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Where to find a list of items allowed for flight??


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Where can I find a list that has the sizes of shampoos and other items allowed on the flight? It has been awhile and I am not sure of these things.


carry on luggage contents restrictions or checked luggage contents ? If Carry On... the 3 oz. container rule applies for all liquids and gels and must fit in (1) 1 qt. sized bag. ... for the checked luggage... bring what you like regarding personal hygiene items regardless of size.... just watch the weight of your luggage so as not to incur additional over weight fees !

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I agree with the 2 above. Use the TSA's website as they are the people screening your carry on. The airlines may have it right but I am not sure how often they change the info because if it isn't everytime the TSA changes then you might be stuck. It is still 1 quart size bag with liquids that are no more than 3 oz each. I just travelled a week ago and those rules haven't changed.

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I believe the TSA actually specifies that the bag for carryon liquids must be a 1 quart ziploc type bag. You will need to have easy access to it to pull it out at security where it is easily visible so stick it somewhere you can get to it. Each item within needs to be in a 3oz. or smaller container - not a larger container with less than 3 oz. in it. I have actually seen security make someone with a gallon size ziploc dump some of there stuff and go purchase the correct size at a store in the terminal. Stupid but they are in charge so you have to abide by their rules.


For any larger liquids you put in your checked luggage - make sure you put those is a large ziploc as well. Sometimes the pressure changes while in flight can cause things to leak.


Also don't forget to wear shoes you can get in and out of easily but are still comfy for walking in the airport since you will have to remove your shoes and run them through x-ray with the rest of your stuff.

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We are going to try and do just a carryon each for our 5 day cruise, can you carryon curling irons and blow dryers? Thanks


No problems at all with those. They even allow some stuff they used to not allow like nail clippers and lighters as long as they are the bic style and not butane or refillable types like a zippo.

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No problems at all with those. They even allow some stuff they used to not allow like nail clippers and lighters as long as they are the bic style and not butane or refillable types like a zippo.

thank you much!!!;)

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I carry insulin, both in the vials and in cartridges for my pump. I also, obviously, have an insulin pump attached to my body. I will never again fly in the United States if I can possibly avoid it. After taking off my shoes, emptying my pockets, having my liquid meds pulled out of their cooling pouch and shoved into the government mandated quart baggie, taking off my belt, watch, diabetic necklace, body jewelry, shoes, cap, glasses and jacket, I of course still set off the metal detector. I am wearing a medical device you idiots. It is in plain sight. You can watch it work if you want, but I will not disconnect for you dysfunctional bunch of overpaid clowns. After two body scans, I was finally passed. Now the thing that most amused me is that I had, in my carry on, in my camera case a plastic knife. I forgot that, but it is a prohibited weapon. While the guys from Ringlling Brothers (sorry that should read TSA) were so fixated on my pump and my pump plumbing, they missed this and so had I.


In Europe, the security check was more thorough and consisted of a couple of questions, a brief glance at my pump and my bag of stuff and a polite thank you.


Anyway this long rant is to suggest that you also look at the TSA website preferably a few hours before your flight, but certainly within 48 hours of it to see what the latest rule changes are. This will not prevent you from being harassed by the local people at your airport as they all tend to interpret the rules as they see fit.


I would not be so upset with TSA policies if they actually enhanced security in any way; they don't.



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I carry insulin, both in the vials and in cartridges for my pump. I also, obviously, have an insulin pump attached to my body. I will never again fly in the United States if I can possibly avoid it. After taking off my shoes, emptying my pockets, having my liquid meds pulled out of their cooling pouch and shoved into the government mandated quart baggie, taking off my belt, watch, diabetic necklace, body jewelry, shoes, cap, glasses and jacket, I of course still set off the metal detector. I am wearing a medical device you idiots. It is in plain sight. You can watch it work if you want, but I will not disconnect for you dysfunctional bunch of overpaid clowns. After two body scans, I was finally passed. Now the thing that most amused me is that I had, in my carry on, in my camera case a plastic knife. I forgot that, but it is a prohibited weapon. While the guys from Ringlling Brothers (sorry that should read TSA) were so fixated on my pump and my pump plumbing, they missed this and so had I.


