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Texas Tillie

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Everything posted by Texas Tillie

  1. Haven't been to a Whataburger in years. The one closest to my house, mile and a half!, is crappy. Heard it had gotten worse as have all the fast food in the area as they can’t get enough decent employees. Last time I went to Five Guys it was good, but a single was over $9!! Having problems with food inflation these days. Patty
  2. Well, Keith, that must explain why I never smelled any smoke. I have no idea where the fitness center was located on the Silver Muse!! 🤪 Patty
  3. You don't think it will be announced sometime between now and the first sailing? If it's the same as the old Crystal then everyone will already know if they like it or not. Since Silversea was mentioned, I had many issues with Silversea but smoking was not one of them. Didn't smell smoke once in 18 days on the ship. Patty
  4. Have a friend who lived in NoVa in the 90s to early 2000s. Worked at a building in Roslyn. At lunch, 2 of them would drive into the District, one would keep driving around the block as the other went into the liquor store. Booze was so much cheaper in the District than the state liquor stores in Virginia!! Patty
  5. Come on Bob, you KNOW it's going to be the Astros again! Know there are those who are still bent out of shape about the Astros and the 2017 season and sign stealing. There's a new book out that says that the Yankees, Dodgers, Red Sox, etc. were also stealing signs, it's just that they weren't doing it in a new high tech way like the Astros (well, high tech until you get to the trash can lid!). No sign stealing last year and they did better than 2017!! Patty
  6. Interesting, since I'm a solo I'm sure they are charging $660, at least, for a solo. That's the hotel where I'm staying, room 250 euro (so $275 US or less), and I know taxis from the airport and to the ship won't be all that much .No, the Sofitel isn't as luxurious as the hotel old Crystal used at Lisbon, the Ritz Four Season, but it's more than fine for one night. Patty
  7. How's this, there's a real number, but they don't know what it is, yet, for all the reasons Vince has explained until he's blue in the face. You either trust that when the new Crystal starts sailing it will be as good or better than the old Crystal or you don't trust them. Go to all the cruise lines websites and delete all the "weaselly marketing words" and you wouldn't find a complete sentence!!
  8. I didn't have a problem either, but I suggest you read the various threads on the Silversea board. The air department can be described as hit or miss, at best. So, it's not just us awful Crystal "cheerleaders" saying it. Patty
  9. But, they did have a much better product for less, my vote, you'll find others who agree and some who don't. Crystal's food was better. The service was better. The enrichment and entertainment was much, much better. My opinion - yours is different. I think this horse is sufficiently been beaten to death. Moving on..........
  10. Assume you are aware that they are taking many of those "smaller cabins" and making larger cabins and therefore lowering the guest capacity substantially. Just one vote, but I was on Silversea in Dec. and the cabin was the ONLY place where Silversea was "better" than the old Crystal. Yes, we have to wait and see about the new Crystal.
  11. Maybe a few don't care about covering expenses, but if they want Crystal to be around in 3 years, they'd better.
  12. The new Crystal has increased their fares substantially since the fares that had been posted for 2020 for similar itineraries. Since then we have had inflation and Crystal is reducing capacity on the ships. We don't know the principals commitment, for sure, but it seems that they are covering increased expenses with the new posted fares. I'm encouraged as there are any number of execs involved with the new Crystal with years of cruise knowledge. I certainly wouldn't let the financial situation with Crystal stop me from booking the cruises they have already announced. I think they have the start up covered. Now, where they will be in 5 years........
  13. I am quite aware. I was answering the post just before mine that said there was free laundry in the big suites. 🤪🙄🤓 Patty
  14. You were on Crystal just once, I believe, and before all inclusive and many other changes. The food got better after your cruise, the enrichment was about the same, the entertainment offerings got better. That being said, that's the old Crystal. We won't know about the new Crystal until they start sailing. I'm encouraged as new things are being announced. Just today I read that the Ambassador Hosts will be back. There's no question that the website and the reservation agents are a work in progress.
  15. Silversea has free laundry for all passengers who have sailed over 100 days with them. That’s good because the “laundry room” is one stacked washer and dryer in a closet per floor. Patty
  16. Think the problem is the definition of influencer. I don't think of sites like that as an influencer. I always thought that influencer referred to people like the Kardashians and worse. 🤓😱☺️ Patty
  17. Guess that's an attempt to attract the younger crowd. I'm not in the TikTok generation, but all I can say is what I have seen of "influencers" other places on the internet, all they do is influence me to want to hurl!! Patty
  18. This is the second time you've posted that Crystal is not all inclusive. I'll ask again, what isn't Crystal offering that Silversea offers on the port to port. The size of cabins or the itineraries or the age of the ships have nothing to do with being all inclusive. FYI - I was on the Muse for almost 3 weeks in December and there was nothing that equaled the old Crystal except the cabin, which was "better". Yes, that's one person's opinion. Now, will the new Crystal equal or exceed the old Crystal, time will tell.
  19. No, Crystal isn't offering the door to door like Silversea, but what do you think they aren't offering that would align with Silversea's port to port?
  20. Don't you claim to be a lawyer? I'm not, don't even play one on TV, but am aware that noncompete employment contracts are very difficult to enforce. Looks like Silversea might be a little afraid of the competition from Crystal.
  21. See post #199 from me on this thread. I can guarandamntee you (yes, I'm from Texas and that's a word here) that if things aren't up to snuff, you'll hear it from me. Not sure about your observations. What's it been, ten years since you've been on Crystal? Think that takes us back to NYK. Lots of water under the bridge since then. Patty
  22. Houston metropolitan area population 7.2 million people, Cincinnati metro population 2.2 million. Those other 5 million people are on the road between the airport and the cruiseport. I'm being sarcastic. When people say 2 1/2 hours it's because there has been a nasty wreck in an area where there's road construction I 45, aka the Gulf Freeway, the road into Galveston, was started in 1954 and has been under construction somewhere between downtown Houston and Galveston Island every minute since then. Generally, I'd allocate an hour and a half and hope for the best.
  23. No, these are people who LOVED (past tense) the former Crystal. If the food is mediocre and uninspired or the entertainment is lacking or there's very little enrichment or the excursions are expensive and they put 45 passengers on each coach or any other number of issues, you'll hear unbiased reviews loud and clear. Patty
  24. I'm not as concerned that the details of enrichment, entertainment, etc., are not available yet. It does bother me that being able to tell which cabin is what iteration and what that cabin's fare will be for a specific cruise is still not available on the website. Patty
  25. Know you weren't directing the question to me. ☺️ Wondering myself how long it's going to take to get all this stuff fixed?? Patty
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