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Times They Are A Changing


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firefly, :) my intention wasnt to accuse you of stating you complained about getting sick on the ship.. i just find it interesting that its a common complaint about a cruise.. i wish i could tell my boss, a customer got me sick so i think i should get paid extra.. i think im totally wording this wrong, im putting it up there with the caliber of complaints that people make DIRECTLY to the cruiselines as if its THEIR fault.. i hope that is coming out better :)


Not that someone got sick ON the ship that its was the CRUISELINES fault they got sick... am i making any sense or should i have a coffee??? LOL :)

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Heres my two cents on this,


NOthing in life is perfect, things are uncontrollable, and people are infact human and make mistakes, i roll with the punches order another DOD and thank god that im not in my office and im alive and well and healthy enough to go on vacation..


I dont care what ship , what cruiseline, what port, what AI , just send me somewhere the palm trees sway and the rum runs deep :)


Oh, he!! yeah!!! What she said!!!


When do we leave?? :D:D:D

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I think it is an industry wide issue. Although I have limited cruising experience, you have mentioned some of the most irritating points for me:





I had always said to myself that the amount of dollars saved in the price of the cruise compared to an all inclusive resort pays for my drinks and then some. Well...not this time. At $25 for a 4 beer bucket I am going to have to get a second job if I plan on drinking anytime in the future on a Carnival ship. Even the soft drinks are nearly $3 w/tip. These are not reasonable to me.




every single event was for sale. Either it was the spa, the gold chain sale, golf, bingo, jewelry, supper club, casino events, art auctions, drink specials, shopping sales, photo opts, etc. etc. etc. The cruise director was also constantly on the PA system selling selling selling.


Where do you end up when you have nothing to do? For most of us, it's the casino. For some it's the bingo. For others it's in their room watching TV (although these did not work properly...and neither did the in-room movies). Less free entertainment = more revenue generated?




For the first time ever, I am happy to be home from a cruise.


I am scheduled for my next cruise because of my sister's birthday, and I have not been part of the planning at all (very strange, but kinda nice). I look forward to seeing her (she lives thousands of miles away) and also to try Carnival out... I dont expect more than what I have experienced on other ships- the real revenue is from onboard spending.

(There has been some HEATED threads on the NCL boards about this. People fiercely protective of the a'lacarte options.)

I believe that "room/meals/entertainment" should at LEAST include a glass of lemonade at dinner, accessibility to free beverages in places where they sell drinks as well as a better selection of activities that aren't just sales pitches.


I know cruising isnt for everyone; there is certainly much about I enjoy "Hello! the OCEAN?!" but I was actually RESTLESS/looking for something to do on our Christmas cruise.

Our next tropical getaway as a couple will be an AI. I will miss walking up in a new country every day, but look forward to exploring one place for several days (geez I HOPE it doesnt rain the whole time:eek:)

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We felt like that a little just on our second cruise in may of 08. But we love cruising and the value it gives us. We love the act of being on the sea and visiting places we wouldn't if we weren't on a cruise. But sometimes we feel like there is nothing to do but wander around the ship and sit around and read. Those things are nice, but 7 days of it is a little too much for us. I think we've decided that smaller ships and smaller cruises are going to be our bread and butter for now.


When we really have some money to spend I would LOVE to try a B2B just to see what it's like to "live" on a cruise ship for a couple of weeks, but until then we'll stick with 4-5 day cruises.

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I've been pondering over the past few days whether or not to post my review here and explain my concerns. I've decided I should (even though I may --check that-- will get flamed for it).

This was our 6th consecutive year choosing Carnival as our yearly vacation destination. We've (group of 10-20 cabins--depending on the year) been on the Imagination/Liberty/Elation/Destiny/Valor and this past week the Carnival Glory.

We've loved our past cruises, and obviously continued to spend our hard earned money and limited vacation days out on the open seas. But those days are over.

I don't think I will bother with the little details (ie rude service/crowded lines/chair hogs) as these can happen to anyone at anytime and should not affect future holidays plans. Let's get on to the big stuff......


