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Live from threads

Bridge Maven

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With the exception of cruise critic hosts who probably feel it is their responsibility to do so, I can't understand why so may people start live from threads while they are on a cruise. It is hard for me to believe they are having such a fantastic time at sea when they would rather post than enjoy their cruise.


librarylady19: it is wonderful to have so many different perspectives at our disposal. I love to read the live reports and especially see photos from the ships. I know that it takes a lot of work to post these reviews and thank everyone who posts them' date=' whether I agree with their opinion or not. [/quote']


familycruise71: You know' date=' I would prefer not to question why someone posts while they are on vacation. I would prefer to be very thankful that someone takes the time to share their experiences with us here. Can't explain how many times I have read and enjoyed their posts/pics each day. Maybe I'm a "glass half full" kind of person. [/quote']


Good question by Bridge Maven. Appreciate the nice comments by the two above posters and many others. As a "guilty party" . . . I might share a little on what exactly on goes on, in and around my mind, in doing such live/blogs from our four past cruises.


1. PAY-BACKS?: As we got ready for our first cruise in June, 2006, in the Greek Isles and Turkish Coast, lots of people on these boards were very, very helpful in answering questions, sharing tips and good info, etc. If people help you, it's good to aid others. That's part of what I have done by doing such posting, sharing pictures, etc. Ralph Waldo Emerson, in his 1841 "Compensation" essay, said: "In the order of nature we cannot render benefits to those from whom we receive them. But the benefit we receive must be rendered again, line for line, deed for deed, cent for cent, to somebody." Paying forward!!


2. GETTING FEED-BACK, QUESTIONS!: As you are doing your cruise, it's fun and interesting to get various questions and requests for more background, pictures and/or other details about the ship, ports being visited, etc. This "interactive" nature is fun, such as when a lady in Scotland asked through the posting on these boards who was the Hotel Director on our ship for the Norway/fjords cruise. I shared that info and she asked that I said "hi" to that key staffer. I did and the Director remember her husband (a sports writer), shared details from these discussions, etc. I shared that info and she was very impressived and appreciated. It's a big, diverse world and it is good to connect with a variety of people all of the earth in doing such postings.


3. KEEPS MEMORIES ALIVE!: When you write what you are seeing and doing, as it is happening, it helps share those memories with family members, friends, etc. That writing captures those details when they are fresh in your mind and as you are doing them with folks on the ship. When you write and post a little each day, it is much easier and more accurate to remember and share these items as it is happening. As I take pictures during a day, that evening I will down-load those pictures to my laptop, check them out, do some uploading of a few better one, etc. As you see and share good pictures, that helps encourage me to be getting more and better ones the next day, etc.


4. THINGS TO AVOID?: I agree that some might be posting too much tedious info. That's not my style, nor do I have time to write "ALL" of that kind of excessive details on every little daily activities. Personally, I don't care and most don't. BUT, each has their own choice on what to write or share, what to skip, etc. I try to focus on bigger "picture" (pun intended) things that will have more general interest to future travelers on the ship and/or in these key ports. Or, to bring back nice memories for past travelers in these places.


5. TIME WASTING ON CRUISE?: Lots of people like to do different things on a cruise in their "free time", for relaxation. For my wife, it catching up on reading. For others, it's bridge, napping, casino, etc., etc. For me, doing the photos and "journal" are my "thing" or a fun way to enjoy and share what we are seeing and doing on a cruise. It does not "take time" but actually adds to the overall experience for me and others. I have past journalism experience and can compose on my laptop screen fairly quickly, do good "copy & paste" from my trip files, etc These postings take some time, but not as much as some might think.


On our second cruise, this one in the Baltics in late July 2008, I did more live postings as we traveled and was pleased by the interest, comments, encouragement, etc. By our third cruise, as noted below, in July 2010 for the Norway Coast, I had figured out how to post the larger pictures on these boards that has received many nice comments and such positive feed-back. Those postings, plus our Med cruise last June, have had a good-sized number number for people reading, asking questions, making comments, etc.


That's my "story" and I'm sticking to it! Appreciate the chance to share more.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, Solstice cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Enjoyed great weather and a wonderful trip. Dozens of wonderful visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc., on these postings. We are now at 77,582 views for this live/blog re-cap on our first sailing with Celebrity and much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:



For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 67,931 views.


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Exactly. While some threads might not be someone's cup of tea, to others they might be enjoyable and also might give up to the date answers to questions they have.


I have found many "live" threads fun, great reading & frankly don't see how anyone feels it a right to criticize or choose what others may or may not like.


Two of the latest LIVE threads by Radio and GMROS were terrific. Just want to say to them and others, YOU ROCK and please continue doing what you are doing:)


Another good blogger/live thread to read is written by Tuggers. The posts read like a narrative. They are well written, and obviously from the poster's viewpoint. To criticize this form of information is really going against the purpose of Cruise Critic.


When I joined this board in 2000, I thought this forum was for information and opinions. When I find that the "mode" of information is silenced or critcized to an extent that I'll find objectionable, then I think I'll call it a day here. Hopefully that won't occur.

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That kinda hurts having someone bring you down for something you did that you thought would help people :(.


