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Everything posted by MISTER 67

  1. Good morning from beautiful Southwest Florida. Excellent quote, hard to argue with anything that Gandhi said. Good selection of days though I've never played Mahjong or scaled a mountain. I did have girlfriends in my school days. Chicken Parmesan is a great Italian dish but I like Chicken Marsala better. We have been to Quebec but not to the Gaspe Peninsula. Heading to the course in a few minutes. Congrats to Tony Finau on his second PGA Tour victory in a row, Finau is really a good guy. Thanks for The Daily, stay well and have a great day.
  2. Closet space on the 3 new Pinnacle class ships have definitely been reduced along with the overall size of the cabins including smaller washrooms, the shower was the only thing that wasn't smaller.
  3. I just looked it up, CDC reports that over the last 10 years there has been an average of 36,000 deaths due to influenza per year so people do die of the seasonal flu. No doubt that there have way more deaths with Covid which we all knew.
  4. A doctor on the news this morning stated what we have now is the new strains of Covid are not covered by the original shots and boosters. Moderna is working on a new vaccine to fight the new strains but the problem is by the time the new vaccines arrive there will be newer strains. I think you are right that Covid is here to stay with the hope now being that each new strain will be weaker than the last with Covid eventually becoming just like the regular seasonal flu.
  5. Good morning from beautiful Southwest Florida. Funny quote today, nice way to start the day with a laugh. I'm not wild about avocados but we eat a lot watermelon and cantaloupe. I like Pasta Carbonara. Already have been to Publix for a banana run, came home and took a bike ride. We've been to Skagway and took a ride on the White Pass Railroad, good trip with great scenery. One week to go as we sail on the Equinox next Sunday. Thanks for The Daily, stay well and have a great day.
  6. We will be going on 5th cruise since Thanksgiving next week on the Equinox. So far we haven't come down with Covid. We are double boosted and mask while indoors on the ships. When home we still mask up at Publix while shopping, we eat out twice a week and always asked to be seated away from others, we eat early breakfasts and early dinners as the restaurants aren't as crowded. Last year we attended a White Sox-Rays game in St. Petersburg and it was the Rays largest crowd of the season and Tropicana Field was sold out, this was when the virus was starting to wane plus most had had their first 2 vaccine shots, I thought we might catch the virus at that game. Our cruise in March on the Rotterdam was sold out except for the quarantine rooms and we were in pretty close contact with fellow passengers, I was amazed that we didn't come down with Covid during that cruise. I have read that people who have O positive blood type have less chances of getting Covid, we are both O positive so maybe that is helping us. I'm a firm believer that this virus is not natural, I believe it was cooked up in the Wuhan Lab and for whatever reason is the 64 thousand dollar question.
  7. Here is something that came to mind, what if one comes down with flu like symptoms, is tested but is negative for Covid. So maybe he caught a seasonal flu bug, would that person also be quarantined? So maybe they don't quarantine him, isn't he a serious threat also to his fellow passengers as people die from seasonal flu bugs? Along the same lines, if you don't quarantine for the seasonal flu why quarantine for Covid?
  8. Good morning from beautiful Southwest Florida. Pretty good quote. Good selection of days especially Cheesecake Day. Pass on the meal. I like Manhattans so would probably like the drink. Good day yesterday on the golf course as I beat my age by 3 shots with a 73, I was in a little bit of a slump so it felt good to get my swing back. Off to breakfast at our favorite diner in a few minutes, usually a Western Omelet for me. Thanks for The Daily, stay well and have a great day.
  9. No one will turn you away with Country Club Casual. I wear Docker slacks with a nice polo shirt, usually long sleeve as the ships tend to be on the cool side. DW wears a nice pants suit.
  10. I ate at that restaurant on the water in 1968. Yesterday I spelled your name with a y instead of a i, my apologies.
  11. Good morning from beautiful Southwest Florida. I like the quote. Lasagna is one of my favorite Italian dishes. Not that wild about Chicken wings and wouldn't want a close encounter with a Tiger. I like an Old Fashioned so I guess I would like a Nil Fashioned. I visited Hong Kong in 1968 for my R&R from Vietnam, a great place but now that Communist China has reclaimed it as the the lease came to an end with the UK I wouldn't visit it. Earlier tee time today. Thanks for the Daily, stay well and have a great day.