I had always said to myself that the amount of dollars saved in the price of the cruise compared to an all inclusive resort pays for my drinks and then some. Well...not this time. At $25 for a 4 beer bucket I am going to have to get a second job if I plan on drinking anytime in the future on a Carnival ship. Even the soft drinks are nearly $3 w/tip. These are not reasonable to me.


I can't say the entertainment was non-existent because they did have the regular shows in the main lounge every night. But for a past Carnival cruiser tired of the same song and dance shows every night, we need more.


- Karaoke.

- Live Music (unless you consider the toe tapping elevator music in front of the casino bar as live music).

-Midnight Buffets (I know this also falls under the "food" category which is up next, but it is also something to do when you're bored).



-Comedy Club....this is where they use the same two comedians all week long using the same material every night. Not much of a club to me. It is being tried on a few ships and eventually will be fleet wide.


-More Bingo

-Poker Tourneys

-Keep Playing Bingo!

I remember the good old days when you'd get your caper in your room for the day’s events, and all the different entertainment would be listed. On my last day at sea I went through the caper and realized every single event was for sale. Either it was the spa, the gold chain sale, golf, bingo, jewelry, supper club, casino events, art auctions, drink specials, shopping sales, photo opts, etc. etc. etc. The cruise director was also constantly on the PA system selling selling selling.

Where do you end up when you have nothing to do? For most of us, it's the casino. For some it's the bingo. For others it's in their room watching TV (although these did not work properly...and neither did the in-room movies). Less free entertainment = more revenue generated?


Not up to par with past cruises. The supper club is now a big sale on the ship. They have announcements daily, caper highlights, and food carts on what seem to be every corner of the ship. Carnival is really pushing the Steakhouse. This is another expense that I am not willing to pay on a nightly basis for dinner that used to be included in the price of the cruise.

Lunch buffets now open much later, and are closed much earlier than in the past. If you do not want to fight with the line-ups at noon, then go have a cheeseburger later because that's all the choice you have. I'm not much for desserts, but for those who are you'd better get there early because those close immediately after the lunch rush.


Ok. If you are crazy enough to pay $25 for 4 beer (like I was several times), what do you do if your drinks do not arrive after 30 minutes? And what do you do if no other drink servers will help you to resolve the issue?

Was I charged? Should I go to my room and check my folio?

Now tell me what you do when this happens 4 times in the same week?

Don't even try to order single drinks, as they will try and talk to into a bucket each time (larger tip). It got to the point that I just stopped ordering drinks, and would go to the bar and get one myself.

The second last night of the cruise, I was in the casino (hey, I had nothing better to do) when my card in the sign & sail was declined. I went down to the purser’s desk to stand in a line wrapping around the elevators at this point. When I got up to the front I was told abruptly my credit card needed to be re-swiped before I could use the sign & sail again. You mean I have to go to my stateroom now and get my card and line up again? Yes. Most of our group was affected by this.

Sure these things happen. It's not the end of the world. No system is perfect. But a "sorry for the inconvenience" wouldn't hurt. Just another example of service I've never experienced on a Carnival ship before. Politeness was always a given. I would've sworn by it before this past cruise to anyone who was considering a Carnival cruise.

Tables in the lunch areas were not clean. I found myself several times bringing my food to my room or lounge chair simply because tables were not cleaned off.

There seem to be alot of training and crew drills taking part last week. Not too sure if that was because the ship was fresh out of dry dock and it was all new staff. This may be a reason for some of the service issues, but c'mon. As a customer, I do not want to be used as a training partner in every aspect.

There were other minor details that were out of our control, such as:

-10 people being seated at an 8 person table (nobody likes having their elbow in your neighbors’ plate)

-Many people on board had a virus. Many people were sick in the public washrooms and saw several in the hallways being sick. Obviously there was a virus on board, but not one single announcement was made(he did mention the bingo a couple of times though). Five folks in our group got hit hard and were out of commission for 3 days. It would have been nice to hear an announcement of some kind reminding people to wash up as we all have to push the same buttons and open the same door handles.

