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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Single black female seeks companionship, ethnicity unimportant. I am a very good looking girl who LOVES to play. I love long walks in the woods, riding in your pick-up truck, hunting, camping, fishing trips, and cosy winter nights lying by the fire. Candlelight dinners will have me eating out of your hands. Rub me the right way and watch me respond. I'll be at the front door when you get home from work; wearing only what nature gave me. Kiss me and I'm yours. Call (404)875-6429 and ask for Daisy.



Over 15,000 men found themselves talking to the Atlanta Humane Society about an 8 week old black Labrador.


This a fabulous, I love it!!!!

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Because of our 50th Golf Tournament on March 8th, next year, my boss begged me to move my cruise which was scheduled for April 27th. He thought it was too close to the tournament date. We had to spend about $150 more pp for the date change but my boss is happy!!!!


We're now cruising on March 30th.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Because of our 50th Golf Tournament on March 8th, next year, my boss begged me to move my cruise which was scheduled for April 27th. He thought it was too close to the tournament date. We had to spend about $150 more pp for the date change but my boss is happy!!!!


We're now cruising on March 30th.


Being that you were so nice and changed your cruise, did your boss pay the extra money you had to shell out?

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Roz: Is he just being stubborn or does he like being in his crate as a safe haven? Either way I am glad he is coming out of it. I am sure he is just playing hard to get! :D I'm sure he knows "He's so cute!"


Nancy, it's a pure and honest stubborn streak. CCI recommended that I keep his leash on him so that I can control when he literally goes to the very back of his crate and rolls-up like a pill bug and I look like a moron trying to get him to come out. CCI wants me to give him a "correction" when he refuses and I'm such a "softie" about it.

Horton still has some "quirks" about himself but as he's becoming more and more assured that he's not going to another foster home and that he's here to stay, he's letting go of some of his insecurities.

I remember when Brenda was brand new and for the first year she would "test" me occasionally to see if I really was the leader.

I much prefer the least-path-of-resistance, it's so much easier....but, not necessarily with dogs.

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when he literally goes to the very back of his crate and rolls-up like a pill bug and I look like a moron trying to get him to come out. I much prefer the least-path-of-resistance, it's so much easier....but, not necessarily with dogs.

I'm sorry Roz, I literally laughed out loud at that visual! Yes, I get that with Jezzy Lou, that it is my fault, that she is a spoiled brat, etc. I can buy some of it, but her separation anxiety is for real and not my doing. We have been socializing her and she is doing a lot better with humans and other dogs. All we can do is keep trying.

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We travel with a service dog..she is going to be on her 6th cruise in September and 7th in November.....We've learned a lot and have some suggestions for you...If you have any questions about the ship requirements/easy way to deal with "special needs" departments/cabins/dining area/potty box/food/exercise/hotel/excursions/airplanes, etc. Ask away......


I don't want to bore you with all the details...so, I'll let you lead the way! ;)


I have a degenerative eye problem and am blind in one eye and. the other is going more slowly. I am glad to hear the cruise lines are open to service dogs. I love dogs anyway and someday will have my own service dog but still getting around without. I have some personal questions for you which you don't have to answer. You told us what she can do and she sounds amazing, But 1) what do you need her help with, 2) how hard is it to get a service dog, 3) how long would it take train one to your needs - say blind once she has been trained and given to me.

I am learning braille because I love to read. I'm 64 and I hope an old dog can learn a new trick. I would never try to go solo on a cruise once my eyesight is gone but know I could bring along my second set of eyes too would be comforting.

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I have a degenerative eye problem and am blind in one eye and. the other is going more slowly. I am glad to hear the cruise lines are open to service dogs. I love dogs anyway and someday will have my own service dog but still getting around without. I have some personal questions for you which you don't have to answer. You told us what she can do and she sounds amazing, But 1) what do you need her help with, 2) how hard is it to get a service dog, 3) how long would it take train one to your needs - say blind once she has been trained and given to me.

I am learning braille because I love to read. I'm 64 and I hope an old dog can learn a new trick. I would never try to go solo on a cruise once my eyesight is gone but know I could bring along my second set of eyes too would be comforting.


Grandma, welcome! Oh! My! When I looked at the quote that you had posted from me, it made me smile. It was written long before "Brenda" had finished her 15th cruise. She is now retired and I walk with "Horton." Horton had his first cruise in March and will be on his second in October.

