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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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Thanks for the advice. I don't have a laptop (DH does, but I don't want to mess with his). I'm sure there is another way to do it--have to see what my more techie son says. I have an exercise room with a nice-sized tv and I do have hdmi settings, for sure, on it.


We've been on several 14 day cruises with Princess with the Zumba and have had classes both in the club and on deck--mostly it depends on weather, I think, or what else is going on in those venues.


I like to be on the wood floor too, fairly close to the front. On deck, the last cruise, I was looking for the few shady areas, as it was very hot in the sun on the pool deck. I enjoyed being up one or two floors for the ability to see the instructor better.

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If your TV has a USB port you can also load videos on a USB drive and just plug it in to play them. You can check with your tv user manual which format it prefers to use.


To download and save youtube videos to your computer, you will need to convert them, and there are many programs and websites for doing this. For example:




Then you just save the file on the USB drive like you would a document or other file.


If you have wifi at home, an easier option would be to buy an inexpensive DVD or BluRay player that's internet compatible and access youtube on your tv through that.


I'm glad you have a techie son to help you. I have a techie husband who is my own private Geek Squad. I know just enough to get myself into trouble now and then. :)

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The way to hook up your computer to your television...


You need to determine the different video outputs from your computer.


1. The standard one from long ago is the VGA cable that is the typical monitor cable. Some televisions are actually capable of having this cable hooked up to them. If your televisions has an input menu, and if you ever see "PC" as an option on that menu, then you know that you can hook up a regular monitor cable to the television and use the television in place of your monitor.


This will connect video only. The sound will still come from your computer speakers.


There are other video outputs from your computer, but most of them are from a graphics card. If your computer has on board graphics (directly on your motherboard) and doesn't have a separate graphics cards, then your computer may not have other video outputs.


2. S-cable. If your systems are older, then you may have the ability to hook up an S-cable. This connection for an S-cable is round...there are 4 or 5 (?) pins and a kind of interruption in the circle of the connection that makes the cable have a right way to connect. It's similar in look to the non-USB older style connections for a keyboard or mouse.


Again...this is video only. Sound is still from your computer speakers.


3. HDMI. You might have this. It's more likely your have the input on your tv and you might have the output on your computer. If you have this, then you can output both video and sound through the HDMI connection.


If you want to be able to do this on a regular basis, you can get an input/output switch. Something like this:




You can connect your monitor cable to this device. And you may be able to connect your speaker output to this device also. This device will then convert the video and sound inputs to go through the HDMI output on the device and to your tv.


Ask away if this brings up more questions.

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Wow, thanks, now I will just have to get ambitious and try some of these. Computer (desktop) is practically new, tv (in another room) a couple of years old, does have an HDMI input.


We have a blue-ray player on our big tv, might have an older one somewhere I could use on the exercise room tv, which already has a DVD player (and even a VHS player for some of my old but fav exercise videos).

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  • 4 weeks later...



Ok. So, like any Zumba class, there can be differences...so my experience may not be what you experience, etc. Right?


That said. Usually, the Zumbathon is a multi-hour event. Maybe 90 minutes on the short side...and up to 4 hours or more on the long side. I think 3 hours is pretty typical.


It isn't quite like a class that lasts for 3 hours. The one I went to was more like 3 one hour classes in a row. They did actually schedule a bit of a break. I'm trying to remember if it was a couple of breaks or one in the middle... There should be multiple teachers...not only the idea of multiple teachers, or at least, multiple people on a stage in the place where your normal singular teacher would be but also the idea of shifts, where the whole teaching set, or at least the main "leader" will change.


If there is a big planned break...then there will be something of a slower song before the break...and something of a warm you back up song following the break...but the big stretch won't be until the end.


It is very easy to come and go during the Zumbathon. That is, work out when you want and take a break when you want.


At the events that I have attended, there is stuff to do at the Zumbathon. Sometimes, there are food booths and other related booths there. So you can take a break and check out merchandise for sale, be it shirts, sandwiches, or any other thing that somehow relates to the reason for the Zumbathon.


