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Dream DETAILED Western Review, 5/29/10: Auditory, Olfactory, and Common Senses


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It’s hard to believe that just yesterday I was still on the Carnival Dream! What a beautiful ship! Our group of 5 (my mom, our family friend, my hubby, me, and our 4-year-old daughter) all had a wonderful time!

Hubby, DD, and I were in a spa OV cabin, #11203, and my mom and our friend were in spa IS cabin, #11211. The location was great! We didn’t use the spa facilities very often, but I thought the proximity of 11203 to the Lido deck, Serenity area, and slides, was worth the extra $200 I paid for the 3 of us for the week.

Yes, I frequently caught a whiff of the infamous “smell,” particularly on decks 11, 10, and 12, but I wonder if I would have noticed it quite so much if I hadn’t read all the hype about it. Oh well! At least I knew what to expect so that hubby didn’t get blamed for it when I did smell it…at least he didn’t get blamed TOO often anyway!

Being all the way forward, our cabin did shutter and shake and rumble from time to time, particularly when we were entering or leaving some of ports. During this time, the picture above the bed would rattle against the wall and the hangers in the closets would tap on the doors. It didn’t bother me, though, because I’m used to way worse than that every night when hubby snores (the only comparable sound to his slumber I can think of is maybe a freight train…going through a long wide tunnel…while traversing a deep canyon…during an earthquake!)

As far as the ship’s rocking, this was my 7th cruise (6th with Carnival), and I have to say I didn’t feel any of the ship’s movement save for a few occasions, particularly when docked at Costa Maya.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s start with embarkation day at Port Canaveral…


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We are about a 2-1/2 hour drive from the port, so we didn’t start our journey until the morning of our departure. I was happy that we managed to get out of the house by 8:00 am, pick up my mom and her luggage, pick up our friend, Joann, and her luggage, and leave town by 9:00. Yay!



(If you have duct tape holding your suitcase together, you might be a redneck!)

We arrived at the terminal a few minutes before 11:00am, and there was a small line of cars in the parking lot, waiting to drop off luggage. We pulled up next to a porter, and as we were unloading the luggage, I heard Zone 5 being called. Awesome! I’ve been to only the Jax., Port Canaveral, and Tampa terminals, but I have to say I think Port Canaveral is run the most efficiently of any cruise port. The staff quickly moves you right through the lines and onto the ship, and they do it with a smile and a friendly “welcome back.”

We were directed to the VIP line because my mom was in a wheelchair (she can’t walk long distances or stand for long periods of time), and we rode the elevator up to the second floor, where another Carnival employee ushered us to the special assistance desk. Check in, S&S photo, group embarkation photo (just a green screen this time instead of a background), photo with an astronaut in the atrium, and before 11:30, we were in a glass elevator and heading to the Lido deck for lunch. Yippee!


(Standard shot looking up from the main atrium.)


I headed for the deli first, to get Alyssa a grilled cheese (one of the handful of foods she’ll actually eat), and waited in my first food line of the cruise. This line took only about 10 minutes, max, and I noticed that when the line was getting fairly long, another employee came in to help make sandwiches at the deli so that everyone could get their orders quickly. Alex and Alyssa were waiting at a table outside by one of the windows near the aft pool, so I dropped off Alyssa’s lunch and made my way to the burrito bar. There were only 2-3 people in this line, so by the time I could decide on a salsa for my burrito, the chef was ready to take my order.

Back at our table for 5, we compared notes on our various food choices. I thought the burrito was VERY good, Alyssa picked at her grilled cheese, and Alex and Joann raved about the Indian Tandoor food. My mom was satisfied with her burger from the grill (BORing!) and French fries.

We had some time to kill before our rooms would be ready, so I took Alyssa to Camp Carnival on deck 11 so she could take a look around. Man, that place was hopping! There were 2 counselors in the 2-5 year-old area, registering kids and answering questions. I was happy that I pre-registered Alyssa online months ago! Unfortunately, the printed forms were in my carry-on downstairs on the Lido deck. I told one of the counselors this when it was my turn, and she checked her clip board for Alyssa’s name…after she ran off to answer the phone...and after she answered a question from a parent who had just walked in.

