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newly potty trained, sailing on FOS


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My 26 month old DD is newly potty trained (daytime), so I am confident that she can go in the H2O water zone (would never allow her if I wasn't sure). My question is this - when she says she has to go, she has to go...we can't spend 10 minutes trying to find the nearest bathroom. Are the bathrooms close to the pool area on RCCL's Freedom of the Seas?

I don't want her to have an accident, she will be soooo upset. I guess I am wondering if I have to revert to "bring her" to the bathroom every hour.

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Momto3cuties, I asked you related question in our m&m board, bur it is moving so fast, you probably missed it :). Are you planing to take your little one to the nursery? I called them and they don't have a child sized toilet in nursery. Original phone person told me I can bring my own potty to nursery, but when I was trying to confirm it, I have been told it is a health hazard. They told me nursery will call me when DS will need to go potty, so I can come in and assist him. My DS is 29 months, so he can hold for 10-15 minutes, but will I able to get there in 10 minutes? He did not have an accident in few months now, I would hate to reverse him to diapers :(.
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Yes, our M&M thread is moving fast! Sorry, I must have missed your post. I am HOPING to get my DD to go to the nursery for a bit. I say HOPING because she has never been anywhere except her grandparents without DH or I, so I am not sure how it is going to all play out.


As for the potty...I am not sure what we are going to do. Do they have a regular toilet? Will they help her get up on it? Not sure what the health hazard is, as they are changing diapers there, right? I may have to put her in a pull up and hope she can hold it until I get there.


Not too worried about #2 accident, she is like clockwork, same time frame each day. Of course with a diet change who knows.


I think I will call RCI and see what kind of answer I get - will let you know!

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Yes, our M&M thread is moving fast! Sorry, I must have missed your post. I am HOPING to get my DD to go to the nursery for a bit. I say HOPING because she has never been anywhere except her grandparents without DH or I, so I am not sure how it is going to all play out.


As for the potty...I am not sure what we are going to do. Do they have a regular toilet? Will they help her get up on it? Not sure what the health hazard is, as they are changing diapers there, right? I may have to put her in a pull up and hope she can hold it until I get there.


Not too worried about #2 accident, she is like clockwork, same time frame each day. Of course with a diet change who knows.


I think I will call RCI and see what kind of answer I get - will let you know!


We can introduce our kids before hands, so they have a playmate. My son goes to child care 2-3 times a week, and he is very good in new settings. He also enjoy to patronize new friends. He loves to take care of "baby" - even when baby is as old as he is :)

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Hey Guys, First of all how did you guys potty train your kids so early? I need help. My son is gonna be 29 mos. when we go on the Oasis. He's 23 mos now. Any Advice??


I PT'd most of my kids (I have 5) at 2 1/2. Nakey butt with potty in room, and if he's ready, he'll be 100% in a day or so. Then, pants without underwear, and then slowly transition to (loose) underwear. Pullups for naps and night time. Poop training tends to come later than pee training, so if he asks for a diaper to poop, put one on. Withholding leads to permanant bowel damage.


All of my kids used regular sizes toilets before the age of 3 - just have them lean forward.

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Hey Guys, First of all how did you guys potty train your kids so early? I need help. My son is gonna be 29 mos. when we go on the Oasis. He's 23 mos now. Any Advice??


As previously stated: naked for 1 day. We talked about Robert being a "big boy" and starting pee and poop on potty for a couple of days before. He had 5 potties to choose from - all week he was trying the out - seating and watching cartoon. I made a huge deal the first time he peed on potty, we called daddy and grandmom.

The next day he went to a underwear. I never did pull-ups or pants without underwear.

He had only a couple of oopses in the first week. We just say in slightly disappointing voice: "oh, next time you will pee on potty". In restaurants, when we going to bathroom, I allow him to say to people who looks and smile at him: "Robert is peeing on potty, not pants" - not really a restaurant subject, but people laughing and tell him how good he is.

