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Everything posted by Georgia_Peaches

  1. TA all day long. If you have any issues they get to take care of them for you. Woohoo!
  2. So after a blissfully uneventful drive from ATL to Cocoa Beach we have settled into our room…..A very quaint, if not cozy room that is nicely appointed with a king bed and updated furnishings. Best of all, the a/c was alive and well making our room comfortably cool. I am in love with this little throwback hotel complete with retro pool and metal door keys of old. We are literally steps away from the beach where we strolled with a glass (plastic cup) of complimentary dry white wine. We made it just in time to wave off the Saturday compliment of cruise ships. After strolling a bit we fell into the Sandbar Beach Sports Bar complete with live band and every college football game imaginable. Yes, we are close to heaven. Georgia game coming up…Go Dawgs!! Pictures: smoked fish dip at Sandbar our room the pool the beach oh and us in front of the sunset. Please pardon our “long drive in a car” look!
  3. Agree it’s time to at least make masking optional.
  4. Darn! I’m sorry you dont get to experience the Ocean House. Thank you for the heads up. 😊
  5. I learned from a hair stylist on cruise critic that there is a little switch on the underside of most/many hair appliances that switch the voltage from European to American and vice versa. I’ve seen the button before but didn’t know what it was for. She said some appliances require the flipping of the switch in order to be compatible with the ships wiring. I was skeptical but gave it a try and didn’t have any issues when on Seashore.
  6. Glad to hear your cruise is awesome! This makes me even more excited to embark. Speaking of…our embarkation time is 10:00 AM. Last time we arrived closer to 11 but didn’t board until 12 due to delays. Was wondering how your embarkation went… were you able to board soon after checking in or did you wait a while? Enjoy the rest of your cruise!
  7. They are provided but they are the kind that you have to hold the button in while you use it. I'm bringing my own.
  8. Welp, arrangements have been made for my girls, bags packed, car loaded and we're off bright and early tomorrow morning. DH and I will head down I75 to Port Canaveral where our little five night adventure will begin. Found a little throw back seaside inn on the Space Coast called The Inn at Cocoa Beach where we will enjoy one night in a king, pool view room complete with in-room coffee, evening honor bar, and hot breakfast. But first....the book keeping... As with all my reviews, I always provide the financial details for comparison. I like high style but I will also hunt for a bargain. When both paths converge into one, like a cat, I pounce! A few things I won't compromise on though, include service and comfort. For those, I will gladly pay extra. So here we go... The Inn at Cocoa Beach: 1 night, King room, pool view, includes breakfast: $189 all in. Meraviglia Yacht Club Inside Cabin: $1520 all in plus $125 OBC. That breaks down to $190 pp/pd. We'll use the OBC for gratuities. We were on Seashore back in August in a YC Deluxe balcony stateroom and although the room was very nice, it was way too warm...largely due to a neighbor sleeping with their balcony door open. So this time around, I opted for an inside stateroom...no balcony door to leave open. Will this help? We shall see. Having one MSC cruise under our belts, we are most looking forward to trying out a new ship (for us) and this short cruise was the perfect opportunity. I was a little nervous about Meraviglia's rough start after her Atlantic crossing, but I am hopeful that the kinks have been worked out. I'll keep you posted! Meet Piper Cat and Jane...(my girls).
  9. Thank you for the report. We embark on a 4 night this Sunday. I guess the drink package rule wouldn't apply to our sailing but I would be annoyed if I boarded thinking I was going to buy one and then finding out that I couldn't. Just wondering what the advantage is for people to wait to purchase once on board? Glad you enjoyed the shows as I was wondering what the entertainment quality would be like for shorter sailings. Like you, we will probably not get off the ship in Nassau. Any ideas on how many passengers were on your sailing?
  10. We are doing this cruise in March. I'm taking it all in and appreciate your review.
  11. I buy a travel size bottle of wrinkle release to spray on my clothes and DH always rolls his clothes up in dry cleaning plastic. No wrinkles...ever. I know this isn't what you asked but I'm responding because I can't imagine turning my clothes over to a ship laundry where everything is washed is scorching hot water and dried in a hot tumble dryer...none of my clothes would fit when they were returned! Most of my clothes are washed in cold water and lined dried (exception, underwear). Maybe it's different for men. I'd rather rock some wrinkled clothes, I think.
  12. The shows were fine. I liked that they were only 30-40 minutes long. What wowed me the most was the unbelievable number of people who came late and insisted on looking for seats by traipsing over, under, and passed people who were already seated. After 2 nights of that, we called it quits. (Seashore)
  13. If I recall correctly, there are electronic signs as you enter the port that will direct you to the appropriate terminal.
  14. Not sure those hooks will work but I know this will: https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiyk4G8uZj7AhUHjcgKHY4QAkgYABAHGgJxdQ&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASJeRobTAqhXF6pN8pNeeWZ4uLYc0AQEX6R07LCBSYUJ-XR6JCANQ&sig=AOD64_23f8lF7NGoINd9_cyEvE1_1x5XOA&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwju2_e7uZj7AhWaElkFHbHYCa0Qwg8oAHoECAUQGg&nis=8&dct=1&adurl= We used this on our last sailing. Clothes attach right into the line.
  15. Would you mind explaining this rationale to me like I’m a 5 y/o? What would be the reason for doing this? Is it to get a cash out option on Nonrefundable obc or for something else? Genuinely trying to learn. We have a lot of obc on an upcoming cruise but most of it is refundable so I’m not too worried about using it all. The non refundable usually goes towards gratuities or other sundry items. What am I missing? Ty.
  16. That's what I'm thinking as well. I never removed it from the slot.
  17. I didn't think you were suggesting I would do something like that ☺️...I was just having a hard time wrapping my head around anyone who would do such a thing. I guess you're right though...you never can tell what some people will do.
  18. Absolutely agree with that. In no way did I think the OP was intentionally trying to be misleading by posting information she received from her TA.
  19. I might be willing to give it a go for all the money in the world 😁
  20. Shouldn’t the novices take time to read the whole thing too? Op posted info from her travel agent. It’s incumbent upon all travelers, novices included, to do “trust but verify research”.
  21. Well it was a card in the slot that kept the electric on. I assumed it was a key card. Never occurred to me to ask or even think about removing it, much less use it to access another’s stateroom.
  22. I will always default to whatever gives me complimentary access to Persian Gardens.
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