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Posts posted by RobinCruiser

  1. 20 hours ago, JennyB1977 said:

    Hey y'all. Another crazy week. We had a shareholder's meeting yesterday and I had my final Invisalign appointment this morning! I am all done and into retainers 😁 With the rush to get to the appointment on time, I completely forgot to step on the scale. I have had two people tell me I'm looking thinner today 🙂 I leave tomorrow for my quick 3 night cruise. 


    Keep working hard! See ya next week.

    Congrats on looking slimmer and moving to retainer! Enjoy your cruise!!

  2. 2 hours ago, Jasonmom said:


    First, good job on weight loss.  Second, I hope you can be OK with changing your goal.  I had hoped to be less than 200 before my cruise next week when I started.  I then decided being below 210 would be OK (I went to my brother's for a week and gained 9-11lb).  Now as people will see I've changed my goal to be less than 215lb next Thursday before I go.





    Thanks and yes, It has been a rough week for me too... I was actually lower last Saturday than on weigh-in yesterday and I feel like I worked my butt off with walks, treadmill and Ripped in 30 Level 4 workouts. But I know I also used those workouts to allow myself extra treats that I know I shouldn't have had. It was a tough, hormonal week... I just wanted to eat everything, all the time. I hate that. 


    And yes, I was quite depressed over the weigh in yesterday and after trying on some other items of clothing I'd set aside to pack, that have been too small for a while and none of them fit... but I eventually got over it. I keep telling myself that I'm not where I wanted to be but I'm not where I started either, and I have managed a few clothing fit successes that I have packed, rather than going out to buy all new clothes because nothing but my newest jeans would fit. 


    I'm going to go do my treadmill calorie burner workout, then try to up my running at level 6 for longer than I've done this week, finish off with Ripped in 30 and maybe take the dog for a walk on my lunch hour.


    2 hours ago, Jasonmom said:


    So my weight yesterday morning was 212lb.  The good news is that is down 23lb from where I started at 235lb eleven weeks ago when I started.  The bad news (weight wise) is I've decided to up carbs this week in hopes I won't have side effects from being on cruise the next week.  So I'm expecting a gain this week.  And know I'll gain next.  Oh well, the price we pay to go on a cruise.  I don't plan to eat bread, potatoes, rice,  nor pasta.  I'll limit it to one desert a day.  But otherwise I'll pretty much eat / drink what I want.  Love Malibu rum with pineapple juice and pina coladas.  If I have any soda it will be diet.  We'll see.  My cruise isn't till the 29th so I'll post next week how it's going with adding some carbs.


    I'll go back on diet when I get home.  


    23Lbs is amazing progress! I know it's not what you wanted but still, that is a great accomplishment and you should be very proud. Your plan for the cruise sounds a lot like mine and yes, I know I will gain too but in the end, we have to have fun and enjoy the vacation or why take it in the first place. I will get back to the diet when I get home too and keep working on that goal.

    Have a great weekend!

    • Like 1
  3. Good morning from Sunny British Columbia, Canada!


    Thanks for starting the thread Andrea.


    Jan - it's definitely fall like here too - all the leaves are turning, and the air is cool and crisp in the mornings... I love it! 


    Rose - maintaining goal weight is great. 


    Diana - Wow, congrats on losing your previously found 4 pounds. 


    Katmu - Good job on losing .8! Hoping your leg is healing.


    I hope Belle and JennyB are enjoying their cruises this week. Only 10 days for me! 


    I have managed to lose .6 of the 1.8 I gained at the lake. Still not back to where I was before I left. Gotta buckle down this next week. My goal originally was to lose 15 pounds - now I'd be happy with 10 which means I need 3.8.

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  4. 1 hour ago, crzndeb said:

    I will be staying at the Queen Mary on the 27th and boarding the Splendor on the 28th. My daughter and granddaughter are driving me up there from San Diego, and staying at the hotel for a night with me. My granddaughter (7) wants to look for ghosts. I was sorry to see they didn’t have the Paranormal Walks.

    Oh really, they don't have them on the 27th either? I called the QM and was told they weren't offering them on the 28th because it was the first day of Dark Harbor and it takes up a large portion of the parking lot so they didn't want to offer the walks and have people come with no where to park. I guess that would apply the night before as I'm sure they have to set up.


