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Everything posted by alc13

  1. Oh, my; sorry to hear your husband came down with covid. Hope he recovers quickly and you remain well. Damn virus.
  2. You have a dream trip planned! Allow yourself to be distracted during the flight by the pleasures of Singapore Airlines business class, which are reputed to be the best of the best. Perhaps that will ease your anxieties. And do let us know how it went afterwards.
  3. Funny you should ask. We booked a 2 night cruise in Britannia Club, and were told we were first in line for a free upgrade. We got a call 3 weeks before the cruise that we could have an upgrade to PG for another $700. Apparently we were in fact on a free upgrade list, but they weren't offering those yet... or something. Anyway, based on our experience you won't hear anything for several more weeks.
  4. I watched on and off today, some live, more in taped clips after the fact. So very beautiful; somber, dignified and moving. And the military - just grand. I hope the Queen would have been proud. I'm glad to have been here for her reign.
  5. She personified dignity and respect for duty. And she loved her family and was well-loved in return. Lots to admire there. I'm very sad today.
  6. I worry, too. She looked so frail greeting the new PM. She is widely, deeply loved.
  7. Have fun - I hope you'll let us know how it goes! I just looked at their website. Some wonderful itineraries.
  8. I didn't call. I tried @bluemarble's tip and entered digits with no spaces or hyphens and no country code. It worked!
  9. Having drunk too many mediocre wines on all-included cruises, I sincerely hope not.
  10. Maybe I should be more specific - I’m trying to complete the emergency contact form in my.Cunard, and I can’t figure out the correct format for the telephone number. I keep getting an “invalid number” message and I can’t submit the form without it. Does anyone who’s completed that form recently remember the correct format? Thought I’d check here before calling customer service.
  11. I would guess that difficulty in lining up speakers could also account for the the late posting. Lots of people are still anxious about traveling because of covid.
  12. Some leftover FCCs have bought us a 3-day cruise in October, from Southampton to Hamburg on QM2. Somehow it didn't immediately compute that the 3 day cruise is actually only one full day on board, but nevertheless, I'm excited. First time in Britannia Club, which I'm also excited about. After that we'll spend 10 days exploring southern and eastern Germany by car. Now, we both like dressing up, and happily pack a 3rd suitcase with formal wear when we need to, but our upcoming cruise has just 1 formal night, so I find myself in the embarrassing position of asking myself, do we really need to bring a tuxedo and long gown? After posting about a million responses saying basically "please try" to people asking that same question. We've always been purists, but I think some compromise is likely this time. Don't tell anyone.
  13. Agree with you about the included wines, and the odd experience of being encouraged to "name a grape."
  14. If you loved cruising in the past, you probably still will. I believe it has become more expensive, I suppose due in part to rising fuel and labor costs. The glitches and missteps because of covid are temporary. I would say to expect a reasonable value for the money you choose to spend, but assume you might spend a little more these days. And beyond that, trust the cruise business not to put themselves out of business with a shoddy product.
  15. Bosch Legacy! How did we not know of this! We've started watching Peaky Blinders. Emphasis on watching, because the listening part is hit or miss. We may have to turn on closed captions. It's really too violent for me but I like the way it looks.
  16. Fabulous. Oh, for a way to travel back in time!
  17. Wonderful review, thank you.
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