-Most nights room service was not finished your room by the end of dinner, which made for awkward moments when you wanted to change out of dinner clothes (so you could head up to the casino!).

I have always been loyal to Carnival. I am a daily reader of John Heald’s Blog. I am not normally much of a reader in general, but I like his style. After this past week’s experience, I have to wonder though if we are not being sold a product by reading this blog now. I catch myself thinking about all the times I read about the Steak Houses on board, or the competition between different cruise lines (ie bad talk), blogger cruises, service excellence as compared to resort hotels, etc. I personally felt like I had a hand in my pocket for the entire week, and it has opened my eyes to questioning I guess.

In no way am I trying to discourage anyone from enjoying their Carnival cruise. I consider myself quite knowledgeable in the cruising holiday lifestyle. I have read on these boards for a few years now regularly. I myself would use Carnival again if I decided to cruise again as I think the issues are industry wide. Profits up, corners cut to reduce costs. I am wondering if other cruisers are feeling the same way?

For the first time ever, I am happy to be home from a cruise. I think that says a lot. Next year will be our groups’ first winter vacation at an all-inclusive resort.



If I were you Try RCCL's new ships and Or Celebrity, or Princess but a mid Size Princess ship since I don't feel they know how to run a larger ships as good as RCCL.

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Tammy,, im the oposite, im always "breaking" something a week before i cruise.. hasnt stopped me from going on it yet though, broken nose broken ankle broken hand.. just put me on the ship! lol id rather hobble around for a week in the caribbean, than "recouperate" at home on my couch LOL :)


Ouchy ouchy . . . you poor thing. Broken nose, broken ankle and broken hand? Well, at least you got to mend your broken bones while looking out at the beautiful blue sea . . . :p

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Sorry you did not have a good time. I have been on the Glory 2 times, and had a great time.


Last year I could not afford to cruise, and I was so depressed, I am now booked on the Dream for Oct, I will enjoy it, because a cruise is what you make it, I work 2 jobs, and being on the ship, is just wonderful to me, I could even care if it stopped, lol, It could sail around the ocean for 7 days and I would be happy.


I do read reviews, but never take them to heart, because you could read 2 reviews from the sail sailing and one will be positive and one negative, so again, I think it's all what you want out of your vacation, I plan on having a wonderful 7 days, no matter what. I will be away from work, bills, cleaning house, etc.


Ok said my peace, lol.


Enjoy all!!!! Life is to short to be negative.

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I agree about the illness. Yes, it can happen anywhere, but it seems to happen more on cruises. On our last cruise my Dad and daughter both got sick, and the thing is I think they actually had two different viruses! But I don't think there's much Carnival, or any line, can do about this. People bring their sickness on (after all, who's really going to stay home from the vacation they already paid for just for a little virus?), and they don't wash their hands often enough, or well enough. Have you read Cruise Confidential? I didn't love the entire book, but I thought what he had to say about ship illness was interesting (he was on a ship that had a Norovirus outbreak).


For our cruise next month my sister and I are bringing lots of hand santizer, which I know doesn't prevent against everything, but we are also going to practice LOTS of hand washing! We are going to take the stairs when possible instead of the close-quarter elevators (better to work off those big meals anyway!), and we are going to try to touch a minimal number of door handles with our bare hands. We could still be one of the unlucky ones, but we're going to do what we can to up our odds of staying healthy. Being sick on vacation sucks!

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I agree about the illness. Yes, it can happen anywhere, but it seems to happen more on cruises. On our last cruise my Dad and daughter both got sick, and the thing is I think they actually had two different viruses! But I don't think there's much Carnival, or any line, can do about this. People bring their sickness on (after all, who's really going to stay home from the vacation they already paid for just for a little virus?), and they don't wash their hands often enough, or well enough. Have you read Cruise Confidential? I didn't love the entire book, but I thought what he had to say about ship illness was interesting (he was on a ship that had a Norovirus outbreak).


