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Everything posted by bluemarble

  1. QM2 and QV are both in Southampton today. I believe this is the first time QV has been in port with another of the Cunard ships since she was serving as a support ship in the Caribbean. We won't have to wait long for that to happen again though since QM2 and QV are both are scheduled to be back in Southampton in a fortnight on September 4th. This view shows both ships arriving this morning with QM2 in the lead as seen on the Netley Cam stream of the Solent Ships YouTube channel.
  2. As far as I'm concerned, since you have a photo of Fuerteventura, even if it is from a distance, that's good enough for our purposes. We've had several contributions of public domain photos (myself included) where the contributor only visited the port's city and never got to the cruise port itself. Having your own photo to contribute is a step ahead of the game in my view.
  3. Ah, I think I've found this one with the help of that clue. Before that hint I had been going down a rabbit hole trying to identify the type of tree in the photo and attempting to discern if there was any meaning to the arrangement of the rocks on the beach. They almost look like they are arranged to spell something. I think that's a view of Fuerteventura, Canary Islands as seen from the island of Lanzarote. Almost two years ago (August 28, 2020) we identified your photos of Arrecife, Lanzarote.
  4. Here's a link to a YouTube video showing QM2 at Blue Port Hamburg 2022 yesterday. Queen Mary 2 Light Up BLUE PORT Hamburg 2022
  5. That's correct. That's an image of Olden, Norway captured from the Vestland - North webcam found on the windy.com website. It's showing QV's recent visit there on 17 August.
  6. Here's a webcam image I'll contribute of a port we've already seen on this thread. It's one I intended to post on the ship's current "location" / "position" thread. But I didn't allow enough time to get permission to post the image from the site hosting the webcam until well after the ship had departed. Here's an opportunity to give that webcam image the light of day. Where in the world is this and which Cunard ship is it?
  7. Now that it's been 24 hours since @sfred posted the image of a new Cunard port, I'll go ahead and identify it. Several others have figured out this latest port image based on the clues provided. It is of course Mekjarvik, Norway where QV ended up yesterday instead of docking in nearby Stavager as originally planned. The image @sfred posted is from the "Fv. 521 Mekjarvik FK" webcam found here on the "Statens vegvesen" (Norwegian Public Roads Authority) website. https://www.vegvesen.no/trafikkinformasjon/reiseinformasjon/webkamera/#/vis/366183 As your unofficial / self-appointed moderator of this thread, my view is that Mekjarvik should count as a new port to be added to our master list of Cunard ports seen on this thread. We have several other cases of pairs and even triples of nearby places that have made our list so far. Here are some I recall. Gydansk/Gydnia, Poland Rostock/Warnemunde, Germany Puerto Moin/Puerto Limon, Costa Rica Puerto Caldera/Puntarenas, Costa Rica Colon/Cristobal, Panama Fuerte Amador/Panama City/Balboa, Panama Homer/Katchemak Bay/Cook Inlet, Alaska That gets us to 571 ports seen on this thread. It's now time for me to attach the updated list of ports we've seen on this thread and the list of Cunard ports we have not yet seen on this thread. Where in the World 2022-08-20.txt Cunard ports not seen yet 2022-08-20.txt I'd like to encourage everyone to post images you have of any of the ports on the list of ports we have not seen yet. As best I can recall, here are our informal "rules" for what we will accept for images, in order of preference. 1) A personal photo of the port showing a Cunard ship or taken from a Cunard ship. 2) A personal photo of the port without any connection to a Cunard cruise. 3) A webcam image of the port showing a Cunard ship or from a Cunard ship. 4) A personal photo showing the community or the surroundings near the port. 5) A public domain image of a port you have visited but you don't have your own photo. As you can see, we have become quite generous with what we will accept as an image of a Cunard port to keep this game going. Please take a look at the list of ports we haven't seen yet to see if you have images of any of those ports to contribute to this thread. I'd also like to encourage you to contribute images you have of ports we have already seen on this thread if you feel they may offer a unique perspective of the port or an interesting challenge in identifying the port. There are many ports we have seen multiple times on this thread. Let's keep this game going!
  8. Good show put on by the port of Hamburg and QM2 this evening! I was confused at first when I saw QM2 turn upstream after leaving Cruise Center Steinwerder. But then I remembered Blue Port Hamburg might be starting this evening and @Yaldi's post confirmed it. Here is a screen grab from one of the cameras Skyline Webcams use in their Port of Hamburg montage. It shows QM2 participating in the Blue Port Hamburg 2022 festivities during her sail away from Hamburg this evening.
  9. I'm intrigued to hear the Cunard UK website allowed you to log in to your My Account which was created on the US website (when that functionality existed in the US). I figured it might throw a fit seeing an account with a US Cunard World Club number linked to it. I recall others have verified the Cunard UK website won't allow a newly created My Account to be linked to a US Cunard World Club number.
  10. What's going on with the cruise quays in Stavanger today is a mystery to me. The Port of Stavanger website lists Queen Victoria at Mekjarvik and Norwegian Star at Strandkaien 16W in Stavanger. But Norwegian Star is actually in Alesund today. Since there are no other cruise ships in Stavanger today, it sounds like this could be one of those "operational reasons" for which we may not get any further explanation.
  11. I'm glad to see this game is back too. I won't spoil it for others who want to give this one a try, especially those who may not have seen this game yet. I've found the webcam but the ship isn't in view anymore. That was good timing of you to get that shot as the ship was arriving, @sfred. I don't know what I'm doing up at 3:00am my time, but then that never stopped me before when it comes to this game, has it?
