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Tracy Arm Fjord Cruise in Juneau


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My husband and I reeeeeeeeally want to take the day cruise out of Juneau to see the Tracy Arm Fjord. However, our RC ship doesn't dock in Juneau until 8 AM, and that's when the local tour operators said their boat leaves. They told me to call back a couple of days before the day we get to Juneau and see if they plan to send out their 9 AM boat (they don't usually send out 2 boats).


Has anyone had any luck that the tour operators in Juneau sent out their 9 AM boat? The tour operator I'm looking at is Adventure Bound. I tell ya, every other time I've been to Juneau before, we got there at 7 AM. The time I really want to do a certain excursion, the timing is messed up.


Thanks for any help!

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We were fortunate enough to be able to do the Adventure Bound tour at the end of June. We also did not arrive until 8 a.m., but luckily they had a trip departing at 9 a.m. that day. I hope it works out for you because it is an absolutely fantastic excursion. I would rank it as one of the top excursions we have done on any of our cruises. Just keep following up and maybe it will work out for you.

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It is your only option to do as they recommend. If they offer the 9am boat, then you as well have to consider when that ship is going to clear, and how fast you can get moving to get to their office in time.

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Our ship was scheduled docked in Juneau at 8:00AM. We really wanted to take the Adventure Bound Tour. When I spoke with the women at Adventure Bound she told me that the cost $150 x 4 would be completly non refundable even if the ship didn't make port or was delayed. She made it very clear that boarding was at 8:30 and the ship absolutely would not wait past 9:00 AM. It is about a 10 min walk to the Adventure Bound Dock. Having experienced multiple issues with missed or delayed ports on past trips , we decided not to take the risk.

I asked her about calling when the boat arrived in Juneau to tell her we were on our way, she repeated the departure policy and wanted me to prepay so she could issue boarding passess in advance...........

It turned out that the boat was on time, but we decided to spend our day in another way.

If you wanted a small boat/glacier experience you could try a cruise from Whittier or the 6 or 9 hr. Kenai Fjords trip

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The Adventure Bound tour place is longer than 10 minutes' walk from many of the docks. They absolutely will not wait. There have been postings where families literally ran to make the tour departure (and did make it) but not all of us can run. I am planning to take a cruise that starts and ends in Juneau (Cruise West) and will arrive in Juneau a few days early so I can devote a day to taking the Adventure Bound tour.

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We told them we really wanted to go and we needed the 9 am boat. They told us if we put down the money, they WOULD take the boat out. We went in June and it was WONDERFUL! It has to be one of our all time favorite excursions! Tell them you are willing to go ahead and pay and see if they will commit the boat.

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Marie - there are only 2 of us....do you think they would take out the boat for just 2 people? I'm sure they would have many more sign up if they would commit to the 9 AM boat, though.


We told them we really wanted to go and we needed the 9 am boat. They told us if we put down the money, they WOULD take the boat out. We went in June and it was WONDERFUL! It has to be one of our all time favorite excursions! Tell them you are willing to go ahead and pay and see if they will commit the boat.
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Can we put the website name for the tour up Tracy Arm out of Juneau on here so I can check it out? Thank you, Wasn't sure if it is permissible.


Here's the link to the website for Adventure Bound:




You will have to call or e-mail them if you're interested in going at 9:00. They don't always have a 2nd boat going out at 9:00.

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Marie - there are only 2 of us....do you think they would take out the boat for just 2 people? I'm sure they would have many more sign up if they would commit to the 9 AM boat, though.


Talk it up on your roll call and maybe you can get other people interested. We did this trip in June and it was great. I was concerned about how my always-wanting-action DD would feel about the trip, and she said it was her second favorite part of the cruise.


Here are a few pictures to whet your appetitie:






Good Luck.

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After reading the glowing reports, I felt that I absolutely needed to go on the Adventure Bound Cruise. I dutifully paid my $300.00(DH) and could hardly wait. I came away terribly dissapointed in several aspects:

1. It is an 8 hour day, most of which is spent on the water getting to and back from the glacier. We spent over 1/2 hr. just sitting there. There were some interesting things to see, good pictures, etc. Some people on our cruise went on the $14.00 bus tour, had similar pictures, and saw the Glacier. It was not anything extraordinary compared to Hubbard Glacier, which we saw from our cruise ship. Many people fell asleep on the way back. I hadn't thought of bringing a book, since I assumed it would be jam-packed with interest.

