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Everything posted by ontheweb

  1. Just allowing the passengers who cannot go to a port (whether visa issues or vaccination issues) is just not the way it works.
  2. Yes, I was told that by our TA. And even after the pause in cruising for Covid, he said many of his booked cruises were not until 2023. And then last year we too booked a 2023 cruise (Prima).
  3. That's nice. Our last HAL cruise was pre-Covid and only 2 on the roll call. No Meet and Greet. but we did meet.
  4. Yes, TAs have suffered greatly. There was a long time with no revenue as all cruises were cancelled, but there was still a lot of work for them handling the cancellations. And then I cannot imagine all the time they must spend on hold with cruise lines.
  5. I mentioned to my TA how I had read on these boards of the airlines saying call the cruise line they are your travel agent while the cruise lines were saying call the airlines. He said, yes, and he ends up being called by passengers and screaming at airline agents.
  6. None of them probably ever met a tour guide in St. Petersburg. And no one is really comparing their plight to those of the Ukrainian nationals, just saying it was not their fault that this war is happening and their income stream ended. Let us not forget that it was in St. Petersburg that the first demonstrations in Russia against Putin's war occurred.
  7. Yes, he is wise. It is one of the reasons (along with good prices and good service) that I like him. 😊
  8. Yes, I would be afraid that if I bought a drink package, I would force myself to drink myself into oblivion. 🤦‍♂️😒
  9. I e-mailed that information to our TA as our cruise is in August 2023 and although it starts in the UK, then goes to several EU countries. His reply was that everything now is very fluid when it comes to rules and we should not even start looking at this kind of stuff until 6 months before the cruise.
  10. And one more anecdotal example--brother in law got a very bad case of Covid one week after his booster and had to be intubated. And then he recovered totally. The nurses and the doctor all said it was miraculous and had to be because of the vaccine.
  11. The butler is the one who"always did it". Haven't you watched any murder mysteries?
  12. And one must feel sorry for the guides who have now lost their source of revenue. One thing everyone who has cruised to and taken a private tour in St. Petersburg is that their guide was wonderful.
  13. But will being vaccinated affect how severe a case you might come down with?
  14. Yes, that is the dilemma in a nutshell. Though I am not sure it is half each way; how about a significant number want it one way and a significant number the opposite way when it comes to protocols.
  15. S t. Petersburg would be well out of the way on a Norwegian fjords cruise.
  16. Yes, and it seems some passengers get pissed off when protocols are tightened while others get pissed off when protocols are loosened.
  17. I would expect that no one really expected them to sail to St. Petersburg in 2023.
  18. Not on the same cruise, we are in August and will celebrate our wedding anniversary #46 on the sea day between Norway and Iceland.
  19. Our tour guide was also memorable and wonderful. She confided in us that she had gone through all she needed to open her own company, which she did this next year, SPB tours.
  20. As I wrote in another post, it was not included in the description for this excursion. It is ok with me that you liked it, as they say "different strokes for different folks".
  21. It is one thing if the excursion description includes time for shopping, but this was totally different. There was no mention at all about rugs and high pressure sales pitches.
  22. Thanks. i was just about to come back to say I found it. It took a while as I started on 20, and worked my way down.
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