When the counselor returned, I asked if it was ok if Alyssa played while I signed the registration form, and Alyssa happily ran off when she said “yes.” I asked a few questions, listed my mom, Joann, and Alex as adults who could sign her out, and before I could say “thank you,” the counselor had already moved on to the next parent who had walked in. I wanted to take some pictures of Alyssa playing, but since it was an area with several other people’s children, I figured I’d better ask permission to take photos first. I turned to the counselor I was JUST talking to and said “excuse me, is it ok if I…”

“Ma’am, I’ll be with you in just a minute!” she told me, rather curtly, “Please wait your turn.” Really?!? Was she that ditzy that she thought I was there to register my child less than 30 seconds after I spoke with her and registered my child?!? Nonetheless, I waited for her to go through the entire registration info with another parent, and when she turned to me again and asked “Can I help you? Are you here to register your child?” I smiled sweetly and said, “No. I just spoke to you and registered my child right before that lady, but you moved on before I could ask you if it’s ok to take pictures here.”

So I got the OK from an even more flustered counselor and snapped some shots of Alyssa having a great time with the toys at Camp Carnival. Immediately, Alyssa made friends with another little girl, and the two took turns playing with things around the room. Then Alyssa saw the age 6-11 area, and squealed. “C’mon mom!” she yelled, tugging at my hand, and the two of us bounced across the room on Hippity-Hops. (OK, Alyssa bounced. I sort of ½ bounced and ½ waddled. LOL!)


After a little more play time, Alyssa and I walked out of Camp Carnival and back to the Lido deck to catch up with the rest of our group. By this time, our rooms were ready, and we couldn’t wait to take a look at our home for the next week.



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Here’s where we’ve reached one of the bizarre things about the Dream’s layout. There are only 4 OV spa cabins – the rest are either spa balconies or spa IS. All 4 of these OV cabins have an obstructed view because they are at the very front of deck 11 and have a small public deck across the front. All 4 of these OV spa cabins are also handicap accessible cabins. So if you want a spa cabin with any sort of view, you either have to spend a lot of extra $$ for a category 8S balcony, or you have to book an obstructed view category 6S handicap accessible cabin. There is no OV spa cabin with just a regular OV window on the ship, which I thought was bad planning on Carnival’s part.


(Room 11211, Category 4S, spa IS)

Anyway, we were very happy with our rooms and what we called our “semi-private balcony” on the front of the deck. Upon arrival, my mom and I received a special surprise postcard from Crewsweeper of Cruise Critic, who just left the Dream that day and who had the spa balcony stateroom across the hall from my mom. So a special shout out to Crewsweeper for your note on board and all your advice prior to our cruise! And you were right – Antonius and Yessy did take very good care of us!


After a quick baggage dump and a few minutes on the deck in front of our room, we made our way down to the Lanai on deck 5 to explore the ship and check out our dining room arrangements in the aft Scarlet restaurant. (Another weird thing – why assign people staying in rooms all the way forward a table in the far aft restaurant, especially when one of the group has a note on her account indicating special assistance?) The Scarlet dining room was closed, so we would have to wait until 6:00 to discover where our table was. No biggie. Along the way, we checked out the Ocean Plaza, the Wasabi sushi bar, the Fun Hub, and the Plaza Café:


(Alyssa picking out her favorite of the coffee bar desserts.)


(Wasabi sushi bar)


(Art gallery)


(Crimson dining room, upper level. It was neat from the outside, but I would have felt like I was on display if I were seated at one of these tables. Alex dared me to do the human blowfish on the glass one evening, but I declined.)


