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Posts posted by KristinLM

  1. For what it is worth and now that you have solved your problem:

    I just want to add one thing: International travel right now is EXTREMELY stressful. I want to validate the stress you are feeling. Honestly: cry if you need to--it could help.

    I bet a lot of what you are feeling is just compounded stress getting everything lined up--not just the cruise and this one green checkmark.

    We are in a similar boat and I know that check-in feels so much more stressful just because my stress-level is higher. We take our Corona-tests to fly to the USA tomorrow for our Saturday flight. I feel you 100%. We will only be "relaxed" when we have that final checkmark cleared and we know we are heading out.

    I am also thankful and happy that (what we all knew would happen) NCL was able to sort this out for you.

    As was said above: deep breaths. You are almost through the worst of it! It will all work out! People everywhere want this to work out for you!

    Peace and happy holiday!


    • Like 3
  2. Thank you, @BirdTravels, for your response.

    I already upgraded us. The price was next to nothing and we both know that we will go at least once and perhaps more, just for the peace.
    We would not have been willing to pay the price of a week pass or equivalent.

    I will check out your thread for more information (I think I already read through it and looked at all your wonderful pictures and information.

  3. Well, just to update on our decision. We were offered an amazing deal to upgrade. We paid directly to upgrade for less than the cost of a single dining plan meal in a specialty restaurant.

    We got to pick out our room and thankfully had the advice here so went with a (hopefully) quiet one starboard just off the elevators (under the beauty area).

    For that price, even if we only go for an hour, it has more than paid for itself and is something we would not have "splurged" for.


  4. We are on the Encore for the 1 week Alaska Cruise from Seattle on 22. May. We get home on the 31st of May.

    I hope to have a lot of positive stories and information (hoping everything runs smoothly). Despite the many questions here, we are actually very laid back people (I think, quite subjectively). You have all given us the best start possible.

    I will try to remember to post a cruise experience thread--but after we get home.


    We (my husband and I) have a strict "no internet" policy when on vacation. No social media, no general surfing. Exceptions are only to book a new hotel if needed; google maps if sidetrip is not downloaded; and personal email for family information/possible updates.

    We try very hard to "live in the moment" and not "behind a lens". He actively reminds me to put the camera down and just enjoy "being there now" instead of wanting to look back on it later. I actively remind him that work will wait for when we get home and they can survive without him.

    It works for us.

    • Like 1
  5. Thank you for the extra tips!

    I have already planned on speaking to our two specialty restaurants before we go to ensure that there is an option available.
    So far, everyone has been very helpful both here and when contacting NCL (after finally reaching them, the assistance and information has been ver positive).

    We actually are planning on an evening at Los Lobos and Cagney's, so that is good to know. I have been advised to talk to them the day before. I know what my Mom "wishes" and hope that it will be an "easy fix" for the restaurants. I know there are a lot of options and accommodations and that we need to arrange for the specialty in advance.


    Knowing that even the "pick up" food has extra options (aside of everything else I have seen on the menus) really makes this seem like it is going to be fabulous. There is something about getting a burger and fries with everyone else that just makes things "easy".

    My mom told me, "the only drawback we have when cruising is that there are so many meat-heavy meals except at the buffet". (They love cruising, but never do specialty restaurants because of the lack of real menu options for her.)

    I just want to surprise her and for her to have a very positive experience. This is their/our first NCL cruise. They cruise regularly, we... haven't.

    I also hope this thread (especially with the very concrete title) will help others in planning their cruises. The menues not having a "meat substitute *" might make people think they cannot get it.

    Thanks again to all!!!!! 🤗


  6. You are all so helpful! @Donnalit, @trivimp those are really good tips. I will make sure to keep them in mind--the servers need as much help from us as they can get when it comes to special needs.

    Such "simple" questions that I just have not found the answer to in all the internet vaults of knowledge. A quick question and understanding responses.

    I am so happy!

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  7. Not for me, but we are travelling with a vegetarian on the Encore.

    I know there are great vegetarian choices throughout the ship and have looked over all the menues I can find. I don't need a list of those options.

    My question is solely for burgers (i.e. at the Local): Do they have vegetarian patties available if requested?


    Until recently I wouldn't have thought to ask, but a lot of burger places seem to offer some version of a vegetarian patty today (even if off menu).


    Thank you for any knowledge you can provide.