I highly recommend going to a Zumbathon. It's a lot of fun to get exposure to so many different instructors. The energy of the large crowd is contagious. You will likely last much longer than you normally do. The sweat factor is usually awesome! And the instructors that teach are usually as much a showman as an instructor. And usually, the moves are really geared toward the idea of KISS...very in keeping with original simplicity of Zumba. And if you have ever taken a Zumba class, then you can catch on pretty easily to whatever is going on.


Usually the music is great. Again...it all depends. As we know...but usually, by great, I mean, high energy, encourage you to move music.


The Zumbathons I have been to have been so much fun. Margaret, you should totally go!

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OH! Bring LOTS of water. TONS. I have one of those cooler jugs? The kind that the big drink thing IS a cooler? You will drink all of it. You might bring an energy drink?


Also...you might bring a change of shirt?


Definitely, bring something to change into before you head home. You should be drenched in sweat by the end. Even if you can't shower, you want a different shirt to put on for the ride home. ;)

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I LOVE Zumba! Especially because my instructor is amazing! We just did a 3 month long summer fitness series outside (can you imagine zumba in 90 degree weather?) and I had the best time! Our instructor recorded a bunch of videos in a studio for us to do at home (and there's even a video of our class! you can see me in it, but I won't tell you who I am!). You can take a look here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX_Vj4bRwfIYVINE921btww



I'm back to running until November (2 races coming up), but I might just do these videos on the weekend for fun!

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Anita, thanks for the great tips. I've been trying figure out how to bring enough water... I go through one of those big insulated reusable bottles in just a one hour class. This is a 2 hour Zumbathon. I have a sugar free, sodium free electrolyte drink that I make from a mix, so I'll bring that too.


Wouldn't have thought to bring a fresh shirt, excellent idea.

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I went to my first Zumbathon yesterday, and it was awesome fun! It was super high energy, with four different teachers but one main one. I can hardly walk today, but it was totally worth it. :D

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So glad you went Margaret! I love a good Zumbathon. People are so excited to be there...the energy in the room is just awesome...if ever a Zumba lover is feeling the need for a boost, a shot in the arm, a kick in the butt, then going to a Zumbathon is almost a sure fire way of that encouraging motivation.


I think that the initial soreness can be a motivator. You think to yourself...I did it. I could do it. I rocked it. It's that hurts so good...


I'm still teaching at Curves. I have two classes weekly. I also teach a toning class there twice weekly.


I've been doing some subbing. I did a last minute sub a week or so ago. DH had been traveling for work and was literally on his way home from the airport when I got the text late, late at night asking if I was available. This instructor friend's Mom was in the ICU...could I cover the next morning. And the next morning was an Off Friday...


So DH went with me...but he brought his book and took off to the town square to read while I lead the Zumba class. It was such fun to hear what he reported hearing in the parking lot when he came back to wait for me. One woman said, "My butt has been officially KICKED!"


Rock on.


These days, I'm feeling very fit fat. I've been through some rough times...I've got a layer of insulation that I could stand to lose...but meanwhile, I've maintained my fitness to a certain level...and I would say that level is relatively high.


A lady took my class for the first time today. She had to leave in the second half of class. That's okay. It just served as a reminder of what a great workout Zumba can be...you just have to go after those moves with purpose and enthusiasm. Moving your body is something that we do everyday...but when you choose to pay attention to the WAY that you move your body...and really think about your form and the muscles involved...it's amazing what a difference that can make.


Today was a luncheon that was a reward for anyone at our particular Curves that achieved the set goals...however many workouts...however many weigh ins, etc...within the allotted time period. Out of all the ladies that work out at Curves...there weren't that many at the luncheon. And it was spectacular...such a wonderful gathering at a private residence with a wonderful caterer. It just brings to mind again the difficulty of this idea of being healthy and fit. There's a level of effort...a consistent effort...that leads to success. And it's difficult to do.


Anyway...I've been thinking about my own personal resolutions...I've been thinking that it may be more important to think of holiday resolutions rather than New Year resolutions.


Here's mine...


1. I will not let family drama detract from my enjoyment of the holidays.


2. I will enjoy every bite that I eat without guilt.


3. I will continue my current workout routine...Zumba twice weekly...toning twice weekly. Fortunately, as the instructor...far easier to do.