Both Brenda and Horton were Puppyraised and formerly trained through Canine Companions for Independence in Sacramento/Oceanside/North Carolina/Florida, and Santa Rosa, Calif. Most trained Service Dogs have quite an illustrious past before they go through Team Training [a two week, intensive training program, with the person they will finally live and work for.] The dogs are around 2 or 2 1/2 years old when they graduate.

CCI does NOT train dogs for the seeing impaired. CCI trains Service Dogs [assist adults with physical disabilities]; Hearing Dogs; Facility Dogs [who work with a professional in a visitation, education or healthcare setting]; Skilled Companions [this dog works with children and adults with physical, cognitive and developmental disabilities], and dogs who work with our Soldiers returning from battle. I fit into one of the above categories.

Please don't hesitate to start looking into getting your fur-partner ASAP. There is always a "Waiting-List." And, the difference that my dogs have made in mine and my familes lives can never be measured in just words.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Hi All!!!! I have missed all of you! Wexler has had some medical issues and I really haven't felt like talking about it. That said, we think he is going to be fine. He was having some leaking problems and at first the vet just thought an infection. When we brought a sample down, we found out no infection but he had dilute urine which could be a sign of kidney problems. John just blew it off (his way of dealing with it), but I've been a wreck. After umptine (my own word) urine tests and a kidney panel, and monitoring his water intake for a few days they found nothing wrong. Our vet consulted an internist and they both agreed that his prob might be from his marathon drinking sessions. He drinks a whole bowl before school and doesn't drink til supper when he drinks another bowl and another bowl later in the evening after is treat. We thought it might be incontinence, but I guess it is so very rare in male dogs and even more rare in a young dog, so they don't think it's that. They said if it is some kind of kidney problem that the tests aren't showing, that the kidneys are compensating terrifically and not to worry about it. He had a leaking problem when we first brought him home from CCI but they said that was submissive urination and it would go away when he got comfortable in his new home, which it did. He has always had to go out alot, he could never hold it to long. So now they think he might just have a small bladder. We have one more sample today with no water since this morning, so when John comes home I will get the sample and bring it to the vet. It could be that he has always had dilute urine and we never knew cuz he never gave a sample before. His level is somewhere between normal and bad but more toward the normal end. I had a big talk with the vet the otherday and she does not seem to be worried about it, so that made we feel better. :D


On another note, the flights came out for our cruise and they were ridiclous! So we cancelled our cruise for January. I found almost the exact cruise in December alot cheaper and cheaper airfare. Actually we ended up getting a beautiful suite for 800 less and Lee is free!!! so we ended up around 1000 less for the cruise and around 225 less for the flight. WoooooHooooo!! This will be the first time we have cruised in Dec.

Edited by rangeley
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Hi All!!!! I have missed all of you! Wexler has had some medical issues and I really haven't felt like talking about it. That said, we think he is going to be fine. He was having some leaking problems and at first the vet just thought an infection. When we brought a sample down, we found out no infection but he had dilute urine which could be a sign of kidney problems. John just blew it off (his way of dealing with it), but I've been a wreck. After umptine (my own word) urine tests and a kidney panel, and monitoring his water intake for a few days they found nothing wrong. Our vet consulted an internist and they both agreed that his prob might be from his marathon drinking sessions. He drinks a whole bowl before school and doesn't drink til supper when he drinks another bowl and another bowl later in the evening after is treat. We thought it might be incontinence, but I guess it is so very rare in male dogs and even more rare in a young dog, so they don't think it's that. They said if it is some kind of kidney problem that the tests aren't showing, that the kidneys are compensating terrifically and not to worry about it. He had a leaking problem when we first brought him home from CCI but they said that was submissive urination and it would go away when he got comfortable in his new home, which it did. He has always had to go out alot, he could never hold it to long. So now they think he might just have a small bladder. We have one more sample today with no water since this morning, so when John comes home I will get the sample and bring it to the vet. It could be that he has always had dilute urine and we never knew cuz he never gave a sample before. His level is somewhere between normal and bad but more toward the normal end. I had a big talk with the vet the otherday and she does not seem to be worried about it, so that made we feel better. :D


On another note, the flights came out for our cruise and they were ridiclous! So we cancelled our cruise for January. I found almost the exact cruise in December alot cheaper and cheaper airfare. Actually we ended up getting a beautiful suite for 800 less and Lee is free!!! so we ended up around 1000 less for the cruise and around 225 less for the flight. WoooooHooooo!! This will be the first time we have cruised in Dec.


Cindy, I was getting a bit worried about you guys but I didn't want to make an issue over it.

