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Everything posted by RJB

  1. RJB

    Marina Redo

    too bad Jaques was about our fav.
  2. We spent 16 days on Vista in Nov. thru the canal in a PH and are still looking for the walk in closet. Ship beautiful but miss Jacques. Will be on Marina in Nov. so we will see how that goes. will be our 15th.
  3. Wonderful news. So hard when planning a cruise to know if you will be able to stop at all the ports you signed up for..Everyone stay safe.
  4. yes we are. You probably will be off before we get there. In any case have a wonderful SAFE trip Richard
  5. Any thoughts which company to use? There are many out there and we would like to get a heads up on which ones are the best to use. Thanks in advance for any answers that are provided. This is for November.
  6. Need to correct spelling. PANAMA
  7. Does anybody know what is going on with the Oct./Nov. crossing on Vista? Will impact a lot of people if we can not go.
  8. Seems to me the MORE is just for tours as the O Life was shipboard credit to use any way you wanted. Could be a deal breaker for us. Time will tell
  9. No not at all. I see a lot of posts that say they do not love it as we all loved Jocques.
  10. Most important thing now is to STAY SAFE. Cruises can wait till another time
  11. Time to admit their mistake and change Embers back to Jacques. Has FDR retired and got out of town? Our fav. dining venue.
  12. We always tip the butler and cabin steward. And often the Matre D in the speciality resturants
  13. Thanks, Damien about the best there is. Have sailed with him many times and he runs a great ship
  14. Would like to know who the GM on Vista is now.
  15. Sure would. Not having Jacques is a looser for us
  16. Will NEVER tip on tax. If it is not served to me i will not tip on it
  17. We got off the ship and took a taxi to MSM. Price very good. He waited a few hours for us and took us back to the pier. A few hours is all that was needed. Maybe three. For he beaches we had a private guide who was wonderful. Fir the four ou us it was about half the price and twice as good.
  18. We are booked on one Vista cruise and if we find we can not get seating in the shade by the pool than it will be our last and only one. It would be sad as we have been on 14 "O" cruises but looks like the changes they made on the Vista are not for the good. Still need to give it a try as "O" has been our cruise line of choice for many years.
  19. RJB

    Ship Luggage?

    Half price or even free is not good if you don't get your luggage. Will go with the most reliable. Also thanks for all your answers. As we get older it becomes harder to drag those heavy bags.
  20. Nowhere as nice as Privee. Are they trying to make the product cheaper?
  21. They placed this court in the wrong place. Should have been in the back behind the funnel. Not too bright. When the ship is in motion the wind across the bow is much too strong. Does not make it too much fun to play.
  22. RJB

    Ship Luggage?

    I thank you all for your answers. Sure gives us some thought which way we should go. A big shout to Jancruz for letting us know of her past dealings with some of these company's. good and bad.
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