2. The night before the cruise, my husband became very ill, and wasn't able to go. I explained situation to Captain/owner, who advised his wife of the situation. She said they had a week cancellation policy, and would not consider a refund, although 49 of the 50 seats were filled. Upon returning home, I sent her a very polite note, explaining that my husband became so ill, he was taken to ship hospital and quarentined to his room. Had he gone, he could have infected everyone on the ship. I offered to send her documentation to that effect. I also said that I understood that they were a small business, but things are tight for everyone, and I thought in the long run, it would be to their advantage to consider an exception. I even offered to split it, as it had become a question of ethics to me, No reply

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Andisue, so sorry you were disappointed and that your husband became ill on your cruise. That must have been just awful.


I have to wonder if your disappointment over your husband being ill and the dispute over charges might have colored your opinion of the excursion. I can certainly understand if it did. I imagine under the circumstances it might not seem as enjoyable for you.


Just for clarification, the bus trip in Juneau takes people to Mendenhall Glacier which is not in Tracy Arm Fjord. The glacier that you visit in Tracy Arm Fjord is Sawyer Glacier. Having done both, I can say they are actually very different experiences.

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Talk it up on your roll call and maybe you can get other people interested. We did this trip in June and it was great. I was concerned about how my always-wanting-action DD would feel about the trip, and she said it was her second favorite part of the cruise.


Great photos Jen!! It takes me right back to our trip. It really was one of the best days of our vacation. Thanks for posting them!

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Does anyone know if their are cabs at the dock that could take you to where you meet for this tour?



When we were there we saw several taxis at the dock but I found out they were all there to pick up people on prearranged tours. If you need a taxi I would be sure to mention it when you make your reservation with Adventure Bound. I'm sure they could help you make arrangements in advance with a taxi service. I wouldn't count on a taxi just being available at the dock the morning you arrive and as others have pointed out you don't have any time to spare.

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Oh, the seal, the SEAL! How much cuter can an animal BE on earth? I realllllllly want to take this tour. I will definitely talk it up on my Roll Call board and see if anyone else is interested. If so, I can probably get them to do the 9 AM tour. Thanks for the pictures - that seal just "sealed" it for me. Yeah, bad humor, I know. :p



Talk it up on your roll call and maybe you can get other people interested. We did this trip in June and it was great. I was concerned about how my always-wanting-action DD would feel about the trip, and she said it was her second favorite part of the cruise.


Here are a few pictures to whet your appetitie:






Good Luck.

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Oh, the seal, the SEAL! How much cuter can an animal BE on earth? I realllllllly want to take this tour. I will definitely talk it up on my Roll Call board and see if anyone else is interested. If so, I can probably get them to do the 9 AM tour. Thanks for the pictures - that seal just "sealed" it for me. Yeah, bad humor, I know. :p


Personally, otters get my vote.


The seals go to the back of the fijord to have their pups. The captain told us that by the end of birthing season there would be about 800 seals in there!


Here's another one for you:



And this is something we saw on the trip back to Juneau.


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Sooooo cute! Let's hope they'll take a boat out on Aug. 17th at 9!



Personally, otters get my vote.


The seals go to the back of the fijord to have their pups. The captain told us that by the end of birthing season there would be about 800 seals in there!


Here's another one for you:



And this is something we saw on the trip back to Juneau.


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What is the return time for the 8AM trip? We are in Juneau from 7 - 3. Somehow I am afraid we leave too soon.......


Unfortunately you won't be there long enough. Our trip lasted 9 hours. If you leave on an 8 a.m. trip you would be getting back about 5 p.m.

