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Colorado Coasty

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Everything posted by Colorado Coasty

  1. FYI: Under the Defence Act CAP. 159 Section 188, Subsection 1 Clause (b) (1) A person is guilty of an offence who: (a) Wears in a public place, without authority, the uniform of the Barbados Defence Force, not being a member of the force, or any dress having the appearance or bearing any of the regimental or other distinctive marks of any such uniform. (b) wears without authority: (i) any uniform or part thereof, or any article of clothing made from any of the disruptive pattern materials used for making the military uniform commonly called the “camouflage uniform” or from the any of other material so nearly resembling any of these materials as is likely to deceive. The Penalty: Under Section 188, Subsection 5, any person found guilty of any of these offences is liable on summary conviction to a fine of $2000 or to one year imprisonment or both. (RBPF) No mention of drugs.
  2. Yes, that is true and good for people to know but the comment about drugs is not material to the topic of this thread.
  3. I don't quite get your connection of camo bands and the possession or distribution of drugs as it relates to this topic. Drug smugglers may wear camo but not all camo wearers are into drugs.
  4. Finally received an email from Princess Customer Relations today. Our claim for per diem while in hotel quarantine has been processed and we will be receiving a check from "Bottomline Industries". Better late than never. Now, with any luck, maybe we will soon have a resolution with AON.
  5. This is our favorite suite. Lots of room and the sloped wall is not a problem. The only drawback is that it's a long walk to everything and not near the concierge lounge.
  6. Join the club. You are lucky it is only a couple of hundred dollars.
  7. Why do I have the feeling that this will come to be known as "Fit West"?
  8. We are now in the 12th week. We did get the FCC for onboard quarantine about a month ago but our claims for reimbursement from both Princess and AON are in limbo. Being Elite doesn't appear to be of any help.
  9. Having spent many months on "Ocean Station Bravo" (Google it), it sounds like my kind of cruise. Sorry you didn't enjoy it more.
  10. Funny how one little word can change the meaning, kind of like then/than.
  11. 11weeks and counting, only getting canned responses.
  12. Suarez will test positive and be quarantined mid-race. I'm rooting for Truex.
  13. Ours has been "Assigned" for 3+ months, We did get an email a few weeks ago saying they were sorry for the delay.
  14. AON will cover airline, transportation, and other items not paid by Princess.
  15. We too just received our FCCs, 4+ months after the fact. It is enough to completely pay for our next booked cruise with some left over. Now if we can get AON to finally take care of our claim, this whole fiasco will be over.
  16. As I recall, some of the trains have outside platforms, fresh air works wonders. Not sure about train to Whittier.
  17. The highway between Anchorage and Whittier is mostly straight, flat, and smooth. I actually think you feel more motion on the train.
  18. When we were quarantined onboard Royal and then in a Seattle hotel last month Princess promised us a few things. They said we would receive FCC within 2 weeks for the days we were isolated on the ship, hasn't happened. They said we would be given $100 each per diem for food while in the hotel, trying to submit a claim or even get a response has been impossible. Princess telephone reps don't have a clue about what I'm talking about and while Princess tells me that they have received my email and that they will respond, I hear nothing. I submitted our insurance claim to Aon Infintiy and they acknowledged it but nothing is happening. I kind of get the feeling they are following Princess' lead. I also get the feeling that Princess is stonewalling us in hopes that we just forget the whole thing.
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