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Sea Dog

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Everything posted by Sea Dog

  1. I’ve never had to wait in a long line to make my dinner reservations. Most of the restaurants will have someone to help you. Shows can be done via the app like Debbie said. Once on board. You would be paying full price if booked by the app. Now you could in theory and some have tried it, book by the app at full price at the day and time you want as a placeholder and then cancel and move your UDP to that reservation. You then would get OBC for the full price that you paid. I would not worry about making your reservations. It will go just fine.
  2. You should be able to go to any of specialty restaurants to make your reservations. There is usually someone at the entry stand that will make all your reservations. That's how I've done it in the past. Best advice is to plan ahead which restaurants and what nights you would like but also be a little flexible.
  3. As most of know I have a fascination in super yachts. I subscribe on You Tube to Jared Watney's channel. He is an incredible content provider and all his videos are top notch. He's worked on dozens of super yachts. The current one he's on is a jet motor yacht (think jet ski's) which I did not know they made. Apparently they can get into real shallow areas that other yachts can't. Check his video. I learned something new today.
  4. Have a great trip Mark! +1 Please. What a beautiful roadster. I bet that was hard for you to pass up. I an sorry to hear the loss of your beloved coworker and friend. We really need to find a cure for Cancer.
  5. Thanks for your expert advice. I will try that. I also thought about putting a pool noodle under my knees and see if it can help me. I think you are right I need to tell my body to relax and go limp.
  6. That's weird that it was served dry. I've been making them at home and using a balsamic vinegar glaze reduction. It's so good.
  7. We are paying $177.08pp for the Beach Club this September. My wife bought it thinking she wanted to try it and looked at it as a high priced excursion. I think it's too much but I figured we try it once.
  8. You will love deck 8. Walking out of your cabin and into Central Park is so great.
  9. I agree. We have a Olive Garden by our house, the parking lot is always packed. Less than 3 blocks away is a longtime Italian family owned restaurant that serves incredible Italian food that is very reasonable priced. I could never understand why people would eat at OG and not drive a couple blocks down the road and have the real deal. As a kid I had a near drowning experience. Scared me to death. My parents enrolled me in swim lessons but I was never a great swimmer just ok.. Now that Linda and I are cruising more and spending time in the ocean I want to become a better swimmer so I have been practicing at our neighborhood pool. The one thing I can not seem to master is floating. Linda has tried to help me as she is a good floater but I seem to tense up and sink. I can keep my upper half floating but my legs keep sinking. The only way I can float is by kicking my legs to keep them near the surface. I have no idea what I am doing wrong, thought? Andrew thanks for the update. Hopefully her recovery will keep on getting better everyday. Let her know that we are thinking of her and wishing her a speedy revcovery.
  10. Sandy is from Ft. Lauderdale but she wants to be an investor in the Jacksonville area where she thinks could be home to more super yachts. She and her partner Leah are supposed to build a house there also. I hope she will restore it. It looks like a cool building. Yes I do and I have customized it a lot. I have my station that I worked for at top since I watch their local news. I grouped things like you did having my most favorite channels after the locals, national news, sports and others. I even deleted a bunch of channels I knew I would never watch. Funny thing is that the guide looks different through my Apple TV than the other tv's that have the Chromecast attached. The guide through the Chromecast looks better and has more info on it.
  11. There are some really good original programming on Netflix that I think you might like. We tend to watch Netflix a lot.
  12. That's what I really like about it. The only thing I don't like is the guide going through Apple TV. You can't jump forward days and you can't jump from one channel to another by putting in a channel number, you have to scroll up and down.
  13. We always cruise in October to celebrate our wedding anniversary. The past 3 have had no issues. Of course anything can happen but we will continue to sail every October.
  14. Oh and another show to binge watch. On Netflix is a very interesting documentary called "Bad Vegan Fame, Fraud, Fugitives." After marrying a mysterious man who claimed he could make her dog immortal, a vegan restaurateur finds her life veering off the rails. So far only finished episode one but it seems very promising. Check it out.
