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Everything posted by D&N

  1. We thought they were for photo opportunities.
  2. From a FB post; "roadworks on A34 near Oxford they had forgotten about until they were at a standstill". But I didn't get impression they were delayed that much.
  3. I'm sure they're very good, but they don't look like dancers! 🤣 Then again, couldn't they play on the "band" stand and let folk dance to their music?
  4. The breeding pair from our nearest river appeared this morning with six cygnets. There is a group of folk that keep an eye on them, and in one of the pics you see daddy telling a woman to get the food out of her backpack and throw it to his hungry kids. She obliged a minute or so later. I've included a FB link to someone else's much better close up of mum and babies than I got with my phone from the bridge above. This group usually survive until adults. The pair in the next river along the coast have an issue where their nest is overlooked by seven floor flats, and gulls swoop down and attack the young. Hopefully their support group will prevent that in future following a loss of about half their chicks a few years ago.
  5. D&N

    Queen Anne

    I just saw a picture of the Queens Room. I suspect some purists won't like it but I can see some positives. The floor has a curve all the way round from the acute corners either side of the stage. In practice that means it only really has two "lines of dance". We can dance for ages following the main line of dance, turn in the first tight corner, cross in front of stage to another turn, then another lengthy line. If one gets bored part way along you can always throw in an extra turn here and there. The seats near the floor look very practical. Probably wishful thinking, but if the gold bases swivelled that would be ideal! Face the table whilst taking our refreshments and when the music starts simply swivel round and launch ourselves onto the dance floor. The downside so far is that I haven't seen it being used for actual dancing yet. And of course since it's not a transatlantic liner we won't be on it.
  6. Maybe you have the ship to yourselves! 🤣 Not really. I know of three ladies that are on board with you.
  7. I remembered to check the specification of those coffee machines yesterday. It'll easily fit under the bed next time giving us that extra space. Nora detests coffee, and I only drink it from real coffee machines in the lounges.
  8. They vary what they state in their publicity material fairly regularly. In the daily programmes they have a standard section that doesn't change very often. It says: "top and skirt or stylish trousers, or a dress". I've posted screenshots of that in other threads.
  9. D&N

    Queen Anne

    On the subject of hanging space in Britannia and Club Balcony cabins; I watched two videos yesterday and got the impression that most of the full height wardrobes had a removable half bar. In fact one of the vloggers commented on it. That would make them quite flexible in that you could use the two halves for suits, shirts, skirts, tops, but remove the lower bar for long dresses. The wardrobe we don't like in BC on QM2 is the one where the rail runs front to back with little rings on it for the hangers. It's much easier to see what's there and pick stuff out with side hangers.
  10. You don't say what your airline luggage allowance is. We only need to fly from Nice to London on an economy flight, and have 2 checked bags, 2 (full cabin size) backpacks, and 2 smaller under seat bags. We share our formal wear around all 4 of the larger bags. And we put anything that couldn't be replaced in the backpacks. If both our checked bags went missing, we'd still manage to have tuxes and gowns available for the 14 nights. I also put the QM2 address at Red Hook inside the checked bags, with the date and time the ship will be docked in case British Airways found them and were able to get them to the ship in time for our second week.
  11. Marine Traffic doesn't offer a photo of that one. It's an unusual livery, quite intimidating, probably intentionally so. I think there was one fore and one aft. The other was a more conventional livery, SP Pathfinder possibly?
  12. Some of those wine prices are slightly cheaper than the Room Service Bar list from Queen Anne. e.g. The three rosé wines. Possibly another increase coming up for the other ships.
  13. Did you ignore her? Or did she have good reason? I love shouting back at her when she does "recalculating route!" and "find somewhere to turn back!"
  14. My first public transport job was seven years as a bus driver, and until we bought our holiday flat here I would drive at least 2,500 miles each year on a mix of sides of the road for our vacations. So I would consider myself an experienced driver To me driving is a chore, which is fine if you're being paid for it, or there is good reason (we're making an 80 mile round trip to Italy tomorrow to buy six months supply of cat food). You should be watching the road so you don't see as much as on buses or trains. And if you take a car to lunch or dinner you can't have wine with your meal. I'm not familiar with public transport in the Cotswolds but most of the UK has fairly decent local bus services and good quality public transport information through Traveline. Travelling on local buses can be quite interesting in itself due to the diverse nature of fellow passengers.
  15. D&N

    Queen Anne

    My wife normally sits on the bench seat. I need to twist my neck. Perhaps swivel seats would be a good idea.
  16. D&N

    Queen Anne

    Don't you get to swap seats from day to day? 🙂 I don't think I'd like that either though. It's ok in a restaurant where you don't have any outside views but they would have been better seating those facing fore and aft. It also limits your observation of what's happening at most of the other tables.
  17. Some of today's vlogs from Queen Anne were quite good and very useful. These were seen in a Britannia Club cabin/stateroom. The laundry list has a reference at foot, which suggests it was issued in January 2024 and I assume it's valid throughout the fleet. I don't know if the room service menu is the same on the other queens.
  18. Since you sail so soon, unless you have red and/or gold accessories, or a venetian ball style mask to hand, you're probably best just to dress to suit Gala or Smart Attire. The majority of passengers do that and don't bother with themes. The important thing for most is to dress smartly/elegantly.
  19. A bit like tennis commentators. Many of them witter on about all sorts of things that have nothing to do with the match you are watching. Would be better if they just kept quiet and let the umpire announce the scores.
  20. We don't have a bath; just a huge walk in shower. Generally accessible showers have more space. The only downside I see from videos of that one is the seat looks as if it's a permanent feature. Ideally you'd want to fold it up to give more space to move around.
  21. 🤣🤣🤣 I'm familiar with the shipping lanes as I try to get long range pictures of QM2 from our window when she visits. That's at a range of about nine miles! If you are ready when leaving the Rade at Villefranche you'll get a view of the Promenade des Anglais at a range of about 2.3 miles. If you have a powerful zoom you might get some decent pics. Downside is that clearest air tends to be early in the day. By time you leave there will probably be a bit of a haze and pics might be a bit fuzzy.
  22. In practice you will be asked to give details of your insurer on My Cunard, which amounts to giving the Insurance Company Name, the Emergency Assistance Company Name, and contact number. You will not be asked for details of the actual insurance at that stage. When boarding at Southampton we were not asked to present insurance details. I'm not aware of anyone having been asked to show that type of document. I don't know if things are different at other boarding locations. Typically in Europe rather than the UK, policies will state "actual cost" for repatriation rather than an upper limit, and many non Brits booking through Cunard UK will have that type of cover rather than specifying an £xx million limit. Bottom line, as long as you have a decent travel policy for your region it will most likely be ok, and Cunard are unlikely to want to see the detail of the policy.
  23. I often wonder how you get 23kg into either of the small bags? Perhaps a mechanic's tool kit! And how folk lift 23kg into the overhead? Our policy is to put the heaviest stuff in those bags to save weight in checked luggage. Economy is fine for our 1h40m flights to/from Heathrow and if we need an extra checked bag it's quite cheap. We have Avios on hand if prices are unusually high. Decided to give skiing a miss. Took a day trip to Valberg one New Year, far far too cold for me!
  24. Was that British Airways? Their standard cabin bagage allowance is a full size (56 x 45 x 25cm) bag of up to 23kg to go in the overhead and a smaller 23kg bag to go under the seat. How big and heavy a bag do US airlines allow in cabin? Delta wasn't any bigger.
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