For our cruise next month my sister and I are bringing lots of hand santizer, which I know doesn't prevent against everything, but we are also going to practice LOTS of hand washing! We are going to take the stairs when possible instead of the close-quarter elevators (better to work off those big meals anyway!), and we are going to try to touch a minimal number of door handles with our bare hands. We could still be one of the unlucky ones, but we're going to do what we can to up our odds of staying healthy. Being sick on vacation sucks!


Jen, I couldn't agree more and I too plan on being a lot more careful on my next cruise. When you put lots of people (some of which may not feel good), in such close conditions . . . I really think that has a lot to do with why I always get sick after my cruises. Gonna try to be more careful on my next cruise (lots of hand washing and use of the hand santizers all over the ships). Tammy

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Sorry to hear you didn’t have a good cruise, but I think what you’ve posted is interesting and thought provoking. We just did our very first cruise in Jan. so we can’t compare to the way cruises used to be. However, my parents cruised many, many times back in 70’s and from all they hear about how much cruising has changed (less is included, bigger ships = more people = more lines/crowds, all the viruses going around on them, etc), they wonder if they’d still enjoy it. (they don’t travel any more due to Mom’s poor health). It seems that when they cruised all the ships then are perhaps like the expensive luxury lines are now (in terms of size, quality, service, etc)


Anyway, we did enjoy our cruise, as we found the service and food to be good. Mind you, I did find myself trying to get us to the grill or pizza joint on the Lido ASAP on the Lido in the late afternoon before the lineups got to be too long. I’m not big on lines or crowds, so if I had to pick one thing I don’t particularly like about cruises, that would be it… but we got around it with timing and the oasis of our balcony. The food was good to very good, but it seems that ship food is very North American and you certainly don’t get that chance to try something new and exciting like some land based destinations. As for prices, I can’t agree with you more about high prices for drinks. I also think there’s a lot of nickel and diming, like for things like pop and juice.


So cruises aren’t perfect, but we’ll do them again. AI’s aren’t always perfect either, but we will absolutely do them again too. The best part (for us) about a cruise is getting to see all those different ports. The best part of an AI is getting to relax a lot, yet have the option to go diving, or explore the area over more than one rushed day… and the tropical, jungle night sounds. I missed that on the ship.


There are a lot of similarities between the two, I think. Both vacation types have that repetitive, often cheesy entertainment. Both have clubs and bars, and many AI’s now have casinos or one nearby. Both can offer you a choice between buffet food or a la carte dining. It seems the food is a bit more consistent on ships though, whereas AI’s can vary greatly (particularly in places like Cuba!)


I do love about AI’s, particularly high end ones, that everything is included. At Couples in Jamaica never mind all the water toys or going out on the snorkel boat, we could even dive for free, take a cat cruise multiple times, or take a tour to a local bar. As for AI’s being boring, I don’t understand people saying that, particularly if they take cruises with lots of boring sea days. What’s the difference sitting on a ship deck around a teenie, tiny pool, vs. sitting on a beach by the ocean. I’d choose the beach any day (and nice not having to pay to get to it) If you aren’t a beach person, what can you do on a ship you can’t do on land? Couples Resorts, (like most AIs) had multiple restaurants, a beach dinner/entertainment, bars, a casino, night club, entertainment, beach drink service, full fitness center with all racquet sports, and various sports and other activities going all day long. In fact, we couldn’t even manage to get to a fraction of everything offered.

Sure, port days need never be boring because you can go on an excursion (although this is another huge cruising expense that quickly adds up), but if you pick the right destination area there’s often lots of tours you can do anyway to not be sitting on the beach every day. Of course if you choose a low end, small resort, and/or a destination where there is nothing to see in the area (like Provo, Turks & Caicos for example), it could be boring if you aren’t a beach/water sports person, but you just need to do your research just like with ships and cruise lines to find the right one.


I am not knocking cruises, just saying that blanket statements like “all-inclusives are boring” is about as true as saying “all ships have bad service” There are pluses and minuses to all vacation types and we have to do our research.


