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Texas Tillie

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Everything posted by Texas Tillie

  1. Or don't wear white at all. It's optional. Patty
  2. Is that the same thing as an interline fare or something else? Patty
  3. True for the younger contingent, but I'm sure you did notice there are still a number of Crystal cruisers who were well into their adult years in the 80s. As a first year "baby boomer", I like being far from the oldest on a Crystal cruise! 😮 Patty
  4. Having been on the same cruise plus the one before, I'd say that any questioning about "dress code" on a seven day Alaska cruise with many, many first to Crystal cruisers might constitute a fool's errand. At least in Alaska, with the temperature, you're not as likely to see shorts, T shirts and rubber flip flops. I don't like it either, but I'm afraid dress codes of any type will soon go the way of the rotary phone! 😏 Patty
  5. I have no idea and don't think it's any of my business one way or the other how they choose to operate internally. I either do or don't like their product offered to the public and think the fare I'm offered is acceptable or not.
  6. Only a few cabins on Crystal hold 3 and I don’t believe more than 3 are allowed in any cabin.
  7. I don’t understand your first sentence, what is 514? As for a guarantee, I’ve never thought that I would ever get a better cabin than the one for which I’d paid. Maybe I’d hit the jackpot and get a better cabin, but that was never a given. Maybe you had been exceeding lucky in the past to get better cabins than you’d paid, but luck lasts only so long. I’m inclined to think your expectations are out of line with reality.
  8. It would be rather ridiculous to segregate people in the dining room but they would still be together in the bars, the showroom, etc. Just my opinion. Let’s face it, that ship has sailed. You are not required to like it but you might as well accept that times have changed. Patty
  9. For the Diver to Dover in Sept. they are offering a transfer to Amsterdam, but for $$$. Patty
  10. Thank you!! Actually I’m coming to you from the United Club at terminal E, IAH. I was supposed to be on the flight tomorrow morning to Vancouver to meet Serenity at Vancouver. Early this morning I decided that was not a good idea and that flight (with everything else) has been canceled. I’m on the evening flight that is now an hour late, but as long as it takes off, I’m happy. The airport is a zoo with everyone trying to get out of Dodge. Serenity, here I come!!
  11. I've never been on a Crystal cruise where Diet Coke Caffeine Free isn't available, well one time it was Coke Zero Caffeine Free. I've never requested in advance. Patty
  12. Your last sentence is the operative one! All will be welcome and it will not be crowded. Enjoy!! Patty
  13. Noticed that the Bistro was also going to be opened for a few hours in the evening. Patty
  14. 🥰💖🥰 Yes, I'm on the back to back, July 9 - 23. Happy as it has been hotter than Hades in Texas recently, close to 100 daily with a heat index of 110 and up. Patty
  15. Noticing that dining is still at 6:30 in all venues. I'll ask next week when I'm on if that is a permanent change going forward. In the summer, especially as far north as Alaska, it is daylight so much later. Patty
  16. I'd be so jealous if I weren't going to be onboard in a week and will have my chance as it is one of my favorites. And, a shout out to Ryndam for telling me about the soup they serve with the Asian Buffet. Can't guess how many times I never knew about it. Now I know!! 😃 Patty
  17. Crystal still has the band that plays for production shows and headline entertainers. That band sometimes plays in the Cove with dancing, not on every cruise. It's the every night dancing where there's now the duo. At one time Crystal had the show band and a sextet, those days are gone for good. However, there are many more butlers!! 😮 Patty
  18. Hadn't paid attention that all the restaurants didn't open until 6:30 PM. Will be interested to see if that continues throughout the cruise. Patty
  19. Also, as an FYI, taxis have a fixed rate based on zones from the airport. I believe the hotels near the cruise terminal will be $41 Canadian which is about $30 US.
  20. Trivia on Crystal is at 12:05 PM, directly after the captain's noon report, on all sea days. I've also experienced it in the afternoon when the ship departs a port relatively early, but that depends, Waiting for Tracie to chime in as she is the expert on all things trivia. Patty
  21. Yes, Keith, I believe that's a case of pay me now or pay me later!😁 Patty
  22. The new Crystal brought back many things from the old Crystal, but not everything. The birtday breakfast is no longer available. It started as a tie-in with Crystal's birthday, was it the 25th? I had it 2, possibly 3 times, and always thought it was over done and actually not all that great. Others felt differently. Patty
  23. There’s a current thread on the Silversea board about “service” animals on the ships. 😱
  24. If the lots are half empty all the time, it's gouging. If the lots are mostly full, it's supply and demand.
  25. Even with old Crystal, when they changed the Crystal Society program, the old program became immediately void. The 25th milestone in the old program was a free 7 day cruise in a balcony (or 7 free days prorated to a longer cruise). The new program was something like $3,000 off any cruise. By that time 7 days in a balcony cost more than $3,000. I know several people who had "banked" that milestone and lost out. Lesson, use any and all milestones as soon as earned. Patty
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