I have done a "live from" thread hoping to help people especially new cruisers and to interact with people who have questions. I wouldn't have thought of taking photos of the Persian Garden, the Fun Factory and Teen Club if I haven't done my live thread.


I liked doing it. I did it when I sailed Princess and they were very appreciative. The thread also helps me remember things. I always have to work even on vacation. I use the time while I work to upload photos (just trying to make the most out of my net time). Then I just c&p my notes for the day on my post.


I'm sorry if my writing is not very good or journalistic. I have said this in the beginning of my thread so those who prefer that type of thread could skip mine.


k9x8, don't give up. It is a little hard when our net time is limited. It is very easy to miss some questions.





Posted using Tapatalk. Sorry for typing errors.


Your live from thread was great! Loved all the pictures. Ignore the naysayers. Most of us appreciate the time, effort, and expense involved in posting a thread like yours. THANKS!

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Minutia (plural > minutiae) - Definition: Trivial details of something; small, precise, or trifling details;


Now I really feel horrible that I wasted all that time and money helping other people out with what were certainly "trivial details of something". THANKS :(


Thanks for the spell check. I'm happy to return the favor with respect to reading comprehension. If you read my post carefully, you will see I was not passing judgment on anyone who chooses to post live; rather, I was responding to a poster who took the OP's words/intent totally out of context for no purpose other than to be snarky. For the record, I appreciate the effort of those who take time to post live and enjoy most "live from" reports.

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With the exception of cruise critic hosts who probably feel it is their responsibility to do so, I can't understand why so may people start live from threads while they are on a cruise. It is hard for me to believe they are having such a fantastic time at sea when they would rather post than enjoy their cruise.



I didn't, but after seeing numerous posts telling me that I should stop reading them, I felt it was necessary to reply to those comments.


The original post quoted above is not your post? It is not direct criticism and judgment as a waste of time? Really, you expect that to fly? My only question is are you serious or trolling?


That kinda hurts having someone bring you down for something you did that you thought would help people ...

I'm sorry if my writing is not very good or journalistic...


Your posts, and the casual 'real life' manner in which they are done, were outstanding. Thanks for taking the time to share and don't ever apologize for that.

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May I also thank those who do live from posts, they were really what made pre cruising planning work for me in the early days and I love to read them all know to see if I see reference to crew I know or to have my memory jogged about food I love (thanks Tuggers)


Personally I am struggling to rationalise why the OP started this thread and continues to justify it, sorry


PS I may or may not do a live from summit in June, it just depends if people do one in the two trips before, I will not as I doubt I would have much to add - thats how I judge whether to do one or not

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Just because I can't understand why someone would rather post on a cruise, unless very unusual circumstances are taking place, instead of enjoying what the cruise has to offer doesn't mean I am questioning their right to do so, or criticizing them for it.


As far as I am concerned, the only comment I made that could be construed as a criticism is that I enjoy reading concise cogent cruise reviews, but do not like to read ones that are very long and include every single detail of a person's cruise. However, that is just my personal preference and I realize that some people feel the same way I do, while others love to read very long reviews that include every detail from the time the person started packing for their cruise until they got home.


Some of the mean spirited responses to my post explain why there are so many more lurkers than active posters on cruise critic.


This will be my last post on this thread, because no matter how many times I try to explain it. there will still be a few people who think that anyone who disagrees with them is sinister.

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Another good blogger/live thread to read is written by Tuggers. The posts read like a narrative. They are well written, and obviously from the poster's viewpoint. To criticize this form of information is really going against the purpose of Cruise Critic.


When I joined this board in 2000, I thought this forum was for information and opinions. When I find that the "mode" of information is silenced or critcized to an extent that I'll find objectionable, then I think I'll call it a day here. Hopefully that won't occur.


Surely didn't mean to ignore Tuggers or TLCOhio, as they are among my favorites. Great, up-to-date information from both and TLC's phenomenal pictures are terrific. In fact, the only "live" I really didn't enjoy was one written awhile ago that was so negative that it wasn't helpful or fun reading.


So, please, to live bloggers, please keep doing what you're doing! Major appreciation.

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Just because I can't understand why someone would rather post on a cruise, unless very unusual circumstances are taking place, instead of enjoying what the cruise has to offer doesn't mean I am questioning their right to do so, or criticizing them for it.


As far as I am concerned, the only comment I made that could be construed as a criticism is that I enjoy reading concise cogent cruise reviews, but do not like to read ones that are very long and include every single detail of a person's cruise. However, that is just my personal preference and I realize that some people feel the same way I do, while others love to read very long reviews that included every detail from the time the person started packing for their cruise until they got home.


This will be my last post on this thread, because no matter how many times I try to explain it. there are still be a few people who think that anyone who disagrees with them is sinister.


For what it's worth (or not!), I think you raised a legitimate point in your post which IMHO has been totally misread and manipulated by some folks. There's no reason to think you don't appreciate the efforts of those who choose to post live. You would, however, prefer to by-pass minute-by-minute color commentary which oftentimes contains FTMAI (far too much ancillary information) in favor of a well-composed, concise after cruise review. Nothing wrong with that!