Back to the room so that Alex and Alyssa could go change into bathing suits and try out the WaterWorks. At the glass elevators, someone called my name. It was Frank and Bridie and their son, Brandon, from Cruise Critic! Cool! It’s usually very rare that I actually run into anyone from our CC roll call outside the meet-n-greet, but I seemed to cross paths with Frank and Bridie often this cruise. (Honestly, Frank, I was NOT stalking you guys! LOL!)

Anyway, my mom decided to take it easy and unpack her carry-on while me and Joann went to the CC meet-n-greet at the Sunset Bar near the aft pool. It was a great turn-out with a lot of nice people. I snapped a few photos, and then thought I should probably check on my mom, who had broken out into a sweat while we were out on our “semi-private balcony,” and seemed winded ever since. I excused myself and once again traversed the entire length of the ship, thinking this was a great way to get to know the layout anyway. My mom was not in her room, so I assumed she went with Alex and Alyssa. Guess she was feeling better, then.


(Our fabulous CC roll call group. I'm actually in this one. Can you guess which one?)

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Now here’s my first DUH moment of the cruise (and we hadn’t even left Port Canaveral yet!) There was still a little time before the muster drill to unpack our carry-ons, so that’s what I did. In the bathroom, I noticed the clothesline above the shower head and thought it would be a good idea to have it ready for Alex’s and Alyssa’s wet bathing suits when they returned. Well, the cord was stuck and wouldn’t reach the hook on the other side of the shower, so I pulled harder. CLICK-CLICK. Still wouldn’t reach, so I tugged even harder. CLICK-CLICK. Nothing. Why won’t…CLICK-CLICK…this stupid… CLICK-CLICK…thing… CLICK-CLICK…come out?!?

Too late, I noticed the cord was red. And there was a sign right where the end of the cord WOULD have been dangling that read “Emergency Call.” Dammit! It wasn’t the clothesline (which I now saw was on the other side of the faucet), but the dang emergency call cord that every handicap-accessible cabin has! The second this revelation finally hit me, our cabin phone rang.

“Hello?” I answered.

“This is guest services. We received an emergency call from your cabin. Is everything ok?” came the voice at the other end of the line.

“Ummm…yes…” I said, meekly, “I’m really sorry. It was an accident.”


(The emergency call cord, as I found it. Note the actual clothesline on the right!)


(The Emergency Call sign, "hidden" in plain sight.)

I felt really stupid. Later, when I met up with and amused the rest of my group with the story, Alex told me that he was the one who wrapped the cord up near the shower head, because he wanted to make sure it was out of Alyssa’s reach. With a smirk on his face, he added, “I had no idea I would have to move it even higher to be out of YOUR reach!” D’oh!

Only Joann was around when it was time for the muster drill, which was really painless. Our area met in the Encore lounge, and we spotted Alyssa (still wet and wrapped in a towel), Alex, and my mom in the upper balcony to our right. We watched the short video and were dismissed. Back to our “semi-private balcony” (which had a handful of spectators already) to watch as the Dream turned around to leave Port Canaveral. It was just after 4:00pm.


(One of 2 weddings going on before we left Port Canaveral)


(A conference room decked out for another wedding.)

Once underway, I changed into my bathing suit and the 5 of us went to the Lanai for sail away. I wanted to watch our sail away from one of the cantilevered hot tubs, so Alex, Alyssa and I climbed in while my mom and Joann found a couple of cozy lounge chairs nearby. Ahhh! Very relaxing. But I could see why people in the balconies above us would be upset. From my spot in the hot tub, it looked like we were close enough that the guy out on one of the balconies could pass me a beer. Guess that’s why the lanai whirlpools close at 8:00pm every night.



(Main pool and big screen)



(One of several info screens around the ship)

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(Our "semi-private balcony")

Time for dinner, so Alex and I wrestled Alyssa out of the hot tub and dried her off. My mom and Joann got up from their loungers and discovered that the chairs they were sitting in left black specks (soot?) all over the backs of their pants! Ooops!