4. I will take care of myself, pay attention to my appearance, and when appropriate make that extra effort so that when I see myself in the mirror in the bathroom or in pictures, I can think that I looked my best, whatever that is.


5. I will do at least one thing that I have always wanted to do around the holidays but have never done for one reason or another.

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65 year old retired Floridian...Never exercised much throughout my life....Zumba class started in our community....Loved, loved, loved it...Jump-started my quest for fun exercise and eating right.


Our zumba class was fabulous in the beginning, but became very repetitive and sometimes had only 4 participants which isn't very inspiring.


I did zumba on a few cruise ships and loved it, especially on the deck!


Unfortunately I don't drive so I can't go to zumba classes in other towns so I had to look for something else. I do not enjoy zumba dvd's etc...Need the comraderie of doing zumba with others.


A friend suggested Jazzercise and I started driving there 3x a week with her and other neighbors. This was my answer! I first thought it would be too wimpy, but it definitely isn't and I love learning new moves and hearing new songs all the time. Not repetitious at all!


In 9 months I lost 22 lbs and feel better than I have in my life. Fitting into clothes that haven't fit in years....Took these out of storage bin and was amazed...Some were actually big, especially in the waist and legs. I no longer have to feel constrained sitting around in tight pants/shorts. Wonderful!


I couldn't stick to a diet until I started Jazzercise, but now find that by attending classes regularly I'm motivated to eat healthier and skip that glass of wine at dinner and quite a few cocktails on a Saturday night out.


That is the good news....


The bad part of it is that I miss the delicious, fattening meals that we had at various restaurants. I know I can eat good, healthy shellfish, etc. out, but it just isn't the same. If I decide to indulge in heavier food now, I feel guilty afterward so I often decide not to bother eating out!


We are going on our first 10 day cruise in December since I started on my healthy path and I'm very scared that I'll overindulge with food and drinks (got beverage package perk) and feel awful about myself when we get home.


Of course, I'll attend zumba on the ship (have to pay on Celebrity, but worth it to me), walk, take the stairs instead of the elevator, etc. on the cruise, but don't think that would outweigh the drinks and food I like to eat!


Would like to get others' opinions on how they handle eating/drinking on cruise.


Thanks for letting me vent!

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Not medical advice for sure, but this helped me.


I always buy Rykka sneakers for dancing, but they stopped making the style I wore. I wrote Rykka and they told me their closest style, but when I bought them, the bunion started acting up.


I decided to try something in desparation that worked. Just don't put the lace through the eyelet that is close to your bunion. Lace the others as usual.


This put less pressure on the bunion and made my sneakers very comfortable.


May not work for everyone, but surely helped me and thought I'd pass this on.


I tried other specifically styled dance shoes, but Rykka is always best for me.


I am putting off a bunion operation until I definitely need one. Hate the thought of not dancing/exercising for months after operation!

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We are kindred spirits. The exception is that I tried Jazzercise before Zumba, but I feel the same way that you do. I loved Jazzercise (so long ago), but my area has stopped offering it. When my daughter became involved with Zumba, she introduced it to me and the rest.... as the cliche states... is history.


I have a thyroid problem and tried so hard to lose weight and finally just accepted that I couldn't. I did a low-calorie diet because I researched and found that my metabolism was supposedly 10% below a person without hypothyroidism. I did strength training because I found out that muscle uses more calories and that would help. I did a bit of cardio but it was so, so difficult for me because of the boredom factor and I just felt fatigued. So Zumba almost killed me when I first started because the cardio methodology (the High Intensity Interval Training) is the best for fitness and weight loss. Jazzercise patterns itself around this methodology as well (but I just enjoy Zumba a bit better depending upon the instructor). All the other things I tried just stopped the weight gain. It wasn't until Zumba that I actually experienced a body composition change (decrease inches in waist, hips, thighs, and upper body rib cage) that has made a difference and stayed off. The inches lost preceded any scale weight loss. Amazing!


Eating. And Cruising. I, too, love to cruise Celebrity. And I'm very familiar with the beverage package. Well, I'm very familiar with Celebrity, so if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer, if I know the answer (of course). What I do to try to maintain the weight loss and general fitness while cruising, as I take usually 14-, 16-, 18-night cruises, is a form of lifestyle maintenance. What do I mean by that?


