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Polite Passengers and Not polite Passengers


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Anyone empathise with the Jetblue steward??? Just saw the long blurb on CNN re. his meltdown and exit... Comments from a reporter who heard his swan song...she did not see aggravating passenger...


Anyone have a story to tell about a passenger who may have deserved such an exit from a Carnival worker..they can not as easily bail once docked..I sure bet they have fanatsies too..


And no..it is not the way to go..possible injuries with schute deployment etc....but it just got me thinking...


Comments?? Sorry if I missed another thread..tried to check...

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When I read the article it was in the middle of the night, and it got me laughing so hard, mentally cheering him on that I emailed JetBlue and told them when America reads the article, most will be laughing and knowing what it's like, wanting to have a meltdown like that.

I also told them he shouldn't have been arrested, but he SHOULD pay for the emergency chute.

They emailed me back thanking me for contacting them, and please fly with JetBlue soon...lol.

What a 'Take this job and shove it' story.

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When I read the article it was in the middle of the night, and it got me laughing so hard, mentally cheering him on that I emailed JetBlue and told them when America reads the article, most will be laughing and knowing what it's like, wanting to have a meltdown like that.

I also told them he shouldn't have been arrested, but he SHOULD pay for the emergency chute.

They emailed me back thanking me for contacting them, and please fly with JetBlue soon...lol.

What a 'Take this job and shove it' story.

It sure was wasn't it..and just the general decline in manners..well it goes all ways..thanks for response...and your follow up story. I think this is going to do something; at least make a big statement...Jetblue being behind it's employees and passengers..be fun to watch unfold...sjn.

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Anyone empathise with the Jetblue steward??? Just saw the long blurb on CNN re. his meltdown and exit... Comments from a reporter who heard his swan song...she did not see aggravating passenger...


Anyone have a story to tell about a passenger who may have deserved such an exit from a Carnival worker..they can not as easily bail once docked..I sure bet they have fanatsies too..


And no..it is not the way to go..possible injuries with schute deployment etc....but it just got me thinking...


Comments?? Sorry if I missed another thread..tried to check...


I missed this, got a link you could post?

PS Thunder storms ALL day today!

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Actually, somewhere out there is a video taken of a waiter leaving in the middle of dinner. He got up on the table and basically told them to shove it and walked out. I couldn't understand him very well, but it looks and sounds real. Maybe someone out there knows about it. I'm sure it's on YouTube somewhere.


p.s. Yes, I did LMAO at the JetBlue incident. He did go overboard, but I can't say I blame him!

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I missed this, got a link you could post?

PS Thunder storms ALL day today!



Same song second verse here since noon..and every darn evening for quite a few days now...

I don't mind one ot two storms a month..but it is just every day..so few peaceful weather days..so darn windy..well I am 1/2 Oregonian you know...sigh. It is pretty new news..here is CNN article:




Can't post a photo but can do this!! Smiles,,you are a CC page officiando Hamilton..I wonder if your Tirimisou restaurant beats mine here...sure it is great there as here..and in spite of economy..somewhat stable..Sincerely, Sarah

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He might have gone a little overboard but seriously? Someone calls him a MFer and he's just supposed to take it? That's what's wrong with the world today.


Why I slanted the question as I did...sjn.




Seems like customer wouldn't wait to do his gotta be the first off of here thing...passengers posing more risk than employees these days.

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The flight attendant did react badly....don't think he needed to be arrested though.


Isn't there a law that pax are supposed to comply with flight crew instructions? I'm wondering what the passenger will be charged with since he was told to remain seated while the plane was still taxiing.

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The flight attendant did react badly....don't think he needed to be arrested though.


Isn't there a law that pax are supposed to comply with flight crew instructions? I'm wondering what the passenger will be charged with since he was told to remain seated while the plane was still taxiing.


This is why I look forward to the next few days..


I have never been in a Jetblue area and stay kind of loyal to main airline for points..


I just think and hope balance and a little civility comes out on the passenger's responsibility factor...all the nasty behavior everywhere feeds on itself and the service industry has reason to loose it at times..not that they can/should but if he hadn't deployed the chute due to safety reasons..he may not have been arrested...maybe the passengers could have given him a standing ovation for his speech!!!:):)


And hopefully he reads here and could have smuggled off his exit beers on a normal de-plane..wink wink.