I also took the same as home potty to his childcare as they don't have child-sized toilet. He is only one kid there with his own potty, but it is because noone else in his 2 yeals old potty trained yet. Teachers saying he is making a big deal telling other kids he is not a baby, but big boy. And 90% of his accidents were in childcare, not home.

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I've been lucky...my DD (25 months) started potty training herself. I think my middle son was the catalyst for it though. At 3.5 he was still asking for a diaper to poop, refusing to go on the toilet (he'd been pee trained for a year). We took the hard road with him - no more diapers in the house - on the toilet to poop. Once he did it he never looked back. We made a HUGE deal over it - singing, dancing, cupcakes, etc. I think my daughter just picked up on it -loved the hoopla and decided she could do this too :)


I am torn about what to do for the cruise though. I am afraid she will be too busy and engrossed and forget. I think I will have to revert back to reminding her and bringing her to the bathroom, as I don't want her to have an accident. DH says we should bring pullups (planned to for nap and nighttime) in case she needs them for more than just nap and nighttime.


Girlofrain - Would love to get the kids together before the nursery!

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Thanks for the advice! My DD got potty trained on our second cruise. She was almost 3 and I told her she couldn't go in the pool unless she went potty on the toilet and she did. She didn't have one accident that week , but when she got home it was a different story. But my DS who is 23 mos. doesn't even really talk yet so I hope he understands me since he can't say ' I have to go pee!' I will try in a couple of months when he starts talking more.

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the best advice for potty training I can give is make sure that your child see you and your husband on the potty. If its a male especially make sure he sees Dad using the potty. Also when they see other children using the potty they want to be big boys. My kids never like the little potty. They always wanted to use the big potty with a step stool. This is because they associate the big potty with people they admire.


In any event, some kids adapt easily others take longer. My first child was potty trained before he was 2 my second took to nearly age 3.

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the best advice for potty training I can give is make sure that your child see you and your husband on the potty. If its a male especially make sure he sees Dad using the potty. Also when they see other children using the potty they want to be big boys. My kids never like the little potty. They always wanted to use the big potty with a step stool. This is because they associate the big potty with people they admire.


In any event, some kids adapt easily others take longer. My first child was potty trained before he was 2 my second took to nearly age 3.



Couldn't agree more! Boys especially MUST see dad and my DS loved to go pee pee with Dad.


We starting sitting him on the potty when we would change a wet diaper. Eventually he started going on the potty and once we hit spring break (both of us are teachers) we went cold turkey off diapers and we never did pull-ups (more or less a glorified diaper...they don't feel they're wet as much...that's what they hate). We did a lot of naked butt the first couple of days.


Had several accidents the first week or so, but after that at home and at daycare it's been fairly smooth sailing.


He had been potty trained about 6-7 weeks before we took him on his first cruise last year. He did have 1 accident at Camp Carnival but that was because at that point he wasn't doing so hot at telling a stranger that he needed to go.


As someone said, every child is different so some are easier than others.


My other piece of advice is, once you go off diapers, don't go back (except at night).

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Thanks for the advice! My DD got potty trained on our second cruise. She was almost 3 and I told her she couldn't go in the pool unless she went potty on the toilet and she did. She didn't have one accident that week , but when she got home it was a different story. But my DS who is 23 mos. doesn't even really talk yet so I hope he understands me since he can't say ' I have to go pee!' I will try in a couple of months when he starts talking more.


OT, but does your ds receive ST services? I see you are in NJ. When my youngest ds wasn't really taking at 18 months, I contacted EI through my health department, and within 30 days, had a team come out to evaluate him (free), and he got an hour of speech therapy at our home every week, until the age of 3 (when he aged out of EI, and didn't qualify for the 3 - 5 program).

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You can see them on the deck plans, they are pretty close.


Sorry, I'm just popping in here to reply to the original question but not contributing to the potty training discussion (been there, done that, don't ever want to go there again!;)).