Wow, that got really long… sorry. To the op, it sounds like you need to go back to an AI. With the money you save on an AI package over air + cruise, plus all the extras like pre/post hotels, drinks, excursions, etc, be sure to do your research and pick a good high end AI !! :)

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I agree about the illness. Yes, it can happen anywhere, but it seems to happen more on cruises. On our last cruise my Dad and daughter both got sick, and the thing is I think they actually had two different viruses! But I don't think there's much Carnival, or any line, can do about this. People bring their sickness on (after all, who's really going to stay home from the vacation they already paid for just for a little virus?), and they don't wash their hands often enough, or well enough. Have you read Cruise Confidential? I didn't love the entire book, but I thought what he had to say about ship illness was interesting (he was on a ship that had a Norovirus outbreak).


For our cruise next month my sister and I are bringing lots of hand santizer, which I know doesn't prevent against everything, but we are also going to practice LOTS of hand washing! We are going to take the stairs when possible instead of the close-quarter elevators (better to work off those big meals anyway!), and we are going to try to touch a minimal number of door handles with our bare hands. We could still be one of the unlucky ones, but we're going to do what we can to up our odds of staying healthy. Being sick on vacation sucks!


I so agree! I'm pretty nuts about hotel cleanliness and the likes...I've been known to go in and do my own santitizing...a can of lysol and hand santitizer goes a long ways. We leave out this Sun and even though I'm tired of seeing the same old shows for crying out loud...I never get tired of casting my cares into the deep blue sea :p


Sorry to hear about OP's cruise, do try an AI...for the first time we did last summer...it was nice...different but it got old quick for us but it was nice to try something different.


I do think we will try RCCL next fall, I like change.

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I've been pondering over the past few days whether or not to post my review here and explain my concerns. I've decided I should (even though I may --check that-- will get flamed for it).

This was our 6th consecutive year choosing Carnival as our yearly vacation destination. We've (group of 10-20 cabins--depending on the year) been on the Imagination/Liberty/Elation/Destiny/Valor and this past week the Carnival Glory.

We've loved our past cruises, and obviously continued to spend our hard earned money and limited vacation days out on the open seas. But those days are over.

I don't think I will bother with the little details (ie rude service/crowded lines/chair hogs) as these can happen to anyone at anytime and should not affect future holidays plans. Let's get on to the big stuff......


I had always said to myself that the amount of dollars saved in the price of the cruise compared to an all inclusive resort pays for my drinks and then some. Well...not this time. At $25 for a 4 beer bucket I am going to have to get a second job if I plan on drinking anytime in the future on a Carnival ship. Even the soft drinks are nearly $3 w/tip. These are not reasonable to me.


I can't say the entertainment was non-existent because they did have the regular shows in the main lounge every night. But for a past Carnival cruiser tired of the same song and dance shows every night, we need more.


- Karaoke.

- Live Music (unless you consider the toe tapping elevator music in front of the casino bar as live music).

-Midnight Buffets (I know this also falls under the "food" category which is up next, but it is also something to do when you're bored).



-Comedy Club....this is where they use the same two comedians all week long using the same material every night. Not much of a club to me. It is being tried on a few ships and eventually will be fleet wide.


-More Bingo

-Poker Tourneys

-Keep Playing Bingo!

I remember the good old days when you'd get your caper in your room for the day’s events, and all the different entertainment would be listed. On my last day at sea I went through the caper and realized every single event was for sale. Either it was the spa, the gold chain sale, golf, bingo, jewelry, supper club, casino events, art auctions, drink specials, shopping sales, photo opts, etc. etc. etc. The cruise director was also constantly on the PA system selling selling selling.

Where do you end up when you have nothing to do? For most of us, it's the casino. For some it's the bingo. For others it's in their room watching TV (although these did not work properly...and neither did the in-room movies). Less free entertainment = more revenue generated?


Not up to par with past cruises. The supper club is now a big sale on the ship. They have announcements daily, caper highlights, and food carts on what seem to be every corner of the ship. Carnival is really pushing the Steakhouse. This is another expense that I am not willing to pay on a nightly basis for dinner that used to be included in the price of the cruise.