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He might have gone a little overboard but seriously? Someone calls him a MFer and he's just supposed to take it? That's what's wrong with the world today.


Anyone who deals with the general American public knows EXACTLY how this airline steward felt. As an ER nurse I see it and hear it everyday. Even though I'm a male nurse, some of the insults and foul language hurled at me occasionally, often by young females, is unbelievable. Natuarlly this same patient then expects me to place a painless IV and get pain medication immediately. The days of mutual respect are long gone in a society that only teaches me, me, me.

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Anyone who deals with the general American public knows EXACTLY how this airline steward felt. As an ER nurse I see it and hear it everyday. Even though I'm a male nurse, some of the insults and foul language hurled at me occasionally, often by young females, is unbelievable. Natuarlly this same patient then expects me to place a painless IV and get pain medication immediately. The days of mutual respect are long gone in a society that only teaches me, me, me.

Afraid so..


Viva the male nurses that I've worked with in a hospital and been helped by when a patient in agony in ER's and during surgery..the wise sweet patients knew with a guy in the equation the lifting and all was going to go a heck of a lot better..and the stuff the helpers of this world accomplishes in the face of our declining manners amazing...


Wishing you some grateful patients and co-workers..my best job was as a Ward aide in a hospital..great commraderie with employees..(most)..and patients..(most).


And when it comes to the verbal trades and slingshots..women can be worse...especially with the young..and how being snyde is cool..the ugglier the better..the calm speech and long purposeful walkaway would have been the better side of valor; the best for this guy; imho; but sure hope the punch in the story sends as many lessons to others as he has dialed up for himself.

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The only negative on any of my cruises has been my fellow passengers.


Some folks fee that because they're on a cruise they're entitled to some level of treatment that would befit a British Royal...


One evening on the Conquest I was at the pizza place at about 11 PM. There were a number of folks there all waiting for pizza to be produced. Everyone was chatting pleasantly about how much fun we were all having and what a wonderful ship it was. One somewhat unkempt woman and her friend barged past me ( I was #1 in line...) and said that she needed two pepperoni pizzas. The little guy behind the counter told her it would be about 12 minutes. The veins in her head bulged out... she trembled a little bit and screamed at him, and the side of my face... '12 minutes!!! I don't have 12 minutes!!!!' You would have thought the cook told her next Thursday!! She stormed off screaming about getting her money back... blah... blah... blah...


I can relate similar stories about every cruise that I've been on. Suffice it to say that one of the best ways to enjoy a cruise is to not let your fellow passengers get to you 'cause believe me... they'll try...



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When I read the article it was in the middle of the night, and it got me laughing so hard, mentally cheering him on that I emailed JetBlue and told them when America reads the article, most will be laughing and knowing what it's like, wanting to have a meltdown like that.

I also told them he shouldn't have been arrested, but he SHOULD pay for the emergency chute.

They emailed me back thanking me for contacting them, and please fly with JetBlue soon...lol.

What a 'Take this job and shove it' story.



My Mom and my sister are both flight attendants for Jet Blue and both of them have worked with this guy at least once.

What most people don't know is that it costs the company about $40,000 when a chute is deployed. That plane is out of commission until a new chute is installed, also another plane has to come take over it's route, flights are delayed, etc. If this guy ends up having to pay, it's going to be a very big bill for an unemployed guy!

Per my Mom - what he should have done (procedure) is tell the pilot to notify the authorities to have them waiting to escort the passenger off. It is a federal law that passengers have to comply with what the flight crew instructs them to do. Also, the passenger and the airline can both incur large fines if a passenger is standing while the plane is in motion. If he would have just told the pilot to contact the authorities, then she would have been the one in handcuffs and he'd still have his job.

All that said - I still feel for the guy!! I waited tables and bartended in college and I had moments where I felt like doing something like that!!

Ashley :)

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Thanks for more info Ashpalo!!!


Host Mach..isn't that the truth.


bplazo..What all of us feel and to let off the steam productivle and a way that will count...


I guess..most often..I succeed with the Polyanna approach..try to look through rose colored glsses at times..when that fails..I have boken up a few plastic cheap kids bats in the country..screaming at the void...


Thank God for the best of our vacations..little daily ones here included!!! sjn.

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It certainly is a good way to quit, when I win the lotto jackpot, I too will need to think of something inventive....


But he kind of burned his bridges though, looks like he won't work for any airline ever again.


