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wasteful people


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We got to an all-you-can-eat sushi place that charges you for stuff you order and don't eat. Maybe that would work, although then you'd get people hiding food they aren't eating.


That's a good idea, if there was a way to control it in a timely manner. I don't know how well it would translate to a cruiseship, but a good idea nonetheless.

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On the Pearl in January, I was standing at the buffet waiting for a shrimp cocktail. The server was making them up while I and another passenger waited. When the server finished making 12 shrimp cocktails, I started to reach for mine and to my dismay, the other passenger took all 12 cocktails. Somehow she had a tray, and just loaded it up. I didn't bother to check to see where she took them or if they were all eaten. My guess is that they were not left for fish bait.


I looked at the server and she just shrugged her shoulders and then made me a shrimp cocktail.

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This reminds me of a funny story from a couple years back. We took my son and his girlfriend on a cruise as a graduation present. This was back in the days when you could write in extra items on the breakfast room service menu, and they would usually appear. Well, I had told them that you need to be very specific when ordering room service, for example, write in butter if you expect that to arrive with toast. So on this morning, they both wanted eggs and bacon --- so they ordered 6 scrambled eggs and 10 bacon. When room service arrived, it took 3 people to deliver it , all 6 plates of scrambled eggs and 10 plates of bacon orders. There was food everywhere in that cabin. Anyway, my point here is that SOMETIMES, there can be miscommunication that causes all that food to pile up.

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I went to culinary school. It was a blessing and a curse. I hate buffets. Mostly because I see how the average Joe compromises sanitation. I can't tell you how many times I have seen customers touch food with their hands, or let handles fall into food, etc... Yuk!


Also, I am grossed out when I see someone with food piled up a mile high on a plate. It just doesn't settle with me.

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However, I very rarely even notice what anyone else is doing on a cruise, in the dining room or elsewhere, unless it affects me. I frankly don't care how many plates they have in front of them, I don't care how many times they visit the buffet, etc. Basically I consider that a matter between them, their waistline, and their conscience (if they are intentionally wasting food) -- and not something I'm going to spend even 10 seconds of my vacation thinking about. Not to mention, I have way too many weaknesses and failings of my own to fix before I start worrying about somebody else's!


You are very wise to not let other people control your good time on your vacation. I totally agree. I am usually having way too much fun to focus on others and what they eat or how they dress......unless it's affecting my space and my time. And like you said, I have my own failings to fix and deal with...I have no room to judge others.

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On one of our cruises we sat with a doctor who ordered EVERY desert every night and only wanted to "try" a bite of each. What a waste. Otherwise a very pleasant man but .... what's up with that? Maybe he never gets desert at home. :) I'll admit we have wasted food when we didn't like what we ordered or got from the buffet.

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This reminds me of a funny story from a couple years back. We took my son and his girlfriend on a cruise as a graduation present. This was back in the days when you could write in extra items on the breakfast room service menu, and they would usually appear. Well, I had told them that you need to be very specific when ordering room service, for example, write in butter if you expect that to arrive with toast. So on this morning, they both wanted eggs and bacon --- so they ordered 6 scrambled eggs and 10 bacon. When room service arrived, it took 3 people to deliver it , all 6 plates of scrambled eggs and 10 plates of bacon orders. There was food everywhere in that cabin. Anyway, my point here is that SOMETIMES, there can be miscommunication that causes all that food to pile up.


I understand what you are saying . I have had it come both ways . You must be VERY specific when ordering RS. On ocasion they will ask " please tell me how many pieces " . So yes the pizza people could have ordered 3 or 4 "slices of xyz and gotten entire pies. Once I ordered " a Big plate of fries and peanut butter jelly sandwhich " ,, guess what showed up , a big plate of PBJ's & small order of fries. ;)

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Yes, it bothers me. I don't prefer buffets and I see people eating like there is no tomorrow. If they eat it fine, but so much is wasted. Some people really can't afford much and have to get it all in one meal a day.


On the ship, there's no excuse. There's always more to have.


Nursing school and microbiology classes make it very uncomfortable for me to eat at buffets.

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I understood exactly the point you were trying to make, but maybe you missed other people's points also.

First of all, this is second hand hearsay. A worker reported this to a TV reporter. Maybe she embellished it a bit to make it sound more fantastic.

Second, we know nothing of the reasoning of this. maybe there were kids involved, they wanted something, the parents ordered it and then the kids weren't hungry. Do you expect the kids to force themselves to eat something they didn't want?? There are just so many mitigating circumstances to that event.


I am not disagreeing with you, wasting food is a sin. How do I know, my Mother told me, as probably all our mothers told us, but we are all guilty of it at one point or another.


Just don't sit around us when we cruise, I really don't want you getting too upset if I butter a roll and don't eat it all.