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You didn't start the criticism? Isn't the whole point of your original post criticizing those who start live from threads?? What am I missing here??

Not sure if you've noticed or not but the OP constantly starts "controversial" type threads. I assume to get a rise out of people.




It gets old after awhile :yawn:

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Surely didn't mean to ignore Tuggers or TLCOhio, as they are among my favorites. Great, up-to-date information from both and TLC's phenomenal pictures are terrific. In fact, the only "live" I really didn't enjoy was one written awhile ago that was so negative that it wasn't helpful or fun reading. So, please, to live bloggers, please keep doing what you're doing! Major appreciation.


Bridge Maven: Just because I can't understand why someone would rather post on a cruise' date=' unless very unusual circumstances are taking place, instead of enjoying what the cruise has to offer doesn't mean I am questioning their right to do so, or criticizing them for it. As far as I am concerned, the only comment I made that could be construed as a criticism is that I enjoy reading concise cogent cruise reviews, but do not like to read ones that are very long and include every single detail of a person's cruise. However, that is just my personal preference and I realize that some people feel the same way I do, while others love to read very long reviews that included every detail from the time the person started packing for their cruise until they got home. [/quote']


Appreciate the super nice and kind comments by d4m. I can also fully appreciate the original and follow-up comments by Bridge Maven. As I noted in my response, it's a legitimate question about how much "minutia" or small, precise details to include. I have solved that question as there are limits for me on how time there is to write at that level. Most of our cruises have been fairly port-intensive, so I stick mostly to the pictures and travel details/specifics with the great ports options that will be of the most and widest interest to others.


It's great (and their choice) for when and how others choose to share that level of detail. On my MacBook Pro computer, it is easy for me to "skim" along on and through those various reviews to get to the items and travel details of most interest to me. It's great, in my view, to have these various options and potentials. The reader (or the consumer) can pick and decide what's of interest for their purposes. That's one of the beauties of the Internet. Lots of info, choices and options!!


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, Solstice cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Enjoyed great weather and a wonderful trip. Dozens of wonderful visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc., on these postings. We are now at 77,913 views for this live/blog re-cap on our first sailing with Celebrity and much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:



For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 68,008 views.


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Not sure if you've noticed or not but the OP constantly starts "controversial" type threads. I assume to get a rise out of people.




It gets old after awhile :yawn:


I've been a CC member for longer than I care to remember, have read many threads started by the OP, as well as many of the OP's responses in other threads. I don't always agree with what he/she has to say but "controversial" is one word that doesn't come to mind. BTW, I don't know the OP and have no reason to championship his/her cause(s). I do, however, have a problem with everyone "piling on" because they choose they to read something into a post that simply isn't there. "I can't understand..." and "It's hard for me to believe..." is neither criticism nor controversy!

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Not sure if you've noticed or not but the OP constantly starts "controversial" type threads. I assume to get a rise out of people.




It gets old after awhile :yawn:


Honestly, I haven't noticed that. In fact, I do think that Bridge Maven generally provides a lot of useful information on these boards.


I think that in regard whether or not the original post was criticism or not, Bridge Maven & I will just have to agree to disagree.

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I've been a CC member for longer than I care to remember, have read many threads started by the OP, as well as many of the OP's responses in other threads. I don't always agree with what he/she has to say but "controversial" is one word that doesn't come to mind. BTW, I don't know the OP and have no reason to championship his/her cause(s). I do, however, have a problem with everyone "piling on" because they choose they to read something into a post that simply isn't there. "I can't understand..." and "It's hard for me to believe..." is neither criticism nor controversy!


Try rereading the OP's first and follow up responses. There is clearly a condescending tone to a lot of what she said. While some aspects of the point she is making are valid, the delivery was derisive.

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It really doesn't matter whether or not any one of us reads condescension into the original post or not. If we take the question at face value, the answers are simple and some "bloggers" have been thoughtful enough to give their reasons why they do it. Of course, some Live From posts are more interesting than others. That's to be expected.


As far as choosing that instead of doing other interesting shipboard activities, I don't know about you, but I can't find activities to occupy myself all day. Trivia, bingo, the casino. So many activities that can occupy others for hours, do not interest me. I could find lots of time to blog if I chose to do so.

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Try rereading the OP's first and follow up responses. There is clearly a condescending tone to a lot of what she said. While some aspects of the point she is making are valid, the delivery was derisive.


Sorry, I just don't sense anything condescending or derisive on anyone's part until "condescending" and "derisive" were introduced about thirteen posts in with the OP's post turned on its head and read as something that was clearly never said, alluded to or intended. JMHO. (I'm guessing it's time to put this one to bed!)

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Just a post script to this thread. I often read these posts during lunch at work. My company filters a lot coming into IE, especially pictures , so I don't often read many live threads. The one exception is Radio. I can always see his photos, so however he does it , it is the one I usually look at.

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While I will never do it (getting on a computer while on vacation is at the bottom of my list) I certainly appreciate and don't object to anyone else doing so.


My thoughts exactly! Vacation isn't really vacation if I am "plugged" in, but I love reading the posts of those who do.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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