In Europe, the security check was more thorough and consisted of a couple of questions, a brief glance at my pump and my bag of stuff and a polite thank you.


Anyway this long rant is to suggest that you also look at the TSA website preferably a few hours before your flight, but certainly within 48 hours of it to see what the latest rule changes are. This will not prevent you from being harassed by the local people at your airport as they all tend to interpret the rules as they see fit.


I would not be so upset with TSA policies if they actually enhanced security in any way; they don't.




Oh My God do I agree with that.


While they were hassleing me about my film containers, they totally missed a pair of manicure scissors in the bottom of my fanny pack. I had forgotten I had put them in there until I needed them again. (2 months after I got home)


And why do they have to be such jerks? They can say anything to you, but you better not say anything back.


Same thing at the border. Crossing into Canada, the border control was so nice and pleasant, coming back, total a$$hole Jerks. Why?


To answer the OP. Follow the TSA guide lines to the letter, but that will guarantee you nothing. Best of luck.

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I carry insulin, both in the vials and in cartridges for my pump. I also, obviously, have an insulin pump attached to my body. I will never again fly in the United States if I can possibly avoid it. After taking off my shoes, emptying my pockets, having my liquid meds pulled out of their cooling pouch and shoved into the government mandated quart baggie, taking off my belt, watch, diabetic necklace, body jewelry, shoes, cap, glasses and jacket, I of course still set off the metal detector. I am wearing a medical device you idiots. It is in plain sight. You can watch it work if you want, but I will not disconnect for you dysfunctional bunch of overpaid clowns. After two body scans, I was finally passed. Now the thing that most amused me is that I had, in my carry on, in my camera case a plastic knife. I forgot that, but it is a prohibited weapon. While the guys from Ringlling Brothers (sorry that should read TSA) were so fixated on my pump and my pump plumbing, they missed this and so had I.


In Europe, the security check was more thorough and consisted of a couple of questions, a brief glance at my pump and my bag of stuff and a polite thank you.


Anyway this long rant is to suggest that you also look at the TSA website preferably a few hours before your flight, but certainly within 48 hours of it to see what the latest rule changes are. This will not prevent you from being harassed by the local people at your airport as they all tend to interpret the rules as they see fit.


I would not be so upset with TSA policies if they actually enhanced security in any way; they don't.



You can also ask to be screened privately. I don't know if they still make you take off everything. :confused:


Interesting. Medications are not required to be less the 3.4 ounces (not 3) in the 1 quart bags. Just declared and ready for inspection. And plastic knifes are allowed. Both are addressed on their website. I would print out and ask the meds to remain in the cooling pouch.


Otherwise I agree with the pain of going through security. Oh and don't forget that you have to take off any jackets, some even think a second shirt is a jacket. :rolleyes:


Oh My God do I agree with that.


While they were hassleing me about my film containers, they totally missed a pair of manicure scissors in the bottom of my fanny pack. I had forgotten I had put them in there until I needed them again. (2 months after I got home)


And why do they have to be such jerks? They can say anything to you, but you better not say anything back.


Same thing at the border. Crossing into Canada, the border control was so nice and pleasant, coming back, total a$$hole Jerks. Why?


To answer the OP. Follow the TSA guide lines to the letter, but that will guarantee you nothing. Best of luck.



Unless your manicure scissors had blade longer than 4 inches, they are allowed in carry-on also.


They keep changing the rules, and some are getting better, some are really a pain in the @$$. I keep getting wanded at my local airport because I wear a comfy pair of gauchos to fly. They have loose legs, so think I might be hiding something :confused::confused: What if I were wearing a skirt..:eek:

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I was reading the list the other day, and I thought the strangest thing was no gel shoe inserts. I never would have thought of that.