Lunch buffets now open much later, and are closed much earlier than in the past. If you do not want to fight with the line-ups at noon, then go have a cheeseburger later because that's all the choice you have. I'm not much for desserts, but for those who are you'd better get there early because those close immediately after the lunch rush.


Ok. If you are crazy enough to pay $25 for 4 beer (like I was several times), what do you do if your drinks do not arrive after 30 minutes? And what do you do if no other drink servers will help you to resolve the issue?

Was I charged? Should I go to my room and check my folio?

Now tell me what you do when this happens 4 times in the same week?

Don't even try to order single drinks, as they will try and talk to into a bucket each time (larger tip). It got to the point that I just stopped ordering drinks, and would go to the bar and get one myself.

The second last night of the cruise, I was in the casino (hey, I had nothing better to do) when my card in the sign & sail was declined. I went down to the purser’s desk to stand in a line wrapping around the elevators at this point. When I got up to the front I was told abruptly my credit card needed to be re-swiped before I could use the sign & sail again. You mean I have to go to my stateroom now and get my card and line up again? Yes. Most of our group was affected by this.

Sure these things happen. It's not the end of the world. No system is perfect. But a "sorry for the inconvenience" wouldn't hurt. Just another example of service I've never experienced on a Carnival ship before. Politeness was always a given. I would've sworn by it before this past cruise to anyone who was considering a Carnival cruise.

Tables in the lunch areas were not clean. I found myself several times bringing my food to my room or lounge chair simply because tables were not cleaned off.

There seem to be alot of training and crew drills taking part last week. Not too sure if that was because the ship was fresh out of dry dock and it was all new staff. This may be a reason for some of the service issues, but c'mon. As a customer, I do not want to be used as a training partner in every aspect.

There were other minor details that were out of our control, such as:

-10 people being seated at an 8 person table (nobody likes having their elbow in your neighbors’ plate)

-Many people on board had a virus. Many people were sick in the public washrooms and saw several in the hallways being sick. Obviously there was a virus on board, but not one single announcement was made(he did mention the bingo a couple of times though). Five folks in our group got hit hard and were out of commission for 3 days. It would have been nice to hear an announcement of some kind reminding people to wash up as we all have to push the same buttons and open the same door handles.

-Most nights room service was not finished your room by the end of dinner, which made for awkward moments when you wanted to change out of dinner clothes (so you could head up to the casino!).

I have always been loyal to Carnival. I am a daily reader of John Heald’s Blog. I am not normally much of a reader in general, but I like his style. After this past week’s experience, I have to wonder though if we are not being sold a product by reading this blog now. I catch myself thinking about all the times I read about the Steak Houses on board, or the competition between different cruise lines (ie bad talk), blogger cruises, service excellence as compared to resort hotels, etc. I personally felt like I had a hand in my pocket for the entire week, and it has opened my eyes to questioning I guess.

In no way am I trying to discourage anyone from enjoying their Carnival cruise. I consider myself quite knowledgeable in the cruising holiday lifestyle. I have read on these boards for a few years now regularly. I myself would use Carnival again if I decided to cruise again as I think the issues are industry wide. Profits up, corners cut to reduce costs. I am wondering if other cruisers are feeling the same way?

For the first time ever, I am happy to be home from a cruise. I think that says a lot. Next year will be our groups’ first winter vacation at an all-inclusive resort.



I have to agree that things have changed over the last 5 or 6 years.


I have been cruising since 1987 started when I was 19 and I have been on many cruise lines.


For those that can remember cruising when you used to be put on a pedestal like you were a King with your Queen. Now most employees could care less about you. They already have your tips so they don't have to be nice.


The crew used to not be allowed to drink in front of the guests, now if you are out at night you will see the crew drinking the most.


The grand gala buffet was the highlight of some peoples cruise and was always a hit. Now it is nowhere to be found.


The Captain's reception was formal now it has been reduced to not much more than happy hour at a local bar with a buck off you favorite beverage.


Formal night used to be formal!


Dinning staff had time to know their guest. Now the staff has time to get to know your name if your are lucky.


