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Everything posted by kalos

  1. When I went out to the car this morning it was iced over and the car was showing the ice warning and 1.c . I had to get it warmed up as I was going for some blood tests just after 9am. Had them done but am now a fully paid up member of the tight bleeders club ! First attempt the nurse got an odd trickle but then nowt ,nada, ziltch on the next two attempts at stabbing me . So now rebooked in 2 weeks .That's the first time that I have failed . Before anyone says drink plenty before ,I do and I did . Only thing I can put it down to is the cold weather as slightest bit of cold and my hands arms get cold even though I wrap up warm . I would be crap at being a blood donor ,that's for sure but I bet if I cut myself with a knife, then I would need a box of plasters at the very least. Never mind , hope you all have a good day .🙂
  2. To all of you who are worried about forgetting things ,don't worry as I have been forgetting things for as long as i can remember ! I’ll never forget the time I had to do PE in my underwear after forgetting my shorts. It ended my teaching career there and then. Spelling words is another, I keep forgetting how to spell words like "Armageddon" but I keep telling myself It's not it's the end of the world is it ?
  3. Welcome to todays Corrie Trivia show ...😉 Minnie Caldwell had a ginger pussy that she always spoke fondly about but what name did she call it by ? 🤔 Behave and no googling 🙂
  4. I think I was told this at the reception desk when I enquired about it and was told it was ok (rightly or wrongly) to bring drinks onboard but for cabin use only . As you have brought your Lidl cans (not big ones 😉) then had no issue it must be ok. or is it ? Things can change so I suppose do what I did or e-mail P&O for their stance on this.
  5. When we get through all the crap that life can throw at us ,things like this for you and Avril and the rest of us come to that ..Makes life so wonderful 😍
  6. If it helps anyone a few years ago we took onboard a few Pepsi bottles (500ml ) and had no problem going through in our hand luggage at Southampton security . Once we got to Hamburg we bought some more and brought them onboard with us . Getting back onboard we showed the security what we had bought and the till receipt and were waved through without issue .
  7. Same here Andy ,with my conditions some did not want to know or asked crazy prices .
  8. I like that one they put on their P&O website on certain cruises . For select you give them a further £800 and as way of thank you they will give you £360 back to spend as onboard credit 🤔 I wouldn't mind but the cruise is not even in April !
  9. Morning ,hope everyone is feeling good on this day 1st of April 🙃 But is it ? How do we know that March does not have 32 days ? Trust no one ,I got a final demand for the electric bill this morning ,nice try I put it in the bin with the others as I know they will write again . I once thought chiropractors were a big hoax, but I do stand corrected. They don't catch me out that easy . Once in London as I was walking along a guy came up to me and asked " What's the best way to get to Selfridges ?" So I told him to open an E-Bay account and put plenty of pictures of them on it 😉 Have good day 🙂
  10. Have a great cruise @Josy1953 and @wowzz and don't forget to batten down the wine bottles 😉 I remember once in Southampton docks seeing an old lady standing on a street corner during a nasty windstorm. She was bracing herself by holding tight to a lamp post with one hand, and she was holding her hat firmly against her head with her other hand. Unfortunately, a strong gust of wind blew her dress upward, and it continued to flap in the wind, exposing her privates for everyone to see. I asked ,"Are you OK ? As everybody is taking a look at what you've got. Don't you think that pulling your dress down is more important than worrying about your hat?" She told me "What these people are looking at is over 85 years old, ........... but the hat is BRAND NEW 😉” Take care ,happy sailing 🙂
  11. Looks like the plan is to follow the storm in towards the UK https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:-9.6/centery:43.9/zoom:8
  12. Proper chips overlooking a proper beach . . . very nice 😋😋
  13. Yes done that cruise twice and dropped back at Man airport on return .
  14. I noted no energy drinks ,but here's another alternative 😉
  15. So gutted to read your news , hope the treatment sorts it soon and before you know it ,you and your friend will be having good times on that cruise ship 😉 Best wishes ,and take care 🙂
  16. I bet you and Mrs Zapp being told that you wont be moving ,found that a very moving experience, even though you wouldn't be moving 🙃😉
  17. Tell me about it ,I used to get grief growing up simply because my family had a Scottish background and I was singled out by my piers for it . It seemed anything that was not like them were fair game in those days and that's the problem, for some we/you do not fit into their perfect world . Whatever that is ? 🙃
  18. My take on this is ,your walking along when you see an elderly lady who has a toddler with them who runs into a duck pond . Horrified she screams at you to help , problem is you cannot swim ,but you see two guys walking by . Do you now shout them to help ? They get the child out quick as a flash . What do you do next ? Take note of their skin colour, sexual orientation and which footie team they support or their nationality .Or just say thanks to a fellow human being who helped out . Anyone know of anyone who would say they don't like any of Elton Johns music because he got married to another man ? No one is perfect ,you will find good and bad in all walks of life but until that person does you harm just accept they are just another human who one day could help you .
  19. St Lucia sail in was ,for us anyway .🙂
  20. If at all possible I'm sure your captain will avoid if possible . I remember a few years back on the Azura doing a TA , capt Camby telling us " We have a storm chasing us and we are hoping to outrun it to the Azores ." On leaving the Azores, he told us " The good news is we have let the storm ,which is now named storm Katie pass and will follow it back home to the UK." Once we got back home all was calm apart from a neighbour wanting part of his greenhouse back out of our garden . 🙂
  21. The latest I have been told is it was a fresh water pipe that burst on deck 11 which affected a few cabins . Nothing to do with pools or grey water .
  22. No as I don't like being stared at whilst I eat 🥴
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