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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. Thinking the same thing. It really added to the show and was cool to see the two that fell for them. It will be so cool to see the reactions when they find out they are fake! Tonight was a good outcome. How can you think sitting out of Every challenge is a good thing with no consequences.
  2. Thanks for the link. I have never considered eating them. Like the end of the article mentions, the strong smell helps control various pest and therefore I plant them throughout the garden.
  3. MJ Thanks for taking the time to comment ! I hope and pray that your April appointment goes well and is helpful for you. It's great to see your your understanding of faith, hope and love. So true. Hang in there. And thanks again for sharing.
  4. I started my seeds a couple weeks ago. I thought I labeled them well until today. The one labeled are peppers 🌢 As I looked at the ones on the left I thought, those are not peppers! The true leaves were to rough to be peppers. I first thought tomatoes πŸ… but for all the ones I have grown I have never seen one like these. After talking with Sharon and my flower DD we figured it out, they are Marigold flowers.
  5. It was Aubrey's 7th birthday today. For her birthday πŸŽ‚ she wanted a spa treatment with cucumbers πŸ₯’ So Sharon went to work. One foot soaking tub was not enough for Kenzie... Later Kenzie's mom joined in. While the girls were all busy Caden and I watched Finnley...... Oooops At the end Sharon thought to relax. Another fun day.
  6. For me, it really hasn't been scary. The 1st thing that comes to mind is Psalms 23:4. Sofar most is positive for me! What is really hurting my heart is seeing the hurt my loving family is going through. But each hour they are getting better. 2 steps forward, 1 back. It's hard πŸ˜ͺ for me just to share their heart ache. So please remember them too in prayers. There is a huge positive to this. I have always been thankful for being blessed with such a loving family. My daughters, SILs, Grandkids and Sharon are the best. This experience is STRONGLY affirming that love we have for each other. Also the love from extended family and friends! I never dreamed that one day prayers would be offered for me from around the world! It surely warms the heart. Thanks for all that has expressed their concern for this experience. It is truly appreciated. And I know there are others, who like I am at times, find it hard to share their thoughts in moments like this. Now let us all have a great day!
  7. I helped a young nurse set a record. She drew 11 vials of blood for testing. Before me her high was 10. They also tested my breathing and decided to order a Trilogy machine to be delivered to my house. We will see if insurance will approve it.
  8. I have hesitated sharing. I wanted final results first but my experience keeps getting longer. You may remember me mentioning that my balance has been getting bad and my legs have gotten weak. After our Disney trip I finally agreed to go to the Doctors. Short version, Friday I had a Nerve Conduction Study and EMG. He was very thorough, 1hr and 20 minutes. I am not a doctor so my wording may not be perfect. The results of the EMG showed Motor Neuron damage. Yesterday I had a Neurologist appointment. Again very thorough, 3 1/2 hours with no breaks or waiting. Many things tested. She wants me to have some MRIs to see if she can find a different reason. I wanted to wait until the MRI results but that, as of now, will be mid April. Based on the EMG and my symptoms the Neurologist says ALS is probable. With the MRIs being put off she has asked me to come in to discuss different treatments. I, like most here, know the care we have for one another so I felt I should share.
  9. Those sides do look smaller than normal. I have hit and miss moments with the Ribeye steak. The filet at Giovanni’s has become my favorite.
  10. Is it just me? Noticed this pic yesterday of Kenzie taken just last Summer. And this is from yesterday. She looks to me like she is growing up so fast. I love how her hair grows longer on the sides than the front. Kenzie came over today and as always headed straight to see how Finnley was doing. Then she wanted me to play with a balloon. She would run up and throw it at me. It's always fun to have Grandkids over!
  11. Wow, it's been awhile since I saw it and I forgot where I saw it but I remember it was so cool. Glad you got to enjoy the experience!
  12. Wow, two hours and one post. I guess everyone had a long day and hit the sack early. 😴 Guess we will see y'all tomorrow.
  13. This place is beautiful and a great way to enjoy a birthday. Pauline, I hope you enjoyed. Happy birthday πŸŽ‚ πŸ₯³ πŸŽ‰
  14. We were there in January. If I remember correctly it was $9 each one way. It used to be $8.
  15. Wow, It's been a long time ago since I heard someone mention Harvey Wallbanger. I wonder if it's just known by a different name now.
  16. In the South, forcast snow is coming and the bread sells out at the store! I used to audit school districts. One time at a rural school the superintendent called off school before it started snowing after another superintendent called him and told him how much it was snowing at his district miles away. 😳 I thought that was crazy but several hours later I looked out the window and I was snowed in. πŸ˜†
  17. I love that combo for cooking. A sous vide overnight cooking of a Boston Butt turns out perfect. Great for moist tender pork chops too.
  18. Our cruise friends and us have rooms on hold for Bella 2! With the new playoff system starting, maybe we can enjoy watching Georgia winning another championship together again!.
  19. Where I lived at in Ohio it was considered the Snow Belt due to the Lake effect. I thought it was funny when we moved to Arkansas they would close schools when we had an inch of snow ❄️. In town they used road graders to plow the snow. They would push the snow to the middle of the road instead of the side! So anytime someone turned into a driveway or parking lot, the snow would get knocked back out on the road! πŸ˜† so silly to me.
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