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Everything posted by derorim

  1. It’s obvious that Ricky is feeling the love in that house. He looks so content. What a lovely addition to the family.
  2. I have also had some issues with having to log in unexpectedly, but not not every time I return to CC. The good news, Sue, is that you can successfully log back in. It would be interesting to see if the problem persists when you use a different browser. It's nice that you have your DH to help you along. Good luck!
  3. Hi Sue, can you clarify your problem? Is it that you can log into Cruise Critic on your computer, but it requires you to log in again every time you go to there? Or is it that when you go to Cruise Critic on your computer, it will not let you enter your user name and password, and therefore you cannot log in?
  4. derorim


  5. In our area, the NBC affiliate has been in dispute with Verizon for 2 weeks. We are streaming NBC shows on Peacock because of this.
  6. Thank you for sharing this perspective. And I send heartfelt thanks to your husband, as well as to you for the support he received from you.
  7. That is really scary. I looked up pictures of a Picasso trigger fish, and he looks pretty cool from the side. But not when coming after you with his teeth showing. Yikes!
  8. What a beautiful day you had for your helicopter tour. We did the same tour when we were in Kauai a few years ago, but the weather was cloudy and windy. We thought they might cancel, but no. Unfortunately, I should have taken dramamine before our tour. From your video I can see what I missed out on by keeping my eyes closed.
  9. I see the leaves are starting to turn in your part of the state. We're probably a month behind you here in SE Virginia. Also, love the picture of the Hunter's Moon you saw tonight.
  10. I agree with Osprey. This one caught a fish and brought it to a tree in our back yard. You might have to zoom in to see it under his talons.
  11. You are such a kind person. I enjoy your posts, wishing I (and everyone else, for that matter) could be more like you. Cheers to you and Susan, relaxing this evening.
  12. That song is one of my "Thumbs Ups" on Pandora, so I hear it often. I will remember your precious Allie when I hear it next. I'm glad you have these special ways for her to visit with you.
  13. We just discovered the flightradar24 app a few days ago, and today have been watching the high altitude balloon traveling from the Bahamas to Florida. We had no idea what is was all about. That's really interesting that it could be providing cell phone service. I'd love to know more about it.
  14. I'm thoroughly enjoying your well-planned and beautifully written review, and your excellent photos.
  15. I'm very sorry to read about Micheline's painful situation. Hoping she will feel better and the remainder of your awesome trip will be enjoyable.
  16. I enjoyed all your pictures from Mystic. Andy used to live in Mystic, and his son and family live nearby. When we visit them we need to broaden our horizons in order to enjoy what the town has to offer. Thanks for sharing.
  17. My son likes to tell the order taker at SB that is name is "Meow, M-E-O-W." When is order is ready, they shout out "Meow? Meow???" I may or may not have done that at the SB in the FLL airport one time.
  18. That is such an awesome idea! That's our rationale for buying stuff. Love the technology! Hopefully you don't really need it but can just enjoy it.
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