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Everything posted by IAcruising

  1. Yet, you assume they are the same price (or within $.50). What do you base that on? And how many drinks did you order, how often each? Were there 2 drinks on one swipe? Three? A lot of variables here. It was local tax, period.
  2. How do you know all three drinks were the same price? Did you see them on a menu?
  3. Yep, they're "pants" all right. But I'd get my nads cut by Mrs. IA if I showed up in Le Bistro in those. 🔪
  4. Is this statement really getting a pass from this crowd? I'm disappointed in all of you.
  5. 50% is a bit high. 15% is likely too low. The only time we've not done the fill-a-bag was a 5-day.
  6. You need long pants in Le Bistro, but don't ask Chief. He wears sweats that look like pants.
  7. Let me know what you come up with. 😎
  8. That one requires no thinking at all. 😆
  9. Not as soon as we actually, you know, start thinking.
  10. I think we're on the same page. But I don't think gizfish would agree. I think they're demanding that the carpet be replaced if there's a stain.
  11. I think we're talking past each other. My only comment was concerning whether a cabin needs to be "deep cleaned" between every occupant. It doesn't. A "regular" cleaning is just fine. A dust bunny under the bed (deep cleaning) doesn't likely contain the previous occupant's germs, nor would you be touching it anyway. At least I wouldn't.
  12. But my home is occupied every week, just like a cruise cabin. A dust bunny under the bed is a dust bunny under the bed. I don't get your point.
  13. This just seems ridiculous to me. Mrs. IA and I are meticulous, weekly, home cleaners. We dust, vacuum, mop, clean toilets, showers, sinks, mirrors, etc. But I can count on one hand the number of times per year that we vacuum under beds or other large furniture, clean out drawers, bleach drains, wash windows, etc. Any more than that is completely unnecessary.
  14. Were you in port when those charges were made? It may be local taxes applied.
  15. So, you're both actually saying yes.
  16. That would be a day pass on the Joy. I would be shocked if it's less than $300 for a 7-day.
  17. Fifteen drink limit. Just sayin'. 😆
  18. You're fine then. Just be sure to grab it when you see it.
  19. When are sailing, again? If fairly soon, I think you can assume the Land's End is sold out. It went quick on our trip.
  20. That seems really cheap for the Land's End excursion. I'm going to guess, since it says "from $45" that it's after the discount. Regarding the Connell Lake, that is before the discount.
  21. Uh, yes. Yes, I believe you are.
  22. I'm trusting my room steward isn't Capt. Hazelwood.
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