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Everything posted by jwlane

  1. Don't waste your time. Takes seconds at check-in.
  2. Personally, we purchase 1 plan and share it between our devices---one at a time.
  3. No, if you want to avoid cell/data-at-sea charges.
  4. Why should they have reimburesed you in the 1st incident?
  5. Don't overthink it. Roll it up, cram in as much as you can, write "ELITE" on the sheet and you're good to go.
  6. The strongest glue known to man. More like years.
  7. Looks like there is a discrepancy---on my device it looks like this.
  8. It has nothing to do with The Club---the corresponding starboard cabins above the Art Gallery corridor are same category. (to my eye 6169 looks a little forward of The Club, but whatever---that double line is telling) Again, looks like many E2 and E3 are priced the same. Absent seeing the promise of an E2.... Would you be satisfied with 6177 4 doors down the hall?
  9. Absent actually being able to see the "booking information" and/or knowing the "understanding", I'd withhold judgement---except to say E3 might be marginally less expensive than E2, and it might not. "Better" is somewhat subjective.
  10. Go where you want when you want and they will feed you.
  11. Run those numbers by us that equate to a "high" probability.
  12. I vote yes in the poll. FYI, here's the latest (and probably last) update. https://www.royalcaribbean.com/notices/travel-updates
  13. Here's the latest (and probably last). https://www.royalcaribbean.com/notices/travel-updates
  14. I'd be running this by X & NCL before I'd solicit opinions from this forum.
  15. Then again, are we sure the items in the "Good to Know" section are specific to each day/port?
  16. As best as I remember, I recall the Greece restrictions being applicable for most (if not all) cruises we've ever taken. Aside from water (we even had to ditch the coffee), nothing can be taken ashore. (Saw the dog sniff someone out in Cozumel a couple of months ago)
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