My poor mother never thought about that either. She has foot problems and must wear them and buys a special brand that cost more than the ones you buy in the store. Bless her heart, they threw them away and she was in so much pain by the end of her trip.

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Remember, the rules affect carry-ons. Do you really want to put your shampoo in a carry on? If not, just check it and you'll be fine.


It's possible that many people (like me) don't want to pay $25 to check a bag at all...that's the problem.


BTW, OP, the limit is 3.4 oz, not 3 oz...


And if you fly American, all rules go out the window. I put everything in a quart bag that I MUST have, and then the quart bag went into a gallon bag. Also in the gallon bag were other 3.4-oz bottles with additional amounts of mostly the same items in the quart bag. (Like extra sunscreen, extra hair gel, etc.) My point was, if I got yelled at, I'd take the quart bag with me and throw out the rest. But if I DIDN'T get yelled at, I'd actually have enough stuff for my cruise. THEN I pushed the envelope and left the baggies inside my carryon bag.


The woman at American opened my carry on (she questioned my bangle bracelets) and pushed the huge gallon bag to the side.


My sister, also flying American, had a bottle of Tabasco sauce just sitting in her purse, along with a corkscrew and no one stopped her on HER flight. AND she had all her liquids in a rather large, zip-up travel bag.


But this tops 'em all. She flew from Cancun to JFK. Checked her bags and WALKED ONTO THE PLANE with three shopping bags FILLED with ALCOHOL. I have NO IDEA how she got away with THAT one but I picked her up at the airport and saw it with my own two eyes.



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It seems that the airport you use has a lot to do with it. Flying from Atlanta and Chicago I never have a problem. Flying out of Denver can get ridiculous. Several times they have made me throw out items that the other airports allowed. Things such as more than 3 liquid containers in my ziploc bag, chap stick in my purse, etc.

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It's possible that many people (like me) don't want to pay $25 to check a bag at all...that's the problem.


BTW, OP, the limit is 3.4 oz, not 3 oz...


And if you fly American, all rules go out the window. I put everything in a quart bag that I MUST have, and then the quart bag went into a gallon bag. Also in the gallon bag were other 3.4-oz bottles with additional amounts of mostly the same items in the quart bag. (Like extra sunscreen, extra hair gel, etc.) My point was, if I got yelled at, I'd take the quart bag with me and throw out the rest. But if I DIDN'T get yelled at, I'd actually have enough stuff for my cruise. THEN I pushed the envelope and left the baggies inside my carryon bag.


The woman at American opened my carry on (she questioned my bangle bracelets) and pushed the huge gallon bag to the side.


My sister, also flying American, had a bottle of Tabasco sauce just sitting in her purse, along with a corkscrew and no one stopped her on HER flight. AND she had all her liquids in a rather large, zip-up travel bag.


But this tops 'em all. She flew from Cancun to JFK. Checked her bags and WALKED ONTO THE PLANE with three shopping bags FILLED with ALCOHOL. I have NO IDEA how she got away with THAT one but I picked her up at the airport and saw it with my own two eyes.





Don't mix airlines with TSA. Airlines have nothing to do with the security check. You and your sister happened to hit a TSA employee who either was asleep, didn't care, or was feeling very generous that day!

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Don't mix airlines with TSA. Airlines have nothing to do with the security check. You and your sister happened to hit a TSA employee who either was asleep, didn't care, or was feeling very generous that day!


I realized I'd get "yelled at" for mixing up an airline with TSA, since the rules are set by the TSA.


However I was talking about three completely different flights on three different days with three different agents.


