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Everything posted by PacnGoNow

  1. I would call. Just remember, as long as the website is correct, you are okay. Your travel summary should be correct. If you have a TA/CVP, reach out to them, as they should help.
  2. I’d try again. They do work by date of travel. Not sure what yours is. Good luck to you.
  3. Make sure website shows correctly. Then call and pick all the prompts to get to OceanReady, not the CS line, as they have no clue. OR has been competent and helping myself and others the last few weeks. Good luck. Let us know if they helped. I’m really hoping they have been training these agents.
  4. Yes. Comes in a small blue/white bubble envelope. Shld fit in a mailbox, with no problems, unless it’s a very tiny mailbox. We always get 2 OM’s in our order.
  5. I’d give the cvp a couple of days, unless your FP is due before that. I’d call the CVP then and get someone there to take the FP.
  6. Not a direct line, but you can call the regular line..follow prompts till you get Ocean Ready. I did get an agent that was trained to correct status on the App. Others have also reported luck just recently. No direct email address either, they stopped working the old IT email address. Don’t go to regular CS agents, as they are clueless. Good luck!
  7. It is possible that this is due to the Global IT outage, Cloud Strike. Seems it has affected some of the cruiselines websites. IDK about PCL. Wait and see.
  8. Yes, that is true, but they need a competent IT department. Exposing guests information is a security breach. Let’s hope they get a fix. I would watch your bookings closely.
  9. That was the Corporate number or regular PCL phone? They probably know by now, but I bet the PR dept would do something. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. This sounds like it’s caused by their IT department trying to update again. SMH
  10. This last photo above…do you remember his name? We had him on the Sapphire. Also, CT was $140 PP on there.
  11. Thanks for posting! I hope all the ones who’ve been asking…see this!
  12. I agree with you, as this is what we did. Most people don’t want to walk far, so it’s a lot less crowded in the back. BTW, the food up front is, what the crew calls express breakfast items on many ships.
  13. A lot of fluff. Not sure where this is on the PCL website, but CB WFM or buffet is on Deck 15, Lido deck. That quote above, deck 9, near Piazza, sounds like the new Star Princess. Sorry it’s so confusing on the website, as we all know, it is really not updated very efficiently. WFM is still the buffet on the CB.
  14. Yes, you can. They don’t even check the App. They just want to see your Medallion and passports/documents.
  15. I’m a little confused about the question. The WFM is the Buffet. Yes, it is smaller than the Royal class Princess ships. Don’t know about the juice bar. Maybe others can reply.
  16. True. They last about 30 days, usually. Very easy to get another OM if needed. Only takes a few minutes, they don’t replace batteries, just give you a new one at GS. Our last longer cruise was 53 days and it was replaced once.
  17. That would probably cause a lot of waste. Many change plans or cancel before sailing. Believe that is the reasoning behind shipping 2 weeks before. Who knows? But, yes, unfortunately we have many black holes in the USPS system.
  18. It seems the OM was affected after they started “trying” to do updates. Some were affected by shipping statuses, while others had extra guest orders. Yours is a little different. You will have a great cruise anyway. BTW, GS will probably credit your account, just stop by and tell them you did not receive the OM, after ordering it. Even if you have the package, they have credited $10 per person. YMMV
  19. Is there a history to look at on the App, where you had ordered it? Or, was that deleted also?
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