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Everything posted by Roland4

  1. Commission is paid on the full fare, net of the Administration Fees (formerly the P,S & H charges). The EI voucher does not affect the commission received.
  2. I suspect Crystal commission-protected the EI in order to avoid further antagonizing the agent community. Given the significant dollars that I suspect even one 20% tranche represents, deducting the commission would be a significant hit to the TA. An EI voucher of $10K at 15% would be a "hit" of $1,500.00 off the commission if the commission was paid "net" of the EI voucher. I actually expected them do exactly that and was pleasantly surprised that they paid on the "gross" rather than the "net".
  3. As a regular on this board, BWIVince famously called it, Olive Garden of the Seas!!! 😁
  4. Actually the full commission has been protected since the EI programme started. We booked fairly early for 2024 and the full commission was reported on the Agent Copy invoice. This is actually not new. With a few notable exceptions, all the lines fully protected agent commissions through Covid, paying full commissions where owed on cancelled sailings, and protecting commissions on replacement cruises booked using the FCCs issued to clients for Covid-cancelled cruises.
  5. We have the Tastes cookbook and it is surprisingly easy to make. It does, of course, lose something when you make it at home without the bread bowl!!🙂🙂
  6. As the son of a professional proof-reader, I approve this post!!😁😁😁😁
  7. For fun, I checked one of our air consolidators, and it can be done with one or two connections on the outbound, but for some reason all the inbounds had two connections. This is from Toronto, but I suspect the same would be true from most major eastern US hubs.
  8. As the son of a professional proof reader, I feel your pain!!😁😁
  9. We did a 14 night Trans-Atlantic on Seven Seas Splendor last November. I was chatting with the Onboard Consultant and he made the comment 'Travel agents never really retire.", and it is true. I have about 50 active clients who have become friends, and they keep me busy. I am also the Office Manager so the mathematics of commission payments, and training the "newbies" keeps my mind active. One of these days I may decide to put my feet up, but for now, life is good!
  10. We did this same tour in 2011. They were taking down scaffolding in front of Lenin's Mausoleum, so I asked our local guide about it. He said it was seating for the Shakira concert the day before!!! I suspect Lenin was spinning in his glass-topped coffin that night!!😁😁
  11. I think Hobart was one of the first places we ever saw that. It was outside the terminal building, along with a large caution sign for drivers "CAUTION!! Cruise passengers crossing street". 😁
  12. I believe many, many years ago, all named hurricanes were female. (old child joke; Why? Because they are HERicanes!!) I think they went to the male/female alternate when they started running out of female names!! Or Germaine Greer got upset. One or the other.😁
  13. I had nothing to add to the discussion, but I have been following this thread. Thank you for including us on this most personal journey! 💔
  14. I have often wondered how many times a horse can beaten on this board before the coroner/medical examiner certifies that it is officially dead!! For those on both sides of the "management did/did not know" argument, we have been down this road at least twenty times in the last two years, so for God's sake, GIVE IT A REST!!!!!! I suspect that I am not alone in being really tired of the repetition of the same tired, old and really pointless arguments from BOTH sides!!
  15. Tell that to my shoulder! Admittedly after twelve years of weight training I am somewhat broader than I used to be.
  16. It's not just the legroom, Patty. I have fairly broad shoulders and Economy seats have gotten narrower to the point that sitting in an aisle seat, my shoulder keeps getting bumped by people (and service carts) moving in the aisle!🙂
  17. Actually, yes if you are oiutside a lot. It was so bad while we were away three weeks ago that one of our patio tables was covered in a layer of "grit" that took a hose and scrubbing to get clean!😬
  18. Service can be hit or miss. Main problem we had is all they had left was Economy, and we were "warned off" that by someone we met last cruise, which also started in Reykjavik.
  19. And you can "thank" the wildfires in Northern Quebec for the lovely orange glow! We will be getting much the same effect in Toronto later in the week!
  20. After much aggravation trying to find reasoable flights from Toronto to Reykjavik and Quebec City to Toronto, we are now booked Sep 8/23 on Serenity. We are also booked Sep 2024 Quebec City to New York. A word of warning to anyone on the Sep 8 cruise coming out of a Canadian gateway, flights options are getting difficult.
  21. Oh my!! Will you be on starting in Reykjavik?? We are on that cruise! Or at least we will be when I pay for it tomorrow!!!
  22. Okay. I have been biting my tongue for the last two days, but 21 posts in, I have to ask. "How many angels are dancing on the head of this pin????" 😁😁😁
  23. Okay, after 14 posts, do we have any guesses as to how many angels are actually dancing on the head of the pin that is this thread????😁😁😁
  24. The link worked for me, but took me to Behind The Scenes on Sereniyt, which was not terribly informative.
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