  12. Another day, another visit to Hamburg. It's a foggy morning which adds an interesting twist to this view of QM2's arrival today. QM2 is starting to back into the Vorhafen harbor entrance from the Elbe which leads to Cruise Center Steinwerder. Once again this is a capture from the Skyline Webcams Port of Hamburg Live cam found at "www.skylinewebcams.com/en/webcam/deutschland/hamburg/hamburg/hamburg-hafen.html".
  13. I believe that number on the label is actually 1931. The Ca' di Rajo website says that's the year the winery was established.
  14. @sfred, unfortunately the Cunard US website is conspicuous for the absence of an email address to contact the Cunard World Club here. The "Terms and conditions" section at the bottom of our "en-us/cunard-world-club" page lists email addresses for everywhere else except the US. That includes different email addresses provided for the UK, for Germany/EMEA, and for Australia/New Zealand where it lists the email address you mentioned. All it offers for the US is the regular Cunard customer service phone number. There are some old posts in this forum which mention worldclub@cunard.com as the email address for the Cunard World Club in the US. I have my doubts that's still a valid email address though since it's not listed on the Cunard US website.
  15. An update on finding your cabin number within your booking on "My Cunard". We've discussed here and elsewhere how Cunard had been hiding the cabin number within "Before you sail" -> "Life on board". I just noticed while checking our booking that our cabin number is now also listed on the main "Booking summary" page where it belongs. When the "Booking summary" page is displayed (either when first logging in or when navigating back to it), it first shows the message "Your stateroom will be allocated closer to departure." for a few seconds. Then in our case that message changes to show the type of cabin, section, deck, cabin number and a "Find out more" link to the "Before you sail" -> "Life on board" page. It's nice to be able to report an improvement to the Cunard website functionality once in a while.
  16. Right. That's supposed to be a link to the "My Account" login/register page which used to work here in the US. That message about it undergoing maintenance repairs and their teams working hard to get it up and running again has been that way for over a year now. I wasn't optimistic it was just down for short-term maintenance repairs when they removed the "Login | Register" link from the Cunard US website's menu bar about the same time it stopped working here.
  17. That's interesting. I searched "My Cunard" looking for our Cunard World Club status to no avail. Looks like you are seeing it someplace that should be obvious. Here is what the top portion of the home page looks like when I log in to our current cruise booking. Unfortunately I'm not seeing our Cunard World Club status in the upper right corner. Am I looking at the wrong page? This is for a voyage on Queen Anne which is of course a long way off so perhaps that has something to do with it.
  18. Sorry, no I don't have any passenger counts from before 2020. I've been listening to New York vessel traffic radio for quite a few years while watching QM2's departures from New York but they don't report passenger counts there. I've only had access to the Southampton VTS radio feed where the ships do report passenger counts during departures from Southampton since early this year.
  19. There's no way to see your Cunard World Club status online in the US that I am aware of. There used to be Cunard World Club login functionality where you could view your status as well as your full voyage history but that is long gone. There is "My Account" login functionality for those in the UK which is linked to the Cunard World Club account. When it was first introduced that was mostly to specify marketing preferences. But since then I understand it has been expanded to do a few more things such as allowing those in the UK to see their FCC amounts without having to resort to starting a booking. I do not know if "My Account" allows those in the UK to see their Cunard World Club status. Perhaps one of our contributors from the UK can comment on that. However, the "My Account" functionality is irrelevant to us here in the US anyway. We had that functionality briefly in the US when it was first introduced but it is no longer supported here.
  20. The count QV reported to Southampton VTS on Sunday upon departure for your current cruise to Norway which I posted above was 1697 passengers. That's ≈82% capacity.
  21. According to a post on the Portos da Madeira facebook page today, here are the figures for QE's arrival at Ponta Delgada on Tuesday. QE - August 16, 2022: 1350 pax; 923 crew; pax/crew: 1.46 That works out to ≈65% of her 2092 lower berth passenger capacity.
  22. QE is in Funchal, Madeira today. Here is a capture showing QE from the Funchal marina webcam found at "www.webcamtaxi.com/en/portugal/madeira/funchal-marina.html". The other cruise ship in this view is MSC Virtuosa. I am posting this image with the kind permission of WebcamTaxi.
  23. Excellent! Yes, I found it. Here's the link to that YouTube video. I had no idea it's been ten years since QM2 last visited Rotterdam (give take a month or two anyway). My records indicate QM2 last called at Rotterdam on October 11, 2012.
  24. Oh, sorry I missed that! I watched those cameras on her way in early this morning but was slow on the draw for her departure this evening. More to come at the cameras on these pages. https://webcam-maassluis.nl https://webcam-hoekvanholland.nl
  25. Just off the top of my head, this sounds like it could be a bit of an over-zealous privacy policy. If you book a shore excursion, then naturally you are entitled to see everyone on that booking you made. But perhaps Cunard is intentionally adopting a privacy policy that prevents those on a booking they didn't make from seeing others on that booking. I suppose you've noticed whoever is the lead passenger on your cruise booking is the only one who can see and edit the "Personal details" for all the other passengers on that booking. There is a selection on the "Personal details" pages of each of the secondary passengers when they log in to the booking that allows them to grant or deny permission for the lead passenger to view and edit their personal details. That makes sense from a privacy perspective. A similar privacy policy doesn't make quite so much sense though when it comes to merely being able to see all the others on a shore excursion someone else booked for you. But that's my theory for what's going on anyway.
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