I got dressed inside our cabin while Alex changed Alyssa into some clothes for dinner. I answered a knock at the door, and it was Katie, our entertainment host, and her assistant ___? (sorry, I forgot his name.) They were there to see Alyssa and present her with a trophy, medal, and autographed picture of the Dream from John Heald. The second Katie asked “is Alyssa here?” Alyssa came streaking out of the bathroom in just her panties! So I signaled Alex to wrap her in a towel, but it was fruitless. The minute her hands touched the Ship on a Stick, she threw the towel off and jumped up and down with a great big grin on her face. We all laughed, and Katie then handed me a bottle of champagne, also from John. I thanked her, and Katie told Alyssa, “I can see we’re going to have lots of fun with you, aren’t we Alyssa?” Alyssa grinned and nodded and continued her happy naked dance around the room.


("Look what I got, Mom!")


(Showing off to her stuffed animals and our first towel animal.)

“Mom, can I go show grandma and Ms. Joann?” Alyssa asked me, running for the door.

“Get dressed first,” I told her.

“Aw! Why can’t I go now?!?” Alyssa whined.

“Because,” I answered, “you can’t go running around the ship naked, baby.”

“But maaaaaaaaaaaah-*****! I’m not going to run around naked. I’m just going to WALK over there!”


We were a little late for dinner, but there was still a very long line to get into the Scarlet dining room when we arrived. The Maitre D’ told the crowd “just ask any waiter where your table is, and they’ll show you.” So we did. We walked into the dining room through the doors on the right, and a flood of people piled in behind us. Wouldn’t you know our table (#403) was located on the LEFT side of the dining room, and the crowd behind us nearly knocked my mom and Alyssa down when we tried to follow the waiter back through the door to our table. Sigh!

Our table was by a window on the starboard side, very close to the main doors. We shared our table with a family of five – 3 teenage boys, and a mom and dad. They eyed the bottle of champagne we carried to dinner with us, and gave us a few looks that made their disapproval of our motley crew very evident. Three times, I tried to make friendly conversation and introduce ourselves. Each time they looked at me like I had an extra head with horns growing out of my neck, so I gave up.

Alex saw two of the boys glance over at us, whisper to each other, and then laugh. The dad joined in with the boys’ antics, while the mom just sat there trying not to look at us. Service was very…uh… difficult and seemed disorganized this first night. Alex finally managed to flag down our bar server so that Joann could order her Diet Coke. While she placed her order, Alex called over to the other family, “anyone need anything from the bar?” and pointed to the bar server. Yikes! The looks he got along with the short, stiff little headshakes could have chilled our bottle of champagne without a single cube of ice in the bucket! Ah well. Their loss. We poured the champagne and toasted our voyage without another glance towards the windows. They were ready to leave about the time we were finishing our entrees (I ordered my absolute favorite – ribs!), so when they all got up and walked past us, I tried one more time: “have a great night!” I called. Nothing. They couldn’t even be bothered to extend a finger in response.

We ordered dessert, and asked if the rest of the champagne could be saved for the next night. The diet orange cake was really good, especially with a side of butter pecan ice cream! LOL! Alyssa ordered the brownies off the child’s menu and declared them yucky. I tried a bite and tasted a hint of amaretto. No wonder why she didn’t like them!

After dinner, I walked to the podium at the front of the restaurant and requested a table change. When the hostess asked me if anything was wrong, I simply stated, “Well, we have a small child, and we seem to be making our tablemates VERY uncomfortable,” and left it at that. The hostess told me they would do their best to accommodate us, and if they could, we’d receive a note in our cabins tomorrow indicating what our new table number was. No problem.

I asked Alex to take Alyssa to the Family Welcome Aboard party that Camp Carnival sponsored at 8:00, while my mom, Joann and I went to the special reception for spa cabin guests. Ooops! Stupid me only skimmed the Welcome letter in our rooms when we boarded, and thought the 8:00pm time listed was the time of the reception. Um…no. the actual wording was “stop by UNTIL 8:00pm tonight for a tour and reception.” D’oh!