I do have to say that my body has reacted differently than what you describe. When you say that



The bad part of it is that I miss the delicious, fattening meals that we had at various restaurants. I know I can eat good, healthy shellfish, etc. out, but it just isn't the same. If I decide to indulge in heavier food now, I feel guilty afterward so I often decide not to bother.


Thanks for letting me vent!


My body no longer enjoys the concept of delicious, fattening meals. When I indulge in a meal that has those components, I feel sluggish, "fat" full if you can get a mental picture of what I mean by that, and a bit (bluntly) gross. So, I may have an easier time of a lifestyle maintenance than you are experiencing, because of my reactions. Maybe it's a function that I've been doing this a bit longer? I'm 63, but I've been doing Zumba and dealing with my thyroid for years.


OK. Back to cruising hints.


Starting with breakfast. What are your stateroom accommodations? More specifically, will you be eating in Blu? (AQ class stateroom). Do you normally eat in the MDR or are you more of a buffet grazer for breakfast? I love well-prepared eggs and don't do them often at home. I'm more of an oatmeal or smoothie eater for breakfast. So, on the ship (I've sailed Equinox and LOVE the ship!), I do indulge in some well-prepared eggs. You can have a made-to-order omelette from the buffet and, also, that line will make you any kind of made-to-order eggs. The key here (for me) is to make sure that you get some vegetables in with your protein, so have a bunch of vegetables in your omelette. Alternate choices: oatmeal. Also, the Aqua Spa Cafe is available for everyone (not just AQ passengers) and you can get a good smoothie there. I don't indulge in breakfast pastries.


Lunch. Do you enjoy salads? Do you like grilled salmon? Do you like stir fry? In the buffet, there is a made-to-order stir-fry section. I just choose a bunch of vegetables and let the guy go to town making me a fantastic plate. Sometimes add some protein; sometimes call the veg good. Alternatively, I have the salad section make me a mixed-green salad, then go to the area where they grill fish and have them make me a salmon fillet. Delicious.


Dinner. Indulgences. I just make sure that I order what I really, really want but in a smaller portion. If the starch on the plate is something that I don't really crave, then I ask for a double portion of vegetable instead.


Fitness. Are you a dancer? I love all the dance class opportunities provided by Celebrity as well as the live music.


Drinks. Oh boy. So, what I do with this one is pure mental. I slow down. I sip my drink rather than drink my drink, if you know what I mean. Kind of picture sipping a Cosmopolitan rather than chugging down a beer. I go for pure indulgence in that I upgrade my drink to a really good glass of wine. Rather than have two glasses of so/so wine, I have one glass of good/good wine. Are you staying with the Classic Alcohol or going to the Premium Package? I think the alcohol calories are the ones that you really, really have to pay attention to because they are just pure sugar.


So, I think the basic key is to balance as much as possible. If you enjoy alcoholic beverages (sugar), then balance that extra input with complex carbs (vegetables, fiber) and make sure you eat protein/vegetables with every meal. Limit your other sugars (breakfast pastries, bread) and indulge in desserts that have a form of fruit fiber as well (blueberry cheesecake).


Well, that's what I do. I normally have a scale weight gain of about 2 to 3 lbs from a 2-week cruise. It doesn't take long to get that back off because, I think, that weight isn't a real gain but a weight fluctuation as a result of having a different routine (more food, alcohol, less intense exercise movement).


Is there an area that you are particularly concerned about? Maybe we could talk in more specific terms if you want.


I would say the key to it all is ENJOYMENT. ENJOY your cruise and make each moment meaningful. Have FUN! I think something else to consider is your self-talk... why do you say that you miss those heavy calorie meals? Do you miss the feeling of being full? I know that is something to get used to. There's a feeling of "not being hungry" versus that feeling of "Thanksgiving dinner satisfied." It's very different. I think one of the keys to keeping off weight is to flip the brain switch to being happy with not being hungry. Just my opinion.

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I have a thyroid problem and tried so hard to lose weight and finally just accepted that I couldn't.