  8. Some of the responses have really surprised me. Some of those rooms just don't sound "restful". 😲 I know I asked about the spa itself, but the rooms just seem to be "questionably" placed. That was something I had not considered. I thought about it when booking our room now, but just assumed the spa rooms would be quieter.

    We are currently Deck 14 mid/mid-aft (actually just under the spa balcony rooms). Our situation is the one described by @OrcaGirl; the cost to upgrade is lower than the price of 2 spa week passes and we would be "popping up for an hour or so to unwind throughout the cruise", not using the spa for a whole day.

    We are now weighing between two room types: quiet inner area to relax + nicer amenities + larger shower in the room AND fitness/pool area/whirlpool noise possibilities during the night/early mornings (6am is early for me on vacation--or any day, if I am honest).

    A quiet(er) heated room for relaxating and watching the Alaskan scenery from loungers sounds heavenly. We would use the pool and saunas maybe twice. I am not sure I would be able to observe the 30 min. time limit. I would, of course. I am a considerate cruiser. But the struggle would be real.

  9. Thank you. I was aware of that. A day pass is not something we would purchase--we would feel we had to be in the spa the whole day--not just an hour or so in the evenings or mornings (that's one expensive hour). Day passes are almost as expensive as upgrading for my sailing right now.

    I am just debating the room upgrade, not spa access in general; e.g. we will not be purchasing a $300/pp spa access for the week.

    My question was more to the benefits of room upgrade + thermal spa access, not how to get into the spa. At this moment, the take is that bidding gives us a great chance of a loud room below the pool/fitness rooms with spa access. Upgrading may give us access to a quieter room with spa access.


    My current feeling is to keep the room we have and skip the bidding. I would be disappointed to have a loud(er) room.

  10. Thanks Guys/Gals,


    well that really helps me out! I guess I am disappointed that the rooms are under the pool area/fitness center! (WHAT!?!) That would be too risky for my blood to "bid". I will ask our PCC about possibly upgrading as the cost is the same as trying to bid.

    We'll see what the Man thinks about all this.

    I do like the idea of another place to relax and watch the world go buy that is "warmer". But then there is the arguement @www3traveler made about the cost of excursions.

    1st world problems:    luxury or not? AND which luxury do we go for?

  11. I am trying to decide if we want to bid on upgrading from a balcony to a spa balcony / spa balcony mini-suite. (Haven is too fancy for us--and too rich for our vacation, so not an option.)

    We are not big "spa-goers" in regular life, but having a quieter area to relax and unwind (along with the heated loungers, etc.) would be really nice. The heated loungers (and the lounge area in general) look amazing.

    We might use the saunas/pool area once or twice if we had it. Not sure we would die if we didn't.


    I see a lot of information on the other thermal spa areas (Joy, Epic, etc.), but I am not sure about the Encore. I have watched the "walk throughs" on youtube, but still not sure.


    How is the view out the spa area? How does it compare to e.g. the Observation lounge?

    What drawbacks (aside of price, obviously) are there? Are the room locations all good? Any tips or recommendations.

    And yes, I know, only we can decide what is best for us. I just want some different perspectives from people who have cruised this ship and/or itinerary.

    Thank you!

  12. 12 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

     He might receive some odd looks when he asks for mayonnaise with the fries, though.


    Well he certainly would from ME! He hates mayonnaise. He's a "fries + ketchup-man" through and through. 😂

    I, on the other hand, occassionally will dip into the mayonnaise--if only to cause the proper American folk to clutch their pearls. 😳😉

  13. Just to clarify my situation now. My PCC finally reached me. We talked and found out the problem that was causing the breakdown in communication (and yes, it was related to the websites, lack of transferrability and the inability for them to call international, among a few other quirks).

    I hope that @Montanagirlalways gets the same resolution that I did and things work out. I am sorry that people made assumptions that may not have been the reality she was experiencing. I know I feel a lot better now that my situation(s) have been resolved.

  14. PSA warning: I personally fully support any person in choosing to abstain from alcohol for any reason and would never force them to change their morals, beliefs or physical needs.

    Note to self, @charlie murphy, NEVER give up beer for Lent--not even the monks did that.

    Fun Fact and Beer Basics: in Bavaria, the monks gave up everything BUT beer, so it is historically and religiously authorized NOT to give it up.


    In fact, beer was CREATED for Lent (and not Lent for beer, just to be clear). German monks would fast for Lent and only drink. In this way, beer = liquid bread (seriously: grain + yeast + water = beer base and "pure beer").