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After reading the glowing reports, I felt that I absolutely needed to go on the Adventure Bound Cruise. I dutifully paid my $300.00(DH) and could hardly wait. I came away terribly dissapointed in several aspects:

1. It is an 8 hour day, most of which is spent on the water getting to and back from the glacier. We spent over 1/2 hr. just sitting there. There were some interesting things to see, good pictures, etc. Some people on our cruise went on the $14.00 bus tour, had similar pictures, and saw the Glacier. It was not anything extraordinary compared to Hubbard Glacier, which we saw from our cruise ship. Many people fell asleep on the way back. I hadn't thought of bringing a book, since I assumed it would be jam-packed with interest.

2. The night before the cruise, my husband became very ill, and wasn't able to go. I explained situation to Captain/owner, who advised his wife of the situation. She said they had a week cancellation policy, and would not consider a refund, although 49 of the 50 seats were filled. Upon returning home, I sent her a very polite note, explaining that my husband became so ill, he was taken to ship hospital and quarentined to his room. Had he gone, he could have infected everyone on the ship. I offered to send her documentation to that effect. I also said that I understood that they were a small business, but things are tight for everyone, and I thought in the long run, it would be to their advantage to consider an exception. I even offered to split it, as it had become a question of ethics to me, No reply


Andisue, I do hope your husband is doing better and was able to enjoy the rest of your vacation.


I am very sorry the trip with Adventure Bound did not meet your expectations. I am one who has written many times that this was our favorite excursion in Alaska. However, I have also written that there were some people on our trip who were bored. As I have said many times, we all need to know what our own interests are. We are all different, and what one person finds awe-inspiring, another will find boring. I have to say I had no interest in sleeping on this entire trip. I happen to be someone who loves to be on the water and love beautiful scenery. Although the fjord scenery is far superior to the ride getting there and back, I still found the ride to be part of a great day. I would go back in a heart beat. To me, this trip is not about the glaciers, but it is about the beautiful, surreal scenery. We loved our glacier stop, where we saw magnificent calving, but if we hadn't made it to the glacier, this still would have been our top excursion.


In the early part of the season last year, Adventure Bound offered refunds if your ship did not make it in time. Eventually they cancelled this offer. They are the only vendor doing this trip, besides the costly charters. I have read of many people who have found the owner to be most unpleasant. It seems that they really don't have an interest in cruise passengers. They cater more to the locals, so honestly, I don't think they care if they lose the cruise business. On our trip last year, to my knowledge, there were only four cruise passengers. I think it is unfortunate that they are becoming such a cold and callous business. Many have been unhappy with the office staff....however, most do love the trip.

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Unfortunately you won't be there long enough. Our trip lasted 9 hours. If you leave on an 8 a.m. trip you would be getting back about 5 p.m.

Thanks! That is what I was afraid of.....:( It seems our port time is pretty short for Juneau. We may play it safe and book a ship's tour there.

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We have a similar situation in August. The Spirit docks just a little too late to go with Adventure Bound for a Tracy Arm Fjord excursion. They were not at all helpful or even friendly in my conversation with them. They said that they just weren't going to send out a 9am boat that day, even though Spirit is the only ship in port. Orca Enterprises said they will book a special boat for my and my 2 kids, but we need to get 3 more people. The tour is $165 for a 9 hour cruise out of Juneau. They could not have been more helpful in trying to make this work for me. I don't know if it will end up working out or not, but I sure appreciate their willingness to try to make this work.

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We have a similar situation in August. The Spirit docks just a little too late to go with Adventure Bound for a Tracy Arm Fjord excursion. They were not at all helpful or even friendly in my conversation with them. They said that they just weren't going to send out a 9am boat that day, even though Spirit is the only ship in port. Orca Enterprises said they will book a special boat for my and my 2 kids, but we need to get 3 more people. The tour is $165 for a 9 hour cruise out of Juneau. They could not have been more helpful in trying to make this work for me. I don't know if it will end up working out or not, but I sure appreciate their willingness to try to make this work.


You may want to post this on your roll call. This worked for us once when we needed to round out an excursion on a private tour.

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My family will be doing this Adventurebound tour and we couldn't be more excited. I know the scenery will be great, I hope we get to see some wildife, my kids would love it.


Adventurebound have been helpfull with me so far and I am looking forward to this excursion.

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