Oh well. We all took Alyssa to the Camp Carnival dance party in the Caliente disco. Alex and Joann both said they had to use the bathroom, and then never came back. Hmmm…they must have dissed us for the shops. Alyssa surprised me by pulling me onto the dance floor for the balloon pop dance. Usually, she pushes me away and prefers to dance with someone else’s family, so I jumped at the opportunity to dance with her.


(Alyssa's attempt at break dancing)

Funship Freddie made an appearance, and Alyssa and I did the Cupid Shuffle. I was amazed at how well and how quickly she picked up on the dance steps! Wow! When the DJ announced a “family dance contest,” Alyssa kept calling for Alex and asking “Where’s Daddy? Where’s Daddy?” I told her he’d be back soon, and when neither one of us won the dance contest, she shooed me off the dance floor so that she could dance the YMCA by herself. Ha!

The dance party seemed shorter than on other cruises. This one lasted only 30-40 minutes, and the Fun Force didn’t show up like on our other cruises. Oh well. Alyssa still had a great time. Alex and Joann showed up at the end of the party, and Alex helped me drag her out of the disco. On our way out, a family of 3 asked us where the Camp Carnival party was. We pointed to the disco and broke the news to them that it had just ended. The little boy was disappointed, but took it all in stride. “It’s ok,” Alyssa said, patting his arm, “you can do it next time.”

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We went back to our cabins to see if our luggage had arrived. All but one of Joann’s bags were waiting. Hmmm. I asked if there was anything in it that would seem suspicious, and she said, “well, I packed a bottle of champagne, but I had it wrapped in bubble wrap so it wouldn’t break!” Uh-oh. I told her that they probably flagged her bag because champagne has to be in the carry-on, but not to worry, if her bag was unlocked, they would just take the bottle and give her a receipt to pick it up at the end of the cruise.

In the meantime, we went out on deck to watch the Welcome Aboard laser show. Man, was it packed! Decks 10, 11, and 12, were full of people. We stood near the back railing and watched a bit, but I didn’t think it was anything really special. I took some pictures, then to get a good shot of the big screen and lasers, I stepped forward and snapped a few pictures over one of the box fans on the deck nearby.

TAP! TAP! TAP! I felt a hard scratching in the middle of my back. I turned around, and a woman with a permanent scowl glued on her face made some quick jerky motions with her hand in front of her face, trying to shoo me away. Ummm…ok. I shrugged and moved back. The woman continued to scowl, her arms crossed across her chest, and her butt resting on the back rail.

A few minutes later, Alex, who was holding Alyssa in his arms, took a few steps to the side so that Alyssa could see. I saw Ms. Scowl step forward and reach out her hand towards Alyssa. (The Mama Bear in me was ready to pounce and throw her over the railing if she dared touch my child!) Instead, she placed her hand on Alex’s arm and started pushing him, trying to keep him from moving in front of her. Alex turned to face her and said sternly, “Don’t push me,” then stared her down until she removed her hand and parked her butt back on the railing a few feet behind him. Hey, here’s a little tip: if you don’t want anyone to stand in front of you on an open air deck, DON’T stand in the very back and expect people to clear a path in front of you! Instead, get your fat butt off the back rail and move forward!


(Laser show)


(Lots of people came out to watch)

When the show ended, we walked down the hallway to our cabin. (Did I mention how much I LOVED the location of our cabin?) Joann’s missing bag was waiting for her, champagne bottle intact, and a letter stating “this bag looked like it had prohibited items, so we searched it. All is well.” Go figure.

While Alex and Alyssa got ready for bed, I finished unpacking our stuff. I placed a battery-powered travel clock on the nightstand nearest me, and began taking notes for my review. While Alex snored, the cabin shuddered, rumbled, and shook once. I listened, and heard activity coming from the storage closet right next door to our cabin. (When we first arrived at our cabin, the closet door was open, and I saw shelves of linens and a wash tub inside.) A few times, I heard a “haroosh!” like someone flushing a bag full of metal ball bearings down a toilet. I suspected it was a combination of the wind and the waves crashing against the hull of the ship.

