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Gourmet Gal

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Everything posted by Gourmet Gal

  1. Now both Seabourn and Regent are spiraling down their testing requirements. Don’t know why RC wouldn’t be following suit, soon.
  2. Better to save the packing space rather than deal with spin shoes plus sneakers. I’m assuming the more spin-type bikes have straps at least.
  3. Thanks for posting your review. Anticipating boarding next month. Do you recall if there is coffee/tea in the observation lounge in the mornings? I’m an early riser and love the observation lounge when coming into port in the mornings.
  4. At our event he first song the band played was Don’t Fear the Reaper - Blue Oyster Cult. More Cowbell! Agree, the writers seem to be trying too hard and there are fewer star quality cast members.
  5. How fun. I was a co-chair of a charity event a few years ago and our theme was “Live, It’s Saturday Night!” and for our auction we put together a NYC trip including tickets to SNL. It was by far the top grossing item and the trip was thoroughly enjoyed by the lucky patrons.
  6. In general, certainly! It is the north so weather tends to be cooler and wetter than other parts of the country. Beats summer weather for sure.
  7. A good TA should be able to do all this drudge work for you. Many cruise lines have communications issues right now and a good TA can have some direct numbers to call established contacts.
  8. Thanks for checking and for the update! Seems to be back to pre-Covid policy except for having to test. We’ll enquire when onboard.
  9. I’m a little confused…do you mean you brought up to the Viking rep that you were considering handing over the reservation to an outside TA? You should be free to do that even after paying the deposit. If you’re asking if you can change the rez from one TA to another, I’ve never done that. But I do know I wouldn’t do any business with someone behaving angrily or pressuring me. I don’t understand what you mean about the air.
  10. Thanks for your reply. They need to update the website as the general information section contradicts. Did you find that info elsewhere on the site?
  11. Indicated in the the SS general info area is a statement that mid-cruise visitors are allowed and can be arranged onboard but is capacity controlled. Does anyone have recent experience with this? I would think Covid testing would be required but other than that has a request been denied? On an upcoming Moon sailing in Bordeaux we’re hoping to invite a friend aboard for dinner or at the least cocktails.
  12. Thanks for the clarification. Sort of what I thought I remembered!
  13. Perhaps I’m confusing SS with another line but isn’t there also a cabin attendant in addition to the butler?
  14. Fancy meeting you here! Yes, this thread was promising but went off the rails a bit. Hope the OP didn’t go with Crystal - that would have been bad timing. Underlying the whole question about luxury lines is which aspects define luxury for you? It’s somewhat different for everyone as you drill down to the details. Certain aspects that you may find important can actually crossover between the so-called luxury lines and the premium lines.
  15. True, we disagree on the definition of elegant and what really attracts travelers to SS. I didn’t mean to imply sans jacket can be “elegant” just that having to travel with jacket (as in a sport coat) and a suit is overkill to many travelers who are used to traveling in style and comfort.
  16. Sloppily dressed is certainly an issue but since you mention land-based restaurants, even the ones that politely request business attire will not turn away a well-dressed patron who does not have a tie. It is becoming rare for fine dining, Michelin-starred establishments to even require a relaxed, business casual attire. SS really needs to modernize in this respect. The dress code gives the company a staid, outmoded image to new cruisers who have the means to travel elegantly and with high expectations for service and luxury. Luxury to them does not mean lugging blazers and suits and wearing ties.
  17. Exactly. I would think the baseball/t-shirt on formal night would be an exception and relaxing the dress code wouldn’t result in a dire spiraling down of what is considered appropriate attire to fit the venue. So, is it the end of the earth if on formal night a gentleman wears a very nice blazer, dress pants, dress shirt and possibly no tie? Would he be considered a total slacker, prompting clutching of pearls and complaints to the maitre d’? Would the tie make a difference? Would lack of a tie be the only thing preventing him from dining in say, Atlantide?
  18. You’re lucky and not everyone has such an easy time. I don’t want Covid ruining my vacation. My fully vaxed and boosted husband caught Covid on a Tauck river cruise this spring and was miserable for 10 days. It’s still a flu — not “just” a cold. When the medical world describes “mild” Covid symptoms they really mean “not sick enough to be hospitalized” so you can still be down and out for awhile. Not the way I want to spend vacation. And I guess no one cares anymore about continued infections causing Covid to mutate further as we all have pandemic fatigue.
  19. I have such mixed feelings about this. On the one hand I hope SS follows suit because I don't want to be the one testing positive next month before embarkation in Southampton. On the other this means untested vaccinated passengers could easily bring Covid on board with them. The vaccine only protects against severe illness and seems to do little to prevent the spread. I’ll be the one wearing a mask.
  20. Funny, I think of NYC as one of the easiest cities in the world to navigate! But agree, Times Square is the last place I would want to spend time other than to go to a theatre.
  21. I just wish they would make it official and just relax the stuffiness of the dress code. I’m glad to hear it’s not being rabidly enforced.
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