Hot tubs in the spa used to be free. On my last few cruises they have been removed, empty or a cost to get in.


The piano bar did not used to be a jukebox where every time you want to hear a song you have to put a dollar in. Also the piano player's did not get sloppy drunk.


This is only some of what I have observed over the last 23yr's of cruising.


It sure seems that it is all about the dollar and not the passenger experience anymore, don't get me wrong I know it was always about the dollar I just think they used to hide a little better in the past.

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No flames here. Have always enjoyed each cruise but have had bad things on all. Just love cruising.


Anyway, I wanted to chime in about service and clean tables. EVERY cruise I have been on the drink servers are walking around every 3 minutes hawking drinks. I know selling drinks is a big part of the profit on the ship, but if these servers could clean off some tables, we could have someplace to sit down, to enjoy the drinks we just ordered. Not that we are alcoholics or anything, but we do enjoy or drinks. On our last cruise there were 6 of 8 who drank. We were ordering a bucket of beer every 15 minutes or so. Add it up and thats like $100 an hour ( most of which is profit for the ship). Yet on at least 3 days when we got to the lido (not even around the pool) we had to sit at tables elbows to plates of other peoples food so we could have a place to sit.


Also, my good friend, who had not been on Carnival in years, on the 1st seaday went to the hot dog area. She had to stand in line for about 20 minutes, then found her hot dog half FROZEN. Thats right, not coooool not cooooold, it had ice crystals. I don't think her dentures appreciated the surprise.


Okay, done agreeing. Still love cruising and like Carnival. Not my favorite line, but when the price is right, I'm there.:D

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I think the OP has a point... but here's one approach I think would have helped:


Yes, drink prices (and photo prices) are not reasonable in my opinion, for a cruise ship. Reasonable elsewhere for a night out, but not reasonable in a place you are going to be for a week.


It's obvious why things are as they are - Carnival needs to make a profit and they have decided to keep fares low and make money elsewhere.


You can vote with your wallet and let Carnival know that dog won't hunt. Don't buy alcohol or photos from them unless they bring prices more in line with realistic costs.


Sure, we may all end up paying more in the future for fares, but IMHO that is a good trade for a more enjoyable onboard experience.

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Drink prices are definitely :eek:

However, this is our first time on Carnival but RCCL has been charging $20 a photo for 10 years! The only difference is that they had a release online that would allow you to copy them at home. With that in mind I did not mind the cost, but I think I saw something on here that Carnival does not do that???

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I just read your review and you know what - its honest, to the point and I am sorry if people dont like what they are reading.

The prices for alcohol on Carnival are rediculous and the service even slower. I remember the days when servers would walk around with DOD's 8-10 at a time but no more.

I remember the days when you asked for a napkin a box would be given to you in under 1 min.

The service is gone, the quality is gone but it seems cruise virgins accept it.

I have been to AI's and they too can be good and bad.

But whatever you do.. dont stop vacationing and dont stop having fun

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I work in a very (at times) depressing place,a prison,any time I can get away from work is a good time.I agree that things have changed as far as the hard sell while on board but it has changed everywhere from the grocery store to the dentist trying to sell the newest whitening system( no offense to dentists' ) So to paraphrase a previous poster roll with punches and enjoy your time off order another DOD and soak up the energy of the rest of the folks enjoying their vacation

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I am not out to flame the OP, and I definitely feel everyone is entitled to their opinions as long as they are willing to also listen to mine.


I only have one question for the OP...you were complaining about the drink prices, but played bingo over and over again? Isn't that a bit expensive? Then again, I guess it is where you choose to spend your money. Maybe your bingo money is like my casino money. I set aside a set amount, then go and have a good time. I just know that while I like to play bingo, I usualy don't because the price of the cards is just more than I want to pay. But again, that is just my opinion - not anyone elses.


Like so many other posters, I don't really care where I go - just get me on that ship! Living in FL, I have the opportunity to drive to ports and cruise a little more often that if I had to pay for air fare. That also means that I also repeat ships at times. Personally that doesn't bother me. If the song and dance routines are ones I've seen, or too similar to tell the difference between them, I'll just go somewhere else and do something different.


