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Everything posted by derorim

  1. If you can see the photo in an email, press and hold your finger on the photo until a menu pops up, then let go of the photo and tap on Save Image. On my iPad that puts the email photo into iPad photos.
  2. I attached velvet fabric to a stiff cardboard like material using tacky spray, and I glued the jewelry with a fine tipped hot glue gun.
  3. Thank you. The frame had a photo of my sons and their wives, but one son has since divorced, so the picture was put away. I guess the frame was just waiting for the right use.
  4. To be honest, being creative stresses me out. I like things with instructions, and a right answer. This was very hard for me, but I had the encouragement and advice from Andy and a creative friend. I’m going to attempt another tree for one son, and I’m working on a different project for my other son. If I survive that stress, I might let Andy’s sister send me their mom’s jewelry and try to do something with that.
  5. Inspired by the Jewelry Tree @Sea Dog shared, I decided to make one using my mother's jewelry. Here's the finished project. I'm not sure I will want to take it down when Christmas is over.
  6. @HBE4 Heartfelt hugs to you and your daughter. Thank you for sharing your story of love and dedication to your wife.
  7. Thank you for the link. I'm excited to give this a try. My mom passed away in 2006 and I've held onto her jewelry, not really knowing what to do with it. I got it out a couple of weeks ago and looked at it with our 8 year old granddaughter. Your sharing of your jewelry tree was perfect timing. Thanks. I'll post a picture when I'm done (which now makes me committed to making and finishing it).
  8. Oh my gosh, everything is so beautiful. I am especially enamored by the Jewelry Tree. I have lots and lots of my mother's jewelry. A friend recently suggested using it to create a tree like the one you have from Linda's mom. Now that I can see the possibilities, I am totally inspired to do it! It looks like there are lights in it as well. It that correct? Joy
  9. Hugs to you and your wife in the loss of your sweet Graycie. She was a lucky kitty to have been a part o of your family.
  10. I am quoting you now using the Samsung browser, to see if it works. I did not get the update you have. I have Oct 3 Android 12 One UI 4.1 on an S21. I usually use the computer. I don't know how people can type on these phones, it drives me nuts.
  11. I love being able to see out the window, and prefer having a window seat so I can be in control of the window shade. This was my view a couple of weeks ago as we were about to pass down through the clouds before landing.
  12. It’s obvious that Ricky is feeling the love in that house. He looks so content. What a lovely addition to the family.
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