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What people fail to realize is that by wasting "free" stuff, it is just going to drive up the prices for everybody. At some point, the cruise lines will have to raise their prices because the food is costing more and the more you waste, the more they have to make and the more ingredients and the higher the price for you and me.


Our family does something different in the "tasting" catagory... we each order something different and then we sample each others. If we really like something, then we order one for ourselves. Hardly anything is wasted.


Now, don't get me wrong... I think cruising is a great place to allow people to try new foods without purchasing something they won't eat. My daughter has tried numerous new foods on cruises. (She is hooked on Filet Mignon as a result of Cagney's and she now likes Lobster.... how nice...expensive foods!). She found she liked Calamari, while I found I hated it. Daughter doesn't like Escargot but my wife found she loves it. I was not fond of cold soups till my last cruise, but now I like them. Usually when our table orders something, it will be finished by someone at the table.



Wastefulness unfortunately is a part of our entire world right now. The Enviromentalists just love to whine and cry about wasting of fossil fuels and the filling of our landfills... BUT, they are also the same ones who want a new cell phone every 6 months. How many new cell phones have you had in the past 3 years for example?? (I am on my second phone for the last 10 years...) Isn't a new cell phone every year being wasteful as well??

(I am just using cell phones as one example here... I'm sure we could come up with many items that people want to update all the time or "waste" in my opinion.)


So wastefullness is not just limited to cruise ship food... but to everything.

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Let me just make one thing VERY clear. Caring about certain things does NOT make someone a busybody (talk about judging someone).


1. I could care less about chair hogs...hogging a chair doesn't affect anyone or anything on a high level. I'll get a chair on another deck level...no biggy!

2. I could care less about how people dress in the dining rooms. No one or anything was hurt by someones appearance.

(and I don't attack the people that are bothered by these things....they are entitled to their opinions and are entitled to express how they feel on this board)


BUT...waste does affect the world. Millions of animals are slaughtered for food...to feed people, not to be thrown away and wasted. NOW AGAIN...I understand that not everything is as it appears...but I am also not ignorant and I don't turn a blind eye to serious matters in the world...just to make myself feel better.


I didn't realize we go on vacation and all that matters in the world can be turned off. well that's not how I work. Maybe I should vacation in africa and not let the starving children "Ruin" my vacation...so I will ignore them and think up a story convincing myself that they really aren't starving so that I feel better about myself.


I can not believe how this escalated, but I will not apologize for caring about something like this. Does it bother me to the point of ruining my vacation, no. But enough to make me realize that some people honestly don't care about much besides their own needs and if anything, it makes me a better person. For example, seeing how hogging a chair affects people and listening to people's opinions about that makes me think twice about leaving my towel on a chair for more than an hour. Or when I see a dirty table, I may then think to clear my own food away for the next person to sit...so that they don't have to wait for a server to come do it for them while their food gets cold....etc etc


I can only come to one conclusion....the people arguing are the ones guilty of the crime....the end


I am done here.

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I can only come to one conclusion....the people arguing are the ones guilty of the crime....the end


I am done here.


It seems to me you are a very judgemental person AND if someone does not agree with you or points out something you see as one way might be actual something completely different, they are just wrong. Why would you post something on a public board and not expect someone to come along and disagree with your point of view or say they see it another way , etc.


I think almost every one posting has said that INTENTIONAL waste of food is distasteful to them. What most have tried to say is who are you to say what their intentions were or who was the room service person to say what their intentions were, etc etc.


You say you are done here... seems to me like every one else should be done here as well as you did not post to get others opinions, you posted just to get people to justify yours, and god forbid when they don't. I can assure you I'm done with this posting. What a miserable person you must be.


EDIT: It wasn't until after I posted that I even noticed what your ID is here on CC. Very fitting I have to say. You choose it well.

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Let me just make one thing VERY clear. Caring about certain things does NOT make someone a busybody (talk about judging someone).


1. I could care less about chair hogs...hogging a chair doesn't affect anyone or anything on a high level. I'll get a chair on another deck level...no biggy!

2. I could care less about how people dress in the dining rooms. No one or anything was hurt by someones appearance.

(and I don't attack the people that are bothered by these things....they are entitled to their opinions and are entitled to express how they feel on this board)


BUT...waste does affect the world. Millions of animals are slaughtered for food...to feed people, not to be thrown away and wasted. NOW AGAIN...I understand that not everything is as it appears...but I am also not ignorant and I don't turn a blind eye to serious matters in the world...just to make myself feel better.


I didn't realize we go on vacation and all that matters in the world can be turned off. well that's not how I work. Maybe I should vacation in africa and not let the starving children "Ruin" my vacation...so I will ignore them and think up a story convincing myself that they really aren't starving so that I feel better about myself.


