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Everything posted by derorim

  1. If you're in the same restaurant as me and I have a heart attack, I'm glad you'll be able give me CPR with non-greasy hands. 🙂
  2. Has anyone ever been asked to be a Nielsen Family? We got something in the mail recently with a $50 gift card asking us to be one. I threw it away. Today someone delivered a gift bag to our front door with all this stuff in it, including a handwritten note reiterating the invitation. I'm not sure if I want to respond or not.
  3. Diana is a beautiful cat. Having a mostly white cat, I feel your pain regarding black clothing. I have lint rollers in multiple rooms, and my car.
  4. Although I don’t use the electric blanket this time of year, I like sitting on the sofa with the heating pad on my back while I watch tv before bedtime. It’s not because I’m cold, I just find it’s very relaxing.
  5. Oddly, Marcel used to roll in it and get frisky. Now he just eats it and lays down. He has mellowed considerably in his old age. But he still loves his routines!
  6. Wow. Wouldn’t it be easier to just take your phone with you?
  7. Okay, I admit it, I'm an enabler. Every evening when I pour my before dinner cocktail, Marcel wants catnip. I give it to him.
  8. I had to google that to see what you were talking about. Then I had to go look for them in the cartoon. I found three also!
  9. We made the mistake of sitting in these Central Park chairs on Oasis. They are ridiculously low and the seat backs are reclined, but they are placed around a table as if you could actually eat your lunch while sitting in them. Only the nimble young folks can successfully manage these things.
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