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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. Thankful to hear all the great news coming your way. You must be on cloud 10 or 11. 😆 I have been though those things like new insurance etc. Can be challenging. Just stay healthy and then all will go well. 🤔
  2. @Sea Dog Greg, I'm sure you have seen the news of the storms rolling our way. The last I've seen we are both supposed to get hit pretty hard. As I am typing this I hear thunder in the distance. Stay safe. I think I need to go charge up my phone before it hits.
  3. @BonTexasNY Hey Bonnie. So thankful to her that you had good results. Waiting for the results can be stressful. It's always good to hear good news happening for a thoughtful person as yourself.
  4. Speaking of grocery list. A while back we started using the app reminders that is on Sharon's iPhone and my iPad. When we think of something needed we put it on the list..... if we remember 😆 It's also been good for listing things needed for the next trip.
  5. Thanks, Kenzie is a sweetie. Yesterday she came too me, grabbed my hands and said Black Eyed Peas, Boom Boom Pow. Then she started dancing all around! I am doing fine. Physically when I overdo it I wear down quicker but I feel good. I am thankful the family is handling it much better. My oldest DD has been working hard. She got my late April MRIs moved up to next week! I am so thankful for those that are offering prayers for me. It makes a great difference.
  6. Thanks for the suggestion. That is the same thing my PT SIL said. A large base can be a trip hazard. They look like they would work good but unless pointed out I wouldn't of thought about them being a trip hazard.
  7. She is growing up quickly. She is speaking so much clearer now. I like the head tilt. She was part of a photo shoot last week. Her friend's mom is a photographer. She shot the two together with the flowers Kenzie's family grows and then both mom's posted the pics to promote each other. Maybe I can grab some to post later.
  8. I usually get hot water from the sink for sous vide cooking so I can see that all is starting good faster. I once started porkchops, came back a couple hours later to find that it never started.
  9. I will never forget the walker my mom used. It did not have wheels. When she was walking down a sidewalk she came to an uneven slab. She didn't like lifting it so she would slam the front 2 legs against the slab and then when it flew behind her she would step forward and wait for it to swing back. Not to safe.
  10. When you say, Special Needs Dept is that RC. This is all totally new to me. Do you call RC in advance or mention it when you get there to board. If I enter a show with a rollator can I set it up top and make it to a regular chair? If I don't overdo I can still walk but not the best balance.
  11. I wonder if they are behind on them due to so many that built up points when they were offering double points during the restart.
  12. Thanks so much . Very helpful. As of now I can still get around but by the afternoon it gets to be a challenge. I would not be able to walk a long distance without some help. I didn't think of checking them out at a medical device store. My DD, who is an OT and has been able to get medical stuff setup, is going to see if she can get a chair prescribed. She already got two doctors send me the paperwork to get handicapped parking. She's good.
  13. I need some suggestions. Does anyone use a lightweight Transport Wheelchair to fly and cruise? Is it a challenge to board an airline with? Any problems using them with a Lyft service? Any suggestions on which to buy or not tobuy? Also my PT suggested to get a cane that has a small tri base. Any suggestions?
  14. I am glad I saw CPAPs mentioned. I will be bringing a Trilogy, similar to CPAP, for the 1st time. Time to order more hooks. Thanks for mentioning!
  15. We hang a clear plastic shoe holder for doors on magnet hangers on the wall. (Couldn't find pic). This gives you the opportunity to have several pockets to store stuff that you can easily see.
  16. Wow, a little bit of a chance we might see you. We cruise out of Oahu 5-2 and will be in Maui May 3 & 4! Sharon set up a drive around excursion first day, nothing yet on the 4th. We'll keep an eye out.
  17. @island lady Hey Pat! Long time, some sea. Good seeing you. Tell Bucky I said hey.
  18. It sure is a blessing to have a couple of DDs that are OTs. The oldest just came down to help out with some transplanting basil then she decided to straighten out the whole basement. Both keep clearing things so dad doesn't trip and fall.
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