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Everything posted by DarrenM

  1. agree entirely about Naples. Incredible view when in Port
  2. because I can grab as much bacon and eggs as I want. And I can chill and not be waiter served. I have no idea why so many people seem to dislike the Buffet. Its convenient and the food is not bad at all.
  3. LOL I think I would burst out laughing if someone I didnt know suggested we say Grace prior to eating. And if I did know them they wouldnt suggest it. I never talk about work as my job is boring, and even I dont like it. I brag about my wifes job because she is a Nurse, and we all should all brag about that. I could brag about my wealth, but my wife is a nurse, so that would be a lie. As those in power dont believe Nurses should be well paid. Oooo political. Dont do politics during meals either.😁
  4. I am sure I could make my cruise cheaper by not having drinks and food packages, but when I go on holiday i want as little hassle as possible. The thought of keeping a spreadsheet on spend throughout my holiday is depressing. So when I agree the price of the holiday, I work on the basis that when I pay for it, its ALL paid for, and I dont care that I could have got a for a few hundred pounds cheaper. For the very reason above.
  5. My favourite post ever on here.😁 Passenger led religious services sounds very much like jumping overboard potential.
  6. My two lads had no intention of going in a kids club. Even though they were 7 & 3. I spent most of my time in the pool and slides with them.
  7. I know its probably been done before many times, but i am lazy and cant be bothered to go further back than the first page. Been to quite a lot of places now, and some were spectacular, others were a bit meh. "cough" "cough" Monaco "cough" "cough" But the one place I truly fell in love with was Dubrovnik, in Croatia. Just adored the place and cant wait to go back, hopefully for longer.
  8. Running the risk of upsetting parents here, but I would rather give up cruising than go on a cruise with hundreds of those little creatures. And I am not talking about mice, dogs, cats and ducks. It is my idea of hell.
  9. I actually forgot about the do not disturb sign. I suppose I feel that the room attendant might feel offended if I left that on every day. Going soft as a get older
  10. I get this and previous post above. It just makes life so much easier to know everything is paid for. I dont set out to get my moneys worth. i dont drink that much, and if i did it would ruin the next day. I like my coffee too, and drinks lots of it, as well as soft drinks. And some of the alcohol free cocktails during the day are fantastic.
  11. Fantastic. We are doing similar in June. Italy. Greek islands, Turkey and Athens
  12. We are on a med cruise in June, and I fully intend to book my next one whilst onboard for 2024. The one 2024 will also be for late May or early June if possible.
  13. I fall into this trap regularly on the net. My sense of tone, or humour, doesnt translate well. Especially when discussing with folk from different backgrounds, countries etc. I type like I am talking to a mate in the pub. Apart from the swear words.
  14. And I see my room being cleaned daily, and someone else making my bed as being ridiculously pampered. To the point of being uncomfortable about it.
  15. I must be odd then because I dont like anyone coming in my room during my time on board. I would rather make my own bed and re-use towels etc. I dont stop them cleaning etc because its disrespectful to do that, and I tip generously, on top of what I pay upfront as part of the cruise cost. But I would rather know that when we leave the room nobody has been in. I am like that in hotels too.
  16. I am still confused. Are you suggesting on this thread that having your cabin cleaned a paltry once a day is a problem? Apologies I have misunderstood this.
  17. Thankyou. I WAS being a little tongue in cheek. And yes it is when a gang of folk seem to think the bar and the bar staff are their personal servers. This is especially bad of an evening at the Martini Bar on Celebrity, where it appears, this is the place to be seen. During my less tolerant days, not many these days, i would lean right through them with my elbows out whilst getting served. And yes they do look at you as though you have no right to be there. I wasnt referring to the odd person just sitting there relaxing, as in the main, they understand other folk want serving.
  18. Not sure how you define perfect, but my last cruise on Celebrity reflection last year was so good, it took me about 3 months to get over the fact that I was no longer on the ship. Loved it that much. If i was forced to do a groundhog 10 days forever it would be those 10 days. And I am sure there were things I could have moaned about had a chosen to look closely, but why would I do that?
  19. Under seige You will brick it if some one brings out a giant cake.
  20. Dont go to the casino. Just dont gamble. Dont dress up like I am going to wedding. I am on holiday FFS. Dont enter those game show things....whatever they are called. Dont get involved in dress up nights. Too pretentious for my liking. Dont disrespect staff. They are wonderful people. Especially those that clean my rubbish up. Dont hog a seat at any of the bars making it difficult for others to get served. Some seem to think its their right like they are superior beings. Why have seats at the bars anyway? Dont moan about things that to normal folk are a luxury. Dont complain that its too hot. You went on a cruise to Greece in July you loon.
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