Actually five, because I did the gallon-baggie-left-in-my-carry-on on my round-trip flight (2 agents), she did the Tabasco/corkscrew thing on 2 flights (2 agents) and then the alcohol (1 agent). All happened to be AA though...so I'm just sayin'. :)

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You can also ask to be screened privately. I don't know if they still make you take off everything. :confused:


Oh and don't forget that you have to take off any jackets, some even think a second shirt is a jacket. :rolleyes:


That reminds me ..... A couple times I've flown for business meetings wearing a suit with just a camisole under the jacket. My local airport didn't say anything but in Oakland I've always been asked to remove my suit jacket.....uhhhh... I only had a cami on under and didn't feel comfortable stripping down (so to speak!) I had to have a female TSA agent do a security screening privately. (It's not really private since they just take you to a separate area that has glass partitions.)


I don't mind the extra few minutes of the screening since I understand that they are trying to do their job and ensure the safety of all passengers.

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I don't know if it's the airline or TSA, but I wish the airports would be consistent.


On my last cruise I found out that MCI (my home airport that I always fly out of) says my CPAP has to be out of the bag. Never heard that one before.


In MCO your shoes can not be in the bin....they must be on the conveyor belt. That was a new one on me, too.

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It's possible that many people (like me) don't want to pay $25 to check a bag at all...that's the problem.


BTW, OP, the limit is 3.4 oz, not 3 oz...


And if you fly American, all rules go out the window. I put everything in a quart bag that I MUST have, and then the quart bag went into a gallon bag. Also in the gallon bag were other 3.4-oz bottles with additional amounts of mostly the same items in the quart bag. (Like extra sunscreen, extra hair gel, etc.) My point was, if I got yelled at, I'd take the quart bag with me and throw out the rest. But if I DIDN'T get yelled at, I'd actually have enough stuff for my cruise. THEN I pushed the envelope and left the baggies inside my carryon bag.


The woman at American opened my carry on (she questioned my bangle bracelets) and pushed the huge gallon bag to the side.


My sister, also flying American, had a bottle of Tabasco sauce just sitting in her purse, along with a corkscrew and no one stopped her on HER flight. AND she had all her liquids in a rather large, zip-up travel bag.


But this tops 'em all. She flew from Cancun to JFK. Checked her bags and WALKED ONTO THE PLANE with three shopping bags FILLED with ALCOHOL. I have NO IDEA how she got away with THAT one but I picked her up at the airport and saw it with my own two eyes.



You can buy and carry on as much alcohol as you want, IF you buy it in the duty free store after you clear security in the airport.

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It's possible that many people (like me) don't want to pay $25 to check a bag at all...that's the problem.


BTW, OP, the limit is 3.4 oz, not 3 oz...


And if you fly American, all rules go out the window. I put everything in a quart bag that I MUST have, and then the quart bag went into a gallon bag. Also in the gallon bag were other 3.4-oz bottles with additional amounts of mostly the same items in the quart bag. (Like extra sunscreen, extra hair gel, etc.) My point was, if I got yelled at, I'd take the quart bag with me and throw out the rest. But if I DIDN'T get yelled at, I'd actually have enough stuff for my cruise. THEN I pushed the envelope and left the baggies inside my carryon bag.


The woman at American opened my carry on (she questioned my bangle bracelets) and pushed the huge gallon bag to the side.


My sister, also flying American, had a bottle of Tabasco sauce just sitting in her purse, along with a corkscrew and no one stopped her on HER flight. AND she had all her liquids in a rather large, zip-up travel bag.


But this tops 'em all. She flew from Cancun to JFK. Checked her bags and WALKED ONTO THE PLANE with three shopping bags FILLED with ALCOHOL. I have NO IDEA how she got away with THAT one but I picked her up at the airport and saw it with my own two eyes.




The TSA would have no jurisdiction on a flight leaving Cancun since it's a foreign airport.


The officers are trained to actually question random objects to you if they think you are suspicious (for whatever reason) which probably explains the bracelets. They spent probably 15 minutes questioning my DH one time over a Timex pocket watch with a compass on it. Wanted to know all the features, him to demonstrate what it did, etc. He had no clue how to work all those extra features and they did finally let us go.


Unfortunately, it's a power trip for some agents. Those agents are also human and miss stuff they shouldn't which is scary.

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