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Everything posted by DCPIV

  1. The Martini Bar may not be excluded, as they may be properly equipped. I know folks have received CC happy hour drinks from the Martini Bar on at least some of the cruises I've been on. The World Class Bar most certainly is since they only stock premium liquor.
  2. Hey, man. How about a tip for all my valuable advice? I got a cruising habit to support.
  3. It's not a matter of available labor if they have more waiters pushing the "drink of the day" than those taking bar orders. It's a matter of how X is using they labor they have.
  4. I'm usually doing something else, but I'm at my laptop with one ear on the audio. If something interesting comes up, I might switch over to the webinar and watch for a bit.
  5. First and foremost, there are no hard and fast rules. For a ship or large third-party excursion in the Caribbean or Mexico, we typically tip $10 for a half-day excursion and $20 for a full day excursion. That is for the both of us. If someone did an excellent job, we'll increase that. If someone did a cruddy job, we'll decrease it (and may just keep it in my pocket). We also increased that a good bit when numbers were very low and times were very tough during Covid, but those days are over. If I'm in a different part of the world, I also do a little research on tipping practices and go along with that. For something very small or booked for just the two of us, I just sort of go with what I feel and consider the circumstances. I typically won't tip the owner (owners set the prices and keep the money), and owners typically are more concerned with getting a good review than a few bucks. If they have a shop, then I might very well buy a little something instead. If they have done a fantastic job but don't have a shop, I've been known to offer a little something to an owner (e.g., "Thank you. This has been a great day. Let me buy you a beer" or something like that). I've had folks graciously refuse such an offer, and that just reminds one that there are many who take pride in what they do and are more than happy with sincere a sincere "thank you" and handshake. Drivers and guides typically share tips. Your "main" guide typically works things out with any guide that is at a stop. If a driver has had to deal with some serious situations and come through brilliantly, I often will make a special effort to get something to him.
  6. You'll sail under the status you have at the time you sail, not the time you book. Assuming you'll be Classic due to the points from the current opportunity, you'll be Classic when you sail!
  7. If you are willing to pay the minimum upgrade, then there is little reason not to make the bid. It costs you nothing to make the bid, and it costs you nothing if it's not accepted.
  8. As @Jim_Iain got into, there is far too much to consider here. The bottom line is that stock prices are based on looking forward. Back during the high point of Covid, the stock was greatly depressed because many thought RCL might very well go down the tubes. A lot of the activity over the last several months very likely is due to the forecast that they will survive, not to mention that they appear to be thriving. That's what it boils down to.
  9. I sailed on Summit out of Miami about a year and a half ago and on Azamara just a couple of months ago. It was easy both in and out both times. You do need to have ID ready to enter the port these days (I don't recall if that was the case 5 years ago). They may ask everyone in the vehicle or just the driver. Uber/Lyft is about $20 from the airport to the terminals, and I expect a taxi is about the same. Summit typically sails in and out of Terminal G, but that's always subject to change. You can check the terminal here: https://wwwx.miamidade.gov/Apps/Seaport/dailydock/Default.aspx
  10. All there for us. I hope you get it all worked out easily!
  11. Exactly. They never wanted to get popped for making the last minute deals, but they lived it with when ships were barely sailing at all.
  12. Tip as you like. You've paid what is required. Just FYI, if you choose to get a drink that is priced above your package, then you'll pay the upcharge plus the gratuity on that upcharge.
  13. Absolutely not (unless you are dealing with the steamer trunks of old). As I mentioned in the other thread, we have had no issues with getting a large (very large) hanging bag and 2 carry-on roller bags in any UberX we've called. The guy with the large jack in the back actually was driving a Corolla. We managed fine.
  14. Maybe, maybe not. DW and I usually travel with 2 backpacks, 2 roller bags, and a large hanging bag. We've always gotten the normal UberX. The only time things were tight for cargo was when the driver had a large jack in his trunk. Now, we do always keep our backpacks with us, so that does allow for a bit more room in the cargo area. If we needed a larger vehicle to carry passengers or luggage, then I would just go with a cab. Any upcharge will be far less than what Uber or Lyft get for upgrading to XL (easily 1.5-2x what you pay for the regular car).
  15. You will have a marvelous time! It is not a stuffy atmosphere in the least. Quite the opposite--very relaxed! There, of course, the possibility that some passengers will be arrogant, but I've seen that on every cruise I've been on from Royal Caribbean on up. If you put enough folks in a room, you are bound to get at least one jerk, and even the smallest Silversea ship is a room large enough. 😀
  16. Howdy! I don't recall the specific date, but it's Barcelona>Lisbon in mid-September. I think we booked it (and you booked yours) while we were on the Whisper together and the Nova itineraries came out. 😀
  17. AT&T actually has plans for $50 or $100 for 30 days.
  18. You can always book an imaginary friend who turns out to be a no-show.
  19. Nope. No lounge. Just the "happy hour" at most bars most nights.
  20. I believe Sushi on 5 is open, as are Café al Bacio and Spa Cafė. If you are in a suite, you have Luminae.
  21. Uber or taxi should take about the same amount of time and cost about the same ($15, give or take, before tip). That's the way to do it, either way. We typically go with Uber because the taxi drivers can be a bit gruff, but it's a short enough trip.
  22. For that matter, you also should have the suite room service menu which is a good step up (especially for breakfast). Retreat Concierges also can be mighty helpful.
  23. We also are on the Nova later this year, and we're looking forward to it.
  24. That was a great cruise and a great band!
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