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Everything posted by derorim

  1. From what I've read, the tempered glass could have been chipped or scratched at some point, and eventually shattered. Maybe the heated tile floor contributed to the instability? We had the scale for over two years.
  2. Do you think the bathroom scale is trying to tell me something? Actually, it exploded while no one was around. I guess that's better than happening while someone was standing on it.
  3. Wow. I recognize a lot, well, maybe, some, of the terms you are using, but I don't really understand them. However, being the supportive wife that I am, I printed out your post and am going to share it with Andy. We may be buying new stuff soon. 🤪 Color me crazy.
  4. Jade is far more playful than our old guy, Marcel. But this bird chirping on the TV this morning did manage to wake him up from his heated bed.
  5. Your former kitchen has a similar layout to what my son is wanting to do. I like the L-shaped island. I downloaded your pictures and sent them to my son. Hope you don't mind.
  6. That pasta looks awesome. I also love that he wants to please the kids. There's nothing like an appreciative audience to provide motivation!
  7. Yes, the big models take up a lot of space, not just for storage but also for working on them. He keeps several planes in a trailer that he can take to the flying field, and the rest are stored in his workshop. One of the reasons we bought our current house was that it had a 4-car attached garage, with a wall dividing the space in half. A space for two cars in one half, and a big workshop in the other half. Andy practically lives in the workshop. I honestly don't know what he would do all day if he didn't have this hobby. I don't think there are many pilots of full-size planes in his model RC club. Piloting from the ground is a whole different perspective from flying in the cockpit. Andy dabbled with using First Person Video with a model plane, and couldn't get into it because of the perspective issue. I'm glad you have the memories of going with your dad when he flew his planes. That's special.
  8. You have a good understanding of what all went into building this plane. I'm sure the two of you could talk together for hours!
  9. A while back I posted a picture of Andy in our driveway with the big B-24 RC plane he built. He hadn't flown it yet, and I promised to post a video when he did. I'm a little late in doing that, but I guess better late than never. In June he and a very experienced RC pilot took it up for its maiden flight, and flew it four times. Andy was understandably nervous about it, and so was I. He built the plane over a span of 12 years, and it was finally ready. It was an exciting day, and the plane flew beautifully. Here are a few videos. When he starts the props, I sometimes look away. It scares me. 20220625_131735.mp4 Andy asked his friend to fly it first. It was a beautiful sight to see it in the air. 20220625_140459.mp4 Taking off is optional; landing is mandatory. 20220625_141249.mp4 Andy's flown it several times since, but a problem with the retractable landing gear recently resulted in some damage to the wing. No problem, Andy is building a new wing, better than before. This time, he's designing it on the computer and cutting parts out with his CNC router. Now you know what he does all day. His skill, patience and perseverance amaze me.
  10. I had one 20 years ago. I had a cockatiel whose cage was next to the wall phone. He learned to say “rrrrrrrrrrring….click……hello!”
  11. You're going to have a wonderful time! I had the pleasure of celebrating my 60th birthday and Christmas with extended family on Liberty 11 years ago. It was my best birthday ever. Have fun, and take lots of pictures!
  12. @HBE4, thank you for sharing your heartwarming story. May you and "Little Miss HBE4" be blessed with many, many more "Christmas Different" experiences.
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