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NOT Anti-Kids, Alternatives, Etc...I am ANTI-This!!!


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I'm with you; I have my own kind of manners. It's the "do unto others" kind of thing, but I feel weird holding the door open for someone who's not right behind me. Here's why...if you're a half-block away, and I hold the door for you, am I making you run to partake in my courteousness?


I've thrown a few elbows on a crowded dance floor, but never in a hallway. The lights aren't dim enough.


As for the messages directed to you, I'm brave on a darkened dance floor, and when behind the wheel. Others are emboldened when sitting behind their keyboard.


Yeah I am the same way. Like today I was tryong to be polite as im standing there in publix behind two older(55ish) women who are just sitting there gabbing to each other blockng the entire isle and so i say "excuse me ma'am" atleast 4 times without even a glance in my direction! So i leave my cart and walk over to one of them and say "im trying to get by do you mind scooting over?" and the other woman YELLS at me "didnt your parents teach you to respect your elders!" so im like in complete shock...and just walk between there carts say "excuse me" grab the juice i wanted and walk back to my cart.i was in such shock!!! I thought about this post almost immeditly!!!

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I knew you weren't an animal hitter, btw. I did get a dirty look from my puppies and kitties for even joking about it.


I like the way you stand your ground without being rude or obnoxious. Someone posted about a "Martini Happy Hour" - 4 martinis for $15. I'll participate in that in your honor.


Why, that's the nicest thing anyone on CC has ever said to me. :p

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Yeah I am the same way. Like today I was tryong to be polite as im standing there in publix behind two older(55ish) women who are just sitting there gabbing to each other blockng the entire isle and so i say "excuse me ma'am" atleast 4 times without even a glance in my direction! So i leave my cart and walk over to one of them and say "im trying to get by do you mind scooting over?" and the other woman YELLS at me "didnt your parents teach you to respect your elders!" so im like in complete shock...and just walk between there carts say "excuse me" grab the juice i wanted and walk back to my cart.i was in such shock!!! I thought about this post almost immeditly!!!

Ah, the grocery store. That's a whole 'nother level of rudeness. I used to cashier at Publix - there was one out at Tennessee (think that was the street) and Capital Circle. I think it was the 6th level of hell in Dante's Inferno.

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Ah, the grocery store. That's a whole 'nother level of rudeness. I used to cashier at Publix - there was one out at Tennessee (think that was the street) and Capital Circle. I think it was the 6th level of hell in Dante's Inferno.


I prefer publix over walmart,windixie and othera because generally the coustomer service and its cleaner. And yeah its tennesse st. Or the "strip".lol.

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No I'm an animal lover. I wouldn't even beat a chair buzzard. And sure you can join the merriment. But just be aware the rum may have at one point been either directly or indirectly in contact with snydermann's undergarments. :eek:


Of course they have been in contact with my undergarments, feels extra naughty that way!


And yes chirpbird, you are welcome for a drink, if you are still interested. . .lol.


(You do realize "beating the dog" is just an expression for misplaced anger, right? I love animals too, look at my avatar. . . .lol)

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Of course they have been in contact with my undergarments, feels extra naughty that way!


And yes chirpbird, you are welcome for a drink, if you are still interested. . .lol.


(You do realize "beating the dog" is just an expression for misplaced anger, right? I love animals too, look at my avatar. . . .lol)

Well, alcohol sterilizes all. Guess this will be the ultimate test.


As to being animal lovers...as I sit here eating my steak, shining my leather shoes and kicking my cat...yes, I know it's just a saying. I thought it was funny.

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Are you saying the OP stuck out her elbow and jabbed people as they passed because she wanted someone to jab her with their elbow?? :confused:


Actually, I'm saying that the OP should stop and think about how she would like to be treated and treat others the same way. If she prefers to be jabbed with an elbow, well ...

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Sorry, but I do not see why a man should give his seat up for a women. We want equality so we should stand if there are no seats. The only exception would be if the person was elderly or had a disability.


I never understood that thinking either.


Unless I see someone distressed that I probably cant help anyway, no one is better than me to take my seat.

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I had an incident where a lady older than myself (who I was walking directly behind) decided to STOP in mid-step. I of course ran into her, but I apologized profusely, asked if she was ok, apologized again. Her reply was a very haughty "I guess I'll be ok".


The friends I was with for the rest of the cruise observed her...most of the time she walked perfectly fine, smile on her face, but as soon as she saw me, she would very quickly develop a limp, and turn her face into a big scowl.


From my point of view, it was her who was being rude, but I'm sure that she thought I was the rude one.