I can not believe how this escalated, but I will not apologize for caring about something like this. Does it bother me to the point of ruining my vacation, no. But enough to make me realize that some people honestly don't care about much besides their own needs and if anything, it makes me a better person. For example, seeing how hogging a chair affects people and listening to people's opinions about that makes me think twice about leaving my towel on a chair for more than an hour. Or when I see a dirty table, I may then think to clear my own food away for the next person to sit...so that they don't have to wait for a server to come do it for them while their food gets cold....etc etc


I can only come to one conclusion....the people arguing are the ones guilty of the crime....the end


I am done here.


You go sourpatch326!:D:D I feel the same way!:)

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But they are paying. It isn't like it is free. Food is included in the price paid (both for AI resorts and cruises).


I don't think it is right to intentionally waste food too but like the whole jeans/shorts/hats/etc in the dining room debate, I don't let it get to me. I really don't bother caring if "Joe Fatarse" is leaving behind a bunch of wasted food. It isn't worth my time and not worth stressing about.


True, food is included in the fare. But as others have noted, the more that some passengers waste, the more we all pay to absorb the cost to the cruise line. It's one reason we don't go to all-you-can-eat buffets because "all" we can eat is what we normally eat plus an extra appetizer or dessert or perhaps even both. We can't, or perhaps don't care to is more accurate, eat four heaping plates of food. So we don't take four heaping plates of food and then leave three plates worth to be thrown out.


It really isn't like the attire or chair hog debates because the cost of food directly affects everyone onboard. But neither do we spend our cruise time watching what others put on their plates or counting how much food they order. OTOH, when someone sits down at the next table with several plates overflowing with food, proceeds to eat one bite of a several things, and then leaves, how can you not notice the abandoned nearly full plates?


I'm not going to sit there and watch someone chow down on four plates of food, I'm too busy enjoying my cruise, my plate of food, and being with my family. Waste offends me, so I try not to be wasteful, but let me be clear: I am not perfect and I have been guilty of being wasteful. OTOH, if someone takes or orders a bunch of food and eats the food, then that's their business. As well, there's nothing wrong with ordering something new to try and then not finishing it if you don't like it. There is something wrong with ordering or taking a huge amount of food just because you can and even though you know you're not going to eat it.


Unfortunately this kind of gluttony and waste is common nowadays on land as well as at sea. The more is better mentality that is so prevalent in society has given us "Biggie sized", "Supersized", "Big Gulp" and "Extreme" just to name a few examples of excess.


So true. I'd rather have a smaller portion and ask for seconds if I'm still hungry than have a huge plate of food that I can't possibly finish. Sure, we take home leftovers, but not everything keeps well and we don't necessarily want to eat that same meal the next day.


I went to culinary school. It was a blessing and a curse. I hate buffets. Mostly because I see how the average Joe compromises sanitation. I can't tell you how many times I have seen customers touch food with their hands, or let handles fall into food, etc... Yuk!


Also, I am grossed out when I see someone with food piled up a mile high on a plate. It just doesn't settle with me.


That's the other reason we're not fans of buffets: The sanitation factor. Some people are so unsanitary in the way they select food. Blech!


You know, there are a few discussions right now about all-you-can-drink alcohol packages. I just know that a significant percentage of passengers would approach that the same way as they do the food: I must get my money's worth, so I will drink constantly.:eek: No thanks.



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Let me just make one thing VERY clear. Caring about certain things does NOT make someone a busybody (talk about judging someone).


1. I could care less about chair hogs...hogging a chair doesn't affect anyone or anything on a high level. I'll get a chair on another deck level...no biggy!

2. I could care less about how people dress in the dining rooms. No one or anything was hurt by someones appearance.

(and I don't attack the people that are bothered by these things....they are entitled to their opinions and are entitled to express how they feel on this board)


BUT...waste does affect the world. Millions of animals are slaughtered for food...to feed people, not to be thrown away and wasted. NOW AGAIN...I understand that not everything is as it appears...but I am also not ignorant and I don't turn a blind eye to serious matters in the world...just to make myself feel better.


I didn't realize we go on vacation and all that matters in the world can be turned off. well that's not how I work. Maybe I should vacation in africa and not let the starving children "Ruin" my vacation...so I will ignore them and think up a story convincing myself that they really aren't starving so that I feel better about myself.


I can not believe how this escalated, but I will not apologize for caring about something like this. Does it bother me to the point of ruining my vacation, no. But enough to make me realize that some people honestly don't care about much besides their own needs and if anything, it makes me a better person. For example, seeing how hogging a chair affects people and listening to people's opinions about that makes me think twice about leaving my towel on a chair for more than an hour. Or when I see a dirty table, I may then think to clear my own food away for the next person to sit...so that they don't have to wait for a server to come do it for them while their food gets cold....etc etc


I can only come to one conclusion....the people arguing are the ones guilty of the crime....the end


I am done here.