The one issue we found when we were on the Freedom was that the restrooms closest to the H2O zone are also the ones used by patrons of the Windjammer. A few times I had to run in there with the kids because they "had" to go, but because they were wet and drippy I got a few dirty looks and snide remarks from crew who were in there. I can understand that, but they also need to realize that those restrooms happen to be the closest to where the little kids are splashing about. Unfortunately, when little ones need to go it is usually RIGHT AWAY!


So, moral of the story, if you can, try to "schedule" potty breaks giving you enough time to go the restrooms by the Pool Bar, which are intended for use by people using the pools. It can be a bit of a hassle, but it might save you from some nasty looks/remarks :p.

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So this thread caugh my eye and I hope you find my story amusing. We started PT our son a couple weeks before our cruise (:eek: What in the heck was I thinking?!) Anyways, he did fantastic on cruise not an accident but he did decide to streak across the pool deck :eek::D OH MY! I was mortified! Swim trunks are just too easy to take off, I guess. I didn't really find it amusing @ the time but 9 years later, I laugh thinking about it!

Hope you have a great cruise; they grow up WAY to quick!:o

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We potty trained our DS at 2 yrs 8 months. This was over Thanksgiving week, in anticipation of our June cruise on Oasis. We did the "3 Day Potty Training" (which was really like the 2 week potty training, but that's another story!), never used Pull Ups, and never used a little potty. We do have a seat on the big potty, as our guy is pretty small to use the big seat.


Anyway, he's been trained for 5 or 6 months, and doesn't have accidents. My issue for AO is going to be the "self sufficient" part. He still needs some help pulling up/down his pants, and just doesn't go to the potty alone yet. I think we might have to go to AO to give DS his potty breaks once in a while...unless we can get it together in the next month!

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OT, but does your ds receive ST services? I see you are in NJ. When my youngest ds wasn't really taking at 18 months, I contacted EI through my health department, and within 30 days, had a team come out to evaluate him (free), and he got an hour of speech therapy at our home every week, until the age of 3 (when he aged out of EI, and didn't qualify for the 3 - 5 program).

mjkacmom, We do live in NJ and I don't think they do that any more. People have told me stories like yours, that they got help, but my DD,6yrs, has a speech problem and no one in school would help us at first because her speech has to affect her learning. She got help because when she was in kindergarden, she could not read or say letter sounds. Any hoo, I don't think the state would help, but my dr. said she is giving him one more month. If he dosen't talk more then he is going for testing. He does say me-me(mommy) , da-da and bye. And he babbles all the time. So will see. As for PT I stink at it! My first DS wasn't PT till 4 1/2!!! So I need help with boys.

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mjkacmom, We do live in NJ and I don't think they do that any more. People have told me stories like yours, that they got help, but my DD,6yrs, has a speech problem and no one in school would help us at first because her speech has to affect her learning. She got help because when she was in kindergarden, she could not read or say letter sounds. Any hoo, I don't think the state would help, but my dr. said she is giving him one more month. If he dosen't talk more then he is going for testing. He does say me-me(mommy) , da-da and bye. And he babbles all the time. So will see. As for PT I stink at it! My first DS wasn't PT till 4 1/2!!! So I need help with boys.


I have a slightly different problem. We have 4 languages in house. My DS would not talk, and I did get evaluation and such - no physical delays, just confused. But the solution I discover was baby signing. He never got frustrated and we always know what he wants. And it did not slow his speech in a long run. The best DVDs to learn baby signing language, in my opinion, are "Baby signing time" by Rachel Coleman. At kleast you will know when he want pee and milk :)

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mjkacmom, We do live in NJ and I don't think they do that any more. People have told me stories like yours, that they got help, but my DD,6yrs, has a speech problem and no one in school would help us at first because her speech has to affect her learning. She got help because when she was in kindergarden, she could not read or say letter sounds. Any hoo, I don't think the state would help, but my dr. said she is giving him one more month. If he dosen't talk more then he is going for testing. He does say me-me(mommy) , da-da and bye. And he babbles all the time. So will see. As for PT I stink at it! My first DS wasn't PT till 4 1/2!!! So I need help with boys.


