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Everything posted by LargeNegroni

  1. Thanks for a fantastic review and helpful tips @Flyinby.
  2. It should always be excellent- not off, or a no show. The problem seems to be consistency.
  3. Think you may have dodged a bullet. The Dover Sole that was served to me on the cruise prior to yours on QV in QG was off.
  4. Incredible photos. Thank you for sharing. Can i ask if you used your phone or a regular camera? Also was this how it appeared to the naked eye, or does the camera lens make it clearer? We are on the same cruise on Sunday, keeping everything crossed we get to see the too. 🀞🏻
  5. Thank you for your posts and taking us along on your adventures. The Cunard South America trip sounds amazing! Keep us posted 😁
  6. Great photos, fascinating to see, thank you for sharing.
  7. Phew finally caught up! Thank you so much for sharing your adventures with us. Happy travels and please keep us posted on further culinary cruise capers. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ₯ƒ
  8. Oh this is great advice! Hadn’t considered this before πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
  9. Morning, Up to date with your posts . Please keep it going 😊 πŸ‘πŸ» I’m 100% with you and will go a bit further, Battenberg is vile, all that marzipan - yuk.
  10. Thank you for sharing your trip with us. I have loved everything, your positivity and humour is fab. Please keep it going . I would definitely vote for a πŸ’© button!
  11. We also got the email yesterday, which was a nice surprise. We were able to book the cruise and cabin we wanted for June 2025. Iceland here we come! 😊 Good luck for everyone booking today 🀞🏻
  12. Would love to but we don’t want to spend ages on the phone and we don’t have a travel agent . We will risk it and wait until tomorrow. πŸ˜¬πŸ˜… 🀞🏻
  13. Do past Cunard clients get an email to link the earlier (4th October) or do you log in via My Cunard site ? Don’t want to miss the boat ( pardon the pun) on an itinerary and our cabin selection. Top tips on securing a booking on the pre/release date very welcome. Thank you
  14. Hi we purchased the wine package on board, we spoke to the sommelier who provided us with a list of the wines currently available. The list below is the one we had in June 2023. Each evening he deducted a little paper voucher from the booklet he provided when we had selected that evenings choice.
  15. Totally agree the service and quality of food in QG on our recent QV was exceptional.
  16. Thank you for the information @BigMac1953 Are the additional drinks added to the final bill or part of the QG package?
  17. We travelled in June as first time cruisers in QG in a Q4 and we were allocated a table by the window.
  18. Thank you for taking us on your travels. It will keep us going until our trip in November. Perhaps setting you mini challenges to find things onboard could be a regular feature. Similar to Challenge Anneka form the old UK TV show 😁 Safe journey
  19. Please can you get a picture of the dog? 🐢
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