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Everything posted by DarrenM

  1. Why would anyone need or even want their cabin cleaned more than once a day? What on earth are you doing in there that demands this? I work away from home and make sure to ask that my room is never cleaned on any of my 4 nights weekly. I re-use towels etc. I can make my own bed on the cruise and would happily have it cleaned once every two days. and weirdly I gave up eating ice cream as a child.
  2. You may well be right. But knowing English football like I do, and I assume like you do, if an English club gets there, they will do almost anything to make the trip. Its probably the biggest game in their history. This tournament gets bigger every year. I know a couple of Turkish travel agents have got offers on. And are recommending bars to fans travelling without tickets. This is a generalisation just now of course as we dont know which teams are going to get through. Very good chance of it being Engish v Italian though. But accept I may well be overstating everything.
  3. I will be 77 then so if I am lucky with health then definitely yes. Beats the thought of a nursing home right?
  4. I like to eat early, 6pm, and then have more time to sample the bars afterwards. Usually like to get a table and comfy chairs at the sunset bar, Celebrity, and relax the night away, slightly inebriated. But then I am always up early with a very early coffee (6ish) before going for a run. Then a huge breakfast, because I earned it.
  5. Most of clothes are wrinkled to bits before I get there. Should probably take more care packing, but to be honest I dont really care if my shirts have creases where they dont usually have them. I am on holiday, so dont care if anyone else thinks my shirt needs ironing. They shouldnt be looking. And as suits dont make it into the case, then its really a minor issue anyway.
  6. Thanks for the response. As a footballer fan, of my local team, I DO know a bit about this. Of course it depends on which teams get there. Manchester City fans dont have a reputation but Chelseas certainly do. Either way it wont stop my enjoyment, but to say it wont have some impact for some is a little simplistic. All of the teams left in the tournament have huge fan bases, and will travel in large numbers without tickets. Football supporters are a very special breed. I DId say the stadium was a fair distance away so had covered that. Thanks for the concern, but it wont stop my enjoyment one bit. Theres a sneaky part of me that wouldnt mind getting a ticket, but dont tell the missus.
  7. I bet it wasnt even 11. I know I didnt force my 11 year old son to wear something he didnt want to.
  8. That could be funny. More for me than her I suspect.
  9. The overnight is on the ship. Thankfully. But was looking forward to sampling a bit of Istanbul night life. Maybe not now. Might be better on the ship.
  10. Been looking forward to the overnight stay in Istanbul this June for nearly a year now. To find out yesterday that the biggest, most huge football (Soccer) Match, in the whole of Europe is taking place the same night, in Istanbul. This will undoubtedly mean somewhere approaching 250,000 fans from both countries, Likely to be team from Germany/Spain/England v Team from Italy. AS well as literally thousands of media outlets there too, with cameras all over the place. And with their reputation for violence, if its an English team, I cant say I am overjoyed at the prospect any more. Only good thing is the stadium is approx 20km from the port and main tourist area. But many fans will not have tickets and will swarm the bars to watch on TV.
  11. Ah of course. I knew that.🤥 Never done it, and never fancied it. Hope you enjoy.
  12. Friends convinced us to go on a Disney Cruise when our kids were 6 & 3. It put me off for years. I love my kids but I hate being surrounded by hundreds of others. Nightmare. And mine are adults now.
  13. Yes I have an enormous case. That is what you meant there right?
  14. Oh wow. That where we are going in June, Italy, Greek Islands and Turkey. See you there.
  15. I am lazy so cant be bothered to read back. Where you off to this time?
  16. 8 drinks a day? Jackpot. I probably dont quite do that, but on a few days I might have double that.
  17. Its bizarre. I dont tell her what to wear and she doesnt tell me. I wear jeans all the time. She can wear what she likes. No arguments. Just pack your own bag.
  18. I am well in then. We have the premium package on Celebrity in June, and its a no-brainer. We can drink what we like, when we like, already paid for it, so wont ever think about whether I could have saved a few pounds/dollars here or there. Lifes too short to worry about stuff like that. And no bill at the end, which is something to worry about.
  19. Only if I was on the run from the authorities. That ship looks too small to spend THAT long on it. and the website is awful.
  20. Me for me, her for her. How else can it be done?
  21. Music Charter? This reminds me of the Flogging Molly Salty Dog Cruise, thats on again this year out of Miami. Some great bands incl some of my favourites from The UK. Unfortunately cant make it work this there, but its on the bucket list.
  22. was never busy when we were on this ship last May. Had a really nice meal in there.
  23. I have only been on three A disney one about 22 years ago, and cant remember which. Celebrity Edge Celebrity Reflection. And honestly loved Celebrity Reflection the most. On Celebrity Beyond next.
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