I am 110% sure they will evaluate your ds, and provide services, if necessary. It's actually a federal law under IDEA (I'm also certified in special education). Look up your county's health department, and ask for early intervention. By law, they have to evaluate your ds within 30 days. A team will come out to your home. Pediatricians are speech therapists worst nightmares, because they tend to wait until 3, when services aren't as good, and it's more of a struggle to overcome these issues.


As for PTing, I've found that it's actually easier before 3 than after (I trained my first 2 with the traditional underwear/pullup method when they were 3, and my other 3 kids at 2 1/2, and they were much faster).

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I am 110% sure they will evaluate your ds, and provide services, if necessary. It's actually a federal law under IDEA (I'm also certified in special education). Look up your county's health department, and ask for early intervention. By law, they have to evaluate your ds within 30 days. A team will come out to your home. Pediatricians are speech therapists worst nightmares, because they tend to wait until 3, when services aren't as good, and it's more of a struggle to overcome these issues.


As for PTing, I've found that it's actually easier before 3 than after (I trained my first 2 with the traditional underwear/pullup method when they were 3, and my other 3 kids at 2 1/2, and they were much faster).

Thanks I will check it out. He's starting to talk more in the last couple of days. So will see. He'll be two in three weeks. Thanks again!

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Thanks I will check it out. He's starting to talk more in the last couple of days. So will see. He'll be two in three weeks. Thanks again!


No problem - either they tell you he's on track, or you will get ST (which kids LOVE - my biggest problem was that ds has a twin sister, and she was NOT happy when the ST came to the house with her giant bag of toys, and she couldn't participate).

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My 26 month old DD is newly potty trained (daytime), so I am confident that she can go in the H2O water zone (would never allow her if I wasn't sure). My question is this - when she says she has to go, she has to go...we can't spend 10 minutes trying to find the nearest bathroom. Are the bathrooms close to the pool area on RCCL's Freedom of the Seas?

I don't want her to have an accident, she will be soooo upset. I guess I am wondering if I have to revert to "bring her" to the bathroom every hour.



In this age I prefered to bring my DD to washroom avery 1-1.5 hour never had problem. I am shure they have bathrooms close to pool.

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  • 5 years later...
We potty trained our DS at 2 yrs 8 months. This was over Thanksgiving week, in anticipation of our June cruise on Oasis. We did the "3 Day Potty Training" (which was really like the 2 week potty training, but that's another story!), never used Pull Ups, and never used a little potty. We do have a seat on the big potty, as our guy is pretty small to use the big seat.


Anyway, he's been trained for 5 or 6 months, and doesn't have accidents. My issue for AO is going to be the "self sufficient" part. He still needs some help pulling up/down his pants, and just doesn't go to the potty alone yet. I think we might have to go to AO to give DS his potty breaks once in a while...unless we can get it together in the next month!


Ok, so I know it has been many years since you posted this but I am doing some research for my soon to be 3 year old before we sail in March. She is potty trained, I trust her to wipe #1..but I am also worried about her having random accidents in a place she isn't familiar with (I know they only get 3 strikes and they are out)...so I am just curious how your experience went when you son was little? I wonder if she gets kicked out of AO if I can pay for Royal Tots. I am probably overthinking all of this! HA!

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Ok, so I know it has been many years since you posted this but I am doing some research for my soon to be 3 year old before we sail in March. She is potty trained, I trust her to wipe #1..but I am also worried about her having random accidents in a place she isn't familiar with (I know they only get 3 strikes and they are out)...so I am just curious how your experience went when you son was little? I wonder if she gets kicked out of AO if I can pay for Royal Tots. I am probably overthinking all of this! HA!


Ha ha...very funny to read my old post, as my son is almost 9 now and potty training seems like a million years ago!


My son did fine when he was 3, but we didn't leave him in AO for long periods of time. He didn't go at all during the day, but went in the evening a few times...maybe for 2 hours at the most. No accidents, and he had fun.

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