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Canal archive

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Everything posted by Canal archive

  1. Looks like there are companies adding South America as well. Sorry yes you’ve opened a can of worms so choose a continent then research but if you want to stay in beautiful Europe try the Rhine then you can compare these two great waterways. The decision will keep you busy for a while but the choice of which cruise well shall we say just a tad longer, enjoy yourself!
  2. Now absolutely green with envy Jazz beautiful part of Italy. I always want to take my paints and DH says they take up to much space and weight. It’s another special part of the world.
  3. Ural Guy it’s on YouTube search Bill Nighy or Worlds Most Scenic River Journeys.
  4. I like taking photographs so the slow/gentle walking group suites me perfectly. After we got the new Scenic information system (introduced just before covid hit) working on our admittedly rather ancient phones we discovered it included a self guiding feature so no need to stay with a tour guide especially after the may be interesting bits. As I’ve said before please let your tour guide know if you’re setting out into the wide blue yonder. I’ve only once heard a Captain request a passenger to report to him and as he was a rather large somewhat intimidating Dutch guy so I was really glad it wasn’t me. (Lovely guy but huge)
  5. https://news.sky.com/story/two-dead-and-five-missing-after-boat-collision-on-the-river-daube-in-hungary-13139203 latest from Sky News, so very sad!
  6. Has anyone any information on an overnight cruising accident in the Budapest area reported on Sky News today. Sounds like a horrible event https://news.sky.com/story/two-dead-and-five-missing-after-boat-collision-on-the-river-daube-in-hungary-13139203
  7. I didn’t necessarily mean use Scenic as I’m sure other cruise companies work in a similar fashion.
  8. Loriva May I suggest checking the included excursions and on board bits and pieces. I know we’ve only traveled with Scenic but this is the reason why we have repeated three of their cruises. You could call it variations on a theme as things have been removed and others added. With, in two cases the added bonus of being greeted by on board staff by name and with open arms as your friends maybe more river cruise savvy ask them you could put together a wish list of places not visited or wanting to visit. Good luck!
  9. Last year on our Seine cruise the marine gendarmerie came aboard at Rouen to check the credentials of all except passengers on board. We were moored up and they arrived by boat and evidently it’s always the marine branch that does the checking. Cruise director does not have to be French but the marine crew as far as I could understand were okay as long as they had full French qualifications. Our two captains gained their full marine pilot credentials during our mooring in Rouen so they no longer require a pilot to enter Honfluer harbour although one was a year to young so he will be okay this year.
  10. How about DIY cruising all locks in France are operated by the waterways crews who of course have a French lunch break so here is us moored up in a lock lunching in the sun and waiting for the lock keeper. We met various other hirers several who were from the USA. It was an idilic holiday, lovely people and excellent food.
  11. It’s interesting to compare inclusions and exclusions across countries! I’d say why? Work together why should one inclusion be for on country and not another!
  12. gnome12 that’s really interesting, it just seems a weird time of year to do maintenance almost full season and looking at the chart all bouncing around that time of year. Maybe it’s to miss hopefully any high or low water issues, but a strange toss up between money making and money costing months. Although yes it looks like someone at Scenic Switzerland has taken their eye off the ball. One year we missed the early morning call to photograph the confluence because our Captain had been advised at midnight to leave Moselle because the river level was rising fast. Yet another reason to repeat that cruise!
  13. Yes in some cases easier said then done but hey ho on we go,
  14. One has returned TaDah. We first cruised with Scenic pre ‘all inclusive’ when choosing our cabin and as it was a special year we decided to (and it was then) to splash out and go Diamond deck! Butler and all. (not available on the other decks) on arrival in our cabin to our surprise there was a bottle of (and yes I can recognise one)an excellent bottle of wine in an ice bucket. As it happened so many things were going on we were busier than being at work we couldn’t get round to consuming our wine much to our Butlers absolute dismay. He contrived to get us into our cabin and relaxing so that he could serve the aforesaid bottle (which was arranged for by some very good friends who recommended us to try Scenic) A GOOD butler can be an amazing accessory to your cruise if you use him/her well. There have been several I would pack in my return luggage but I think DH might just notice.
  15. Host Jazzbeau I’m getting a bit concerned about a certain contributor and absolutely hate to have come to this conclusion but I have decided not to continue on these forums for the time being. I will be reading contributions as I find the majority of inputs interesting/amusing and somewhat entertaining. Keep up your good work, Thank you Canal Archive
  16. Go for it I certainly hope it works for you as it definitely did for us!
  17. On the Orient Express you just get a bill, pay it! It’s right.
  18. Nippy I’m pretty sure that’s the way to go!
  19. The problem would have been for herself not for yourself!
  20. Oh please don’t wish our lives away it will come - eventually!
  21. On my first visit to the States I was told that any staff that could be tipped needed to be tipped as their actual hourly/weekly wage was minuscule okay that was so many years ago (age oh age) I don’t know if that still is the case but every time I travel there I remember and tip, which is so very foreign to us Brits.
  22. I absolutely agree but and there had to be a but didn’t there, these guys and gals have a job to do if they don’t do it to the perceived requirements they may loose that job. I expect you may have noticed that many of the crews across the river cruising companies are Eastern European and hopefully you can recognise some of the difficulties in that area of the world. In some very small way I would hope that by letting or encouraging them to do their jobs we may make a small dent in the inequalities of life across the globe. May small steps become giant strides, hopefully I said that!
  23. I may be opening myself up here but I’ve always over my years cruising with Scenic had the most excellent service from our designated butlers. I expect it comes down to what you’re used to in the long run. If you use your butler you get a much more enjoyable experience, you don’t need them in your face all the time in fact the more you let them know what you require at the beginning of your cruise then the less you will notice them, exactly how a good butler should be. An afternoon cocktail on your balcony after a heavy day’s sightseeing early morning tea/coffee you name it because when it comes down to the nitty gritty you paid for it, of course you don’t need to use your butler but he/she is there for you to use so do so. Enjoy!
  24. Luckily in the U.K. so far as I can see we have standard double beds and King sized double beds. The largest double beds I’ve ever had the privilege to use was in a beautiful hotel on Langkawi it was soooo large.
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