Same here...had radioactive drink treatment twice because I was HYPER-thryroid. Then went on synthroid for years and didn't do well. Now on Armour Thyroid which has worked fine for years.


I think I could do zumba if Jazzercise wasn't more centrally located to me and the zumba classes were very routine.

OK. Back to cruising hints.


[I]Starting with breakfast. What are your stateroom accommodations? More specifically, will you be eating in Blu? (AQ class stateroom). Do you normally eat in the MDR or are you more of a buffet grazer for breakfast? I love well-prepared eggs and don't do them often at home. I'm more of an oatmeal or smoothie eater for breakfast. So, on the ship (I've sailed Equinox and LOVE the ship!), I do indulge in some well-prepared eggs. You can have a made-to-order omelette from the buffet and, also, that line will make you any kind of made-to-order eggs. The key here (for me) is to make sure that you get some vegetables in with your protein, so have a bunch of vegetables in your omelette. Alternate choices: oatmeal. Also, the Aqua Spa Cafe is available for everyone (not just AQ passengers) and you can get a good smoothie there. I don't indulge in breakfast pastries.[/i]


I don't think breakfast is a big problem (Concierge class) because I usually have healthy choices.


Lunch. Do you enjoy salads? A little, but not for a main lunch choice.

Do you like grilled salmon? NO


I cut this part out to remind me on the cruise....Think this will work well!

Do you like stir fry? In the buffet, there is a made-to-order stir-fry section. I just choose a bunch of vegetables and let the guy go to town making me a fantastic plate. Sometimes add some protein; sometimes call the veg good. Alternatively, I have the salad section make me a mixed-green salad, then go to the area where they grill fish and have them make me a salmon fillet. Delicious.


Dinner. Indulgences. I just make sure that I order what I really, really want but in a smaller portion. If the starch on the plate is something that I don't really crave, then I ask for a double portion of vegetable instead.

I can work with this also...Don't care for potatoes at all for example, but do love my pasta. Have to definitely watch portions here!


[I]Fitness. Are you a dancer? I love all the dance class opportunities provided by Celebrity as well as the live music.[/i]

Definitely a big time dancer so in addition to zumba we'll be on the dance floor!


Drinks. Oh boy. So, what I do with this one is pure mental. I slow down. I sip my drink rather than drink my drink, if you know what I mean. Kind of picture sipping a Cosmopolitan rather than chugging down a beer. I go for pure indulgence in that I upgrade my drink to a really good glass of wine. Rather than have two glasses of so/so wine, I have one glass of good/good wine. Are you staying with the Classic Alcohol or going to the Premium Package? I think the alcohol calories are the ones that you really, really have to pay attention to because they are just pure sugar.


So, I think the basic key is to balance as much as possible. If you enjoy alcoholic beverages (sugar), then balance that extra input with complex carbs (vegetables, fiber) and make sure you eat protein/vegetables with every meal. Limit your other sugars (breakfast pastries, bread) and indulge in desserts that have a form of fruit fiber as well (blueberry cheesecake).


Like my vodka and OJ and mojitos, but I'm going to try doing the wine thing you suggested...good idea!


Bread is one of my loves so I have to watch this also. Desserts aren't important to me so I can take a taste here and there and not eat the whole thing.


I would say the key to it all is ENJOYMENT. ENJOY your cruise and make each moment meaningful. Have FUN! I think something else to consider is your self-talk... why do you say that you miss those heavy calorie meals? Do you miss the feeling of being full? I know that is something to get used to. There's a feeling of "not being hungry" versus that feeling of "Thanksgiving dinner satisfied." It's very different. I think one of the keys to keeping off weight is to flip the brain switch to being happy with not being hungry. Just my opinion.


[I]I don't need that very full feeling like Thanksgiving food, but just really enjoy eating pastas and more filling food. I love shellfish, but find that if I have shellfish and a nice salad, it could be delicious, but definitely not that satisfying.


Maybe this trip will be different because I've been "good" dietwise for about 9 months so far. Very little slip-ups.[/i]


Thanks again for your help!

Edited by tbmrt
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First congratulations on your weight loss! And more importantly, for feeling better than you ever have. Awesome! It's wonderful to find something physical that you can enjoy, and may even look forward to, doing.


