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Everything posted by jwlane

  1. No! There are myriad medical issues that preclude some people from losing weight. Thank you for conceding selected discrimination is warranted.
  2. Some would disagree. It's still discrimination, right? Is that OK?
  3. It's just not feasible (financially or timewise) to require a proficiency demonstration for every individual that wishes to undertake certain physically taxing excursions---parameters have to be established (age, weight, height, etc.). Go to the zip lines onboard the ships and complain about how they discriminate against the obese.
  4. 10pm. Coordinated? It's the guests' responsibility to do or not.
  5. Underwriting standards are not determined by the outliers--- I'm in the same boat. 69 y.o. Boston marathon qualifier within the past couple of years, and fully expect to be aged out of a desired excursion in the future.
  6. "noun 1. the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people" One can assume the vendors have adequate justification for their decisions.
  7. Leave your hanging stuff, pack everything else---they'll move it.
  8. A quick look at the FAQs on the Dexcom website sez the device connects via Bluetooth vs. WiFi. I personally have no experience, however.
  9. If it happens, I'll predict it mostly involves trying to sell products and services.
  10. Take another look at that tag and tell us what it really says.
  11. This really has nothing to do with X. https://www.gov.uk/world/greece
  12. That's very kind of you, but not nearly as deserved as for those in the armed services. Controllers were/are VERY well (over?)compensated considering the education/background that was required for the job. And to reiterate what @bjahil47 said, no government employee ever went unpaid---sometimes it was delayed, but basically they got time off AND got paid for it.
  13. They won't send more people to Water Island than they can get back. I suspect it's not as popular for those not docked at Crown Bay (which will probably ONLY be Wonder).
  14. "Engines" are typically located more mid-ship.
  15. It doesn't work that way. I had 29 years as a controller, several shut-downs, never missed a paycheck. We had to come to work.
  16. No way YOU would, but MANY have previously posted they've made flights in the time frame mentioned. That said, there's no way they'll exit the ship at 6AM.
  17. You missed the part where they changed their itinerary due to the weather, huh? And the 5+ meter waves they're in?
  18. They're not the only one. Carnival Luminosa is skipping ALL of its Alaska itinerary (2 ports & a glacier) and heading out on its Transpacific to Japan.
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