    Have you stayed there before? We stayed at the QM in 2014 with our teen/pre-teen daughters. We did the Paranormal walk then and it was great. While we didn't see or experience any spirits, it was a pretty neat experience. 

  5. 29 minutes ago, LandlockedCruiser01 said:

    There are actually two Aqua routes; both stop at the Queen Mary.


    The longer AquaLink route costs $5; it runs between Queen Mary, downtown Long Beach, and Alamitos Bay, (a shopping, dining, and boating complex).  The shorter AquaBus route costs $1, and runs between Queen Mary and downtown Long Beach only.  You will most likely use the AquaBus, unless you want something at Alamitos Bay.  Fares must be exact change.


    The ride was a lot of fun.  As I joked while talking to two young women sitting next to me, "almost as good as a real cruise".  (That was after everyone waved to the Imagination still docked in the Carnival terminal.)  You can also get to downtown Long Beach via a free Passport route, but it's a normal road bus, so it's not as fun.


    Maps and schedules: https://ridelbt.com/aqualink/

    Thank you for the info! I am sure we will try the Aqua Bus. I am a little worried about our Queen Mary stay.... It's booked for the 28th, which is the first night of Dark Harbor. They are not offering the Paranormal Walks, which we wanted to do and now, I'm worried we won't get any sleep due to the screams and noise of people enjoying Dark Harbor until the wee hours of the morning. At least I'll make sure we have warm jammies for the night so we aren't too cold like you were. 

  6. Curious if you can make reservations online ahead like RCI? Or do you have to do it once onboard? Or can you even make a reservation on Carnival if you have your time dining? I'll be on the Imagination in 13 days and would like to pre-reserve a dining time if possible. 




  7. Happy Monday everyone! Hope those on cruises are having a great time and everyone else had a great weekend. 


    JasonMom - sounds like you had a fun weekend.... and now I really want a cupcake! Lol


    Andrea - Sorry to hear about your tumble! Hope the calf heals soon!


    Diana - Welcome Back! I have never been to Tahoe but my grandma used to go often. I have a big medallion necklace she brought me back many years ago. I never wear it but keep it to remember her. 


    katmu - sorry to hear of your foot troubles. I hope you get some good news on Wednesday.


    I also didn't follow the my strict low carb diet this weekend but I weighed myself Saturday morning and was only a half pound above where I was before my week at the lake so I'm feeling pretty good. I had a laundry crisis on Saturday also, and pulled out a pair of nice, red jeans that I bought a year ago to wear to a Christmas function. I'd ordered them online, a size 10, and I was so disapointed that they were way too tight to wear for the function last Dec. I'd just put them away and forgot about them. Well, I was in need of something nice to wear and my go-to pants were in laundry.. so I tried them on, thinking there is no way these will fit but they did! So I wore them. And then later, DH made a comment about his weight and how I have inspired him to try to lose weight too. Diet and meal planning will be much easier if he's on the same page as me. Looking forward to this week.


    Have a great day everyone! 

    • Like 3
  8. Belle, have a fabulous time on your cruise!


    Congrats Jan on your loss! 


    Good job Jasonmom on your great loss! Hopefully some  Keto people can answer your questions here. 


    I'm up 1.8. Too many treats last week at the lake and haven't been very good this week either. Needed to celebrate paying off our last mortgage payment so there was a nice meal out and I wasn't going to restrict myself. I'm happy though that my Philly work trip has now been postponed to October 7 (I day after I get back from my cruise). It gives me an extra week to stick to plan and get in those walks and workouts. 


    Have a great day everyone! I'm off to dodge raindrops with the pupper!

  9. Hi JasonMom, 


    I have not done strict Keto myself but one of my colleagues has been and has been in Ketosis for 2 months. She did notice hair loss as a result of the diet and said that it is a known side effect. She has thin hair to begin with due to meds she takes for Lupus so she said her hair loss was minimal but definitely noticeable. I asked her if it will grow back when she stops the diet and she said maybe, but she's not sure. 


    She also went off the diet for her 22nd wedding anniversary - they went out for Chinese food a couple months back and she was very ill - tummy problems for days. So If you have been strict, I would try to ease out of ketosis a week before the cruise if you don't plan to stay true Keto, or you may spend half your cruise in the loo!


    Sorry, I can't offer any more help. I do a low carb but not strict enough to be actual Keto.