  12. I was thinking back to when Epirotiki Cruises was around, they had some pretty small ships. I thought maybe there would still be some cruise ships around as small as what Epirotiki had. National Geographic has a few small vessels. The Britannia at 412 feet long was one long yacht.
  13. Great photos of the Brittania, I always got a laugh that they called it a yacht, there are some cruise ships around that aren't as large. I saw the Brittania when the Queen paid a visit to Chicago in July of 1959 celebrating the opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway.
  14. Sandy, Thanks for the info on editing. I’ve had 7 hole in ones and posted here on The Daily about my on my 6th one on Memorial Day. Well I didn’t post that I had my 7th 12 days later on the same hole which was like insane but It happened.
  15. For some reason I can't edit my original thread but I wanted to mention that I felt like I lost an old friend with the passing yesterday of Tony Dow of Leave It To Beaver fame. He was my age and I related to many of the predicaments that came on the show especially with Wally Cleaver. ME TV has re-runs of the show from Monday through Friday and every once in awhile I get nostalgic for TV from the 1950's and watch an episode or two. May Tony Dow rest in peace.
  16. Good morning from beautiful Southwest Florida. I like the quote. Believe or not, we have never been to a water park though have been on a few water rides at various amusement parks. Those from Chicago will probably remember the great Chute the Chutes water ride at Riverview Amusement Park. I liked chocolate milk in my grammar school years. Saharan dust has invaded Florida again, pretty bad today. Thanks for The Daily, stay well and have a great day.
  17. Good morning from beautiful Southwest Florida. Strange quote today. I'm not taking any houseplants for a walk today. Not planning on any stilt walking either. I do like bagpipe music. Been to St. Petersburg many times, the one in Florida. Off to the golf course in a few minutes, as usual it will be hot and humid. Thanks for The Daily, stay well and have a great day.
  18. Good morning from beautiful Southwest Florida. I'm not sure about the quote. I've had some wonderful aunts and uncles including one uncle who was like a second father to me. My father worked a lot and my uncle as he never married was very close to my mother, sister and me, he would pick us up every Sunday evening and took us out to dinner at some great Chicago restaurants. He also in my teens bought me my first set of Golf Clubs, a Bowling Ball with bag and shoes, a stereo record player and when I returned from Vietnam a brand new car. He died at age 54 in an automobile accident that wasn't his fault, he was a great guy and I will never forget him. I would try the cake. We have never been to the port. We usually have dinner out on Tuedays, probably Mexican tonight. More Saharan dust coming to Florida on Wednesday which means more sneezing for me. Thanks for The Daily, stay well and have a great day.
  19. Good afternoon from beautiful Southwest Florida. Little late today as The Daily wasn't up this AM when I took off for the golf course, I should have stayed home, lousy round as my tempo is off because my back is still sore, still won some money with a Closest to the Pin on #14 Not sure about the quote. I love Chili and like Hotdogs but a Chili Dog has never appealed to me so I've never tried one. DW is a knitter and a cross stitcher so I guess she would appreciate Threading the Needle Day. Though we've been to Mexico many times we've never been to the port. Thanks for The Daily, stay well and have a great day.
  20. The canvas bags were very nice, they can keep the cheap garbage bags they're handing out now.
  21. What I know for sure is that it's been 2 and half years and we haven't come down with this crud yet and will still take precautions like wearing masks while indoors on the ships and washing and sanitizing our hands at every opportunity. We have been on 4 cruises since Thanksgiving, one of them was a sell out on the Rotterdam, I was really surprised we stayed Covid free after that cruise. This next cruise on the Equinox in 2 weeks will be the first one with a self service buffet, we just might have all our meals in the MDR or Specialty Restaurants and forgo the buffet.
  22. Yep, Captain Matt, he was the best Captain we've had since Captain Kate in 2019.
  23. Then why did they have the crew serving the passengers for months in the buffet. When Covid first arrived all the experts said you could get it from surfaces.
  24. We were on the Equinox on the June 12 sailing and the Captain did come out the last night with some remarks about how well the cruise went with the weather and calmness of the seas, in his last remark he stated that there were only 2 cases of Covid for the whole week. We are sailing again on the same cruise on August 7th, I'm hoping we have the same results. I am a little concerned that Celebrity has gone back to self service in the buffet, can anyone tell me if this has been a problem with the self serving leading to more Covid cases.
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