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Everything posted by schmoopie17

  1. And this is why we will never order room service on a ship. If it's cold getting to your table in a dining room, imagine the temperature if it is wheeled down the hall...up or down an elevator...then wheeled down another hall...before it finally gets to your cabin.
  2. To the OP...paragraphs are your friends.
  3. I wonder who was the first person who saw a snail leaving a slime trail and thought, "Hmmm...I bet that thing would be delicious in garlic sauce."
  4. We have a similar cruise on the Escape later this year. We have a port balcony, so hoping that will suffice. Having said that, we arrive in Naples and Malta at 6:00am, which means approaching around 5:00am. Hope it's not too dark to see the views.
  5. My debark is worse than my debite. Well, usually...
  6. Guaranteed? Some say nothing is guaranteed in life except death, taxes and long lines at Syd's.
  7. The fine art of chair hogging comes to Indulge. (Okay, not "technically" chair hogging if the chairs are occupied...but same principle).
  8. On Prima a year ago this week. Walked up to Syd's just as they opened the doors. No line...zero...zilch. Walked right in, sat right down (that's a 60's song reference for those as old as I am), I guess those were the good old days before Syd's lines became a thing.
  9. Um...how do you know if you like a show (or not) if you don't attend? Wouldn't you have to attend a show to see if you like that show?
  10. Here in Wisconsin (aka Americas' Dairyland), we have a frozen custard stand on almost every block. (Of course, around here pretty much everything is frozen...but I digress). The two primary ingredients of frozen custard are cream and eggs...neither of which will be found on the ingredients list for the fake stuff that oozes from their machine posted earlier in this thread. While NCL doesn't purport to call their goopy mess frozen custard, the fact that they attempt to pass it off as some sort of a dairy product at all is absurd.
  11. I've been on CC for almost 20 years and have completely forgotten that you can put people on ignore. Thanks for the reminder. I have some catching up to do...
  12. I heard a rumor that FDR's grandkids didn't like the evening turn down service or Broadway-style shows...or hash browns. Those are some powerful grandkids. Oops...I may have just triggered the hash brown thread haters. Oh, well...
  13. We don't eat snails or any kind of liver, but we always end up going to Le Bistro for the awesome filet. We have it booked for our upcoming cruise and I better be able to waive the upcharge for the liver slop on top of the filet.
  14. No Visa required...but a Mastercard might come in handy.
  15. I'm hoping the picture window cabins are better...since we booked one for our upcoming cruise. We normally book balcony cabins, but the cost of the balcony was more than double the cost of the picture window outside view (non-obstructed view)...so being the penny-pincher I am, I went for it. Hope it doesn't come back to pinch me in the butt.
  16. Q was absolutely awful the one time we tried it. We'd never waste a SD credit on them ever again. Fool me once...
  17. I've never understood the Siglo love. The few times we heard them was in passing through the atrium when they were playing. They were so bad...as Randy Jackson used to say on "American Idol"..."pitchy, dawg". They butchered a couple of songs so badly, we made a point of avoiding them the rest of the cruise.
  18. Awesome idea. Too bad you're not running NCL's F&B Department. A couple of Carnival's ships have actual Brewpubs onboard. I've never cruised Carnival and I don't know how good the beer is, but it has to be better than NCL's uninspired standard beer list.
  19. There are very few "national" beers that I like or drink. Being a craft beer kind of guy, I tend to like local/regional craft beers...which NCL will never have. Unless I'm on a ship with a District, I tend to avoid beer altogether. Why waste the calories on garbage? That's when my bourbon and mixed drink gene kicks in.
  20. How about a decent beer choice on ships without a District? That's my only requirement. I'm easy to please. (Well, not really...but it felt good typing it).
  21. Thanks...couldn't remember the name.
  22. Those are the exact words we uttered upon disembarking from the Prima. Never said that before.
  23. I never heard of NCL formally matching anyone, but there a lot of singles cruisers, so the possibility exists to meet someone on your own. (Maybe I should have used the sarcasm font)...
  24. Oh, no...another hash brown reference. Haven't you heard? Speaking of the infamous hash browns is now strictly verboten on CC...or so people have informed me. Personally, I'm glad to see you re-HASH this subject.
  25. If you order the churros in Los Lobos, they give you a huge stack that two people can't possibly eat after a full Mexican meal. We always take them back to the cabin to have with coffee the next morning.
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