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Everything posted by Charles4515

  1. You can do it with a name but I don’t post my last name on Cruise Critic and in the guidelines we are discouraged from posting those. The social media that is a problem is Facebook. Roll calls are popular there and I would say dangerous. You can use a fake name there but it is against their policy. Facebook has no privacy, they make money off of tracking you and knowing everything about you. I will stick to Cruise Critic roll calls.
  2. The country property tax department too. We can look up properties on their web site. 😎
  3. That is smart marketing for a saiking out of Texas. Texans are proud of their state. It used to be an independent country. I was surprised when I moved to Texas that the US and Texas flag were everywhere. Now I am used to it.
  4. Since we go by handles here it should be pretty safe for CC forums and roll calls. I don’t think Facebook is safe.
  5. I had a coworker who immigrated to the US from Haiti and the Cap Haitian area near Labadee. I asked him what he thought of Royal Caribbean and Labadee. He was very positive. They and the provide a lot jobs and aid to the local people.
  6. They do not have self rule. They have no vote in the legislature that makes the laws or a vote in presidential elections. The legislature that makes the rules that they have no vote in can void any laws passed locally. They are colonies. I will continue to define them as what they actually are not some double speak definition.
  7. It is a beans to cup machine. Don't expect Barista quality. You press a button. It is okay, better than the black coffee in the urns which is why I use the machine but compared to a barista it is meh.
  8. It is obvious that OP is upset with the thread they started because they don't like the facts which in this instance are binary.
  9. Last time I was in the UK which was 8 days land I never got any cash. I used a credit card or a tap and pay, Apple Pay from my Apple Watch. Even for the Tube.
  10. Sadly the botanical gardens was allowed to fall into a disgraceful state disrepair. There was talk of refreshing it and it may have been done. I don't know the current conditions. We need someone with time taking on their own like perhaps @dazey to check it out and repost back.
  11. We didn’t have that kind of free time on our independent tour. You should get off and do the zoo in the port area. Some interesting animals there and beautiful birds. There were some excursions outside of the city to bird sanctuary's. I have not vetted them but I will do diligent research on them if I am booked on another sailing that stops at Cartagena.
  12. The lounge is/was a cigar lounge. If it was being used for cigarettes not cigars that might be a reason they are removing them. Hopefully the same end result will happen in the casino if cigarette smokers are in there using it as a smoking area and not gambling. Princess will come to their senses and end smoking in the casino.
  13. I have seen them searching the ship in Bermuda. They have been doing it for years. It gets reported in their local news which I have been reading for years. There have been many caught. A recent example. https://www.royalgazette.com/court/news/article/20230607/cruise-passenger-fined-1000-for-cannabis-aboard-ship/ And they do get disembarked. In some articles it is reported that drug dogs found the drugs. In some crew members reported passengers. Hiding it in a common area, well good luck with that. Stupid is as stupid does.
  14. Terrible. Another wild animal tourists swim with are Dolphins. Don’t be deceived by the way they look. They are wild animals.
  15. I know the US does not call them colonies but that is what they are in fact.
  16. It could be a great port but the pushy venders ruin it. Who the hell is buying that crap that makes it worthwhile for the venders to be in business? I never saw anyone buying. Seemed like there were two vendors to every tourist.
  17. Early April is not beach weather in Bermuda! It is golfing weather and a good time to go whal watching. I have been a bunch of times and once was in May and the water temp was too cool. Mid June is the earliest I would go. I live in Texas now but until two years ago I lived in Maryland. I think New Englanders would be okay with the water temp.
  18. They are colonies……but a foreign port is still required. I expect they would head to Nassau or Freeport for a quick stop. There are plenty of alternatives.
  19. It would not occur to me to ask about them. I have no interest in them or what Brits think about them.
  20. I didn’t like to talk about work for two reasons, one because I was on vacation and wanted not to think about it. The second reason is there are a lot of “ fans” hobbyists, etc. and it was tiring answering questions.
  21. I agree with you on travel advisories. We used Dora and I thought she was a great guide.
  22. Those travel advisories are generally dire sounding for every country. So caution to me is stay in the tourist areas. Caution to others might be stay on the ship. No one forces passengers to get off. Nassau is a port I have often considered staying on the ship not because of safety but because I dislike the port. I have however always found a nice beach to go to.
  23. You won't be in the neighborhood where the crimes take place.so no. I do agree about the unregulated water excursions. I have seen overloaded water taxis Avoid those. Independent water exursions with good reviews on TripAdvisor shoud be fine. In general I don't like Nassau as a port though, not because of crime but because I think it is not very nice.
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