It sounds like you've got everything under control with Wexy. I hope it resolves itself. Horton is a camel and will hold onto his urine forever......it worries me sometimes and I'm forever waking him up to go outside. I'm pretty new at this "boy" thing.

Please let us know how he's doing and I will keep a positive thought for him in my prayers.

I LOVE December cruises. I love all the decor and just the feeling onboard a cruiseship the closer it is to the holidays, the more the hooplah!!!!

I want to go with you......

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Please don't hesitate to start looking into getting your fur-partner ASAP. There is always a "Waiting-List." And, the difference that my dogs have made in mine and my familes lives can never be measured in just words.


I know I need to do that soon. I will be able to get around the house without help for sure, but going out is what scares me. I can still read but I have to use the computer at 200% and look around spots. I so would love a furry friend.

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Cindy, I was getting a bit worried about you guys but I didn't want to make an issue over it.


It sounds like you've got everything under control with Wexy. I hope it resolves itself. Horton is a camel and will hold onto his urine forever......it worries me sometimes and I'm forever waking him up to go outside. I'm pretty new at this "boy" thing.


Please let us know how he's doing and I will keep a positive thought for him in my prayers.


I LOVE December cruises. I love all the decor and just the feeling onboard a cruiseship the closer it is to the holidays, the more the hooplah!!!!


I want to go with you......


I'm waiting to hear from the vet today. I'm sure Wex will be fine. Thank you for your concern and prayers. Isn't it funny how different each dogs potty habits are. Wex goes out every 2 hours and Horty is a camel, go figure.


When do they decorate the ships? Are we going to finally see all the holiday decorations?


Our friends that we met on our first cruise with Wex just graduated this past weekend with their new service dog! They got a nice little yellow lab. They fell in love with Wex and they waited over 2 years for their dog. We are trying to talk them into going on this cruise, although now we just changed the cruise :eek: I'm going to contact access and compliance today since they are sending us all the HP and dog forms to fill out again. Ugh. I don't see why they can't just use the ones we just sent them for the other cruise.


One other thing, I love your real Horty pic you found! Are these service dogs a bunch of bums? Wexler truely thinks he's king.

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I'm waiting to hear from the vet today. I'm sure Wex will be fine. Thank you for your concern and prayers. Isn't it funny how different each dogs potty habits are. Wex goes out every 2 hours and Horty is a camel, go figure.


When do they decorate the ships? Are we going to finally see all the holiday decorations?


Our friends that we met on our first cruise with Wex just graduated this past weekend with their new service dog! They got a nice little yellow lab. They fell in love with Wex and they waited over 2 years for their dog. We are trying to talk them into going on this cruise, although now we just changed the cruise :eek: I'm going to contact access and compliance today since they are sending us all the HP and dog forms to fill out again. Ugh. I don't see why they can't just use the ones we just sent them for the other cruise.


One other thing, I love your real Horty pic you found! Are these service dogs a bunch of bums? Wexler truely thinks he's king.


We we're onboard the Golden and the Sapphire the first week in December and towards the end of our one week cruises they were putting-up decorations. I love seeing all the festivities. They had a huge gingerbread house with all the fixings in Horizon Court.

When we were cruising, many years ago, onboard a RCCL ship, we stole some of the decorations from one of the lounges to use as a costume for their "Passengers Parade" Show. I went as a Christmas tree. :D;) I got scolded by the Cruise Director as everyone in the audience applauded!

One of my most unfavorite things to do is filling out all the paperwork for our dogs to board a ship. Although, I'm really glad that they're so careful and I hope that this will deter the folks who think it's so easy to bring "Fi-Fi", who makes them feel better when she's around, onboard!!! :rolleyes: :mad:

When I saw the picture of "Horton Hears a Who" and saw him laying down like that [my Horty doesn't have that tummy though], I thought it looked so much like Horty's attitude, I just had to share it!

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Here is a picture of my daughter and Orson at her college graduation last night. I wish I knew how to put a bigger picture up here.


How wonderful! Congratulations to you, your beautiful daughter and our boy Orson! :)

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Here is a picture of my daughter and Orson at her college graduation last night. I wish I knew how to put a bigger picture up here.



Way to go Kim!!!! Please tell her congrats from John and I.

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Wex is fine. Besides the leaking in the morning, he really has no symptoms at all. And that seems to be better. The vet said he still has dilute urine, but I think we are just going to monitor him, thats it.

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Wex is fine. Besides the leaking in the morning, he really has no symptoms at all. And that seems to be better. The vet said he still has dilute urine, but I think we are just going to monitor him, thats it.


That's great news. I hope he continues to do well.

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