Sometimes it is nice to just sit and do nothing but stare out over the ocean - or perhaps find a nice corner and read my book. My daily life doesn't give me that much time to just relax, so even if there are not enough "organized" activities - I can always find something to do.


I love to cruise, and I hope that I never lose that feeling!

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Before you start getting flamed by the others, let me say I can see your point. Ever since Jerry Cahill took over the company, the corner cutting and profit increasing has been steadily getting worse.

I am still booking cruises, but if this trend continues, then, like you, I will start to reconsider going back to AI's.


I am far from a Carnival fan, but it is important to realize all lines are cutting back, big time, plus probably raising rates. We have become to accustom to cruising cheap and expecting top of the line. That being said, AI might see an increase if the cruise lines don't rethink their strategy...Or, even worse, AI might jump and raise prices..



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I remember when my Grandma use to wax nostalgic for days gone by. I never understood that when younger, but do now.


On our most recent cruise (2010), the biggest cutback I noticed was the elimination of an entire course from MDR. The last time I cruised (2007) there were still four courses. Compare that to when I began cruising in the 80s when MDR was five full courses, service was pampering, there was time to get to know your wait staff with stories, jokes, etc., they always smiled, cut your meat if you desired, seemed to be having fun. Now the servers seem harried and stressed all the time and can barely stop after putting their plates down. It makes the entire dining experience, for me, not as enjoyable. If you are new to cruising maybe you never notice, but if you were around when MDR was a not to be missed part of cruising, you know what I mean.

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<<<Ok. If you are crazy enough to pay $25 for 4 beer (like I was several times), what do you do if your drinks do not arrive after 30 minutes?>>>



$25.00????? I was just on board in July at it was only 13.50 .

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Heres my two cents on this,


It bothers me when people complain that the SHIP made them sick, I work in a heavy traffic office , clients come in sick all the time, You can get sick anywhere.


I thankfully have never had a bad cruise, but even if i did it wouldnt stop me from cruising, ive done all inclusives as well, the price i have paid to stay at an all inclusive was more than the TWO cruises im taking this year, The food was sub par to cruise food, however,, the fact that IM NOT cooking or cleaning for a week, i dont really care, its not like im going to go hungry at either an AI or a cruise line. There are wayyy to many options not to starve.


AI's- ive stayed at lower end starfish and breezes and iberostar resorts, and higher end palace, sandals, etc resorts.. ive had better food at the lower end ones and a better time..


Entertainment, the same entertainment week after week is provided at AI's just as it is on the cruise ship. theres really no difference there. Last november in mexico we saw the same acts at the AI as we did the year before, i watch movies over and over again, so id rather see the same act, then sit in my room bored.


Drinks: the drinks have NEVER been more watered down than at all the AI's ive been too,, thus the reason evern though its all inclusive id rather my ships bartender pour me a drink for 8.95 any day over haveing to order 25 at an AI and still not be buzzed LOL..


Weather... 7 days at an AI rained for 5 vs 7 days on a ship maybe only 1 port had rain.. atleast im not stuck in the same place with nothing to do all week.. at an AI if it rains there is NO daytime entertainment, just way over priced spa treatments that you and every other guest in the resort is now trying to book.. at Moon Palace golf and Spa in november i paid 125.00 for a 25 min back and neck massage.. on carnival ive paid that for a Full hour hot stone complete body massage...


that all being said,, i truly would rather sit in the rain for 7 days at an all inclusive resort or spend 7 days cruising the caribbean then be sitting at my desk at work... and it sure beats staying home for a week where i still have to walk to dog do laundry and cook and clean..


NOthing in life is perfect, things are uncontrollable, and people are infact human and make mistakes, i roll with the punches order another DOD and thank god that im not in my office and im alive and well and healthy enough to go on vacation..


I dont care what ship , what cruiseline, what port, what AI , just send me somewhere the palm trees sway and the rum runs deep :)

Hear hear!!! Very Well Said!!

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