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  10. 13 hours ago, Paula B said:

    I also do WW and I know the closer you get to goal the slower it comes off. My weight has really slowed down the last six month and I'm within four pounds of goal. You have done awesome 55 pounds down that's great. In the last month I've started losing about a half to three fourths a week I wish it was faster but, at least it's going down. Sometimes we are not eating enough so make sure you are eating your points and sometimes mixing it up and using a big number of extras once a week can help. Make sure to track and measure and just remember the foods are 0 points doesn't mean they are calorie free. This program works I've been on WW for 29months and have lost 187 pounds and have taken  3 cruises. Relax and don't stress you will do this!


    Wow PaulaB - Congratulations on your loss!! 187 pounds is amazing!!

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  11. Happy September 9th everyone!! Today is my 24th Wedding Anniversary. I'm back from 10 lovely days at the lake. Looks like I missed a lot of great losses, and a couple gains, and a lot of interesting information and conversation.


    I will admit, I have already started my Christmas shopping!!! 😂 I start early.  My goal for Dec 26th Weigh-In will be to 


    So... despite everything I ate, drank and indulged in over the past 10 days, I chose to weigh myself this morning just to see how bad the damage was... and I was pleasantly surprised. Only 3 pounds up. And I must admit how nice of a feeling it was, when one of the neighbours at the Lake who I haven't seen in a couple months commented on how good I looked and that I'd lost a lot of weight (only 8 pounds) so not that much but it was nice to know it was noticeable. 


    Belle - may I ask how you get free cruises? Just curious. I am a TA so get some good deals sometimes but nothing free. I play MyVegas and am saving up my coins for a free cruise next time they get released. 


    And I wanted to add that I personally love this little group - even though I haven't been a member for a very long time. I like the comradery, the accountability and the sharing of tips and diets. Looking forward to officially weighing in on the 12th!

    • Like 2
  12. 36 minutes ago, Jasonmom said:

    I'm wondering of the people on here, how many of you try to stay on your diet while on your cruise?  How many cheat a bit?  How many have whatever you want?  (I must admit that when I've gone on cruise in the middle of a diet I fall closest to having whatever I want except I don't eat all the bread or desserts I've wanted.  My upcoming cruise will be first with beverage package so I know that is going to make it worse)


    I personally have not tried to diet on a cruise or vacation in the past. I won't on this upcoming cruise either.. I'm there to enjoy myself. We also have the beverage package and I love trying the drink of the day and blended daquiris. I do plan to be mindful of needless calories. I'm planning to stay away from the rolls and breads, toasts etc and limit the desserts to one only per day. I plan to fill up on fruits and veggies and steer clear of rices, potatoes etc. That's basically what I'm doing now and I'm really not missing all the carbs so I think it will be okay. We have two post cruise days in Anaheim.. doing Disneyland one day and Universal Studios the next so there will be lots of walking. My one known weakness will be hitting Shakey's Pizza in Anaheim.. We  don't have them in Canada anymore and they were always a favourite so I will be indulging in all the pizza and Mojo's I can eat. It's been 4 years since I've had them and I have no idea when I will get them again. 😋

  13. Happy Thursday! 


    Belle - thanks for the poem! I too can't believe it's going to be September in a couple of days. Seems like this year has flown by!


    JessandLevi - Congrats on your 2 pounds! Way to go. I hear you about the DH not making it easy to stay on track. Mine is always here and he likes to snack, go out for meals on the weekends etc. Best of luck keeping on track.


    AndyB - Congrats on your loss and thanks for tallying last week's total losses....wow! And Wow - you have a busy fall planned! I have one birthday coming up - my "Baby" will turn 19 in November. I too enjoy the cooler fall temperatures. I love windy days and falling leaves. 🙂


    Carolinagirl2010 - Staying the same is great! Especially with an injury. Hope you get some helpful shoes and your foot heals up over the weekend.


    Jasonmom - Wow!! Great job, congrats on your loss. You rock!! 


    Jan - agreed, the scale can be so aggravating. I used to weigh daily and would get so disheartened to see it go up and then down, and then up again. Sounds like you have it worked out though. Gym and healthy eating is the key.


    Diana - Welcome back! 4 pounds for two weeks is not bad. I'm hoping I don't gain more than 4 pounds in a week!