    Beer brewed for particularly for Lent was extra rich in calories and called "Nährbier" (prounounced deceptively close to "near beer" which should never be mentioned). This was also used medicinally and for pregnant women to help people gain weight if they were sick or too weak.

    THEREFORE: give up salad and steak, wine and spirits, but never beer for Lent.


    This has been: Beer Basics: How the Catholic Church Created Beer for Lent (not chocolate)

    And once again, back to the original and most important of topics on this thread:

    drinks, purchases and sales tax.

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  15. 7 minutes ago, chengkp75 said:

    Unfortunately, in the US, service is not a noted trait.  Its all about me, not about the customer.  The high point of customer service is "do you want fries with that?".


    Fortunately, here in Maine we have many craft breweries (much like your German local breweries), and for me it is Dunkles or Marzens.  Unfortunately, the craft beer industry has gone way overboard on IPA's, but I am now seeing a revival of malty beers like reds, brown ales, and Scottish ales.

    I have met all kinds and most people we meet are exceptionally friendly. We are so fortunate in that respect. We are also quite easy going--definitely not pseudo-royalty.

    If my husband is offered fries at every meal he will be perfectly satisfied. Offering a milkshake with it could seal the deal. In that way, he is as easy to please as a 5 year old.

    I do enjoy a good Dunkelbier. I cannot drink Pils et. al. and I once watched my husband politely drink an IPA on recommendation--and knew he would not request another. Flavored (fruit) beer scares me (and grosses him out, I think).

    So now I have officially derailed a most informative post on drinks and taxes onto international relations and beer.

    Sorry and back to the scheduled topic.....

    • Haha 2
  16. @The Traveling Man, well it can be really challenging combining cultures. It's a tricky business.


    On our last venture in the USA we (I) noticed a distinct difference in service when they knew we were European. It was definitely less attentive. We do tip--according to the local customs--and are aware of it in the USA. Unfortunately, our service was often lower when they knew than when they didn't (it changed when they heard our language switch--I speak American English). Disappointing, really.


    Note to USA: NEVER run out of the preferred beer... for us it is Bavarian lagers and wheats (oh, and my beer language is German, so if I butcher the English terminology, I apologize)... 😉

    • Haha 1
  17. Actually, I have not reached our PCC on either their direct line nor the "general office line". I have not called a 1-800 number to reach them. I HAVE tried various avenues to reach out to NCL, when the others do not work.

    I contacted the chat agent AFTER not getting through and it was recommended on this board. I am sorry you doubt my experience.

    I was just expressing my sympathies, please do not correct me on my experience. I think this is not productive. I prefer to stop this communication now. Thank you.

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  18. True, @The Traveling Man, we still tip ca. 10% here despite "fairer wages". I am also wrapping my mind around 20% being the "normal tipping" and not the "super-service tipping". I remember 10-15% being the norm.

    The idea of "displaying taxes" is totally clear to me. We just bought plane tickets where the taxes and surcharges were more than the flight, itself. And the cruise was the same. Totally fair and clear.

    I was just surprised by this added tax. The drink was $10 (list price) + $2 (20%) + $1 (10%). If we didn't have the drinks package, that is 1/3 more than the list price! 🤪 We prepaid the first 2, but the 3rd add-on was just a "surprise" (although to be fair it is in their documentation and I am not upset about it).

    I am grateful for the patient clarifications for me and you all are awesome!

  19. Ouch, @BirdTravels. That must be really frustrating for all involved.

    I cannot imagine the stress--especially as I am not even reaching a person to transfer the call. It just gets dropped into nirvana. I cannot imagine how exhausting THAT situation would be for someone trying to meet such a deadline!

    My situation is thankfully not THAT urgent. Perspective. Thank you!

    Actually, @SeaShark, mine is to our PCC, not the 1-800 number.

  20. Thanks for the breakdown, @trivimp! That is what I am doing! (as a group it can add up.)

    This has been more a "wrap your brain around it" kind of exercise. Where I live, VAT is included in the given price of what you buy, so it is "invisible". I guess that is why we never even considered it.

    We are on the same Alaskan voyage. We are really looking forward to it!

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  21. Wow! Who knew this question could be so nuanced.
    Thank you, @chengkp75, I am most appreciative!

    I hope my naivity will help someone else on the same cruises. We'll do that! Like you said: it shouldn't be too much (to bust the budget), but good to know. It won't feel so "money-grabby" when the background is understood.

    Thank you, again, for your patience with a newbie.

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