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It's only rude if you initiated it...I bet you were taught to not hit someone back if they hit you too...and an elbow wouldn't hit these people if they took 5 seconds to think about someone other than themselves. I won't do an elbow jab...I don't like to touch strangers so this is never an issue for me, but last cruise some kids came running down the hall and saw us there, knocked my 9 year old over who was walking about 20 feet ahead of me...when they kept running by me, yes, I put my foot and out he went flying, unfortunately it wasn't over the side of the ship and just onto the floor...guess it was OK for my daughter to get knocked on her butt but not him, don't think so...so if that makes me rude, I really don't care...but I can assure you I am only rude to those that started with me first!!!!:D


Hell hath no fury like a mother protecting her child. Btw PaulFran, do you have children? Because if you did, I think you might understand. I have two children, including an eight year old with cerebral palsy. I have watched him get knocked down by rude children and adults. We have also experienced the rudeness at elevators on cruiseships when trying to exit with his wheelchair and not being able to because of people crowding on. I used to be the "quiet, timid, live and let live type" but not anymore. If that had been my child that Tracyanns had knocked over, I would have thanked her for teaching him a lesson when I wasn't around to do it myself. Takes a village, right? Too many people think of "lawsuits" before anything. That's what's wrong with society.


Cheers to you TracyAnns!


(and I'm NOT agreeing with you just because we're sailing on the same ship in 3 days and I'm scared you might trip me in the hallway) :D

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Hell hath no fury like a mother protecting her child. Btw PaulFran, do you have children? Because if you did, I think you might understand. I have two children, including an eight year old with cerebral palsy. I have watched him get knocked down by rude children and adults. We have also experienced the rudeness at elevators on cruiseships when trying to exit with his wheelchair and not being able to because of people crowding on. I used to be the "quiet, timid, live and let live type" but not anymore. If that had been my child that Tracyanns had knocked over, I would have thanked her for teaching him a lesson when I wasn't around to do it myself. Takes a village, right? Too many people think of "lawsuits" before anything. That's what's wrong with society.


Cheers to you TracyAnns!


(and I'm NOT agreeing with you just because we're sailing on the same ship in 3 days and I'm scared you might trip me in the hallway) :D


Personally I don't want to live in a village that teaches their children that parents should intentionally trip someone else's child in order to teach them a lesson. But I respect your right to disagree.

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Cheers to you TracyAnns!


(and I'm NOT agreeing with you just because we're sailing on the same ship in 3 days and I'm scared you might trip me in the hallway) :D


Oh my gosh, that's too funny and to think I almost missed it.


Have a great "trip" . . . lol :p



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I never understood that thinking either.


Unless I see someone distressed that I probably cant help anyway, no one is better than me to take my seat.


It's probably a cultural difference. In the south it's very common. My hubby is from the north so it's not a natural thing for him but living in Georgia a slight nudge from me and he "remembers" to get up. One place I didn't have to nudge him was on the bus system in Bermuda. Bermuda is such a polite, well mannered place it came naturally to him when he saw an older lady get on the bus he popped up immediately. Made me smile. :) And the kids.... talk about well mannered. Bermuda is definitely a place for people who long for politeness.

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Actually, I'm saying that the OP should stop and think about how she would like to be treated and treat others the same way. If she prefers to be jabbed with an elbow, well ...


I completely agree! If I am walking with 2 of my friends, side by side, down a narrow hallway and I see someone coming and I DON'T move out of the way, then yes, I would be perfectly fine with getting jabbed by an elbow. I would deserve it IMO.


Of course, I have ALWAYS moved out of the way in that situation, so I have never experienced an elbow jab. Just sayin':D

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I completely agree! If I am walking with 2 of my friends, side by side, down a narrow hallway and I see someone coming and I DON'T move out of the way, then yes, I would be perfectly fine with getting jabbed by an elbow. I would deserve it IMO.


Of course, I have ALWAYS moved out of the way in that situation, so I have never experienced an elbow jab. Just sayin':D


Hee hee, I agree 100%

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I completely agree! If I am walking with 2 of my friends, side by side, down a narrow hallway and I see someone coming and I DON'T move out of the way, then yes, I would be perfectly fine with getting jabbed by an elbow. I would deserve it IMO.


Of course, I have ALWAYS moved out of the way in that situation, so I have never experienced an elbow jab. Just sayin':D


I "get" that it's rude behavior to walk down the hallway side by side. I don't "get" someone thinking sticking out their elbow and jabbing someone or intentionally tripping someone else's child to teach them a lesson is "polite" or acceptable behavior. Just sayin' :rolleyes:

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I never understood that thinking either.


Unless I see someone distressed that I probably cant help anyway, no one is better than me to take my seat.


