry about being able to keep up. You'll do fine! You'll have fun!

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Hey ladies, thanks for the encouraging words.


I never let my weight be an excuse. I will try anything once to see if I can do it, lol. That's why I've been doing yoga for over a year now. But a little more weight off would make me happy and that is what is important. My happiness.

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I was 232 pounds when I went on my first cruise last year. I had a blast. I went zip lining, I climbed the pyramids at Lamanai (Belize) and I even did the Amazing Race in Cozumel (we didn't win cuz I couldn't run but we weren't dead last either!:p)


I vowed to lose weight for my March 2014 cruise!


As of this morning I am 240 pounds. :eek: I was 240 pounds last month on my cruise. And I went zip lining and climbing pyramids again!


Do make the effort to lose weight (I wish I had put more effort into it), but don't let your weight stop you from enjoying your cruise. Don't worry about being able to keep up. You'll do fine! You'll have fun!



Thank you for your positive words and advice. I really appreciate it



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Hey Brooke! Glad to see you're doing well!


I see what you post on facebook, but figured I'd post here to. I am doing the 21 day fix, which has portion control cups that are colored. You get xx # of each color each day based on your calorie deficit. I am on Day 12, and have lost 5lbs. I love it!


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It's so nice to see some more activity on this board.


Great job sticking with things, Brooke. Slow and steady wins the race. You will undoubtedly feel better with more weight off and it will do wonders for your self-esteem!


I am at a 64 lb loss to date. (down 76 lbs from my all time high) I was at a 2 week stall :( and I was really getting bummed out. I knew that eventually it would start coming off again and it did this morning. I have gone (so far!) from a size 24W to a regular 18. No more plus sizes for me. I refuse to buy them. I went to a really nice consignment shop today and even picked up jeans in size 16. I can get them on and button them, but a few more pounds would be better for comfort. :D


Keep plugging away! The weather is so much better now. The fresh fruits and veggies are coming in season and this is a terrific time to lose weight!



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Great job, Brooke. Sounds like you are well into losing your 30 lbs your 30th year!


I just wanted to share my new favorite way to cook veggies. DH and I are trying to get more veggies in our diets, so I have been looking for easy and tasty ways to cook them. This is one of my favorites.


I take about 2-3 cups of fresh veggies (so far, I've done broccoli, brussel sprouts, and a cauliflower/broccoli mixture) and pour about 2-3 TBSP of extra virgin olive oil on them, season well with kosher salt and pepper, and add 1-2 tsp of lemon juice. I do this in a tupperware container with a lid and toss the veggies well and leave them overnight. The next day, I line a baking sheet with foil, put the veggies on the baking sheet and bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes. At 25 minutes, I take the pan out of the oven and sprinkle shredded cheddar or parmesan cheese on the veggies and then put back in the oven for 5 minutes to let the cheese melt.


The veggies have so much flavor because they caramelize in the oven. I was never a big broccoli person before, but with this method, I love broccoli. It's so much better than those tasteless packets of frozen microwavable veggies! I've been pre-portioning the fresh veggies on Sunday into individual packets for the week. It's so easy to then take a packet out, marinate it at night when I prepare my lunch for the next day and then cook it the next night when I get home from work to go with whatever entree we are having.


I think it would work well with asparagus too, but I haven't tried that one yet!

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