Here's my opinion...for what it's worth...


If you have adopted a more health conscious and less indulgent lifestyle...then make the commitment that the 10-day cruise will not derail this lifestyle. Be sure to plan to get right back into your groove when you get home.


While you are on the cruise. The most important thing that you can do is to not feel guilty over anything that you do. Very, VERY important. The brain is a powerful tool...if you think the kind of thoughts that expect that you will put on a bunch of weight with what you do on the cruise...you will. I'm not suggesting that you can lie to yourself and eat whatever you want and not gain weight, but I AM saying that you can make the effect of being out of your routine so much worse by your thoughts and expectations.


This is well documented in scientific studies. The body follows the brain...the body will seek to fulfill expectations...


So if your body is one that knows how to pack on a few extra pounds...then it will oblige you with doing that on your vacation if you expect it to. Your body won't believe you when you know you are lying, so don't try to tell yourself that what you know isn't healthful IS healthful.


Try not to think about your food in these terms at all...try to think about the loveliness of enjoying a meal you didn't have to prepare...or shop for...or clean up after. Try to enjoy eating something that may be beyond your skill to prepare and/or requires a level of effort that is impractical in your daily life. Those of us that are food conscious in terms of weight have to really discipline ourselves to learn how to enjoy food again when we hit maintenance mode.


It takes some effort, but you might benefit from learning how to indulge without feeling guilty about it. There needs to exist in your life the ability to enjoy the things that you enjoy without having to beat yourself up over doing something that you consider to be less than perfect. Moderation really is the key to maintenance...knowing how to balance your food choices over the course of a day and/or a meal is a skill to develop.


Balance is the key...if you know that you are fine without dessert...then enjoy a serving of bread. Make it a serving, not your fair share of the bread basket. If you know that you will be eating such a carb-alicious item...learn how to balance the potential blood sugar spike with other food choices that will slow the intake of the carbs into your blood stream.


For example...I love my latte drink...but milk is a huge supply of sugar...naturally occurring sugar, but still sugar...and then I add flavored syrup...more sugar...so I recently read how women should avoid non-fat milk and need the whole fat milk for all sorts of various reasons...not the least of which is the blood sugar spike. So I've started drinking whole milk lattes...triple venti WHOLE MILK lattes...with whipped cream! OMG. So tasty. And I haven't gained any weight from doing this.


But I do this with the knowledge that this is the way to drink this drink to have it be the best it can be for my health and fitness goals.


Believe it or not...you are supposed to add fat to simple carbs to help. So eat that lovely soft white bread with butter or olive oil.


Watch your portions. Your enjoyment of food actually decreases as you get more full. So watch how good food is tasting and be prepared to leave food on your plate. And definitely enjoy while you are eating or drinking whatever you are.


In general...


Stay hydrated. Drink a lot of water to counter not only the sodium in the food, but also the increased alcohol intake. Drinking water doesn't burn fat, but helps to fuel the processes that does burn fat, and so, water is absolutely necessary for that reason as well. Since you have a beverage package...you can pick up bottled waters almost anywhere on the ship. On our spring break cruise, we got bottles of water all over the ship and rarely were without one, so that if ever we felt thirsty, we had it already.


Eat regularly, before, during and after your cruise. Eating a little something every 3 hours is one way to ramp up your metabolism. Read about this. You want to make smart choices in what would be a good thing to eat in between meals. If you don't already do this...doing this can help your body deal with the increased food intake that is likely to happen on the cruise.


It's amazing how different a happy body is from a stressed body. Do everything you can to be a happy body...and avoid stressful, negative, and unproductive thoughts.


For example...just enjoy the Zumba on the ship. Hopefully you will like the instructor, like the music, enjoy the company of the other class participants and can keep any negative thoughts at bay. Including the kinds of thoughts that SEEM positive but really stem from a judgmental, critical place...the thoughts that put Zumba on a reward system and now you don't have to feel as guilty about your food choices because you did work out. Feeling self congratulatory about attending an exercise class on vacation is fine...so long as you are thinking that you are proud that exercising and taking care of yourself is important enough to you and something you enjoy enough that you choose to do it, even when on vacation. It's thinking about exercise in a completely different context. In the latter sense, you are nurturing your body...telling it how much you care about it; in the former sense, you turn Zumba into a punishment because you are NOT taking care of it the way you think you should, because you are going to be "bad" by eating food that is not your thoughts of ideal and drinking drinks that you know aren't so beneficial health wise...