It is just such a fantasy..sjn.:)

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I guess you can call me one of his "fans". I also work in healthcare and over the past 15 years I have really noticed an increase in the number of rude, obnoxious and arrogant people encountered. Can't tell you how many times I've had to bite my tongue...so I really know how this guy feels. I know there is no excuse for what he did but I guess he just "had it".


On the other hand, I have a sister who's a biochemist. I remember asking her "how can you just sit in a lab all day..don't you get bored?" Her response comes back to haunt me almost daily...."I don't have to deal with the public"! Smart girl.

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I honestly can't remember a bad fellow cruiser to date but i don't pay attention to much unless it concerns me. If it affects me then i get involved. The only thing that has annoyed me on any cruise is when people leave their 1/2 finished drinks in the elevator. Enjoy your cruise's!:)By the way i love what that Jetblue guy did!

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Anyone who deals with the general American public knows EXACTLY how this airline steward felt. As an ER nurse I see it and hear it everyday. Even though I'm a male nurse, some of the insults and foul language hurled at me occasionally, often by young females, is unbelievable. Natuarlly this same patient then expects me to place a painless IV and get pain medication immediately. The days of mutual respect are long gone in a society that only teaches me, me, me.

I know what you mean. I was working with a pt. tonight who was on IV Rocephin for a serious case of pylo, some idiot dropped off her government check and she decided we needed to D/C the IV so she could go cash the check and meet up with her friends. She is on a legal medical restraint so she cannot go AMA...you can imagine the names I was called when trying to explain why the IV was staying in place and so was she (as nicely as I could). Thank God for Ativan:)

But I see this behavior in most places, the grocery store, mall, restaurants. HELLO...the person working there is a person!

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I guess you can call me one of his "fans". I also work in healthcare and over the past 15 years I have really noticed an increase in the number of rude, obnoxious and arrogant people encountered. Can't tell you how many times I've had to bite my tongue...so I really know how this guy feels. I know there is no excuse for what he did but I guess he just "had it".


On the other hand, I have a sister who's a biochemist. I remember asking her "how can you just sit in a lab all day..don't you get bored?" Her response comes back to haunt me almost daily...."I don't have to deal with the public"! Smart girl.


It's like making it a game to find the people moving in a positive direction, especially in direct care..I'm healthcare related..too..like shining a light into despair often for me but I can control it in a way..stop the conversation if going nowhere in my work....crisis help related stuff.


I do think we have to see way more conscious work and real effort on this issue..because it is serious..not just a game at how we as a society push people around more and more..this is a perfect minor storm..the kind that can create some humor with the seriousness and vicarious relief in the fantasy..I just think these situations can nudge more in the positive direction..all sides. Hopefully the attendant will reach some embarassment..currently the few photos I have seen is the self -righteous satisfaction end of things, (which I do not begrudge) but unfortunately, he probably fed some wolves too...sjn.

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I know what you mean. I was working with a pt. tonight who was on IV Rocephin for a serious case of pylo, some idiot dropped off her government check and she decided we needed to D/C the IV so she could go cash the check and meet up with her friends. She is on a legal medical restraint so she cannot go AMA...you can imagine the names I was called when trying to explain why the IV was staying in place and so was she (as nicely as I could). Thank God for Ativan:)

But I see this behavior in most places, the grocery store, mall, restaurants. HELLO...the person working there is a person!


Amen Molly..English please:p..I got the geneal gist j/k..I was a lowly ward aide at Bilings Deaconess when I started my advanced college work..and yes..there is a time for MEDS..on all sides of the equation:D.

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It amazes me on popular business travel routes how many pax disregard directions to stay seated until the "Fasten Seatbelt" dign goes off. And then how everyone thinks they`re entitled to have first bid to the exit.


But the guy should have followed normal protocol. He would have felt better rewarded watching that pax taken off in handcuffs.


I smell a plea bargain in the end of this case, with no jail time.


I have joined his fan FB page.


"Don`t pull a Slater" may become the new slogan.

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I understand the steward's frustration but he went over the top in deploying the chute. A groundworker could have been killed. He had worked in the industry for yrs and knew what the job was all about, including having to deal with annoying, rude passengers. My favorite CCL story was about a couple in the balcony cabin next to us who were also dinner table mates. They'd get into a big, loud argument each night and be all lovey to each other at dinner. They drank and gambled (and lost) too much and kept their balcony door open so even with ours closed we heard their fights.

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