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Everything posted by DGHOC

  1. Thank you for this thread Moonlion, I am really enjoying your positivity and enthusiasm, it's enormously refreshing! Continue to enjoy your trip.
  2. Andy my thoughts echo those of the many appreciative posts above. Your positive, factual, informative posts are much valued here; always measured considered responses, no amateur dramatics! As photopro mentioned, we have had nothing but excellent service from the London Viking team. If someone is unable to answer a question they make sure someone else can and always respond quickly and professionally. You have family in Scotland still, would it be possible to book through them using the UK office? If you love the Viking ship experience how appalling that you can't spend your money and enjoy it. I feel sure you must have exhausted all avenues having reached the decision that you have. If ever I receive truly awful service I absolutely refuse to give up and walk away. I recently took a complaint up with the Worldwide manager at Apple regarding shocking service at our local store. The problem was solved immediately. Could you contact Torsten directly? If a complaint/problem goes into his team I feel sure that that problem will be elevated. His team will need to react on his behalf. I did this after the Viking Sky incident when I wanted to ensure that the young firefighters, who helped considerably in the Theatre muster station, were recognised and rewarded in some way. A member of Torsten's team responded to me promptly. I do hope you find a solution to this and I send every good wish to you and your wife.
  3. I have to say Squarkman, i always tip London cab drivers and don't know anyone who wouldn't. It's standard practise in London, normally between 10 and 15%. I've never taken a black cab tour but would suggest that you offer a tip if you think the driver/guide is good. If they are not, well you've already overpaid and they are not entitled to more.
  4. Brilliant stuff Zalusky! We're on a Scenic Scandinavia in mid June but we'd jump at the opportunity too!
  5. BB have you tried calling a UK cruise specialist travel agent directly to assist you? I wonder whether that could circumvent the difficulties? I can't imagine they'd want to turn away the chance of a bit of business (£) in this day and age!
  6. I do agree though I'm aware that drug management and administration systems differ worldwide. It's impossible to say of course whether Paxlovid helped me or whether I would have reacted in the same way without it. It was highly recommended that I take it. Interestingly, my husband without any underlying health conditions was unable to shake it off until days after me and was still unwell and testing positive 10-11 days later. As I said, it's all a lottery.
  7. I'm sorry to read this SJD, that's really bad luck. I think I mentioned that here in the UK they don't hand it out willy nilly, it's a case of weighing up the concern for serious potential complications to covid for certain health conditions and the meds for those conditions, against the potential of a Paxlovid rebound. My hosp telephone interview was thorough before it was couriered over to me. The potential rebound was discussed and I was told to be aware but also that it wasn't the norm. It's all very much a lottery. Hunker down, drink lots of water and do nothing, rest as much as poss. I was completely knocked for six by C and awfully glad mine didn't rebound. It can be a nasty little blighter! Hope you repair quickly!
  8. Thanks for highlighting this rbslos18. I'm asthmatic and allergic. I would be very unwell indeed sleeping on a bed that a dog had previously slept on. I'm so astonished by this thread, it hadn't even occurred to me that dogs would be allowed on board, excluding true service dogs of course. My word, we are increasingly living in a me me me culture, it's all about me. I truly hope that Viking finds a way to stamp down on these selfish, entitled, egocentrics. If not, they may find themselves in a situation where passengers are made very seriously ill as a result, I feel sure that they will wish to protect themselves from that situation and the potential repercussions of it!
  9. Oh how I love Venice, your photos are a delight. How lucky you are!
  10. DGHOC

    On Venus

    How long do the chef's rotations last, does anyone know? I wonder whether there is some sort of quality control implemented on the ship or do they rely on passenger feedback? Oh strudel is notoriously difficult to master, one of the most difficult pastries . Could they have just had a bad day or has it been consistently bad? We rarely eat puds though the tiny raspberry tarts in Mamsen's hit the right spot. With the sour cream they're not too sweet.
  11. DGHOC

