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dani negreanu

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Everything posted by dani negreanu

  1. First get together of our group of 7 couples since March 14th, 2020. Only one couple and DH "escaped" Covid... The "biological" parents of my step cat were the hosts, which gave me the opportunity to see Lichy "in person" after almost 3 years.... it was a very happy reunion 😍 She has such a silky fur ---
  2. I absolutely love the color. I think it becomes you, and also has some glitter in it 😁
  3. @singinalot Crystal, Nate & Sam, + 1 @singinalot same here. I can see your movies on my Iphone just fine, but not on my computer. @molly361, Ellen, those are exactly my thoughts -- I'm sure Dan is keeping an non hurricane "eye" on you 😘 @grapau27, Graham, + 1
  4. Joe Banana has such a tour, and many others. Highly recommended -- https://www.joebananalimos.net/cruise-port-tour/all-inclusive-positano-sorrento-lemon-tour
  5. Highly recommend "Cathy's Luxury Home", practically in the Pantheon. 1 living room, 2 bedrooms with en-suite, AC, fully equipped kitchen, perfect for 5 pax. We were lucky to find 2 nights there pre-cruise, it is very popular but well worth it. https://www.cathysluxuryhome.it/en/
  6. Take the ship's excursion. It's the only port I can say: "splurge"... We've done it independently one time, i.e. booked the speed boat to Oia (which included the bus up to Oia, 2-3 hours free time in Oia, and then bus to Fira, cable car on our own). We sat and sat in the boat until it was full, almost an hour, wasting valuable time. The 2nd time we were wiser, booked the ship's tour for 55$ pp, we were on the first tenders, and got to Oia very early, when it was reasonably pleasant, weather wise. We had 2 hours free time there, then a bus to Fira, where we were supplied with vouchers for the cable car (value == 6 Euro pp). It was the best "splurge" we've done, since mainly we are DIY in every port.
  7. @FromSea2ShiningSea Helen, My DH is also thinking of you. He asked me to attach this link, dealing with sciatic pain. In Israel, it gets raving reviews.... https://bcurelaser.com/testimonials/ Be well,
  8. Helen, so sorry and at such a bad moment. I had a compressed nerve, which was discovered after being given Voltaren injection and oxycodone for the pain and it didn't help at all, and "Lyrica" was the only medication which helped, albeit it kicked in after a few days. I'm sure you know about it, but thought to mention, just in case. 🀞 🀞 🀞 you'll get relief. Kind of... it didn't spend the whole night in the oven, without the "kishkes", hard boiled eggs, onions, honey, etc. During the winter, DH's "chulent" is famous.... here's one pic of winter chulent -- BTW, he makes his own horse radish with beets for the gefilte fish, burning eyes included....πŸ˜‰ That's exactly what our eldest has done before leaving us and heading home to beat the traffic....
  9. After spending 3 days in the kitchen, DH churned out the usual "suspects" πŸ˜• -- chicken soup, chopped liver, stuffed fish, and one novelty -- comfort food/stew. Our next door neighbor gifted us a newly backed "challah" [Challah is a special bread of Ashkenazi Jewish origin, usually braided and typically eaten on ceremonial occasions such as Shabbat and major Jewish holidays. ]
  10. Beware, she might remove the grats if she'll not be satisfied with your service πŸ˜‰ @Luckynana Maryann, Wishing you negative results and positive times and weather on your cruise 😘
  11. Ken, so glad of those good news, wishing Vikki a speedy and full recovery 🌷 My step cat just sent me a "Happy New Year" --- Wishing a Happy Jewish New Year to all those who celebrate
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