    JennyB1977 - Congrats on your latest loss. That UN diet seems to be successful and something easy to follow. 


    And now for me, I lost the 0.6 that I gained last week plus another 1.2 for a total of 1.8 this week. So far since I've been checking in and chatting with you all, I'm down 8 pounds and finally under the 155 mark - first time since 2016. I have 31 days until my cruise so I'm hoping for to lose another 8 at least. Only worries are that I'm heading to the Lake for another week next week, with 9 teens/young adults so there will be plenty of snacks and treats. And then mid Sept. I have to go to Philly for a week of training for work. So that means staying in a hotel, work dinners, lunches, etc... hoping I can stay on track and still get workouts in.




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  14. Hope everyone is having a great week! I've changed my mind for dinner tonight three times already. Just heading out to the grocery store now. Hopefully I don't change my mind again. And just wanted to add that I actually wore those shorts yesterday - no muffin top. Yay!!


    JessandLevi - hope your son is back on a regular sleep schedule!


    AndyB - great poem! 


    Diana - Welcome back, sounds like you had fun. 


    Belle - I've also noticed that junk food is always so much cheaper than healthy food... It's really not fair. I almost never buy organic.. just can't afford it.


    pacruise804 - You can accomplish a lot in 19 days! I'm rooting for you!



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  15. HI CarolinaGirl2010,


    I feel your pain - literally. I've got heaps of foot problems and walking is my biggest exercise too. I've had plantar fasciitis and it sucked. I have osteoporosis so break bones easily. I stepped over a chain in Costco at a till and broke my left foot in three places. That was many years ago and it still bugs me time to time. My most recent issue is that I broke my second toe walking laps on Jewel of the Seas in Jan 2018. It has healed and rebroke more times than I can count since then. One thing I've found that helps is swimming or water aerobics classes.. or really anything in water. Less impact on the foot and still lets you get a workout. 



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  16. TGIF! Congratulations on your losses Belle, Bolt and Cruises42. Enjoy your cruise, Cruises42.


    Staying the same is not so bad, Melmar and JessandLevi. Sounds like you both had non-weight victories. 


    AndyB I actually love cardio... I started off walking around my neighbourhood, walking the programs on the treadmill, and worked up to jogging. 


    Have a good weekend everyone!



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  17. Wowsers! You guys are awesome!!! I'm sorry to break the train but I'm up 0.6 this week. 😞  Too many treats. But I do have a non-scale victory to share... I have a pair of shorts that two weeks ago would not even do up. Last Thursday, I could them up but with a very noticeable muffin top.. Today, I can do them up and the muffin top is almost gone... Yay! 


    @Belle I love your little poems to start the thread! 


    @JennyB1977 Congrats on your fabulous loss!! I'm going to have to look at the diet plan more closely...


    @AndyB Congratulations on your loss this week. What sort of fitness plan are you hoping to start? I do Jillian Michaels DVDs and walk the dog or treadmill. I also really like doing Yoga. I enjoy Yoga with Adrienne. She is funny, and has tons of free, online videos. She has a website and her videos are on YouTube.


    @Jasonmom I'll be 50 January 14th. You share the same birthday as my other friend Robyn. I always tease her since she's older than me by a week. Congratulations on your great loss! It's good to set goals, and mini goals. I think 210 would be a great mini-goal on your way to 199. I know I'll gain weight on my trip too but I want to enjoy myself. I'll get back on the wagon as soon as I get home. 38 days for me!!


    @Jan_In_Maine Congratulations on your loss and your anniversary! Wow, 46! That's awesome, I'll be hitting 24 this September. 


    @CarolinaGirl2010 Congratulations on your loss! Sorry to hear about foot pain. I know my daughter used to get that cramp type pain in her foot when skating. Jenny had some great suggestions.  We were also told it could mean dehydration and lack of potassium by her coach. She always encouraged eating a banana and drinking a glass of water before her morning skates. 



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  18. @JennyB1977 The UN diet sounds very interesting. I like what you did for dinner. I've had success with a similar program called Beyond Calories.. but it was low carb. You ate 6 small meals a day and day was mostly a fruit day although you did get to add a two proteins. I remember thinking it was crazy that the fat lady (me) had to eat every couple hours but I did lose almost 20 pounds on the program and kept it off for many years... Might have to revisit that one again. 


    @Belle Thanks, and I hope you have a great week too!

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