    On Venus

    I'm guessing there may be a tad of sarcasm going on here but if not don't cancel it off of your bucket list. I don't recognise any of those criticisms at all, it's a really great trip. The blue nose ceremony was just a bit of fun, though I personally would not have got my kit off and into that water/ice for anyone. Everyone watching seemed to be having a fun time and the queue to self flagellate was enormous! I sometimes wonder why folk who are so disgruntled/disappointed with Viking, continue to hang around here, it's so discouraging for those highly anticipating their first Viking cruises. Why not just move away to their new preferred lines on the CC forums. One chap who is also disparaging Viking repeatedly this week is doing the same on every conversation elsewhere on CC, I checked his history! Cynic that I am, it does make me wonder...... Constructive criticism is valuable for all of us as we know that Viking read these forums but spiteful, ill considered bitching really achieves nothing apart from upset and angst. For someone so concerned about appropriate behaviour, attire etc it would be appropriate to consider the effects of their repeated nastiness and argumentative attacks on this forum.
  12. They were very well behaved and were surrounded by admiring passengers most of the time. Though Karine was pretty much surrounded too!
  13. Karine Hagen had both of her dogs with her on the Chairman's Cruise in lieu of the Sky malarkey. I rather suppose that the Chairman's daughter is rather more entitled!
  14. The excursions had opened on a scenic Scandinavia and I think it blew the system! I finally managed to get on after an hour and a half of buffering and messages telling me I don't have an upcoming cruise. I booked my wish list!
  15. Sensible response Mrs M. It's behaviour that is important. We had two couples on our previous two cruises who were really badly dressed, day and night BUT it was their loud, boorish, really ill-mannered behaviour which made them stand out like a Belisha beacon. It was like watching characters from Deliverance move through the ship. That is just not typical on a Viking ship and most folk recognise the Viking rules for dinner and are respectfully attired and behaved. Jeez, we're not talking about the Ritz here, smart casual is really not rocket science. All Viking are suggesting is that you don't turn up in a wife beater t shirt and oil covered jeans.
  16. In the UK, 'Book 'em Danno' shirts! (Hawaii 5 O) Showing my age!
  17. I think you have a different policy in the US to the UK Linda and SJD. Here Paxlovid is only prescribed to highly vulnerable people and they are on a national NHS register compiled by specialist medical consultants and GPs. Certain conditions qualify as do those who are immunosuppressed or compromised. It's not available to everyone. Once a positive covid test is done, Paxcovid is couriered to the patient. I asked if I could travel with some last year 'just in case' but it's not possible here in the UK. Incidentally I contracted covid last year on the return flight from a Viking cruise as did my husband. We were both pretty poorly so I'm awfully grateful we contracted it on the way back! I hope you bat it off quickly SJD and you manage to avoid it Linda.
  18. I'm really sorry to read this SJD, I hope you manage to bat it off quickly. We were both feeling much better within two weeks so hopefully you'll be feeling ready to travel.
  19. I can't see the image or open it either J. I'm assuming it's of the arrival in Molde. I can honestly say that I'll never forget that welcome from the good people of Molde. They lined the Fjord as we limped in, cheering, singing and waving frantically. Lord it made my heart glad!
  20. Hi chaps, all good wishes to you all too! Teehee, that first photo was almost the exact spot on which we were standing as we experienced the initial roller coaster ride. I remember we tried to stop some of the other ship displays from toppling over and smashing just before everything went totally **** up. How very lucky we were to survive that nightmare. I think we're all eager to read that final report Andy! Hope everyone is keeping well and happy!! 🥳 x
  21. It must be formernuke, there was clearly no restriction on the cabin next to ours on the Mars.
  22. We were on the Mars last June and the cabin next to ours was blasting the sound on their TV. My word, they must have been as deaf as a post!
  23. I'll second that, wouldn't do it any other way!
  24. A DIY is the way to go Formernuke. Grab a train from London Victoria, the journey is just over 2 hours. It's cheaper to buy the ticket online but you can buy on the day if you'd prefer. There are lots of £ tours available once in Portsmouth but also downloadable self tour guides. Try this one, https://www.gpsmycity.com/gps-tour-guides/portsmouth-2643.html The central area is really not too large and very manageable on foot. Just work out a plan before you go so you get to see all you want to, download a map. If you choose to go further afield, you could take a bus or grab a taxi. The area is well serviced by public transport.
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