  15. Watched Below Deck Med Season 7 Episode 1 last night for Linda and myself's "Cruisin' with Cocktails" night. Last night's cocktail adventure was the "Aperol Spritz." Aperol Spritz: In a glass full of ice add 3oz Aperol 3oz Dry Prosecco (sparkling wine) 1oz or splash Club Soda Orange slice for garnish I found the key is to get the ratios just right. For less bitter, less Aperol and more Prosecco. For less bozzy more club soda and less Aperol and Prosecco. Now onto my impressions of the first episode. I think I am going to like this crew and this season. The shots of Malta itself makes me want to visit there. The new yacht "Home" is beautiful and modern. It does seem more narrow than previous yachts and the interior is very modern but seems kind of cold. The little bar in the main saloon seems way to small and it was evident of that when bottles starting flying everywhere at the end with the stabilizer issue. Captain Sandy returns and I know a lot of people don't like her but I do. It's interesting that there were a lot of shots of Sandy helping the crew. Was that because they were down two deckhands who were still in quarantine or she saw all the shots of Captain Jason on BD Down Under helping out the crew and though she had better step up her game? I think the answer is both. New chief stew Natasha Webb seems very confident with 10 years in yachting and is beautiful with her almost identical "twin" second stew Natalya Scudder. Thank goodness Natalya wears glasses most of time so you can tell them apart. The other male stew Kyle Viljoen I can tell will cause some issues this season. He's a little over the top and obnoxious. Chef Dave White takes over the galley, with years of experience as a head chef and a seasonal restaurant in France under his belt. Seems like it obvious he has had a romantic relationship with chief stew Natasha from a previous yacht. Turning to the deck crew, I can tell Bosun Raygan Tyler will be the main problem and I predict she may be the first to get fired. She takes way too many smoke breaks and is lazy. By the way what's up with all these young kids smoking? Don't they know it's bad for their health? Poor deck hand Jason Gaskell had to pick up all the slack being down two deckhands who were still in quarantine. Fan-favorite Mzi β€œZee” Dempers returns to the deck team. However, Zee is the only returning crew member. And lastly Storm Smith who I predict will also cause some drama as he remarked in his on camera interview that some people don't like him and he doesn't care. Boy if that's not a precursor. The episode featured some really obnoxious charter guests and some issues with the yacht. Bad design on "Home" to have all the water toys stored in the bow and then have to be moved to the stern for use. Also we see how important stabilizers are to a smaller yacht. I know what a difference they can make on a cruise ship but for a much smaller boat any kind of swell can really up end things. The episode ended with some tension and is to be continued next week. PRO TIP: The crew's accents are pretty thick. I turned on closed captioning so I could understand. The show is edited very tight so it's easy to miss something that was said. Going to be an interesting ride and season. Just my two cents. Cheers!!!
  16. I think I'm going to order one as when I try to make smash burgers inside I create too much smoke for the above stove vent. Better to cook outside on this. As a video editor I've had to bleep out audio. It's not hard but those editors for BD have their hands full on that show.πŸ˜‰ On their website there is section called tips and tricks. I found that to be very informative.
  17. I have a favorite diner in KC that it’s flattop is over 50 years old. The Hamburgers and eggs, hash browns that are made taste so good. They even say that the grill is extremely well seasoned. It’s kinda like a good cast iron skillet. Gets better with age. I will be interested in that as well. Will it be a place, an experience, or even a cocktail. I’m betting on a experience from a place you’ve never been.
  18. Hello everyone, I hope everyone is well. I have a question for you. So lately I have been combining my exercising with doing swimming everyday at our neighborhood pool. I've gone every day this week and noticed last night a horrible rash on my feet and arms. After researching, I think it is chlorine rash as this is the first time I have spent that much time in a pool. I'm reading that there are several creams or lotions you can apply before going into a chlorinated pool. Have any of you experienced this and if so what did you use for prevention and care?
  19. Great news Andrew that everything went great. When you see her tell her a bunch of us here wish her well for a speedy recovery.
  20. Looks like they are trying something to compete with Below Deck. Interesting I read that BD Chief Stew Hannah Ferrier is coming onto the show as a crew member. I'll check it out. Should have some good scenery in the Caribbean.
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