I agree to some extent with this. Im. Young female and dont really have many pains and aches so if by chance they offer i generally decline with a poilte "nothanks but thank yo for the offer". But on the other hand i have willingly given up my seat on buses for other women with chldren,pregnant,elderly etc. My high school was private and didnt have transportation so alot of the students used the city bus system ironically we were right next door to the hospital/emergency room and our bus stop was the same one the patients used.i can not tell you how many times the young "men" from my school would sit and watch as a elderly person stood up holding the rail things the bus drive would ask if people wouldnt mind but none would.since we all had on uniforms i was embarresd to be grouped with them. Or then there was the time 3guys were sitting in the row thats "made" for people eith wheel chairs and they sat there abd refused to move saying they were on the bus first and that "the cripple already has a seat!" i was so appalled i got my friends sitting with me(all 3girls) to give the biys our seats so tye women with her son in the chair could get on the bus....i have still to this day nver been as

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Personally I don't want to live in a village that teaches their children that parents should intentionally trip someone else's child in order to teach them a lesson. But I respect your right to disagree.


You didn't answer her question...do you have children? I was going to ask you the same thing...but I'm sure I know the answer.


Also...you didn't respond to me when I asked about "if YOU got knocked down and had your nose broken and your teeth missing" as a result of some child running down the hallway and intentionally crashing into you.


Wouldn't you expect Paul to "do something"....or would you just lie in your pool of blood, waiting to hear an "I'm sorry ma'am"?


Just wondering.........


(I don't mean to come down on you...but fortunately for you, it's just so obvious that you never had to deal with "being a victim" or knew a victim)

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I quess I am too rude to read through all these posts and I agree with what I've read (except for poking people

in the ribs if you don't believe they have given you enough room)


isn't there a bit of "in my day" going on here. People always seem to believe the world is going to hell

in a handbasket.(perhaps a Canadian expression)

C'mon - there have always been rude thoughtless people but even then the level of racism, sexism ,and horrible things done behind closed doors Has Gone Down.


Really all in all -the world has gotten better -except when people don't agree with you on CC (LOL)

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You didn't answer her question...do you have children? I was going to ask you the same thing...but I'm sure I know the answer.


Also...you didn't respond to me when I asked about "if YOU got knocked down and had your nose broken and your teeth missing" as a result of some child running down the hallway and intentionally crashing into you.


Wouldn't you expect Paul to "do something"....or would you just lie in your pool of blood, waiting to hear an "I'm sorry ma'am"?


Just wondering.........


(I don't mean to come down on you...but fortunately for you, it's just so obvious that you never had to deal with "being a victim" or knew a victim)


Actually I did answer your question as to how I would handle it in post #158.


Also, broken nose and missing teeth was never part of this discussion.

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Oh my gosh, that's too funny and to think I almost missed it.


Have a great "trip" . . . lol :p




he he he, thanks Snydermann! Hope I get a chance to cruise with you one day. Love to be around fun, happy people with a great sense of humor! Makes life so much more fun.


I have a new pet peeve that, amazingly enough, has not been entered on this thread yet. Can anyone guess what it is? Anyone?


Countdown clocks with bare pregnant bellies....on a cruise board.


Just kidding PaulandFran! Congratulations and best wishes on your future arrival. I know when you take him/her on their cruise you will be checking to make sure the mean Tracy's aren't on board :D



the other Tracy


(hey, maybe it's just women named Tracy who are so cruel?...hmmm);)

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I have a new pet peeve that, amazingly enough, has not been entered on this thread yet. Can anyone guess what it is? Anyone?


Countdown clocks with bare pregnant bellies....on a cruise board.



I'm sorry (oops), please excuse me for being rude :o I'm just so GIDDY with pre-cruise excitement I can't help myself!

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Hell hath no fury like a mother protecting her child. Btw PaulFran, do you have children? Because if you did, I think you might understand. I have two children, including an eight year old with cerebral palsy. I have watched him get knocked down by rude children and adults. We have also experienced the rudeness at elevators on cruiseships when trying to exit with his wheelchair and not being able to because of people crowding on. I used to be the "quiet, timid, live and let live type" but not anymore. If that had been my child that Tracyanns had knocked over, I would have thanked her for teaching him a lesson when I wasn't around to do it myself. Takes a village, right? Too many people think of "lawsuits" before anything. That's what's wrong with society.


Cheers to you TracyAnns!


(and I'm NOT agreeing with you just because we're sailing on the same ship in 3 days and I'm scared you might trip me in the hallway) :D


GeorgiaGirl, don't worry, I won't trip you in the hallway...unless we have had too many drinks and are racing for the bathroom!;) We all know it is every woman for herself when you have to REALLY pee!:D

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