Anyway...I am not an expert...this is all from personal experience and research. HTH!

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We always eat whatever we want on cruises but never gain a pound. This is partially because we run up and down the ship's stairs all day, do active excursions, and dance every night. We get far more exercise than we do at home.


Perhaps I eat less all in all, because I don't have the same "must finish my plate and not waste" mentality that I have at home.


I look forward to our one annual cruise, in a large part because I immensely enjoy good food that I do not have to cook myself. For the sake of a couple of weeks, I refuse to watch every bite that I consume. I enjoy it! Why deny myself one of the major pleasures of cruising?

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Thanks for all the fabulous advice...So much valuable info.


I don't undertand the adding simple carbs yet and will read up on this.




Simple carbs have one or two sugars. Complex carbs have three or more sugars. Simple carbs are released into the blood stream very quickly because they aren't difficult to break down or absorb. Complex carbs are released more slowly because it takes more time to break down the different sugars and then absorb them.


This is why simple carbs are often connected with a blood sugar spike...a such increase in blood sugar that causes insulin to come and clean your blood stream...because your body likes blood sugar to be within a certain range. Complex carbs are more often connected with a more steady supply of energy...not the sudden spike...and this is supposed to help avoid the big release of insulin.


Insulin is a very necessary hormone, it signals the storage of excess energy (all that extra sugar in your blood stream). When insulin is present, the body is not burning calories. The body is storing calories. So, for people who are trying to burn their calories and not store them, that is, for people who want to lose weight...it is often recommended that you try to regulate insulin releases...and one way to do this is to maintain a steady blood sugar level.


Many people aim to create that steady blood sugar level by avoiding carbs. Then we get the idea that we need to include "good carbs" but limit "bad carbs." Good = complex carbs; bad = simple carbs. The debate continues...and I'm not here to debate that.


Why I am posting now, is to say that when you have an understanding of the chemistry behind all of this, you can make some adjustments so that you can eat some simple carbs in the best way possible for your purposes. (If your purposes are to continue to lose or maintain your weight. And I do add this because body building ingest simple carbs in a whole different way to increase their weight strategically).


So. The best thing you can do is make the digestion process take a bit longer, so that the sugar isn't absorbed as quickly. Fat is the easiest way to do this because fat takes the longest to digest. This is why, when you eat a snack, for instance, an apple, it is recommended that you eat peanut butter or nuts with your apple. Cheese would work too, but is a different kind of fat that isn't as health friendly for a regular basis.


So the deal is that simple carbs can incorporated into a meal in such a way that you can lose this idea of them being "delicious, fattening" food. Digestion starts right away...so if you eat that before dinner bread. Add butter or olive oil. Don't go crazy either way, too much bread or too much added fat. Just enjoy.


If you want to eat that yummy, tasty pasta...as in, white pasta...do so...but make sure that there's fat on that plate. If you could stand to have that pasta as a side or an appetizer instead of your main, then you'd be doing a good thing for helping to maintain a smaller portion of that simple carb pasta (both for the blood sugar implications and for the overall calories)...and as crazy as this sounds...in terms of blood sugar...you'd be better off with pasta dressed in olive oil or butter sauce than a tomato sauce...and if you love that tomato sauce, have fun with the Parmesan cheese to add some fat to it...or ask for a drizzle of olive oil over the top...or pair it with a fatty fish, like salmon (which I know you said you didn't like...but this would work well.)


It's all food chemistry...and how this food chemistry interacts with your body chemistry. It possible to totally manipulate it.


Burm...your attitude sounds like it is the absolute best for approaching vacation. It's a break...and then you have your home routine. While you are on vacation, you just have a great time and release yourself for all the "rules" that may need to exist in daily life. Vacation life can be much more active than home life, especially for anyone that works a desk job.

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