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Everything posted by DarrenM

  1. on it in 81 days. Not got a fancy suite mind.
  2. 81 It was around 375 when I booked it. I am genuinely wishing my life away.
  3. 235 days. Getting there bearing in mind it was 370 when I booked it. And that seems like yesterday. Packing.
  4. On my defence though, actually no defence at all, I really dont fancy any of the cruises out of Newcastle. Maybe one that visits Denmark Norway and Sweden. But I want a guarantee of warm and decent weather. Dont fancy a cold cruise.
  5. I dont think there are any cruise ships stops at newcastle. Infact even if they did its wouldnt actually be in Newcastle but north shields. There is a a ferry service to amsterdam. Wish they did though. I would be on board in 40 minutes from home
  6. Just realised it's nearly 100 days since I last posted on here. I know life flies by but that is scary. Still wont be long until I am on Beyond at this rate.
  7. Agree with this. The best part of being on a cruise is, errrrrr, being on the ship. I want at least 2 sea days and like whats been said here, we create a 3rd. Last cruise we missed Florence. Preferred a sea day. And Florence does nothing for me anyway. Other than seeing that big church, i know its called something else, and a few statues, the place bores me. Kotor was 10 times more fun. As was Sicily. And as I love Naples, its a no brainer.
  8. Athens to Barcelona If only to go to Kotor and Naples(Pompeii) And if you DO go to Kotor tow things to do. 1. A walk around the old town wall 2. a TUK TUK ride round the bay and into the mountians via Tivat. Awesome
  9. Easy for you to say. I have three pairs of jeans and 4 polo shirts to pack and have a mere 48 weeks to do so.
  10. Went to the Gym 4 times on celebrity reflection As well as a 5k run at about 6am most days. Like I said I dont want end up looking like that British prime Minster, for now, especially when he is only about 55. The gym was very good I have to say, with stunning views.
  11. Nah. That was just a fact. I could make so many humorous comments about said fella, but I had better not. Quiz question: Why does the word Humour have a U after O, but when you spell Humorous that U isnt there?
  12. Also, I am quite health conscious. (lost 18kg in the last 10 months), and being on a cruise is not conducive to being slimish. So taking all of these gadgets just so I dont have to leave the room constantly is a no no. I would rather get a glass of wine and take to the room, and when I want another, walk to the farthest away bar to get another. Means I can drink and be active at the same time. I walked down to the 3rd deck and back up to 16th deck every day on reflection. And did a 5k run on 7 of the 11 days. All so I could drink and eat way too much. And not look like Boris Johnson
  13. It takes about 2 seconds. My case isnt heavy to start with. For example I only took 3 pairs of shoes, and I wore one of them to travel in. And plus I am right. I get no nagging. Because there is nothing to see. The no nagging bit is a huge win. MASSIVE.
  14. I am British, so I got it. We dont get much right in the UK these days, very little infact, but we do own sense of humour.
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