I turned out the light, and knocked over the travel clock on the nightstand. I thought it was on the floor, so I reached down felt around where I thought it fell. I felt some sort of coiled object. What the heck is that? I picked it up, and before I could give it a good tug, I felt the cord attached. Yikes! It was the cord to the emergency cord above the bed. I was glad I didn’t pull it!


(Our first towel animal)


(The moonrise, as seen from the deck in front of our room.)


(I had to take several shots to get a true picture. My camera kept trying to capture the moon using a delayed shutter speed.)

Day 2 is up next. Just give me a little time to upload more pictures. :D

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We are about a 2-1/2 hour drive from the port, so we didn’t start our journey until the morning of our departure. I was happy that we managed to get out of the house by 8:00 am, pick up my mom and her luggage, pick up our friend, Joann, and her luggage, and leave town by 9:00. Yay!



(If you have duct tape holding your suitcase together, you might be a redneck!)

We arrived at the terminal a few minutes before 11:00am, and there was a small line of cars in the parking lot, waiting to drop off luggage. We pulled up next to a porter, and as we were unloading the luggage, I heard Zone 5 being called. Awesome! I’ve been to only the Jax., Port Canaveral, and Tampa terminals, but I have to say I think Port Canaveral is run the most efficiently of any cruise port. The staff quickly moves you right through the lines and onto the ship, and they do it with a smile and a friendly “welcome back.”

We were directed to the VIP line because my mom was in a wheelchair (she can’t walk long distances or stand for long periods of time), and we rode the elevator up to the second floor, where another Carnival employee ushered us to the special assistance desk. Check in, S&S photo, group embarkation photo (just a green screen this time instead of a background), photo with an astronaut in the atrium, and before 11:30, we were in a glass elevator and heading to the Lido deck for lunch. Yippee!


(Standard shot looking up from the main atrium.)


I headed for the deli first, to get Alyssa a grilled cheese (one of the handful of foods she’ll actually eat), and waited in my first food line of the cruise. This line took only about 10 minutes, max, and I noticed that when the line was getting fairly long, another employee came in to help make sandwiches at the deli so that everyone could get their orders quickly. Alex and Alyssa were waiting at a table outside by one of the windows near the aft pool, so I dropped off Alyssa’s lunch and made my way to the burrito bar. There were only 2-3 people in this line, so by the time I could decide on a salsa for my burrito, the chef was ready to take my order.

Back at our table for 5, we compared notes on our various food choices. I thought the burrito was VERY good, Alyssa picked at her grilled cheese, and Alex and Joann raved about the Indian Tandoor food. My mom was satisfied with her burger from the grill (BORing!) and French fries.

We had some time to kill before our rooms would be ready, so I took Alyssa to Camp Carnival on deck 11 so she could take a look around. Man, that place was hopping! There were 2 counselors in the 2-5 year-old area, registering kids and answering questions. I was happy that I pre-registered Alyssa online months ago! Unfortunately, the printed forms were in my carry-on downstairs on the Lido deck. I told one of the counselors this when it was my turn, and she checked her clip board for Alyssa’s name…after she ran off to answer the phone...and after she answered a question from a parent who had just walked in.

When the counselor returned, I asked if it was ok if Alyssa played while I signed the registration form, and Alyssa happily ran off when she said “yes.” I asked a few questions, listed my mom, Joann, and Alex as adults who could sign her out, and before I could say “thank you,” the counselor had already moved on to the next parent who had walked in. I wanted to take some pictures of Alyssa playing, but since it was an area with several other people’s children, I figured I’d better ask permission to take photos first. I turned to the counselor I was JUST talking to and said “excuse me, is it ok if I…”

“Ma’am, I’ll be with you in just a minute!” she told me, rather curtly, “Please wait your turn.” Really?!? Was she that ditzy that she thought I was there to register my child less than 30 seconds after I spoke with her and registered my child?!? Nonetheless, I waited for her to go through the entire registration info with another parent, and when she turned to me again and asked “Can I help you? Are you here to register your child?” I smiled sweetly and said, “No. I just spoke to you and registered my child right before that lady, but you moved on before I could ask you if it’s ok to take pictures here.”