"Crime?" :rolleyes: I haven't seen anyone "arguing" with you -- just trying to explain why what you see (and condemn) may not in fact be the "intentional wasting of food" which offends you so.


It's clear you are passionate about this, and somehow see yourself as "right" and anyone who doesn't agree with you as "wrong" (or "criminal"? Really???). There's really no point in the thread continuing, you are correct -- because if someone doesn't find your statements persuasive, you personally attack them, which tends to toss "reasonable discussion" out the window.


Hope you have a nice time on your next cruise!

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It is a shame to see people intentionally waste food. We will go to the buffet at lunch time and hubby does at breakfast. To see so much food piled on plates and then left on tables is a disgrace. We were taught to eat what was on our plates. People shouldnt take what they arent going to eat. And to say maybe they didnt like it......well....that is just an excuse. There may be something that wasnt liked.....but the food hogs are just greedy. We havent gone to the Chocolate Buffet in along time...so I cant really comment on the waste there.

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This reminds me of a funny story from a couple years back. We took my son and his girlfriend on a cruise as a graduation present. This was back in the days when you could write in extra items on the breakfast room service menu, and they would usually appear. Well, I had told them that you need to be very specific when ordering room service, for example, write in butter if you expect that to arrive with toast. So on this morning, they both wanted eggs and bacon --- so they ordered 6 scrambled eggs and 10 bacon. When room service arrived, it took 3 people to deliver it , all 6 plates of scrambled eggs and 10 plates of bacon orders. There was food everywhere in that cabin. Anyway, my point here is that SOMETIMES, there can be miscommunication that causes all that food to pile up.


This sort of thing happened to us on the Sun in June. Our friends were in the Owner's Suite, and we were planning on lunching with them. They wrote down our orders for the butler and asked him to prepare the room for lunch for the four of us. Instead of bringing us each what we'd ordered, he brought 4 of everything each of us had ordered! Since we'd each ordered our own combination of appetizers, entree, soup and desserts we had dozens of plates everywhere! I'm sure we seemed terribly gluttonous, but it was a miscommunication, and nothing could be done after the fact, besides stuffing their little fridge with as much as we could.


I'll also admit to ordering things just to try them. I saw vicyssoise on the menu and wanted to try it, but it was GROSS! :lol:

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I guess the part about this that I dislike is the leaving of the uneaten food "OUTSIDE THEIR DOOR"!!!


What pigs! :eek:


Please don't leave your garbage in the hall for all of the rest of us to have to walk around and potentially trip over. The hallways on cruise ships are simply not wide enough for this. The cabin steward will take away any uneaten food when he/she services the room. If you don't want to leave it in the room call room service and they will be happy to come take it away.


I have to agree with you. I never understood this. On the few occasions when I have had room service, or taken something from the Blue Lagoon to the cabin, I have always left the dishes in the room for the steward to remove. I really can't stand seeing dirty dishes in the hallways. Personally, I think it's gross.


On one of our cruises we sat with a doctor who ordered EVERY desert every night and only wanted to "try" a bite of each. What a waste. Otherwise a very pleasant man but .... what's up with that? Maybe he never gets desert at home. :) .


I guess when you are raised with the 'people are starving in *insert name of country*' lecture like me, you grow up thinking that what that man did is just wrong. If I had seen that it would have bothered me too.

People think because it's 'free' they should do stuff like this. Bottom line is nothing is free. We'll ALL pay for that man's waste in cruise fare sooner or later.


So wastefullness is not just limited to cruise ship food... but to everything.


I SO agree with that.

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Wastefulness can occur two ways; the first is obvious (leaving uneaten food on your plate). But what of those who cram hundreds of uneeded and unwanted claories down their throats so they can be members of the "clean plate club"? I'm not talking about those who truly enjoy "consuming mass quantities" (as the coneheads used to say), but those who just feel a compulsion to eat something they really don't want because they can't let it "go to waste". Is it any less of a waste because they forced themselves to eat it? I don't think so.

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Wastefulness can occur two ways; the first is obvious (leaving uneaten food on your plate). But what of those who cram hundreds of uneeded and unwanted claories down their throats so they can be members of the "clean plate club"? I'm not talking about those who truly enjoy "consuming mass quantities" (as the coneheads used to say), but those who just feel a compulsion to eat something they really don't want because they can't let it "go to waste". Is it any less of a waste because they forced themselves to eat it? I don't think so.


I agree. The "clean plate club" is overrated and leads to obesity. Just eating something because it is there and you don't want it to go to waste is silly. Over-ordering and wasting is one thing, but ordering something and not finishing is another.

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