So I got the OK from an even more flustered counselor and snapped some shots of Alyssa having a great time with the toys at Camp Carnival. Immediately, Alyssa made friends with another little girl, and the two took turns playing with things around the room. Then Alyssa saw the age 6-11 area, and squealed. “C’mon mom!” she yelled, tugging at my hand, and the two of us bounced across the room on Hippity-Hops. (OK, Alyssa bounced. I sort of ½ bounced and ½ waddled. LOL!)


After a little more play time, Alyssa and I walked out of Camp Carnival and back to the Lido deck to catch up with the rest of our group. By this time, our rooms were ready, and we couldn’t wait to take a look at our home for the next week.






After seeing the pix of your cabin, I will have to rethink my inside cabin on deck 10. with 3 people, I would LOVE all of this space! and use of the spa would be nice . . . I see that 11204 is available on our sailing. Was there anything you didn't like about the room?

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One last pic before I call it a night. Here's the storage/linen closet that was adjacent to our cabin:



I saw many of the room stewards on our deck wheel their carts to this closet to restock linens, and I guess drop off dirty ones. When we first arrived at our cabin, there were several bags of dirty laundry piled up along the wall opposite this closet door and our door.


Which reminds me of another "d'uh" moment - when our luggage arrived, it was lined up and blocking the entire doorway of our handicap-accessible cabin.

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Welcome back, I can't wait to


Off to a great start! We're sailing on the Dream July 24th, so I can't wait to hear and see more!


welcome back! Looking forward to reading about your cruise!


Thank you! It was a great cruise, and I'm sad to be back to reality already. I took over 850 pictures while on board, so it might take me a while to get everything uploaded, but I'll do my best. :eek:

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Great Review so far!!!!!! Can't wait to hear more!! :D


Nice start, can't wait to hear the rest myself!


patiently waiting for more :D


Great start...thanks!


Thank you! More to come when I get day 2 photos uploaded.

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yay, you're back :p


BTW: forgot to say last time, your daughter is SO cute!


Thank you! She is my angel on earth. :)


Love this review!


Thank you very much!


So far great review, thanks, as this is one ship considering for next June.


It's a great ship. There are a few flaws IMO (all minor), but I would definitely sail her again.

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Oh how exciting, I didn't know little ones went to the disco, my DD will flip out lol


She will have a ball. The disco is only available to the little ones the first night, though, during the Camp Carnival Welcome Aboard party. Other nights, it hosted either O2 events, or had "18 and over only" signs posted in the doorways.


Loving your review and pictures! We were on the Carnival Dream in April' date=' and this is bringing back wonderful memories. :)[/quote']


Aw! Thank you. I'm glad you're enjoying my review. :)


After seeing the pix of your cabin, I will have to rethink my inside cabin on deck 10. with 3 people, I would LOVE all of this space! and use of the spa would be nice . . . I see that 11204 is available on our sailing. Was there anything you didn't like about the room?


My TA tried to book me in 11204, but I made her move us to the other side. 11204 is directly under the treadmills in the gym, and I didn't want to hear the thump-thump-thump of people working out from 6:00am to 10:00pm every day. We loved the room, but since it is a handicap accessible one, Carnival said they would bump us if someone who was handicapped needed the room.


Besides the Emergency Call cords that I kept "discovering" by accident, I had no complaints about the cabin. My mom thought our cabin was really noisy because of the shuttering, shaking, and rumbling (not to mention the unidentifiable "haroosh" noise) from time to time, so if you are a light sleeper, you might not want to book this room.

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